I see Steve as brown, which is cool and all, but I'm not sure why a character's race matters so much to people in a game whose cast consists of wacky characters from all kinds of video games. It's a children's party game where you can pit a crocodile king against a baby turtle piloting a clown mech against an obnoxious farting biker against a yellow ball with limbs.
More PoC representation would be cool, but you have to remember that this game pulls from the most popular video game characters, and most of them happen to be either white or non-human. It's not Smash's fault there aren't that many black protagonists in games. If you aren't satisfied with that, then you're always free to be the change you wish to see in the world and create a game with a black protagonist. Maybe it could pop off and things could come full circle and your character could join! It's a pipe dream, but it's not
I'm Arab and could literally care less about an Arab character getting into this series. My most wanted characters are a pile of sentient cubes, an ant-sized gremlin that rolls a sticky ball around, and an armless yellow dog. It'd be way cooler to play as any of them than a guy who just happens to share my ethnic background. It's not that serious.