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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Neither. Although Servant is a Nintendo character.
Is Servant Impa? Closest character that fits the bill imo

mask is therefore a third party... Master Chief? Dovahkiin? Scorpion?


Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
Here’s a fun game. Make a predictions list of characters you DON’T want or would be disappointed by. (Serious inquires only please. i.e. they have to have somewhat of a chance.)

For me, if FPV2 was

1. Crash
2. Shantae
3. Rayman
4. Steve
5. Geno
6. Waluigi

I’d feel like I wasted my money on the pass. To the point I’d seriously contemplate calling Nintendo for a refund. (Knowing that absolutely nothing would come of it.)
1. Bubsy
2. Heihachi
3. Master Chief/Doomguy
4. Porky
5. Sylux
6. Any kind of Pokemon

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
May I play the codename game as well?

Slay. Heart. Karate. Blade. Craft. Grandpa.
Slay = Doomslayer
Blade = Xenoblade character? (Generalizing for now)
Karate = Kunio?
Grandpa = .... Cap’n Cuttlefish. Jokes aside idk
Heart = ?????
Craft = ??????


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
The only characters I would hate to see in Smash are the ones whose gameplay and movelist I won't enjoy. Even Geno, a character I'm not interested in, would be fun as hell if they implement his timing hit mechanic right. I also don't get hating a character just because of their fanbase. If I don't like a character it's because I think the character sucks, and not because their fans suck.
"Hate" might be a strong word but I definitely get fandom of a character effecting your view on them negatively, especially if fan demand is all going for them.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2014
The glove pulling guy


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
May I play the codename game as well?

Slay. Heart. Karate. Blade. Craft. Grandpa.
Slay = Doom Slayer
Heart = Sora
Karate = Karate Joe?
Blade = Solaire?
Craft = Steve
Grandpa = Heihachi

Amaterasu is brush, I can already tell.

If only it was Ado, though.
Yup, Brush is Ammy!

Sorry it's not Ado, she is pretty cool though.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Slay = Doomslayer
Blade = Xenoblade character? (Generalizing for now)
Karate = Kunio?
Grandpa = .... Cap’n Cuttlefish. Jokes aside idk
Heart = ?????
Craft = ??????
Nope to all!

I’ll give you a hint for each now.



Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
  1. Master Chief: I have no interest in his archetype of character, and I'm annoyed by all the talk he has, despite having (IMO) a really really low chance of happening because of his lack of renown in Japan. And he would block Steve, who's on my wishlist.
While I think he could still get in and he’s kinda cool on his own (though I don’t really care), this is basically me right here, especially with how people downplay Steve like he has no chance compared to him (and offer a Steve Mii costume as if they even care about Steve, I’ve only seen one or two genuine Steve fans feel down about his chances and suggest a costume). Wouldn’t mind if Chief got in (I’m pretty much neutral to any character I don’t personally care about or find interesting), even though he’d likely hurt Steve’s chances, but good gosh the way some people push him and throw Steve under the bus in the same post...
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Smash Master
Sep 7, 2018
Are those codenames real within the coding for Fighter Pass Season 2 of Smash Ultimate?


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
You got Heart and Grandpa right. The rest are wrong. :D
Hey, not bad!

Round two:
Slay = Dovakinh
Karate = No idea
Blade = 2B
Craft = No idea

I'll glady be happy about having sora in smash even if that makes people call me bad names and put me down, at least I got sora
This was honestly how I felt after getting Byleth. I couldn't have cared less about those who were ****talking him or Fire Emblem, I was just so overjoyed that he got in.

Are those codenames real within the coding for Fighter Pass Season 2 of Smash Ultimate?
The names we're giving? No, this is a forum game. The codes for Fighter's Pass #1 were real though (Jack, Brave, Buddy, Dolly, and Master).

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Nope to all!

I’ll give you a hint for each now.

Blade = Hayabusa?
Heart = obviously Sora
Grandpa = Heihachi
Craft = ... an Atelier protag?

And completely stuck on the rest of Garteam Garteam ’s list


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Hey, not bad!

Round two:
Slay = Dovakinh
Karate = No idea
Blade = 2B
Craft = No idea
Wrong again! However, Rie Sonomura got “Blade” right

Blade = Hayabusa?
Heart = obviously Sora
Grandpa = Heihachi
Craft = ... an Atelier protag?

And completely stuck on the rest of Garteam Garteam ’s list
Blade, Heart, and Grandpa are correct.

For Slay think BIG. For Craft, think of a familiar face. Lastly, for Karate think Styles. Karate will probably be the one that stumps you.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Wrong again! However, Rie Sonomura got “Blade” right

Blade, Heart, and Grandpa are correct.

For Slay think BIG. For Craft, think of a familiar face. Lastly, for Karate think Styles. Karate will probably be the one that stumps you.
Craft is Steve... still stuck on Karate

... is Slay Monster Hunter?
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Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
Here’s a fun game. Make a predictions list of characters you DON’T want or would be disappointed by. (Serious inquires only please. i.e. they have to have somewhat of a chance.)

For me, if FPV2 was

1. Crash
2. Shantae
3. Rayman
4. Steve
5. Geno
6. Waluigi

I’d feel like I wasted my money on the pass. To the point I’d seriously contemplate calling Nintendo for a refund. (Knowing that absolutely nothing would come of it.)
Shantae: I don’t really get the huge support she has. I had never heard of this series before Smash. I played Half-Genie Hero, it was a neat little game but it’s nothing special. Her moveset would be okay but I don’t think she deserves to get in on that alone. The music would be pretty good though.

Shadow: I don’t like Shadow. There’s way better Sonic characters than him. It’d be ridiculous if Shadow got in before Eggman, Tails, Knuckles or even Amy.

Freddy Fazbear: FNAF is a fad game that was more popular for YT videos than being an actual game. The first one was a neat game but the series has long overstayed it’s welcome.

Kasumi: No one really cares about Dead or Alive besides the fan service. Heihachi, Sol BadGuy, Chun-Li, Morrigan, Nightmare & Scorpion would deserve to get in more as the next fighting game Rep. Ryu Hayabusa would deserve it more as Koei Tecmo Rep.

A Mario Rep that’s not Paper Mario or Waluigi: Come on now.

Tingle: I want another Zelda character but literally anyone but him please.
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Wow, you guys really hate fun, don't you?

I really don't have many characters who I outright wouldn't like seeing get in as a fighter, usually I'm focused on who I would want to get in... hmm, I guess these ones are the closest I have...

1 - Freddy Fazbear - Even as just a costume, I'd much rather not have this series anywhere near Smash. Not that I have a particular hate for the series or anything, I just wouldn't like to see them.
2 - Fortnite Character - Same as above. Fortnite to me seems like such a flash-in-the-pan series, I wouldn't like to see anything from it in Smash.
3 - Reimu - Don't hate the series or the character, I just think it's kind of ridiculous that so many people are jumping on this bandwagon. Like, /v/ is trying so desperately to will her into Smash, and unlike with Lip it's actually starting to work. Seriously, does anybody who wants her in Smash actually play her games? And do you honestly think she'll get in this time around if even Shovel Knight couldn't get in? Maybe I'm wrong about this, but it seems pretty unlikely.
4 - A Gen VIII Pokemon - I think the thing that bothers me most about this one is that I know damn well nobody saying they're gonna put one of these in actually wants it. They either just want to be right about a prediction for once, or they want to see Rillaboom get in so they can fill that Grass Starter quota they for some reason have. That said, bit of respect for Toxitricitybros. At least they actually want that character in because they think they'd be cool.
5 - Tracer/Any Overwatch Character - There's a special place in hell for people who unironically want someone from this cluster**** of a franchise to get in. Overwatch has some of the most boring characters in existence, every one of them seems designed to be the most bland and inoffensive people in existence. It's amazing how the generic player characters from TF2 have more personality than these people. Speaking of, imagine paying $60 for an inferior version of TF2, then paying another $60 for it's glorified expansion pack "sequel". Keep this **** as far away from Smash as you possibly can.
6 - Another Fire Emblem character - Why are you like this? Did you parents not do a good enough job at raising you? What kind of degeneracy do you have to be into to actively want not only another Fire Emblem character, but another Fire Emblem character after Byleth? I refuse to believe you're being sincere about it, you must be taking the piss, I refuse to believe that there are people out there who are that stupid as to want another goddamn Fire Emblem character.

And a few dishonourable mentions:
A - Ashley - Don't like the character, don't want her in, but since she's already an Assist Trophy I'd reckon she's not getting in at this rate.
B - Bubsy - Don't really care about the character one way or the other, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to see them in Smash.
C - Goku/Any 4th Party characters - It's not ****ing happening, shut up about it already.

As an aside, why is it that everyone's list is composed of characters that are popular in speculation at the moment? Geno, Sora, Crash, Waluigi... are you guys just being contrarians for the sake of it? Or do you actually have that bad a taste?
>Oh b-but you don't understand, Mike! Those fanbases are SO OBNOXIOUS!!
Any open fanbase like this becomes annoying when it becomes big enough, it's inevitable. A few loud, obnoxious people who consider themselves part of that fanbase aren't a reflection of that fanbase as a whole. If that's enough to completely turn yourself off of a character, you're officially a child and should probably step away from the internet for a while until you learn to not be a ****ing idiot.
It's hilariously ironic that you're calling out people for simply not liking Geno when half of this post is outright bullying people who want characters you don't want. I don't know how it works in any other thread you visit, but generally you don't get to call people "****ing idiots" for not wanting a character while also saying such things as:
I know damn well nobody saying they're gonna put one of these in actually wants it. They either just want to be right about a prediction for once, or they want to see Rillaboom get in so they can fill that Grass Starter quota they for some reason have.
There's a special place in hell for people who unironically want someone from this cluster**** of a franchise to get in. Overwatch has some of the most boring characters in existence, every one of them seems designed to be the most bland and inoffensive people in existence. It's amazing how the generic player characters from TF2 have more personality than these people. Speaking of, imagine paying $60 for an inferior version of TF2, then paying another $60 for it's glorified expansion pack "sequel".
Why are you like this? Did you parents not do a good enough job at raising you? What kind of degeneracy do you have to be into to actively want not only another Fire Emblem character, but another Fire Emblem character after Byleth? I refuse to believe you're being sincere about it, you must be taking the piss, I refuse to believe that there are people out there who are that stupid as to want another goddamn Fire Emblem character.
in the same post, no less.

When someone is being THAT overwhelmingly toxic, of course there are going to be people who hope they don't get rewarded for it.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2015
Here’s a fun game. Make a predictions list of characters you DON’T want or would be disappointed by. (Serious inquires only please. i.e. they have to have somewhat of a chance.)

For me, if FPV2 was

1. Crash
2. Shantae
3. Rayman
4. Steve
5. Geno
6. Waluigi

I’d feel like I wasted my money on the pass. To the point I’d seriously contemplate calling Nintendo for a refund. (Knowing that absolutely nothing would come of it.)
1. geno
2. unless the moveset REALLY changes my mind doomguy or masterchief.
3. geno
4. minecraft steve
5. geno.
6. waluigi- think he'd be really boring.


Smash Lord
Dec 1, 2019
3 - Reimu - Don't hate the series or the character, I just think it's kind of ridiculous that so many people are jumping on this bandwagon. Like, /v/ is trying so desperately to will her into Smash, and unlike with Lip it's actually starting to work. Seriously, does anybody who wants her in Smash actually play her games? And do you honestly think she'll get in this time around if even Shovel Knight couldn't get in? Maybe I'm wrong about this, but it seems pretty unlikely.
Stop getting all your info from f*tman
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Blade = Hayabusa?
Heart = obviously Sora
Grandpa = Heihachi
Craft = ... an Atelier protag?

And completely stuck on the rest of Garteam Garteam ’s list
I'll give a few hints:
Mask doesn't wear a mask, but it's part of his iconography.
Finance is probably the one I went most obscure for, so I'll give the biggest hint for it: they're a Namco character.
Servant is a Nintendo character from one of the original 8 franchises in Smash.
Punk debuted in a major release from last year.

Wrong again! However, Rie Sonomura got “Blade” right

Blade, Heart, and Grandpa are correct.

For Slay think BIG. For Craft, think of a familiar face. Lastly, for Karate think Styles. Karate will probably be the one that stumps you.
Slay = Scorpion? (He kinda slays people)
Craft = Crash
No clue on Karate


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2018
The Wired
Here’s a fun game. Make a predictions list of characters you DON’T want or would be disappointed by. (Serious inquires only please. i.e. they have to have somewhat of a chance.)

For me, if FPV2 was

1. Crash
2. Shantae
3. Rayman
4. Steve
5. Geno
6. Waluigi

I’d feel like I wasted my money on the pass. To the point I’d seriously contemplate calling Nintendo for a refund. (Knowing that absolutely nothing would come of it.)
My list kind of follows a theme.

1. Rayman - I think he looks dumb and his moveset potential is dubious.
2. Crash - I think he's obnoxious, looks dumb, and also has a semi-dubious moveset potential.
3. Geno - No attachment to the character and think he would be better as a costume.
4. Heihachi - I know people want more fighting game characters, but after Terry I don't really want another buff guy who would fight with fists and feet plus some fighting game mechanics. I know he has lightning **** too but I want some weird attacking style like Dedede's giant hammer or Castlevania's whip.
5. Sylux - After Ridley and Dark Samus I'm Metroid'd out and honestly his moveset would have to be really cool for me to like him.
6. Porky - He's really ****ing ugly

5. Dragonborn - Sword guy who uses magic and screams except with less personality than the ones we already have. Just boring.
6. Chosen Undead - Sword guy who uses magic except with less personality than the ones we already have. Just boring.

Edit: Would put Doomguy but he's deconfirmed, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Double edit lol: Realized that my previous 5 and 6 were at least visually interesting and had some good moveset potential.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I'll give a few hints:
Mask doesn't wear a mask, but it's part of his iconography.
Finance is probably the one I went most obscure for, so I'll give the biggest hint for it: they're a Namco character.
Servant is a Nintendo character from one of the original 8 franchises in Smash.
Punk debuted in a major release from last year.

Slay = Scorpion? (He kinda slays people)
Craft = Crash
No clue on Karate
Finance is... the Prince from Katamari Damacy?
Servant = ... Gooigi?
Punk = nope, still stuck


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
I'll give a few hints:
Mask doesn't wear a mask, but it's part of his iconography.
Finance is probably the one I went most obscure for, so I'll give the biggest hint for it: they're a Namco character.
Servant is a Nintendo character from one of the original 8 franchises in Smash.
Punk debuted in a major release from last year.
Is Servant, Toad? Finance... Dampierre from Soul Calibur? XD. The other two I have no clue


Smash Journeyman
Jul 15, 2014
St. Louis, MO
Switch FC
Here’s a fun game. Make a predictions list of characters you DON’T want or would be disappointed by. (Serious inquires only please. i.e. they have to have somewhat of a chance.)

For me, if FPV2 was

1. Crash
2. Shantae
3. Rayman
4. Steve
5. Geno
6. Waluigi

I’d feel like I wasted my money on the pass. To the point I’d seriously contemplate calling Nintendo for a refund. (Knowing that absolutely nothing would come of it.)
Apologies in advance to those I will inevitably infuriate.

1. Geno: Alright, let's get the big one out of the way. I want to go on record stating that I love Super Mario RPG... But I can't say that I have an emotional attachment to it. I didn't play most of the SNES classics until high school, my childhood being dominated by the 5th and 6th gen consoles. I think SMRPG is a solid title, and that Geno was an interesting one-off character from that unique era when Square and Nintendo worked more closely. But nothing more. I genuinely don't understand the fervor surrounding this character and why so many people are desperate to see him in Smash after all these years, but I'm sure people might say the same thing about my support of KOS-MOS. No judgment, though, and I would love to see his fanbase made happy. Geno just strikes me as a character who should get the Sans/Cuphead treatment with a Mii costume and music, at best.
2. Waluigi: I said that Geno was the big one because I honestly can't tell if all the Waluigi support is sarcastic or not. To be blunt, I don't want Waluigi in Smash because I don't really consider him to be a character, which sounds like a strange thing to say, but hear me out. A character, to me, is something that was created out of a spark of inspiration from the creator. Like they really had a story to tell or a world to build and this character would be in it. I can see the passion and dedication from the artists responsible for every single character that appears in Smash... But Waluigi wasn't created like that. He was designed by Fumihide Aoki (sp?) of Camelot to give Wario a tennis partner, and while Miyamoto did consult with him regarding the design, he ultimately rejected his other suggestions for "Wa-" counterparts to Peach and Daisy. Waluigi's entire existence just feels so pointless and cynical, and I think there's a reason why Nintendo has largely restricted his appearances to the spin-off titles. And yes, I know that Smash is ultimately a spin-off, but getting into this series is something that I see as somewhat prestigious. They don't let just anyone into this game (unless you're from Fire Emblem). Again, I think Waluigi is fun in an ironic sort of way (he's my go-to in Mario Party) but if there's any character that I can genuinely say does not deserve to be in Smash, it's Waluigi. Plus, Piranha Plant is a better meme character than Waluigi could ever be.
3. Crash Bandicoot: I'll try and keep the rest of these shorter. I don't have an attachment to this character since I didn't grow up playing his games. Mario and Sonic scratched my mascot platforming itch as a kid, and I mostly kept the PS1/2 around for RPGs. I remember playing some Crash Team Racing with friends, but that's about it. Crash certainly deserves to be in Smash, given his legacy and fanbase, but his inclusion would do nothing for me. As much as I would like to see his fans happy, if the fighters for FP2 were up to me, Crash wouldn't be among them. I'd be much happier with Spyro, but that's just me.
4. Dragonborn: I would love to see a Bethesda rep, and I know Skyrim is one of the most successful RPGs ever made, but I'm just not big on Dragonborn's design. I also don't think he could bring too much new to the table in regard to moves. I'd be much happier with Doomslayer, or even someone from Fallout.
5. Steve: Minecraft is one of the biggest games in the world, no doubt. I have a ton of friends who play Minecraft daily, but the game (and, by extension, Steve) does nothing for me. I'm sure they would flip over seeing Steve in Smash, so again, seeing them happy would be nice because I don't completely hate Steve or anything. However, like Geno, I think he would be a fine candidate for a Sans/Cuphead-esque Mii costume/music treatment.
6: No Monolith Soft Rep: I know this isn't a specific character as much as it is a lack of one, but I'm going to ape Rie Sonomura here. I think it's a downright shame that Rex got the shaft in favor of Byleth, who hails from a more recent game. Now, we don't know what's coming for FP2, but I think it would be truly criminal to deny a character slot to one of the most important studios in Nintendo's portfolio. They've contributed to some of Nintendo's biggest titles in recent years, such as Breath of the Wild. And, of course, the Xenoblade Chronicles series is a rising star, clearly being positioned as Nintendo's answer to Final Fantasy. Considering all Monolith has done for Nintendo, along with the upcoming Xenoblade remaster, I think we're due to see either Fiora, Elma, or potentially a rep from their mysterious, new fantasy IP in the works.

And now, just for fun, my Anti-Fighters Pass with characters who have no chance, but I'd love to see just to troll everyone. Enjoy.
1. Red (Angry Birds)
2. Chu-Chu (Xenogears)
3. Big the Cat
4. Roll (Mega Man)
5. Rabbid Peach
6. Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2017
Apologies in advance to those I will inevitably infuriate.

1. Geno: Alright, let's get the big one out of the way. I want to go on record stating that I love Super Mario RPG... But I can't say that I have an emotional attachment to it. I didn't play most of the SNES classics until high school, my childhood being dominated by the 5th and 6th gen consoles. I think SMRPG is a solid title, and that Geno was an interesting one-off character from that unique era when Square and Nintendo worked more closely. But nothing more. I genuinely don't understand the fervor surrounding this character and why so many people are desperate to see him in Smash after all these years, but I'm sure people might say the same thing about my support of KOS-MOS. No judgment, though, and I would love to see his fanbase made happy. Geno just strikes me as a character who should get the Sans/Cuphead treatment with a Mii costume and music, at best.
2. Waluigi: I said that Geno was the big one because I honestly can't tell if all the Waluigi support is sarcastic or not. To be blunt, I don't want Waluigi in Smash because I don't really consider him to be a character, which sounds like a strange thing to say, but hear me out. A character, to me, is something that was created out of a spark of inspiration from the creator. Like they really had a story to tell or a world to build and this character would be in it. I can see the passion and dedication from the artists responsible for every single character that appears in Smash... But Waluigi wasn't created like that. He was designed by Fumihide Aoki (sp?) of Camelot to give Wario a tennis partner, and while Miyamoto did consult with him regarding the design, he ultimately rejected his other suggestions for "Wa-" counterparts to Peach and Daisy. Waluigi's entire existence just feels so pointless and cynical, and I think there's a reason why Nintendo has largely restricted his appearances to the spin-off titles. And yes, I know that Smash is ultimately a spin-off, but getting into this series is something that I see as somewhat prestigious. They don't let just anyone into this game (unless you're from Fire Emblem). Again, I think Waluigi is fun in an ironic sort of way (he's my go-to in Mario Party) but if there's any character that I can genuinely say does not deserve to be in Smash, it's Waluigi. Plus, Piranha Plant is a better meme character than Waluigi could ever be.
3. Crash Bandicoot: I'll try and keep the rest of these shorter. I don't have an attachment to this character since I didn't grow up playing his games. Mario and Sonic scratched my mascot platforming itch as a kid, and I mostly kept the PS1/2 around for RPGs. I remember playing some Crash Team Racing with friends, but that's about it. Crash certainly deserves to be in Smash, given his legacy and fanbase, but his inclusion would do nothing for me. As much as I would like to see his fans happy, if the fighters for FP2 were up to me, Crash wouldn't be among them. I'd be much happier with Spyro, but that's just me.
4. Dragonborn: I would love to see a Bethesda rep, and I know Skyrim is one of the most successful RPGs ever made, but I'm just not big on Dragonborn's design. I also don't think he could bring too much new to the table in regard to moves. I'd be much happier with Doomslayer, or even someone from Fallout.
5. Steve: Minecraft is one of the biggest games in the world, no doubt. I have a ton of friends who play Minecraft daily, but the game (and, by extension, Steve) does nothing for me. I'm sure they would flip over seeing Steve in Smash, so again, seeing them happy would be nice because I don't completely hate Steve or anything. However, like Geno, I think he would be a fine candidate for a Sans/Cuphead-esque Mii costume/music treatment.
6: No Monolith Soft Rep: I know this isn't a specific character as much as it is a lack of one, but I'm going to ape Rie Sonomura here. I think it's a downright shame that Rex got the shaft in favor of Byleth, who hails from a more recent game. Now, we don't know what's coming for FP2, but I think it would be truly criminal to deny a character slot to one of the most important studios in Nintendo's portfolio. They've contributed to some of Nintendo's biggest titles in recent years, such as Breath of the Wild. And, of course, the Xenoblade Chronicles series is a rising star, clearly being positioned as Nintendo's answer to Final Fantasy. Considering all Monolith has done for Nintendo, along with the upcoming Xenoblade remaster, I think we're due to see either Fiora, Elma, or potentially a rep from their mysterious, new fantasy IP in the works.

And now, just for fun, my Anti-Fighters Pass with characters who have no chance, but I'd love to see just to troll everyone. Enjoy.
1. Red (Angry Birds)
2. Chu-Chu (Xenogears)
3. Big the Cat
4. Roll (Mega Man)
5. Rabbid Peach
6. Sothis (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
You and I share the same feelings about Geno, Waluigi, and Crash.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
Finance is... the Prince from Katamari Damacy?
Servant = ... Gooigi?
Punk = nope, still stuck
Is Servant, Toad? Finance... Dampierre from Soul Calibur? XD. The other two I have no clue
Nope, although Toad is kinda close. Servant can be thought to be sort of like the Toad of their franchise.

For Punk, I'll give another hint, it's a Pokemon.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
What characters don't I want? That's an easy question. Here's the list:
  • There
  • Aren't
  • Any
  • Characters
  • I
  • Don't
  • Want
  • Geno
  • Discussions
  • Like
  • These
  • Aren't
  • Productive
  • And
  • Just
  • Lead
  • To
  • Flaming
  • So
  • Let's
  • Drop
  • This
Now that I look at it, there are a lot of characters I don't want, huh?
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
The only characters I would hate to see in Smash are the ones whose gameplay and movelist I won't enjoy. Even Geno, a character I'm not interested in, would be fun as hell if they implement his timing hit mechanic right. I also don't get hating a character just because of their fanbase. If I don't like a character it's because I think the character sucks, and not because their fans suck.
See, for your hypothetical example to work, timed hits would need to be a good mechanic in fighting games when history has shown it isn't.

Also before Hero haters try to meme RNG as a bad fighting game mechanic go play some actual fighting games to see **** like Faust


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Wow, you guys really hate fun, don't you?

I really don't have many characters who I outright wouldn't like seeing get in as a fighter, usually I'm focused on who I would want to get in... hmm, I guess these ones are the closest I have...

1 - Freddy Fazbear - Even as just a costume, I'd much rather not have this series anywhere near Smash. Not that I have a particular hate for the series or anything, I just wouldn't like to see them.
2 - Fortnite Character - Same as above. Fortnite to me seems like such a flash-in-the-pan series, I wouldn't like to see anything from it in Smash.
3 - Reimu - Don't hate the series or the character, I just think it's kind of ridiculous that so many people are jumping on this bandwagon. Like, /v/ is trying so desperately to will her into Smash, and unlike with Lip it's actually starting to work. Seriously, does anybody who wants her in Smash actually play her games? And do you honestly think she'll get in this time around if even Shovel Knight couldn't get in? Maybe I'm wrong about this, but it seems pretty unlikely.
4 - A Gen VIII Pokemon - I think the thing that bothers me most about this one is that I know damn well nobody saying they're gonna put one of these in actually wants it. They either just want to be right about a prediction for once, or they want to see Rillaboom get in so they can fill that Grass Starter quota they for some reason have. That said, bit of respect for Toxitricitybros. At least they actually want that character in because they think they'd be cool.
5 - Tracer/Any Overwatch Character - There's a special place in hell for people who unironically want someone from this cluster**** of a franchise to get in. Overwatch has some of the most boring characters in existence, every one of them seems designed to be the most bland and inoffensive people in existence. It's amazing how the generic player characters from TF2 have more personality than these people. Speaking of, imagine paying $60 for an inferior version of TF2, then paying another $60 for it's glorified expansion pack "sequel". Keep this **** as far away from Smash as you possibly can.
6 - Another Fire Emblem character - Why are you like this? Did you parents not do a good enough job at raising you? What kind of degeneracy do you have to be into to actively want not only another Fire Emblem character, but another Fire Emblem character after Byleth? I refuse to believe you're being sincere about it, you must be taking the piss, I refuse to believe that there are people out there who are that stupid as to want another goddamn Fire Emblem character.

And a few dishonourable mentions:
A - Ashley - Don't like the character, don't want her in, but since she's already an Assist Trophy I'd reckon she's not getting in at this rate.
B - Bubsy - Don't really care about the character one way or the other, but I sure as hell wouldn't want to see them in Smash.
C - Goku/Any 4th Party characters - It's not ****ing happening, shut up about it already.

As an aside, why is it that everyone's list is composed of characters that are popular in speculation at the moment? Geno, Sora, Crash, Waluigi... are you guys just being contrarians for the sake of it? Or do you actually have that bad a taste?
>Oh b-but you don't understand, Mike! Those fanbases are SO OBNOXIOUS!!
Any open fanbase like this becomes annoying when it becomes big enough, it's inevitable. A few loud, obnoxious people who consider themselves part of that fanbase aren't a reflection of that fanbase as a whole. If that's enough to completely turn yourself off of a character, you're officially a child and should probably step away from the internet for a while until you learn to not be a ****ing idiot.
> "I really don't have many characters who I outright wouldn't like seeing get in as a fighter, usually I'm focused on who I would want to get in... hmm, I guess these ones are the closest I have..."
> Proceeds to name at least 9 characters, insult their fanbases, and then insult people who don't like the characters they like.

Marth hmmm.png

Deleted member

What characters don't I want? That's an easy question. Here's the list:

  • Geno
Now that I look at it, there are a lot of characters I don't want, huh?
I'm not really for him either. Good to see others who are truthful about whether they honestly care about him or not.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
I don't really care for Sora at all (the key guy not the company that did a good job in making Ultimate), but my reasons are pretty petty and shallow so I'll leave it at that ;)

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Nope, although Toad is kinda close. Servant can be thought to be sort of like the Toad of their franchise.

For Punk, I'll give another hint, it's a Pokemon.
Punk is Toxtricity. Has to be
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