I have to wonder what the licensing would be like for a "Definitive Edition". Like, what was the deal for Cloud negotiated as? Just for Smash Ultimate? Any game that has "Smash Ultimate" in the title?
If that's the case, it almost would be nonsensical to start from scratch and cut half the roster. I'm just picturing it...port the roster over with DLC included, and then add in some characters that previously weren't playable (Geno, Leon, Rex, etc). That's, like, a dream scenario.
Granted, I doubt it'll happen. Going forward I think we're going to see Ultimate backed with content for at least the next year to keep the profits and interest going. While they aren't adding necessarily the biggest of the big, it keeps interest up.
Though, I would still argue that while surprises keep things interesting, I don't think there's a problem with adding characters people "expect" among speculators. I think there's something worthwhile to a good mix.
EDIT: Oof, Lloyd is out too?
Well, at least I was prepared for this one.