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Newbie 23 // MGS3 Villains Mafia - Game Over

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Mstr is being a idiot...

Soup is being slightly more aggro than his meta but I can understand why.

You(Tyran) are being towny.

Ran needs to calm down some but he's null.

Acro needs to post more, but I can't really say all that much.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm The End, Vanilla Villain.

Let's keep this thing rollin'.

Soup, I do have some thoughts. Let me know if I should wait for Acro or just post 'em now.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I put a notice in the social thread that I was sick and it would restrict my posting frequency.

I'm The Fear, Vanilla Villain. Sorry for making you guys wait.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Tyr, try to be more subtle next time when you get a PR.

Because I want to win. Having random votes stacked on me (by people who are probably my allies) is not the way to do it.
Tyr said:
I have my reasons for "trusting" Badwolf. That's not to say that I completely trust him, but I'll still take what he says with a grain of salt.
Also, if Badwolf and Ranmaru were both jail targets from last night, then it leaves open the possibility that either one still be mafia. In Majora's Mask mafia, kill priority simply got passed on to the next player up the chain when one mafia was blocked and unable to execute the kill. Despite this, I am ok with Badwolf at the moment, all Tyr sheeping aside. Actually Badwolf, did you come up on your own votes on independent decision because I was under the impression that you were sheeping Tyr on a lot of decisions after the second post.

Rag. are you throwing the game? Are you throwing the game because you dislike Monstr. for lynching town? Who cares if Monstr. led on Vinyl. In the end you secured a policy lynch and what are you trying to do now, secure another policy lynch? Do you legitimately find Monstr. scummy? Have you bothered to read his posts. Are you disgruntled by his STEM case?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Monstr. you stated in #128 that you were leaning town on Ranmaru, Soup, and Ttar. With Ttar being cleared, that leaves me and Badwolf who are both semi-cleared. You stated that if you find someone a little suspicious that you would vote them, however I don't see your vote being placed on me or Badwolf who should be your remaining two foses if your reads are the same as the beginning of the game.

The STEM case that you presented, in and of itself was hypocritical. You stated that STEM was playing carefully, however in listing your reads you didn't commit to whether placation or being careful actually consisted of being a scum tell, however it can be implied that you thought that these things were relatively scummy because you brought them up in what appeared to a small case. Mind you, it seemed like you re-read through STEM right after you stated in your #137 that you don't get bad vibes from STEM.

Really? You also stated that Vinyl./STEM in #146 were not really suspicious to you at all. However, if that was the case then why did you bother to build up a case in post #146 to analyze four quotes by STEM to point out how he is playing safe/uncommitted to you. If this were the case then similarly a greater case should have been constructed for Vinyl. after STEM was miss lynched since you said you were insistent on both of the being scum and had a sticky vote on him throughout the day.

Perhaps what is bothering is that you say that some of your reads derive from gut. However, that is not the case. For one, your fos on Vinyl for putting Tyr at L-1 and also for Vinyl.'s BSP on/off fos is a junk case compared to the post you made in #146 however you tried to play it up as something greater in #380 stating that you've put out a "case" and no one had been asking questions about it. Even though I may be misconstruing the relative quality of your ability to make cases, the assertion you made for your inactivity that no one else had been providing content is suspect since you are able to construct a case from "sheeping" and an L-1 vote itself, it should be possible for you to have used any of the number of interactions between the two days to have generated a case on the L-1 Vinyl wagon which could have been bussing or some other type of scum interaction, idk.

Taking a step back we are in the pocket where fypov two scum should be either Ran, Rag, or me. And for someone who states that they will vote for someone even if they are a little suspicious then I would expect for you to vote me unless your meta that, "It is and always will be how I play this game" was an unmerited bluff. I don't know what caused you to deviate from your "always vote and always lynch" policy however there also remains the question as to why you are playing according to your scum meta which is lurking and dissolving into the shadows as well as playing a "wait and see game".

The biggest thing that I don't get about you was the fact that you stated that you didn't get "bad vibes" from STEM. However in the next hour you demonstrated what arguably could only be taken as a list of scum tells, I don't see how anything in your #146 could be construed as being a town tell then stated that you didn't fos him that much at all. I did't see you dedicating a similar amount of time to Vinyl, maybe you had difficulty understanding him because I sure as hell don't know how to read Vinyl and I'm sure that no one else does. However, you told me that you had him down as a stronger scum read and posted a reaction fos as a "case." Compared to #146 that is a joke from which you went into this even analysis mode to this sudden conviction of Vinyl scum by a non-characteristic STEM vote.

If you are town then you need to cover this. There are a hundred other things that annoy me about you, however this strictly is the main reason why I believe you are one of the scum slots in the pocket.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ok. Here is what I think we should do today.

We lynch Acrostic. Why? He hasn't been looking for scum. He was trying to argue that the vinyl wagon was bad and was arguing how townie Ttar was. His predecessor also trying to paint Monstrmna in a bad light, without really trying to put anything else on the table. I was DOWN for that lynch, Soup, but remember you wanted to try another direction. Now, we are going in that direction. Also, another thing I dislike from Acrostic, is that NOW he is giving a stance on Monstrmna, he never really did so before. It feels like he is only doing so because Monstrmna is the next target in line for his death lunch. I mean, he did state Monstra and me as scumpicks in twilight, but never gave reasoning. Sure he gave reasoning on me, but doesn't that mean he should be pushing for ME and not Monstrmna? I am trying to look at his past reasoning and don't see anything regarding Monstra. Just that he thought Vinyl and him weren't buddies.

Now once we pin Acrostic, who goes next? None other than, Mr. Jailer! Remember that PR's don't confirm people as town, because a PR can be of either alignment. Read that in the rules section. Now then, Ttar is scum for a few reasons: One, he soft claimed his read on Badwolf, yet is totally fine. Not touched at all. It was an obvious soft claim. Now, another reason is that he has been very quiet, very lurky, and has been asking questions that DID NOT HELP HIM, nor was he really interested in the answer. He was stalling Vinyl's lynch with "Oh, what about your read on me, even though I expect it to be bad anyways". What. the. ****. is. that. Now another thing you have to see, is that he had no reason to target Badwolf n1, when the plan was to doc one of Soup/Me. We don't know if he was targetting his scumreads or townreads. I want Ttar to clarify that.

Now the question comes to, what about Monstrmna? He's yelling and whining and flailing, yeah. But that doesn't make him scum. His lynch today, is not the optimal lynch. I think you know this, Soup. Now talk to me about what you think of all this.

Now then, I have some quotes to bring up:

There's some things that I want clarified. Tyr if I'm not mistaken, it seems like you were fossing both Ragnarok and Ranmaru. However, you instead opted to vote Vinyl. I'm curious what exactly do you think the relationship is between the two ICs and why you opted to go for Vinyl.

Monstr. why are you so caught up on RVS. If I'm not mistaken Vinyl. put Tyr. at L-1 during the most spontaneous phase of the game. I know you said you're chalking things up to gut, but does that mean you're making yourself unapproachable to rationality?

Vinyl. why did you ask Ranmaru if he reaction tested Loli? I feel that the question was extremely out of place given all the possible responses for someone on the lynch table.

Badwolf you mentioned in #299 that you have a fos on Ran and Soup. However I'm also curious as to why you are decided to sheep ride on Vinyl. along with Tyr.
This right here, seems like Acrostic asking people why they haven't followed up with their suspicions on Ran and Soup. This is a subtle push to get scumreads on the ICIES, without Acrostic pushing that himself at that time and I find it scummy.

Monstr's reaction to Tyranitar's fos is over the top. Don't like it.
Tyr addresses that she won't read into Monstr's reaction, despite acknowledging that on the surface level it is anti-town. Don't see the point of bringing this up. Dumb.
Monstr. explains it was a joke.
Tyr gets defensive when BSP foses him and claims that he's scum for jumping on him. Gets defensive and then begins to patronize BSP with meta and explains how such behavior led to a mafia win in another game. I like this, "Anyone could have swopped in and hammered me. that would not be good for the villains (town)."
Vinyl. admits to just be messing around during RVS. Both Monstr|Vinyl. trolling RVS. Hmm.
Tyr blatantly tries to initiate scumhunting by asking other people to scumhunt for him. lol.
Rag posts his reads: BW town, BSP town, Vinyl. town lean. Don't understand where these reads are coming from or why he feels obligated to out them.
Tyr asks everyone to unvote to prepare for the ceremonious ending of RVS.
Ran explains that Rag should have kept on pushing Bad. I don't really know how much you further you could delve into a misunderstanding.
Monstr foses Vinyl. for L-1 vote and therefore mafia. Bad play notice.
Rag says Bad isn't trying to force town tells and therefore town. Meta notice.
Monstr has Ranmaru Rag Soup Ttar BSP town. Activity notice.
Ranmaru makes statement about scum reads being explicitly important.
Ranmaru caters to BSP being town.
Monstr carefully notes that STEM is being careful.
Ranmaru catches a discrepancy from STEM and revs up the bandwagon mobile.
Vinyl. says Ran Soup BSP are town. Loli Tyr Stem Monstr are null. Badwolf is scum.
Monstr says that he has no suspicion of STEM or Vinyl. but is just voting them because his stomach told him to do it.
Tyr pops in and says that he hopes the night is eventful.
Tyr has Ran Soup BSP Stem town. Vinyl Monstr Stem mafia.
Vinyl. is irritated. Ranmaru irritated him. No way.
Bad is going to start playing mafia.
Vinyl. asks for Ran to make a case.
Vinyl. has Soup as town. Ran Tyr as null. Bad monstr loli as mafia.
Tyr. has Bad town. Vinyl mafia.
Badwolf says Soup is mafia. Meta.
Monstr now wants to lynch Vinyl. because he actually thinks he is mafia.
I replaced in.
I find this a useless catchup, that doesn't paint anything for others to see. It didn't explain Acrostics feelings or who he was suspecting. Not yet anyways. So we are still waiting for some stances from him.

The underlined, I feel are the most he puts as his own 'feelings'. Especially the 'hmm'. He says hmm, yet I don't know if he followed up with that.

I actually like Tyr's reaction to BSP's pressure in #70. He was at L-1, but he had this whole, "come at me" vibe:

I personally don't think Tyr forced this post because his jimmies were rustled a couple minutes prior as he was being put at L-2. Therefore I'm speculating that he was somewhat agitated while he wrote this. I'd prefer not to speculate, however we don't have that luxury at the moment with most of the newbies away from the game.

I'm not sure of how to interpret his reaction to the L-2 pressure nor his actions afterwards which involve letting BSP go for "reaction testing" and Vinyl. for "trolling". I felt that Tyr had a great opportunity to look into both slots and stagnated the game by not looking into either slot. Tyr did ask for BSP's rationale while BSP was voting him that didn't go addressed and he didn't bother looking into and assigned him a town read.

Now this transition bothers me as I feel that Tyr's later game play when compared to earlier game play is much harder to read and interpret given this "whose reads are they anyway" where all the reads are cursory and the logic don't matter. It just feels like those reads were slipping away:

However, at the end of the D-1, I definitely found the whole check Vinyl. commentary to be something aggressive and a push that I wouldn't think Tyr-mafia would make after getting a mislynch. I stopped looking deeply into Tyr around D-2 due to me just deciding to carry him as town and hoping he won't shoot me in the face somewhere down the road.
Still waiting for stances, yet he takes the time to argue Ttar's townieness here. I just don't think that's what a townie would be thinking of when replacing in, and just seems more like something he'd have to do to keep Ttar.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that. But I think I've made my motives clear: I want to win. How do we do that? Lynch the right person. I still have a bad taste in my mouth after my last game, and I don't want that to happen again. I wasn't convinced at all about STEM yesterDay, and I feel like I could've turned that around if he hadn't thrown in the towel.

ToDay, I still don't have any clear reads. I have my reasons for partially trusting Badwolf, but that's about it. That's why I've been rather quiet. I'm waiting for someone to slip up. That being said, I won't let this day end without a lynch. I'm considering other potential lynch targets besides Vinyl, but like I said: I want to get this right. I'll take all the time in the world to get this right.

Soup, you've been tossing votes around. Who do you think is the most viable lynch target as of now?
Underlined, I think Ttar's answer to Soup's question is a weak justification. It doesn't really explain why he was as quiet. It's like he is trying to emulate what a townie would say. For example, just like a "All I care about is hunting down the scums". It seems like a forced justification, as if it's supposed to be obvious that is why he is doing what he is doing.

All I can really say is that I get a town feel from BSP. I can't say much on anyone else. I'd be glad to see an end to joking around, though. Mafia is not the place for that.

Anyways, since we seem to be getting out of RVS, I may as well Unvote for now.

I'd like to see Lolilovesrain and ranmaru post more.
So he got a town feel from BSP. Notice from here on out he doesn't mention Badwolf at all.

Looks like I missed an interesting day.

Since he voted for himself, I really expect STEM to flip town. That's not good.

I really hope this night gives us some valuable information.
I find this to be a bit forced, as if he knows STEM will flip town. Yet he doesn't really look at others on STEM's wagon, he just sits there and hopes for info to pop up over the night.

I think STEM was a valid lynch choice.

I have no reason to distrust Ran or Soup. BSP also seems to be legitimately scumhunting, just like before.

I'm still salty about Vinyl putting me at L-1 as a joke, but I want to point something else out.

I would give a FoS to Monstrma because STEM defended him, but STEM was already being considered scum at that point, and if he does indeed flip scum, that would've been complete suicide.
Underlined, he mentions he has no reason to distrust me or Soup, nor BSP. Yet, what about Badwolf? Ok continue reading on.

Bold, he says he would give a FoS to Monstrmna because of a possible buddy connection, yet doesn't committ because he feels if Stem doesn't flip scum, that it may be a moot point. So basically a bag of air.

Hey, what about Badwolf? Nothing. Why exactly, did he target Badwolf? Why not one of Soup/Me? I want to know why he chose his night targets.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
#572 retyped and shortened with some analysis.

I think that Monstr. was opportunistic on his STEM case. He had to have started typing it a little after Ragnarock started asking him to share his feelings on the slot which scaled into #146. However he blatantly states before and after that the slot didn't give him bad vibes before his analysis and even afterwards he states that neither STEM/Vinyl are really a strong read, however his actions really underlie his words since the only reason I can see why Monstr. wasn't lynched D1 or D2 was his attempt in reading STEM and coming out to a no conclusion after his analysis post.

I think that Monstr. was opportunistic on STEM for another reason on the basis of comparing his D-2 play with his D-1 play. D-2 Monstr. puts down Vinyl. as a solid scum pick on an L-1 Tyr setup and also an L-2 vote on STEM which he considers to be scummy sheeping. D-1 Monstr. does a mini-iso case on STEM even though his convictions are not nearly as strong as the read he had on Vinyl. So we're looking at this major commitment to a person he doesn't really feel anything for and this really pathetic commitment to someone he thinks is mafia throughout the entire day. It doesn't make sense, until it does make sense.

I was heavily dabbling in the idea of a Rag./Ran scum team with Monst. being easy lynch bait for a newbie end-game. However, looking at #380 within the past couple of minutes made me reconsider. Is the reason why Monstr. has made it to this point because he's being manipulated or is it because he is being manipulative in order to make it to the next day cycle.

And well, his play style between D1 and D2 are different. So much so that D2 involves him breaking his own D1 meta. And him turning from a null/no read given with heavy analysis to a heavy read giver with no analysis. Why? Because he was asked to take a town/scum position after STEM. So he took a town/scum position on Vinyl but he forgot his case on the way there. That's really all I've got to explain the discrepancy between his STEM/Vinyl push aside from just chalking it up to him being a really bad player.

Even though I feel that I may be speculative, I think that he can't deny a play shift such as breaking some of his own meta mantras that he was pushing early game such as his anti-lurking anti-shadow policy and always-vote always-lynch.

Actually he does admit at some point that he gets lynched D1 every game for his play style and does this on D2. But the whole contrast in read style bothers me. Being so desperate to live that you swap play styles isn't something that I really see town having a strong motive to work towards and is far more compelling as a mafia/scum survival gambit.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Ok. Here is what I think we should do today. We lynch Acrostic. Why? He hasn't been looking for scum.
I haven't spent a whole lot of time keeping up with the thread, but I have made an effort to scumhunt. Some instances went over your head.

For example, I asked for people to post summaries in order to discern their own interpretation of how the game had been progressing, not because I would be too lazy to re-read or make my own reads, but because doing so gives me another type of insight into another player who is not expecting it.

Your second quote from me is indicative of something that I was looking for in some shape or form from the newbies. I didn't really expect it to work out, but given my late replacement I wanted to try to extract some tells that I could use while I was simultaneously playing catch-up.

Unfortunately I didn't really get much from the summaries that were shared by Monst./Tyr. tbh.

Ranmaru said:
He was trying to argue that the vinyl wagon was bad and was arguing how townie Ttar was.
This is true. However

Ranmaru said:
His predecessor also trying to paint Monstrmna in a bad light, without really trying to put anything else on the table.
I have my own reasons for why I think Monstrmna is scum that came up on re-read today. I usually don't bother looking over read advice from the slot I replace in since I used reads for determining the maker's alignment. Aside from that, Loli barely contributed to the overall game and I have no stock in any of her pushes given such behavior.

Ranmaru said:
I was DOWN for that lynch, Soup, but remember you wanted to try another direction. Now, we are going in that direction. Also, another thing I dislike from Acrostic, is that NOW he is giving a stance on Monstrmna, he never really did so before. It feels like he is only doing so because Monstrmna is the next target in line for his death lunch. I mean, he did state Monstra and me as scumpicks in twilight, but never gave reasoning. Sure he gave reasoning on me, but doesn't that mean he should be pushing for ME and not Monstrmna? I am trying to look at his past reasoning and don't see anything regarding Monstra. Just that he thought Vinyl and him weren't buddies.
I never did give reads for Monst. during twilight since I was still juggling him down as bad play and couldn't work out a lot of his motives. I haven't actually started playing this day until today and weekends are the only space of time that is really allowed to me to put in time into this game. Let me put it this way. It is 5 am and this is the best time space I have for doing this. Friday night and I'm down for iso'ing either you or Monst. it is a no brainer.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I'll get to the rest of Ran's stuff tomorrow. However based on the q&a so far, I don't really see why he seems convinced that I'm the play for today aside from... replacing into the game and not having a complete reads list by D2.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ranmaru, vote Monstrmrna. If he doesn't flip scum, then I will take the blame.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'll get to the rest of Ran's stuff tomorrow. However based on the q&a so far, I don't really see why he seems convinced that I'm the play for today aside from... replacing into the game and not having a complete reads list by D2.
Underlined, this seems like you trying to misrepresent my push on you by stating how stupid my points may be, yet I never said anything about not having a complete reads list. Replacing in and not even presenting any scumpicks until after Vinyl was hammered by Ttar, was the problem. I think that was at least three days. (or more) You have been trying to subtly push avenues without stating them yourself, something Mafia would do (Because when a direction that is not their own, is pushed without them saying so, gives them that much more room to breathe, like being off of a wagon and saying "I didn't support it you idiots!")

I still need to go over both your justification for lynching either STEM or Vinyl. However if my conjecture is not incorrect, they are being targeted because their current reads don't match up with their old reads. Something that seems indicative of insincere argument analysis or rather the presumption that mafia are less dedicated to the process of scumhunting and therefore fabricate their reads, therefore not having actual rationale behind these reads resulting in them slipping.

This criteria combined with your use of questioning unsettles me, primarily because spray questioning is used as a tactic by mafia to give off a false sense of appearance that they are actually interested in the game through filler, but to people who are semi-decent they have the dual purpose of being "sprayed" to trap less than careful townies into generating discrepancies in their q&a giving them false justification to lynch someone based on discrepancy in and of itself without bothering to see whether the person's intent could have either town or scum motivations.

Vote: Ranmaru
Your point against me is that how I ask my questions is a tactic employed by mafia, which means I must be mafia trying to trap townies, and not a townie trying to clarify vague/questionable statements. You also say my push on Stem was insincere, yet you don't explain how it was insincere.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Vote: LoliLovesRain
Hey Ranmaru, let's switch to Monstrmna.

Unvote; Vote: Monstrmna
I would, but "If he doesn't flip scum I'll take the blame" doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

If we get this wrong we'd lose. I don't trust the jailer, so you'll need to explain now. What I mean is, you'll need to explain your reads on Acro, Ttar, and Me. If we lost you can't just TAKE the blame. I'd share it too. Not letting scum slip out of my hands. :glare: I would be putting shame to the character I am in this game. :cool:

Take off your blinders. You have been on this since D1. Are you really trying to get it right? Come on. Are you just annoyed by Monstrmna's flailing? Is it distracting you? Re-group, dawg.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Please tell me how you think Monstrmrna could be town in any shape or form or why you believe that Ttar is lying.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
PoE, and the fact you have been clinging on to Monstrmna from D1. I have already explained why I felt Ttar was lying. Why aren't you listening, why aren't you even talking to me about what I found about Ttar in my #574.

Also you have to explain to me, why you voted Loli beginning of D2, and wanted to switch.

We are lynching Acrostic today.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also talk to me about the reasoning I brought up against Acrostic.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Pretty much everything you said against me is a real reach, Ran. Not a thing there was forced. I could never see anyone who self-hammered as scum. Not only is it against their win condition, but it's also a really **** move to their partner. I'll admit, Acrostic putting so much effort to confirm me as town does make the two of us look like scum partners. But I assure you, that was all his doing.

When you wondered why I jailed Badwolf N1, yes, he was a personal slight scumread. Just a gut feeling.

I already know that two of you are lying about your roles. But I find it hard to believe that, out of 7 town players, only one person has a power role.

@Acrostic, I don't see how the first quote shows anything about my role, but as for the second one, I wasn't trying to be subtle. I'm surprised nobody questioned me about that until now, though.

I could go for an Acrostic lynch, but I don't know that I can trust Ran.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm not. Soup hasn't even claimed yet. But you are right, I do expect there to be more than two.

Now you say you can't trust me, but do you really think I'm trying to make this up, or that I just have legit feelings about your slot? If you distrust me, you'll have to look deeply at my actions and ask me questions to verify if I'm town or not.

Now talk to me, what do you feel about Soup and the direction he is going?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Acrostic, I don't see how the first quote shows anything about my role, but as for the second one, I wasn't trying to be subtle. I'm surprised nobody questioned me about that until now, though.

I could go for an Acrostic lynch, but I don't know that I can trust Ran.
It wouldn't be good to put attention to it, because then scum can take advantage. If you see someone soft claim something, note it down, but don't give attention to it and hope mafia didn't notice that.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Whoever said that Monstrmna is an easy lynch pick for end-game is absolutely right. I can't say that I get a town feel from him, but this is a newbie game, after all. I don't feel that Soup is wrong in targeting Monstrmna, but still, I can't help but be wary.

I say that I can't trust you, because I have no proof that you were the one who I prevented killing someone else. That being said, I would probably be most comfortable with an Acrostic lynch.

Soup, get in here and claim already.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Tyr, I had you town as a PR read, but would have gone over your slot if you claimed blue.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Underlined, this seems like you trying to misrepresent my push on you by stating how stupid my points may be, yet I never said anything about not having a complete reads list.

Ranmaru said:
Replacing in and not even presenting any scumpicks until after Vinyl was hammered by Ttar, was the problem. I think that was at least three days. (or more) You have been trying to subtly push avenues without stating them yourself, something Mafia would do (Because when a direction that is not their own, is pushed without them saying so, gives them that much more room to breathe, like being off of a wagon and saying "I didn't support it you idiots!")
When I was discussing cards, it wasn't merely some analogy that I was using for the fun of it. I had Tyr down on read as being a PR claim and if not, scum. However, it wasn't something that I wanted to pierce when we had a mislynch and gradually warmed up to the idea of him being town as it is uncanny for mafia to put that much dedication into being defensive, being authoritative, soft claiming, and then fosing both ICs who were more or less acting in a standard pro-town manner.

As for claiming that I didn't pick scum until after Vinyl was lynched, I explained that I was busy taking a diagnostic for my October 6th LSAT. Also I blatantly asked the moderator for a deadline extension. If anything, the lynch was accelerated a day past when we had a day available and I didn't think either Badwolf or Tyr would press on the hammer. And when it happened, I wanted to press out anything I had in terms of scum reads.

I pushed on people who were fosing Vinyl because I thought most of the cases made against him were bunk and I was looking for someone to admit that. Anyone, really. Hasn't he lynched back to back in this mafia and also Simpsons mafia as town? I haven't played with Vinyl since Moderator Mafia, however that was sufficient enough for me to know that Vinyl is someone whose motives are hard to discern, however that doesn't justify lynching him and claiming it is because of scum motives. For the meta reads being thrown around this game there was no meta justification for lynching Vinyl and that speaks

Your point against me is that how I ask my questions is a tactic employed by mafia said:
If we're talking about the case being undeveloped, then yes. I didn't like how the STEM push was started off the mixed Vinyl read which is why I'm using that on a large part to start and produce reads on other slots. But when I outed the fos on you the case was cursory and produced mostly as a reaction to the pointless questions you were lobbying at me that I saw little correlation for you in terms of producing reads.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I keep procasinating this game. I'm Big Boss, Tracker Villian.

On N1 I tracked LoliLovesRain. I received no result.

On N2 I tracked Monstrmrna. I received no result.

The catch here is that if someone doesn't visit, I don't get a report, but if I am Roleblocked, then it's the same deal.

I have a couple of things I want to say but mostly I find myself frustrated and looking at this game makes my blood boil.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I get that you are frustrated. Take a chill pill. Come back, and please fill these requests while I get to Acrostic.

PoE, and the fact you have been clinging on to Monstrmna from D1. I have already explained why I felt Ttar was lying. Why aren't you listening, why aren't you even talking to me about what I found about Ttar in my #574.

Also you have to explain to me, why you voted Loli beginning of D2, and wanted to switch.

We are lynching Acrostic today.
Also talk to me about the reasoning I brought up against Acrostic.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Whoever said that Monstrmna is an easy lynch pick for end-game is absolutely right. I can't say that I get a town feel from him, but this is a newbie game, after all. I don't feel that Soup is wrong in targeting Monstrmna, but still, I can't help but be wary.
Tell me what this means. Be less cryptic. Who do you think is working together? Do you even think working together constitutes a scum read? If I gave you the following pocket who do you think is the mafia?


Who are you wary of at this point? Ragnarock? Me? Ranmaru? Badwolf? At this point you should start crystallizing. Let me put this bluntly, if you had a gun to shoot someone and it ran out in twenty four hours who would you proceed to shoot. As jailer your decisions can make or break this game if we lynch town or scum as you're going to be blocking the mafia kill allowing a game breaking situation on either front. If you think I'm mafia then come at me. I want you to crystallize why you think I'm scummy and run at me with it. I wish I could care about your reads, but it is hard to take them seriously when there is no substance behind them. I'm bullying you into voicing an opinion that doesn't consist of you holding back or chocking your reads down with wishy-washy statements.

Tyr said:
I say that I can't trust you, because I have no proof that you were the one who I prevented killing someone else. That being said, I would probably be most comfortable with an Acrostic lynch.
Ok. Why?

Tyr said:
Soup, get in here and claim already.
Ragna will claim blue. If he was a PR then he would have questioned your slot more about your own power rather than continuing to press on Monst.
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