Great advice!
I got a question. What if you are stuck in a game for a while, and it is fun, but you don't get to experience much games as a result?
It really depends. I've been trying to make an effort to bust through a lot of my backlog this year considering I've had extra time at home because of the pandemic. I've gotten through a number of games this year, and some of them have been major time sinks! Dragon Quest, to get the true ending, took me somewhere around 100 hrs, NieR Automata took I think around 40, Witcher 3 was roughly 55-60, while Celeste was a shorter but challenging game.
I'm so into my backlog that I've actually created a spreadsheet that tells me how long a game is going to be prior to playing. I also see what kind of game it is so I know if I'm in the mood for it.
One thing I tell my students about reading is this: Before giving up on a book, it's good to give it a the first chapter, or read the back cover. While I wouldn't say to only judge a book by it's cover, the cover is meant to draw us in, just like any product. Before you judge a game, you have to give it a fair shake to determine if it really isn't for you.
For example, I started Dark Souls 2 or 3 weeks ago. I have died...a ridiculous amount of times. The beginning of the game was incredibly infuriating because of the difficulty. I felt like I sucked and wasn't gonna get better. However, I overcame a very difficult part and felt a rush of pride and adrenaline- and that's exactly the draw of Dark Souls: you face a difficult challenge, fail a bunch of times, but then by winning, and showing you've learned, you feel accomplished. I'm now in the latter half of the game. Granted, I've been loosely referring to a guide and have a close group of experienced friends, so I've had some help. But if I didn't give Dark Souls more of a chance, there's a pretty good chance I might have dropped it for good. I'm very glad I didn't.
Not every game is gonna hook every player. If it's a situation in which you're having fun, but it's a pretty sizeable time sink, I would say to make sure you have an alternate game to just chill with. I usually take a break here and there and just play Smash against CPUs in stock matches, because I always love Smash and it's something I can chill with if I'm not backlogging. Usually though I can blast through a single game before starting another one I have to commit to. So like, if I really wanted to start DOOM Eternal, I probably
wouldn't start it until I finished the current game in my backlog.
But uh...I have Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, Bloodborne, AND Sekiro to get through. So I'm gonna die a LOT.
Basically, I'm the type who can commit to a whole ass game for an extended period of time. That said, I'm
not everybody, so what works for me may not work for someone else.