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Official Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion

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Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
Let’s just drop this ww3 stuff away and move on. I don’t wanna see this thread turn into a political thread.

here’s something to talk about instead

What got you interested into Nintendo and becoming a Nintendo fan?
Pokemon X got me interested into Nintendo.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
They said February was the latest it would be out, not that it would only release during that month.

It's not the same situation. Though I do think February is more likely myself, the whole "it was always meant to be" is not a stated thing at all.
Okay but it was always pretty easy to guess that maybe there was a reason that was the timeline considering February has always been the stated final deadline.

But what I'm saying is people are all freaking out about how the 6.1.1 update suddenly means we aren't even gonna know who the fighter is or how there's gonna be no Direct when nothing has changed on that front.


Hell’s Worst Nightmare
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
It's got Sword and Shield content.

There was a problem fetching the tweet
*Direct starts*

"Surprise! We actually ARE updating the game with new Pokemon hahaha now can all of you please shut the **** up?"

*Direct ends*


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Thing is, if a character is too buggy to have a trailer ready in less than a month, then you know ****'s REALLY bad. Characters don't need to be finished to make a trailer, merely presentable, and if you aren't at that point, something's gone horribly wrong
Well, a month out, there almost certainly are some minor glitches that aren’t in the way of them being presentable but are in the way of the character being released. If the character were to be that severely bugged, though, they should be transparent and tell us about it so that we know why the character is delayed.


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
*Direct starts*

"Surprise! We actually ARE updating the game with new Pokemon hahaha now can all of you please shut the **** up?"

*Direct ends*
It's just 20 minutes of Masuda crying and screaming about how we **** on Black and White so he ruined the Pokémon franchise and now we **** on SwSh so he decided to give the game content after release and having a mental breakdown about it while telling fans to shut up and never ask for anything again.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Well, a month out, there almost certainly are some minor glitches that aren’t in the way of them being presentable but are in the way of the character being released. If the character were to be that severely bugged, though, they should be transparent and tell us about it so that we know why the character is delayed.
Thing is, if they aren't presentable for a trailer, they aren't ready to be shown or released without major bugs

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I mean, just because the update is coming doesn't mean the fighter is coming, it was always meant to be February and fighters are basically always announced in advance. I don't get why everyone's freaking it.
I don't think anyone thinks it actually means anything. Pretty clear we jumped the gun thinking all this maintenance was immediately indicative of a reveal.

Just fun to imagine.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Okay but it was always pretty easy to guess that maybe there was a reason that was the timeline considering February has always been the stated final deadline.

But what I'm saying is people are all freaking out about how the 6.1.1 update suddenly means we aren't even gonna know who the fighter is or how there's gonna be no Direct when nothing has changed on that front.
Of course nothing changed in that front. People were expecting a character as early as January and as late as February. Which is completely reasonable. A deadline is the latest, not the earliest, after all.

I expect it in February, but expectations aren't the same as hard facts. We have literally over 20 days that it could be released. Who knows. You probably are calling it right, but I'm not going to pretend we have clear data on when FP5 will release.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Keep in mind that reveal and release happening concurrently has only occurred with Roy and Ryu. Every other DLC character, this time or last, required a wait during the interim. So let's not jump to any conclusions predicated on the rare instance of simultaneous actions.


sometimes here, sometimes there
Nov 4, 2019
up and down and all around
TBH I really dislike how fighters have been revealed with no gameplay.

Just, peck it, make us wait until release day if you have to. Show us gameplay with the reveal. :drflip:


Smash Lord
May 5, 2018
Thing is, if they aren't presentable for a trailer, they aren't ready to be shown or released without major bugs
A character can have major bugs but still be presentable in a trailer, since said bugs could be reserved to things that aren’t necessary to show in a trailer (such as interactions with some items, stage hazards, attacks with exclusive effects on hit, how they look when getting hit by every single other character’s Final Smash, ect.)


Smash Ace
Mar 18, 2015
It's just 20 minutes of Masuda crying and screaming about how we **** on Black and White so he ruined the Pokémon franchise and now we **** on SwSh so he decided to give the game content after release and having a mental breakdown about it while telling fans to shut up and never ask for anything again.
Not quite, but pretty close to what the actual direct will be according to a reliable source I have contact with.
"Hello, I am Junichi Masuda from Game Freak. In this presentation, we will apologize to every Pokemon not in the game in response to fan reception, so without further ado:
We're sorry Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill, Pidgey, Pidgeotto, Pidegot, Rattata, Raticate, Spearow, Fearow, Ekans, Arbok, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Nidoran F, Nidorina, Nidoqueen, Nidoran M, Nidorino, Nidoking, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Zubat, Golbat, Paras, Parasect, Venonat, Venomoth, Psyduck, Golduck, Mankey, Primeape, Poliwag, Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel, Tenatcool, Tentacruel, Geodude, Graveler, Golem, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Magnemite, Magneton, Doduo, Dodrio, Seel, Dewgong, Grimer, Muk, Drowzee, Hypno, Voltorb, Electrode, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Cubone, Marowak, Lickitung, Chansey, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Horsea, Seadra, Staryu, Starmie, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz, Magmar, Pinsir, Tauros, Porygon, Omanyte, Omastar, Kabuto, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Dratini, Dragonair, Dragonite, Chikorita, Bayleef, Meganium, Cyndaquil, Quilava, Typhlosion, Totodile, Croconaw, Feraligatr, Sentret, Furret, Ledyba, Ledian, Spinarak, Ariados, Crobat, Igglybuff, Mareep, Flaaffy, Ampharos, Marill, Azumarill, Politoed, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Aipom, Sunkern, Sunflora, Yanma, Murkrow, Slowking, Misdreavus, Unown, Girafarig, Pineco, Forretress, Dunsparce, Gligar, Snubbull, Granbull, Scizor, Heracross, Teddiursa, Ursaring, Slugma, Magcargo, Skarmory, Houndour, Houndoom, Kingdra, Phanpy, Donphan, Porygon2, Stantler, Smeargle, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby, Miltank, Blissey, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Torchic, Combusken, Blaziken, Mudkip, Marshtomp, Swampert, Poochyenam Mightyena, Wurmple, Silcoon, Beautifly, Cascoon, Dustox, Tailow, Swellow, Surskit, Masquerain, Shroomish, Breloom, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking, Whismur, Loudred, Exploud, Makuhota, Hariyama, Azurill, Nosepass, Skitty, Delcatty, Aron, Lairon, Aggron, Meditite, Medicham, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Gulpin, Swalot, Carvanha, Sharpedo, Numel, Camerupt, Spoink, Grumpig, Spinda, Cacnea, Cacturne, Swablu, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, Castform, Kecleon, Shuppet, Banette, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein, Clamperl, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Bagon, Shelgon, Salamence, Beldum, Metang, Metagross, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Deoxys, Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon, Starly, Staravia, Staraptor, Bidoff, Bibarel, Kricketot, Kricketune, Shinx, Luxio, Luxray, Crandiso, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim, Pachirisu, Buizel, Floatzel, Ambipom, Buneary, Lopunny, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow, Purugly, Chingling, Mime-Jr, Happiny, Chatot, Spiritomb, Gible, Gabite, Garchomp, Carnivine, Finneon, Lumineon, Abomasnow, Magnezone, Lickilicky, Tangrowth, Electivire, Magmortar, Yanmega, Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Probopass, Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigias, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Snivy, Servine, Serperior, Tepig, Pignite, Emboar, Oshawott, Dewott, Samurott, Patrat, Watchog, Lillipup, Herdier, Stoutland, Pansage, Simisage, Pansear, Simisear, Panpour, Simipour, Blitzle, Zebstrika, Audino, Sewaddle, Swadloon, Leavanny, Venipede, Whirlipede, Scolipede, Petilil, Lilligant, Sandile, Krokorok, Krookodile, Tirtouga, Carracosta, Archen, Arcehops, Zorua, Zoroark, Ducklett, Swanna, Deerling, Sawsbuck, Emolga, Foongus, Amoongus, Alomomola, Tynamo, Eelektrik, Eelektross, Cryogonal, Mienfoo, Mienshao, Druddigon, Bouffalant, Larvesta, Volcarona, Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Meloetta, Genesect, Chespin, Quilladin, Chesnaught, Fennekin, Braixen, Delphox, Froakie, Frogadier, Greninja, Fletchling, Fletchinder, Talonflame, Scatterbug, Spewpa, Vivillon, Litleo, Pyroar, Flabebe, Floette, Florges, Skiddo, Gogoat, Furfrou, Meowstic, Skrelp, Dragalge, Clauncher, Clawitzer, Tyrunt, Tyrantrum, Amaura, Aurorus, Dedenne, Carbink, Klefki, Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde, Diancie, Hoopa, Volcanion, Pikipek, Trumbeak, Toucannon, Yungoos, Gumshoos, Crabawler, Crabominable, Oricorio, Rockruff, Lycanroc Formantis, Lurantis, Comfey, Sandygast, Palossand, Minior, Komala, Bruxish, Tapu-Koko, Tapu-Lele, Tapu-Bulu, Tapu-Fini, Nihilego, Buzzwole, Pheromosa, Xurkitree, Celesteela, Kartana, Guzzlord, Magearna, Poipole, Naganadel, Stakataka and Blacephalon.

Ha sike got you fools they're getting added in Dynamic Sword and Maximum Shield another $120 please."


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Let’s just drop this ww3 stuff away and move on. I don’t wanna see this thread turn into a political thread.

here’s something to talk about instead

What got you interested into Nintendo and becoming a Nintendo fan?
I'm not sure what the first game I played was, except that it was on a Nintendo system, or if it was Cruis'n USA, that was an arcade game Nintendo has the rights to.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
A character can have major bugs but still be presentable in a trailer, since said bugs could be reserved to things that aren’t necessary to show in a trailer (such as interactions with some items, stage hazards, attacks with exclusive effects on hit, how they look when getting hit by every single other character’s Final Smash, ect.)
Yes that's being presentable for a trailer. My point is that if they aren't even able to get at that stage of development then something's gone horribly wrong. This was my core argument, I believe I misunderstood you


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Wow this thread is moving faster than I thought
Let’s just drop this ww3 stuff away and move on. I don’t wanna see this thread turn into a political thread.

here’s something to talk about instead

What got you interested into Nintendo and becoming a Nintendo fan?
When my sisters introduced me to their NES with the Mario Bros game we use to play for hours they even taught me how to get 99 lives in a single run (and boy did I needed them). From there my love for Nintendo, and my love for video games in general blossomed. I'd probably wouldn't be as into video games now if it wasn't for them.

Deleted member

The Pokemon Direct is probably just to talk about Pokemon Home coming. If...IF....we were to get an update and more pokemon added, I don't think it'd be more than 100. Right now, though, I don't see it happening.

We do already know of sprites after the datamine for the Kanto starters, several legends from all generations, and the Sun/Moon starters. Pokemon Home and the reveal of those starters and legends becoming available (likely through raids throughout the year to keep interest) will be what the announcement is about.
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Smash Lord
Oct 25, 2019
I know this is premature since Fighter 5 obviously hasn't been revealed yet at the time of this post... but let's try another game:
create another Fighters Pass using the same character "types" as the current one (they can be first-party or third-party).
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character (Joker)
  2. RPG character (Hero)
  3. Platformer character (Banjo & Kazooie)
  4. Fighting Game character (Terry)
  5. ... I dunno, you're free to make up a new category and character for this one
I'll start...
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character - Akira Howard
  2. RPG character - Adol
  3. Platformer character - Crash Bandicoot
  4. Fighting Game character - Sol Badguy
  5. Visual Novel character - Phoenix Wright


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
The sad thing is is that people would still yell about something.

Probably about the tree again.
A lot of the problems I've seen people have about the game are about the shoehorned in story, the routes being incredibly linear, the lack of things to do after beating the game, and the difficulty of the main game. I don't think there's anything you can do to change people's opinions on the game. At this point all we can do is hope that the next game can address these issues, and also don't do stupid presentational blunders like shooting the cutscenes like there is voice acting, but not actually having voice acting.

One small change that would make the games tons better would be to call the moves as the animation is playing rather than before. This would cut back on so much of the waiting during battles. You could also add a battle log to the info screen that explains everything that happened verbatim just in case the player misses anything.

EDIT: Also, change the animation of multi-hit attacks to reflect the number of hits instead of playing the animation 2-5 times. That would save everyone a lot of agony.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
I know this is premature since Fighter 5 obviously hasn't been revealed yet at the time of this post... but let's try another game:
create another Fighters Pass using the same character "types" as the current one (they can be first-party or third-party).
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character (Joker)
  2. RPG character (Hero)
  3. Platformer character (Banjo & Kazooie)
  4. Fighting Game character (Terry)
  5. ... I dunno, you're free to make up a new category and character for this one
I'll start...
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character - Akira Howard
  2. RPG character - Adol
  3. Platformer character - Crash Bandicoot
  4. Fighting Game character - Sol Badguy
  5. Visual Novel character - Phoenix Wright
1. Modern - Octoling
2. RPG - Elma
3. Platformer - Bandana Dee
4. Fighting Game - uhhhhhhhhh idk Ragna the Bloodedge
5. Visual Novel - Zero from the Zero Escape series Phoenix Wright

Deleted member

>*Smash splash screen*
>We see Mario and Sonic racing in their karts
>The camera stops around a dark corner
>In the dark corner, some lights from what seems to be a car light up
>The camera goes back to Mario and Sonic
>Suddenly a hard to differentiate silluette of the figure from the dark corner messes with their attention on the race and makes them fall off their karts during a jump
>They fall on the ground, and look in front of them to see who was that figure



Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
This is such a non issue. Incineroar's still a highly unique character with attacks and animations not shared throughout most, if not the entire cast and the wrestler niche had not yet been picked. It's a Pokemon, a flavour of the month addition like they've always been
I wasn't making the argument that Incineroar wasn't unique relative to the rest of the roster, I was making the argument that Incineroar is a weak choice of a Pokemon rep as there were other characters who could carry the wrestler motif. Pokemon has such strange and fantastical characters that they make extremely unique fighters. No one on the roster could play like Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, or Ivysaur. Even Pokemon that play on specific archetypes, such as Greninja being a ninja and Lucario being a martial artist, move and fight in a unique way to emphasize their more animalistic side. Making Incineroar fight with a moveset that could be used by say, Starman from the NES Pro Wrestling, is what's disappointing to me.

That being said, Incineroar's in the game and if people enjoy using him I'm happy for them. Not every character has to appeal to every player, and that's okay. That being said, I think it's alright to express negative opinions respectfully and people should be aloud to do that, even if it's a potentially unpopular one.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 30, 2019
The Stray Sheep
Switch FC
Off-topic but I love how everyone agrees that new music will come with a bunch of future Mii costumes.
Just because we got one does not mean we will get others for sure.
Plus, I think it was just so MEGALOVANIA could be in Smash because of fan service.

(not saying we will NEVER get one again but just pointing out how unlikely it is)


Smash Master
Jun 21, 2019

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I know this is premature since Fighter 5 obviously hasn't been revealed yet at the time of this post... but let's try another game:
create another Fighters Pass using the same character "types" as the current one (they can be first-party or third-party).
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character (Joker)
  2. RPG character (Hero)
  3. Platformer character (Banjo & Kazooie)
  4. Fighting Game character (Terry)
  5. ... I dunno, you're free to make up a new category and character for this one
I'll start...
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character - Akira Howard
  2. RPG character - Adol
  3. Platformer character - Crash Bandicoot
  4. Fighting Game character - Sol Badguy
  5. Visual Novel character - Phoenix Wright
1. Modern/Relevant Character: Agumon
2. RPG Character: Brian(Quest 64)
3. Platformer Character: Crash Bandicoot(if it could be an Echo, Metal Mario)
4. Fighting Game Character: Fulgore
5. Visual Novel Character: Saber(Artoria)


Smash Rookie
Jan 7, 2020
Sup guys - I got bored and made a list of all the potential DLC Fighters coming, by company. Posted it on gfaqs, figured id share it here (https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate/78312296 )

The List:

Feel free to leave comment on the sheet if there are any mistakes or **** i forgot. Also wanted to mention that I only added 1 rep from each series, unless they were noteworthy.

I swear if the DLC isn't on this list then sakurai is a madman


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
No need to bring up the politics talk again after it was already diffused.

Just chill out y'all. Ignore the post if you really want the thread to move on from the topic.


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2018
I know this is premature since Fighter 5 obviously hasn't been revealed yet at the time of this post... but let's try another game:
create another Fighters Pass using the same character "types" as the current one (they can be first-party or third-party).
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character (Joker)
  2. RPG character (Hero)
  3. Platformer character (Banjo & Kazooie)
  4. Fighting Game character (Terry)
  5. ... I dunno, you're free to make up a new category and character for this one
I'll start...
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character - Akira Howard
  2. RPG character - Adol
  3. Platformer character - Crash Bandicoot
  4. Fighting Game character - Sol Badguy
  5. Visual Novel character - Phoenix Wright

  1. Modern / "Relevant" character- 2B
  2. RPG character- Angelic Buster
  3. Platformer character- Bubsy
  4. Fighting Game character- Susanoo
  5. First Party character- Darkrai


Beauty in the Chaos
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Sup guys - I got bored and made a list of all the potential DLC Fighters coming, by company. Posted it on gfaqs, figured id share it here (https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate/78312296 )

The List:

Feel free to leave comment on the sheet if there are any mistakes or **** i forgot. Also wanted to mention that I only added 1 rep from each series, unless they were noteworthy.

I swear if the DLC isn't on this list then sakurai is a madman

THE ****.



I'm sorry but if you don't respect the drums you gotta get beat.

Being serious I understand this is meant to be a list of all possibilities, but some of these are far reaches. Characters like Boshi and Bowsette have no place on this list. You're also missing out on some series God Eater for Namco Bandai.
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Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
What happens when Metal Mario uses a Metal Box?
Easy. Instead of having outlined colors, like with details, it becomes as pure color(but stays the same hue as normal) like in Smash 64.

So Metal Metal Mario does look different from Metal Mario and Mario turned Metal.

But yes, this alone is why I don't see it being realistic anyway. I'd further say a Metal Box Spirit has a better chance(which would keep you Metal throughout the match, outside of KO'd, maybe?), but start you at a small disadvantage for having more weight, defense, and power naturally due to being actually Metal. Currently you can start off as Metal, but it's a short time, so there's no penalties beyond the natural fact you have more weight and lose jump height.
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Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2017
Sup guys - I got bored and made a list of all the potential DLC Fighters coming, by company. Posted it on gfaqs, figured id share it here (https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/234547-super-smash-bros-ultimate/78312296 )

The List:

Feel free to leave comment on the sheet if there are any mistakes or **** i forgot. Also wanted to mention that I only added 1 rep from each series, unless they were noteworthy.

I swear if the DLC isn't on this list then sakurai is a madman
great job this is super comprehensive
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I wasn't making the argument that Incineroar wasn't unique relative to the rest of the roster, I was making the argument that Incineroar is a weak choice of a Pokemon rep as there were other characters who could carry the wrestler motif. Pokemon has such strange and fantastical characters that they make extremely unique fighters. No one on the roster could play like Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, or Ivysaur. Even Pokemon that play on specific archetypes, such as Greninja being a ninja and Lucario being a martial artist, move and fight in a unique way to emphasize their more animalistic side. Making Incineroar fight with a moveset that could be used by say, Starman from the NES Pro Wrestling, is what's disappointing to me.

That being said, Incineroar's in the game and if people enjoy using him I'm happy for them. Not every character has to appeal to every player, and that's okay. That being said, I think it's alright to express negative opinions respectfully and people should be aloud to do that, even if it's a potentially unpopular one.
It's just that by that point, don't make up excuses like "The wrestler is too much of a wrestler" and just say you don't like Incineroar. It's a non-issue, especially when for all we know, Incineroar's the last wrestling themed character in the game. You don't need hyper exaggeratedly unique movements as seen in the past, the present and likely the future, so this specific 'criticism' of Incineroar being too much like what it's based on is like "It's not right I tell you, Mario's cap is a red shade!"


Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
I know this is premature since Fighter 5 obviously hasn't been revealed yet at the time of this post... but let's try another game:
create another Fighters Pass using the same character "types" as the current one (they can be first-party or third-party).
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character (Joker)
  2. RPG character (Hero)
  3. Platformer character (Banjo & Kazooie)
  4. Fighting Game character (Terry)
  5. ... I dunno, you're free to make up a new category and character for this one
I'll start...
  1. Modern / "Relevant" character - Akira Howard
  2. RPG character - Adol
  3. Platformer character - Crash Bandicoot
  4. Fighting Game character - Sol Badguy
  5. Visual Novel character - Phoenix Wright
Here's mine:
  1. Modern - Octane (Rocket League)
  2. RPG - Paper Mario (Paper Mario)
  3. Platformer - Bandanna Dee (Kirby)
  4. Fighting Game - Zetterburn (Rivals of Aether)
  5. First Party - Shake King (Wario Land)
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Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2018
Mexico City
It's got Sword and Shield content.

There was a problem fetching the tweet
There are bunch of pokémon in the game's code that you can't obtain in any fashion. The remaining Kanto startes, the Alola ones, many legendaries such Mewtwo, the Tao Trio and the Swordsmen, a few mythicals including Zeraora and Meltan. There's also a pair of empty slots in the code that suggest they may be the brand-new mythicals that Game Freak decided to hid from the data this time around.

As far as expanding pokémon goes, I only expect those to come out.
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