To get back on topic with Smash stuff- question for some of you.
I recently watched a Delzethin video where he goes over potential Challenger Pack 8 picks. The “likely” picks were essentially the same as they always are, being BWD, Lloyd Irving, Geno, Rex and Pyra, Sora, Ryu Hayabusa.
Then, Crash, Dante, Master Chief, Doomslayer, and Monster Hunter were put into “red herrings”.In other words, “people think they’re happening but no”.
Here’s my beef with the video. Bandanna Waddle Dee is propped up on a basis of, “What if there’s a new game on Switch?” and “He’s a popular request!”...which is also a reason folks use for Crash, Dante, and Monster Hunter.
The Red Herring concept is also used to say, “People talk a lot about them so they’re probably not that likely/ happening”. But if that’s the case, why is it characterized as “long term/highly popular fan want” for the characters he chooses, especially like Hayabusa (who I also agree is likely)? Hayabusa has been in more fake leaks than I can count on hands and feet!
I think some points are good, but seemingly inconsistent. If reasoning supports one character, how does that same reasoning not support another? While it’s not objectively a bad thing, there’s usually a Nintendo-centric bias in these videos so I can see where certain characters end up where they are... if it were a wishlist. But it’s meant as a speculative piece, and slants toward the “Nintendo connection” narrative, which I don’t think has enough of a foundation this time around in DLC.
What are some thoughts here? I’m not nearly as invested in speculation lately but I still am interested in who gets in. Curious to see what others think!