So I've been thinking for a while after the recent info that DLC got decided by the NoJ higher-ups without Sakurai's consent, and how advertisement does play a role when choosing a newcomer, and I think this tidbit of information might have made Banjo's chances less likely in my book. If we do get a Microsoft rep, I doubt the higher ups of Nintendo of Japan would choose a character who's presence in the gaming sphere has been non-existent for the past ten years. Obviously I'm not pretending that I know what the higher-ups think or want, but Rare themselves have said they're not
planning on
bringing Banjo back. So if Banjo has no plans of coming back, why would the higher-ups of NoJ choose a character who's presence in the spotlight has ceased?
Now of course there is the possibility that Microsoft is going to bring him back with the help of another studio that isn't Rare, but there is nothing to hint at such a thing and right now I'm working with what's currently available. Reggie has confirmed that there are
no plans for a N64 mini so that's not gonna help Banjo. The more I read and think about the likelihood of Banjo the more he doesn't seem likely at all.