Alright how about some spirit board ideas? Inspired by the Resident Evil spirit board that shocked us all, I thought about making my own hypothetical 3rd party Spirit boards. I'm gonna make a few more and I Invite others to make Spirits of their favorite franchises as well, it's actually a lot of fun.
This time the series is Killer Instinct, Rareware and Nintendo's old fighting game franchise that got a very good revival a few years back on Xbox one.

Blue Alt.
Spirit Battle Conditions:
1. The enemy starts the battle with a Killing Edge.
2. The enemy can heal by shielding attacks.
3. Stamina Battle
Stage: Wuhu Island (Bridge Section)
Music: Fei Long Stage Type B
Spirit Type: Attack
Rank: Advanced
B. Orchid

Green Alt.
Spirit Battle Conditions:
1. The enemy starts the battle with a Beam Sword
2. The Enemies Kicks have Increased power
3. Stamina Battle
Stage: Fourside
Music: Super Sonic Racing
Spirit Type: Grab
Rank: Novice

Grey alt.
Spirit Battle Conditions:
1. The Floor is Frozen
2. The enemy starts with a Freezie
3. Stamina Battle
Stage: Frigate Orpheon (Omega Form)
Music: Brain Cleaner
Spirit Type: Support
Rank: Ace

Gray Alt
Spirit Battle Conditions:
1. Metal Enemy
2. Invisible after a little while
3. Stamina battle
Stage: Shadow Moses Island
Music: Metal Man Stage
Spirit Type: Neutral
Rank: Legend