Toy Link is pretty different from Toon Link even in terms of bodyshape. Though it's admittedly a lot closer to Toon Link's design than Young Link is, but that doesn't change that they're different bodyshapes, heh.
Just like Young Link was to Toon Link. It's not simply a rename. They're actually different designs and only could use a previous Link as a base to create them. The adult Links kept the same bodyshape, which is why it didn't get a rename despite different aesthetics and artstyles, and even a different handedness. The main thing was how proportionately similar they were. And ultimately, all 3 Links have different bodyshapes.
But anyway, I don't think we'll get Toy Link. While it's the newest design as is, Toon Link and Young Link are already popular in different ways and there's already enough Links on the roster that it doesn't warrant yet another one. Especially when we're unlikely to have more than 2. It could still happen, of course. But having more than 2 total doesn't seem likely beyond a situation like Ultimate's, though.