Yeah. You guys stood your ground at least respecting Dragon Quest and its fans, and I appreciated that.
As someone who just kind of knew Dragon Quest from more than afar, the funny thing is that I actually walked away with a huge appreciation for the series after defending it for so long haha.
It's infuriating seeing how many peoples' "wishlist" is just them parroting who they heard in leaks.
"Doomguy, Crash, Hayabusa, Reimu, KOSMOS!"
Or maybe they're just genuinely popular characters that people like? Why is it the first instinct that people to discredit people's opinions as "influenced" by the leaks and some assumption that people aren't genuinely capable of thinking for themselves?
The cool thing now is to not like first party characters because they're not likely.
And again; Or people just genuinely prefer third party characters at this point.
As for the whole goal to a 100, the idea of 5 Echoes kind of ruins it, but I'll play along (man I have soured on Echoes since launch haha):
75 - Ryu Hayabusa
76 - Geno
77 - Crash Bandicoot
78 - Sora
79 - Travis Touchdown
80 - Jill Valentine
81 - 2B
82 - Master Chief
83 - Heihachi
84 - Dante
85 - Sol Badguy
86 - Arle Nadja
87 - Lloyd Irving
88 - Reimu
38e - Shadow (Just so people are happy and I don't have to hear about him anymore).
55e - Mrs. Pac-Man
61e - Zack Fair (Just so we can cheat and get more Final Fantasy VII songs).
71e - Kasumi (Just so some good people are happy with this outcome and we hopefully get more Persona 5 music from her too!)
80e - Leon Kennedy
Honorable Mentions:
Tracer - Would have been on my list had Blizzard not **** the bed like they did.
Doom Slayer - Probably would have been on here if I had more spots, but I like Master Chief better and he as a character is a little more iconic, so I prioritized him.
Chosen Undead - Again, just missed the boat and more because I just need to see a good moveset for a Dark Souls character to be sold on them.
Lara Croft - Basically I felt really bad giving Square Enix 3 (4 if you're absolutely determined to count Sora too) more characters in Smash DLC and Lara Croft is more Western, whereas 2B comes from Yako Taro who I think should be in the game in some form and I also just prefer every moveset option she brings to the table over Lara. I like Lara symbolically way more than I actually like her theoretical moveset.
That would cover basically everything I can think of related to Japanese gaming with some fun personal picks of mine thrown in and a couple of bigger nods to fan picks. Like I've said in the past, I'm a huge fan of Sakurai's "museum of Japanese gaming" idea that he's kind of going for, so I'm choosing to back that up with a lot of really important, influential, or recognizable series and characters haha. Geno, Travis, and Chief are definitely
my picks over other options though. I also wanted to be sure to include some more specifically female icons of Japanese gaming as I think we can still do better there as well.