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Newbie 23 // MGS3 Villains Mafia - Game Over


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah dude I am going with your every action because I have a super solid town read on you, AND because my thoughts lined up with yours this game. Remember Epic Rap Battles? Same vibe. I usually haven't played with your town self except in GS3, which I ALSO had a town read on you but it wasn't as public. So this may be why you are so cautious of me this time. Usually what I think you do as scum is that you just give a town read on me without really 'looking into my actions' yet here you haven't done that, you from the very beginning were wary of me and I feel this is not a scumSOUP.

At times I thought "WTF why defend Badwolf so hard when I felt he could be scum" but guess what? I say "**** I'm not going back on my town read because it's SO SOLID". I did the same in ERP except it was more me being paranoid at the same time. xD

I mean what do you expect me to do? Here are my scumpicks, Vinyl and Acro. That's it.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
No. I have Acro as individually scum, that's for sure.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
What happened to Monstrmrna? You liked that for the beginning of the time and I changed to LoliLovesRain.

What's your read on Ttar and Badwolf?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I thought he was scum with STEM trying to distance himself, but after seeing STEM flip town I didn't really have much interest in pushing it further. I found it weird that you changed to Loli when we pre-established that we were going down the path of Monsta/Vinyl, yet I felt you had your reasons and pushed in that direction to see how she would react. I also felt Vinyl reacted very weirdly to Loli, and my reasons for thinking Loli is scum is legit.

Null-scum, and town.

Ttar I just feel isn't really trying to invest as much time as he would like us to think. Earlier I asked him a question and he just left as soon as possible. I would only push in this direction if Acrostic didn't flip scum. His questions didn't really seem like he cared about them, like asking Vinyl about his read on Ttar even though he expected it to be bad, seems like a rhetorical question. It's possible it may be just his playstyle and it is annoying me a bit, due to the inactivity we just had. I felt the wagon on Vinyl was pretty slow as opposed to the D1 wagon. (Thanks to Stem himself as well)

Badwolf just by PoE.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also consider that I buddy with those that I think are town, and like to do so because it's fun bro-ing up. This game is the only chance I get to buddy with ya, and most likely the first time doing so. You know I defend my town reads if I have a strong read on them and do that openly. It's just you this time (yet I denied lynching you when zen beckoned me in GS3 :cool: )


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also consider that I'm playing as an IC this game and I play differently because of it, and this may be why you find me doing things differently, or not being as obv town. I won't say what it is and I'll explain it endgame if you'd like.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I want everyone to make sure they have read this Post, and keep it in mind for the future. Ask questions now/during twilight if you have any!

Doc, on me/soup.
Cop, do what you think is best. Soup you can give a suggestion if you'd like.
Since I see Badwolf in the thread, guys remember to read that post!!

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Caveat with respect to leaving paper trails. The biggest reason why I'm foregoing Badwolf's slot is due to him trying to provide some depth to a Vinyl. lynch (which I would like to discuss with him as I countered a couple of points he raised). People are outing foses this game, they are just not committing to them by providing rationale which equates to the entire process of being littering i.e. majority of cases on Vinyl. are bunk let's no lie here, I don't understand most of Vinyl.'s posts, I don't see how anyone else can. I'm fine with Vinyl. being lynched. But the only reason I'm partial to it is because he will be a liability in lylo. And if we're going to go off of liability alone, I'd have personally gone with Monstr., Vinyl., Badwolf/Tyr.
Go for it. I'm here now if you want.

Monstrmrna is going to look at that post, respond, and then get upset that I called him out. Badwolf will continue to be useless regardless of the flip. Ttar will stay unconfident despite everything I said and end up in lylo. Ranmaru will follow me until I die, will continue bickering with Acrostic and appealing to me. Acrostic will make informative posts that are perhaps a bit wordy and could use something definite summarization; will continue to question Ranmaru's motives and ranmaru will refute and try appealing to me.
My case was not useless. But whatever.

If Vinyl. flips scum I would say floor pressure onto Badwolf like a train with no brakes. He scumread Badwolf this whole time yet didn't even put an effort to convince people besides saying "Guys i think badwolf is scum im not gonna show you why but he just is MAKE SURE YOU KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR HIM HES ****ING CREEPY AND KILLS PEOPLE."

If Vinyl. flips town then I'm going to floor pressure on Monstrmrna and make him squirm.
So you think ScumVinyl was bussing me?

I thought he was scum with STEM trying to distance himself, but after seeing STEM flip town I didn't really have much interest in pushing it further. I found it weird that you changed to Loli when we pre-established that we were going down the path of Monsta/Vinyl, yet I felt you had your reasons and pushed in that direction to see how she would react. I also felt Vinyl reacted very weirdly to Loli, and my reasons for thinking Loli is scum is legit.

Null-scum, and town.

Ttar I just feel isn't really trying to invest as much time as he would like us to think. Earlier I asked him a question and he just left as soon as possible. I would only push in this direction if Acrostic didn't flip scum. His questions didn't really seem like he cared about them, like asking Vinyl about his read on Ttar even though he expected it to be bad, seems like a rhetorical question. It's possible it may be just his playstyle and it is annoying me a bit, due to the inactivity we just had. I felt the wagon on Vinyl was pretty slow as opposed to the D1 wagon. (Thanks to Stem himself as well)

Badwolf just by PoE.
Confused. What is your read on me? You just said PoE.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Town, I mentioned it right before the Ttar paragraph. Ttar is Null scum, you are town via PoE.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
We'll see. You didn't react to it at all and just voted him after a flimsy case. He's been calling you scum for a very long time now.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So...you made a case and unvoted because you had no reason to make such case?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Vinyl. Case

Respond to the points I raised in reply. If you did then link me to it. Also Rag, Vinyl. scum flip and Badwolf scum would mean that Bad's case on Vinyl. was insincere/forced and that he wrote it for distancing purposes. I'm not really sure if Bad would put that much time into creating a case on his own scum partner to take a credit for a bus with how lackluster this game is going. Also another thing to note is Vinyl.'s explanation that his vote on Badwolf wasn't a legitimate scum read but a pressure vote. If Vinyl. was trying to distance Bad then I don't understand why he would devalue his own fos on Badwolf unless he became aware that there were suspicions of it being a bus, something that wasn't discussed or made apparent.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Yeah, I think I get what you mean. I think I'm just tired and annoyed and I'm not thinking clearly, you make a good point about it but there's also the perspective that Badwolf didn't want his partner lynched but only did the case (as you said) for distancing purposes. I find the connection between them flimsy and I don't understand Vinyl's. need to keep Badwolf at arm's reach this whole time, stating he's scum yet doing nothing about it. And when that time comes around and Badwolf finally responds with a case, he unvotes after he gets sheeped and tries to say he's going to go after everyone who voted Vinyl. What was the need for a case there in the first place?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Wow Ranmaru. I really like this content over what you've been doing the entire game.
Do you mean just laying out reads? I find it better just pushing wagons and giving minimal content and hope others can read my intent from that. I only give the reads I feel should be noted in thread. This is because my thoughts are generally really hard to follow and I am often misunderstood. :glare: Here is a link to something you'd might like: Post #205 of Newbie 17

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Ranmaru it's not very fruitful for you to defend your own actions and give examples of past play and meta.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well, we can end the day today if ya want. I already claimed and etc.

Did I already say the outcome after this? Badwolf still hasn't responded to the question due to his busyness. I don't particularly have an evaluation for this guy, but I still have a scum-lean for the vote. You can provide information on me, but you're not gonna see a scum flip here when D2 ends. Just Saiyan.
Do you guys Vinyl and Bad had Vinyl say this right before Bad responded with the case? Also consider how Vinyl never followed up with this. I feel like this was more of a counter wagon to save himself.

The underlined seems like deflection and I don't think he as scum would deflect to his buddy.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ranmaru it's not very fruitful for you to defend your own actions and give examples of past play and meta.
I wasn't defending myself there, I was just explaining my playstyle, and showing something he'd might like out of game of me.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
Yeah, I think I get what you mean. I think I'm just tired and annoyed and I'm not thinking clearly, you make a good point about it but there's also the perspective that Badwolf didn't want his partner lynched but only did the case (as you said) for distancing purposes. I find the connection between them flimsy and I don't understand Vinyl's. need to keep Badwolf at arm's reach this whole time, stating he's scum yet doing nothing about it. And when that time comes around and Badwolf finally responds with a case, he unvotes after he gets sheeped and tries to say he's going to go after everyone who voted Vinyl. What was the need for a case there in the first place?
I was defending my earlier vote against Vinyl because several people had asked me why I had voted him.

Do you guys Vinyl and Bad had Vinyl say this right before Bad responded with the case? Also consider how Vinyl never followed up with this. I feel like this was more of a counter wagon to save himself.

The underlined seems like deflection and I don't think he as scum would deflect to his buddy.
I'm confused. Do you think we're buddies or not?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'm asking them if they think if you were buddies, if you two would set up a post 'I'm expecting this' and then you post whatever he was expecting RIGHT AFTER.

The rest of the post I explain why I think that you two aren't buddies, and that is what I think. Considering he was voting for you and wanting people to go your way, I feel it is NOT a bus.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Yeah, I think I get what you mean. I think I'm just tired and annoyed and I'm not thinking clearly, you make a good point about it but there's also the perspective that Badwolf didn't want his partner lynched but only did the case (as you said) for distancing purposes. I find the connection between them flimsy and I don't understand Vinyl's. need to keep Badwolf at arm's reach this whole time, stating he's scum yet doing nothing about it. And when that time comes around and Badwolf finally responds with a case, he unvotes after he gets sheeped and tries to say he's going to go after everyone who voted Vinyl. What was the need for a case there in the first place?
The general picture holds ground gambit wise. More from a distanced perspective a bit before the case. Namely Monstr. initialed the vote on Vinyl. with his undying D1 persistence then Badwolf came in to put Vinyl. at L-2 which Tyr bandwagoned putting Vinyl. in at L-1. Badwolf realizing his partner has been put at the verge of the mishammer needs to decide whether to go all in or pull back his pieces and unvotes to lay consideration in how to progress. Vinyl. begins to get pressured by Ran-Rag in which Vinyl. is put at L-1 and Badwolf tries to hammer in some credit.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
The general picture holds ground gambit wise. More from a distanced perspective a bit before the case. Namely Monstr. initialed the vote on Vinyl. with his undying D1 persistence then Badwolf came in to put Vinyl. at L-2 which Tyr bandwagoned putting Vinyl. in at L-1. Badwolf realizing his partner has been put at the verge of the mishammer needs to decide whether to go all in or pull back his pieces and unvotes to lay consideration in how to progress. Vinyl. begins to get pressured by Ran-Rag in which Vinyl. is put at L-1 and Badwolf tries to hammer in some credit.
So no matter what the flip is I'm screwed?

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
The post was speculative, general, flimsy, and weak. If anything you should have felt compelled to destroy it.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Vinyl. (4); Monstmrna, Ragnarock, Ranmaru, TyranitarPhantom

As the second day in the jungle wore on, accusations flew left and right until the villains reached a consensus. Those FOX members disguised among them did their best to hold their nerve, as all eyes turned to Vinyl.

"I am the PAIN!" he shouted, as they closed in on him. "You will know my anguish!". But his shouting ceased as he collapsed, and those around him backed away, already arguing amongst themselves once again.

Just as before, a member of the Cobra Unit had fallen. Just as before, an explosion and a name rang out across the jungle, as the sun slowly set.

Vinyl. has been lynched!

The PAIN, Vanilla Villain

will suffer this life no more!


Deadline for Night Actions is 11.59 AM EST on Tuesday, 18th September!

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

The villains slept uneasily through their second night; and though the sounds of the jungle seemed much louder than before, that had little to do with their unease.

There was all sorts of motion in the night, but nothing could break the tension in the air; the sense that there was a FOX on the prowl.

At daybreak, when the villains awoke, they looked around at who amongst them could no longer be roused, but while weary and bleary-eyed, it seemed everyone could be accounted for.

No-one died in the night!

Everyone slept as soundly as you’d expect...



Acrostic (0);
TyranitarPhantom (0);
BadWolf28738 (0);
Monstmrna (0);
Ranmaru (0);
Ragnarock (0);

Not Voting (6); Acrostic, TyranitarPhantom, Badwolf28738, Monstmrna, Ranmaru, Ragnarock.

With 6 alive it takes 4 to lynch!
Deadline is Friday, September 28th, at 7PM EST.


"Make no mistake, there is a spy among us"
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