Speaking of Warcraft characters in Smash here's a mockup somebody did of Thrall's specials:
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I kind of love all of Blizzard's properties. I'm a Torbjorn main (even after the awful rework neutering his kit for seemingly no reason) but I'd love Tracer to be in Smash. I think her abilities would translate well to Smash especially in Overwatch where you have like 3-4 abilities max.
Warcraft characters I think should be Thrall or Sylvannas. I'd actually prefer Sylvannas because she's an archer and I think Smash needs more of them.
Diablo should be repped by Diablo or Tyrael. I actually lean more towards Diablo himself being some stupid heavy-weight bigboi.
For Starcraft I'm less picky. Sarah's fine and probably the most likely out of the bunch.
With this buyout I'm really hoping for WOW2. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE. It's freaking time. Put a billion no 2 billion dollars into development. Give it a 5-8 years development cycle and support the end of WOW1 and release Warcraft 4 in the meantime while that's going on. It doesn't mean WOW1 has to be shutdown either. In fact it shouldn't. It'd be great for WOW1 to finally be capped and just let you collect mounts, transmogs (bring back all the content Blizzard annoyingly time-gates) and the like. We can PVP and do that time-travel thing to do old raids with the old levels/equipment. I think we'd all be just fine and bring that **** over to consoles and make the subscription part of GamePass.
A properly AAAA WOW2 would be a subscription seller like no other and so I hope Phil Spencer is already plotting this.