I don't think Nintendo views that at all about Astral Chain. The director had said it surpassed its sell expectations.
Run! It’s Five-O! PlatinumGames’ dystopian anime adventure Astral Chain might not have been at the top of many shopping lists...
Nintendo has given games that sold about on par or even less sequels even recent stuff like funding two Bayonetta sequels, two Xenoblade sequels, like half of the Fatal Frame games, hell a number of games that originally released on Wii U like Pikmin 3, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Hyrule Warriors were in the same ball of sales as Astral Chain and those games weren't a new IP and either got a port to the Switch or sequel. Astral Chain being a new IP from a AA Japanese studio selling over a million copies is great especially since the only other Platinum games were able to do so were Metal Gear Rising, Bayonetta 1 (after a bunch of ports), and Nier Automata.
I think an Astral Chain 2 is far more likely then most sequels that Nintendo fans claim to be clamoring for like F-Zero, Eternal Darkness, Golden Sun, Advance Wars, Mother/Earthbound, Star Tropics etc.