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Newbie 18: Rosario Vampire Mafia ~Game Over, Town Wins!~ BadWolf Foiled!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Aight first off


that handles that

Second of all since i missed RVS: VOTE: Vinly
I like leather more

Vote: Anomandaris_Rake
Maybe you'll post now?
I would have loved to post but catching my arm between 2 cars tends to slow my posting down

What is rake doing, btw? He hasn't done anything yet. :/
Getting my arm broken, Sorry for the lack of updates but i literally worked a double shift, then went to work next day and got my arm slammed between two cars when some new kid decided driving a car forward with no license was safe.

I'm not joking.

Vinyl, why do you keep asking people for reads? You do realize that being redundant and asking different people for reads isn't town telling and makes you look suspicious, right?

@HipsterSister - What were you trying to achieve by posting that read list?
Have to agree with this by Bardull, that reads list was filler imo and not very good filler, and the last part seemed like a way to look busy, an actual reads list would be nice , seeing as what was there wasn't much of anything.

Well you're certainly not proving my point wrong, are you? Don't expect acting like this is going to get anyone to listen to you nor expect it for people to fear you, I've tried acting like this and trying to gain superiority. It doesn't work, unless you're a player like Ryker.

You are not Ryker, and you are definitely not going to be doing this on my watch, respond to JDietz in a more formal manner or expect me to tunnel you into the ground.
Formal manner would be nice , but maybe this informal stuff is a way to ruffle feathers and get people unseated, also with soup /replacing out , what happens to your read on his slot @Bardull


I told you what was scummy about it, you blatantly ignored JDietz' question and merely egged on him by calling him bad, then you obnoxiously say that you calling him bad was your answer, when you showed no effort in the first place to legitimately answer it. This is not townie, I don't expect a town to blow something off like that or find reasoning to do that.
Blowing off actual reasoning worries me, although with the huge "fight " that went on reasoning was sort of out the window, still as I originally stated: blowing off reasoning : makes me lean scum on Bardull, will be re-reading all posts today after i get this down to form stronger opinions.

And if you said that, it would JDietz opportunity to explain his reasoning to call you out on that. Did you think about this? You completely shut down all discussion.

Bardull, you did not give an inclination for that vote being RVS or not, all you said was "let's get this show on the road." JDietz called you out on this, what do you think of Dietz for calling you out on this? Why are you voting Zen?

Zen wouldn't know either, you did not make your intentions clear and your post was completely useless, whether you want to think so or not. You would have likely got the same response JDietz gave you.
I think JD calling him on it was a interesting development, mainly because calling someone out that early means that you must think something about their post was scummy or your trying to see what sort of reaction you'd get. Also @JD: not sure if you answered this but why did you call him out on it ?

You didn't plan this. You had no plan, you ****ed up on a massive scale and I called you out. I think you're scum, I'm not even playing with you.
Gotta agree that Bardull did mess up, But as i haven't made a full read yet this post kinda seems odd as: personal feelings aside, if Bardull is town, then ignoring him as town would not be good, but not playing with him if Soup were mafia would mean that he was someone Soup would want to get rid of fast to "help town " against Bardull's posting / attitude. Also @ whoever replaces Soup: what is your read on Bardull, and in fact @ all what are your thoughts on the Soup / Bardull situation.

Vinyl speaks the truth and I also would like your reasonungs behind Soup being scum. If your going to get anywhere with this scum read you will want people on your side and right now you're pretty much alienating anyone who agrees with you.

Like this post, have to agree that alienating other townies when your town isn't a good thing to do considering they won't take your reads as seriously , which would effect towns ability to hunt scum.

But, my condescending attitude isn't anti-town or scummy. This is a blatant admittance from you that you're not looking for scum, you're simply trying to "put me in my place."

Secondly, I responded to your question with a legitimate answer.

Now explain to me why you still think I'm scum still, Soup.
This post seems to hit at the core point bewteen the two that i saw at least, Soup had some reasons for thinking Bardull was scum, but it was mainly the attitude thing , @ all: you can correct me if you think this could be read a different way

It's terribly anti-town and if you can't see that I have no hope left in you. I'm willing to stake a mislynch at hand but you have no use to me at all. I am not trying to put you in your place, I am not trying to teach you a lesson, I am trying to get rid of something I think is a determent to town, so either shape up or get lynched.

It's your choice.
Then soup posted this and made me re-think exactly to what extent the anti-town was in regards to Bardull's attitude. No one should be willing to mislynch though, very bad town attitude to lynch a town member due to attitude issues, makes me think Soups slot may have scum intentions, so I'm leaning scum due to that part of the post.

Even a detriment to town is still a town member until it is proven beyond a doubt that they are scum, why risk losing a town member so early ? Something to consider.

Actually at this point I'm trusting the non-actives more than you. Hipster hasn't said anything to hurt town but at least she put in her own opinions, even if they may be scummy. All you have done is instigate arguments that don't help town in the least, rather hurt us because we now get to sit through your pissy fit with Soup. Who by the way has given WAY more evidence that you are scum and he isn't.
Go take a bath you scum.
Woah , never trust anyone but yourself, inactives could be not posting for any number of reasons. Plus Hipsters opinions were a lot of filler imo @ everyone: filler or actual reads from Hipster and why?

Instigating arguments aside , it was worse for town to have those two duking it out and putting Bardull at L-1 this early.

What do you mean what is it. You're scum dude. Your thing on Vinyl makes no sense at all. And what was even the point of asking me what I'd thing about a quickhammerer? What could you have possibly gotten from it?
Opinions are opinions, maybe he just wanted one. The thing on Vinyl first time has made no sense to me, but maybe reading it again will help. Anywho : @Zen: what do you think about Shotty lurking and the whole Soup V Bardull thing from a read standpoint ?

I already told you my reasoning, I don't understand why you're bringing something up that isn't relatable to anything I've done right now, the point of it all was to pressure Vinyl. into a response, you know me well enough that I always have reasoning for things I do, and I know that you take caution when I can't seem to back them up sufficiently. It was a bad call on my part and that's all it's ever going to be.

Because it's relevant, certainly you would think we could possibly catch scum on opportunistic hammer? It's not about ending the day quickly, it's about getting rid of something I think is determent to town, I don't want bardull around if he's not going to be of use and if he's going to act this way, and on top of this I have solid reasons to think he could be scum too.

Okay, so what's your thought on this and why did you feel the need to add this? You said Bardull's attitude is scummy but is there something else that is making you think otherwise?
Pressure is fair enough, i didn't see it that way but I could have misread it.

Opportunistic hammer would only be good if Bardull was clear cut scum, which although his posting may have not been the greatest and his reasons absent at best, is still not enough proff for me at least to wamt a lynch this early on. @everyone: what do you think on quick lynch this early ? Helpful to town or scum trying to get a lynch then NK to deplete town while we fight amongst ourselves ?

God, you are pathetic. I really hope you're scum. Why the hell wouldn't you vote me? What am I to you Bardull? Am I dumb? Am I scum? What's the reasoning behind it? You've implied so many things but yet to back up any of it.
Good question, poorly worded imo, so @ everyone: what is Soups slot to you and why ? What do you think is driving his Bardull vote besides what he has already stated?

Alright, you want reads? Here you go:

Soup - Scum lean
Zen - Town lean

However, it's too early in the game to settle for Zen, and you're an idiot.

This game also only has 3-4 pages since the game started. Technically less. I think.

Vinyl is suspicious, Badwolf is ok. No word from Rake or Shotty.

HipsterSister sends me odd vibes. I dislike the read list she posted since it doesn't seem to be productive and looks to be filler. There's also the problem with openly stating that she's watching Vinyl's slot, but it seemed more like an attempt to come off as doing something, but not actually attempting to do anything to move Town forward.
Have to agree with the Hipster Sister portion of this ,

@Bardull why is Badwulf just ok and what makes Vinyl suspicious, would you say you suspect him as much as Soup ? And what are your thoughts on Shotty's lurking and Hipsters 2 posts ?

And then Shotty didn't post.
So true :/

Just because I don't want a quick lynch, however I will be back with a complete case against BarDulL.
I like the fact people are unvoting , quick lynches do not help town imo unless town is certain Bardull is scum.

@Badwolf: what about the other slots so far, thoughts on them ?

Lastly since this wall be crazy:

@everyone : intial thoughts on me ?

Where should I look ? Why should I look there ? And who is scummiest so far for you?

Lastly : VOTE: Shotty

Do something please

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
To be accurate: Not broken so much as pinched very tightly almost causing it to break (strong bones + slow moving car meant initial impact wasn't enough to break it). Made my arm made it excessively painful to move first couple days, I am able to be active now with it because I have been prescribed aspirin + my ability to angle my keyboard so that i don't have to move the effected arm.

According to doc, (it has been just about 7 days since) i should be 100 % within another week


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
No thoughts on you yet, but you started good.

And one part here dull, of you think I'm suspicious for asking people for reads then I think it's dumb. If you have any other reasons, then out with it.


Apr 3, 2008
@Bardull: Why didn't you just answer the question? You claim you knew what I would say and that I'd vote you for it if you didn't have a reason...? Because this is how it would have went down:

"RVS or no?"

"RVS or no?"
"Vote: Bardull"

That isn't logical. All I wanted to know was whether it was a legit vote or not, but you made it into this huge deal spanning an entire argument with Soup. Why?

@Vinyl: Stop bringing up that you're "Dumb town" every few posts. It was fine once but now you seem like you're actively trying to discredit yourself from being responsible for your own opinions.

@Rake: I legit just wanted to know if it was RVS or not. It was at a point in the game he could have had a legit reason for it or could have been RVSing so I asked.

@Zen: I support your effort not to have a quick-lynch, but don't turn this into white knighting Bardull. I think Soup was being sincere in this though maybe not the best possible play.

Current opinion: Bardull should go toDay once we're done chatting.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Formal manner would be nice , but maybe this informal stuff is a way to ruffle feathers and get people unseated, also with soup /replacing out , what happens to your read on his slot @Bardull
I don't know. I want to think he decided to rage quit because he realized I was Town and he couldn't change his course without either appearing to look weaker than me or because he realized he'd appear scummy in the midst of doing it, but it's hard to say.

His continued pressing against me and the points he was making had nothing to do with finding scum, it had everything to do with a personal dislike for myself. He proved this with his subsequent rage quit and request for replacement. This line of logic can be further extended by the fact that Soup wasn't necessarily in danger of being lynched, so I don't see a clear scum incentive for replacing out, although Zen had presumably developed a scum read on Soup and Soup's reaction to this was seemingly startled.

As I said earlier, dumb vs. scum. I'm sitting on my vote for the time being.

Blowing off actual reasoning worries me, although with the huge "fight " that went on reasoning was sort of out the window, still as I originally stated: blowing off reasoning : makes me lean scum on Bardull, will be re-reading all posts today after i get this down to form stronger opinions.
This was vague and unclear. Elaborate on this when you can.

Gotta agree that Bardull did mess up, But as i haven't made a full read yet this post kinda seems odd as: personal feelings aside, if Bardull is town, then ignoring him as town would not be good, but not playing with him if Soup were mafia would mean that he was someone Soup would want to get rid of fast to "help town " against Bardull's posting / attitude. Also @ whoever replaces Soup: what is your read on Bardull, and in fact @ all what are your thoughts on the Soup / Bardull situation.
How did I mess up? I never stated that I planned out what was going to happen after I was condescending. He came out with that from left field. No one can read the future.

This post seems to hit at the core point bewteen the two that i saw at least, Soup had some reasons for thinking Bardull was scum, but it was mainly the attitude thing , @ all: you can correct me if you think this could be read a different way
That's all it was. He was grasping massively hard at a scum read.

@Bardull why is Badwulf just ok and what makes Vinyl suspicious, would you say you suspect him as much as Soup ? And what are your thoughts on Shotty's lurking and Hipsters 2 posts ?
Badwulf has been somewhat town telling, I'll elaborate on this point in a bit. Vinyl spells all kinds of off to me because he's asking for reads from EVERYONE early in the game and being redundant about it. He also jumped on my bandwagon on the premise that I wasn't answering his question when I had already answered it and, IIRC, said he agreed with Soup? His vote is still on me which is odd considering I gave out my reads. He's asking for content while not outing content himself, and it comes across to me as an attempt to come off as town telling.

Dislike Hipster's two posts. Shotty needs to own up to his lurking and explain why he not only didn't unvote when I was at L-1, but also explain why he never said anything or tried to contribute while all that commotion was going on.

@everyone : intial thoughts on me ?

Town, although this is an odd question to be asking considering I don't see what you're looking for in this line of questioning...unless you believe yourself to be town telling in this post?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh, you did.

See, this is my point. If I out that my vote is RVS, the vote becomes useless. Why isn't this a good enough answer for you, JD?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Looked over your answer again, and you "just wondering" where my vote comes from is, in itself, anti-town. If you're playing a Town game, you're asking me that question on the premise that I'm suspicious, not to fulfill your own curiosity.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Rake said:
Opinions are opinions, maybe he just wanted one. The thing on Vinyl first time has made no sense to me, but maybe reading it again will help.
I don't get what you're saying here. What is your read on Soup?
Anywho : @Zen: what do you think about Shotty lurking and the whole Soup V Bardull thing from a read standpoint ?
I'm not sure why you're asking this since I have already stated both of these things. Don't like the lurking and Soup is more suspicious of Bardull.
@everyone : intial thoughts on me ?
Eh why did you ask this? As in what do you plan on getting from it?

Dietz said:
@Zen: I support your effort not to have a quick-lynch, but don't turn this into white knighting Bardull. I think Soup was being sincere in this though maybe not the best possible play.
I didn't plan on doing so. I have every right to have a town read as anyone else.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Well he was talking about me and something that has to do with pressuring me.
Which makes sense, I don't see how soup is scum. And then some parts is weird.

I'm giving it a null-town on him for now. Or just nothing, since he requested replacement.


Apr 3, 2008
@Zen: You have a right to a town read yes, but I haven't seen it explained. Would you mind going into more detail why you think Bardull is town.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2012
Hey guys, sorry about not posting last night. I had a bit of time since I couldn't get to sleep so I started to read through what had gone on, I got to page 4 @ 40ppp when I just zoned out because I realized I was too damn tired to think at all. Working on reading everything else from there to now, I'll let you guys know when I'm through it all.


Smash Rookie
May 9, 2012
El Swaggador
In response to the many people questioning why I posted my reads list: I hadn't posted in the game before that point and I wanted to share my opinions on the current situation to involve myself in some discussion. I was honestly trying to contribute by just letting others know what I was thinking.

Actually, I want everyone else to speak up and voice their thoughts on the entire situation.

Also, for the record, I'm at L-1.
I agree that Bardull was being unnecessarily aggressive which makes me want to distrust him, but he hasn't really done anything extraordinarily scummy. I wouldn't be comfortable voting him unless he proves himself to be more anti-town, so his slot is null to me for now.

It's terribly anti-town and if you can't see that I have no hope left in you. I'm willing to stake a mislynch at hand but you have no use to me at all. I am not trying to put you in your place, I am not trying to teach you a lesson, I am trying to get rid of something I think is a determent to town, so either shape up or get lynched.

It's your choice.
I don't like this post at all, because an attitude problem is no reason to lynch someone who isn't positively scum. It does nothing at all for town. This almost makes me want to think that Soup might be scum, but:
/request replacement

I'm deeply sorry J but I cannot put up with this. I hope you respect my decision and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to IC, I just can't deal with Bardull's attitude any longer and it is going to drive me insane.

Thank you.
It was a much smarter move to request a replacement than to risk wrongly lynching a townie. However, it isn't apparent that this is the reasoning behind this post, since he states that Bardull's attitude drove him away. For now, FoS: Soup (or Soup's slot).

@everyone : intial thoughts on me ?

Where should I look ? Why should I look there ? And who is scummiest so far for you?
You seem town to me based on this post. I agree with a lot of your opinions. I think Shotty needs to be investigated because of the lurking situation, as well as Soup for reasons stated above.


Apr 3, 2008
You just told me not to white knight him and then ask me to go into why he is town. O::o
Lol... That is ironic, but that wasn't a loaded question. I just want to know why you have Bardull as town rather than null if that's where your read of Bardull is at right now. (I was just worried you would tunnel on Bardull = Town just because Soup had a breakdown and not because of Bardull's play)

Anyways I finished a re-read of the topic in question.

Unfortunately for us both, JD isn't an idiot. He would say that he wanted to see if I had legitimate reasoning for a Zen vote, and if I didn't, he would have voted for me. It would have lead to nothing.
Oh, you did.

See, this is my point. If I out that my vote is RVS, the vote becomes useless. Why isn't this a good enough answer for you, JD?
Bardull: what exactly did you expect would happen in both scenarios (where you say "It was RVS" and where you say "You're bad" as a response). Lay it out for me so I can follow your logic. I understand you didn't want to out it as RVS, but in my opinion simply saying so and moving conversation to why I asked would have been equally beneficial. What were you hoping to gain in response specifically by replying "You're bad."

Just because I don't want a quick lynch, however I will be back with a complete case against BarDulL.
We'll hold you to this then.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Bardull: what exactly did you expect would happen in both scenarios (where you say "It was RVS" and where you say "You're bad" as a response). Lay it out for me so I can follow your logic. I understand you didn't want to out it as RVS, but in my opinion simply saying so and moving conversation to why I asked would have been equally beneficial. What were you hoping to gain in response specifically by replying "You're bad."
Exactly as you postulated. If I said it was RVS, discussion ends there. You respond with "because I was curious." But being curious isn't town-telling unless you're Ranmaru. It's anti-town and serves to aid no one. That's why I responded with "you're bad." Attacking your ego could result in a scummy and fake response. Or a nervous break down.

You haven't substantiated your BarDulL scum read whatsoever, so hand it over when you can.


Apr 3, 2008
There isn't one for the time being, you're null to me after looking it over with a more open mind. I don't agree with your logic for thinking "You're bad" was a better response than simply replying and letting me take it from there, but everything after it during the argument is mostly null. So far my posturing around your slot has mostly been to fulfill curiosity of both why you replied the way you did, and why Zen appeared to have gained a town read from the argument.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
~Vote Count 1.5~

1.) Vinyl. {1 -
} - Jdietz
2.) Jdietz43 {0} -
3.) BadWolf28738 {0} -
4.) HipsterSister {0} -
5.) BarDulL {3 -
} - Shottymaster, Vinyl., Soup~
6.) Anomandaris_Rake {0} -
7.) Shottymaster {1 -
} - Anomandaris_Rake
8.) Ramen King {0} -
9.) Soup~ {1 -
} - BarDulL

Not Voting {3 -
} - BadWolf28738, HipsterSister, Ramen King

With 9 people alive, it takes 5 to Lynch!

Deadline is set for June 3rd, at 12:00pm Midnight!

Getting a replacement for Soup~ as quick as I can!


Apr 3, 2008
Vote: Shotty

Let's see some activity. We already know you lurked last game as scum, we won't be offering you that option here if we can help it.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2012
Just finished with my full read-through of the game.

FoS @ Soup's slot, not quite sure what to think of him but he does seem slightly scummy due to the way he interacted with Bardull.

Bardull: Probably town, what I got from his ordeal with Soup is "F*** you, I'm town so if you lynch me you're screwing yourselves." Douchebag, but probably town.

Everyone else is either slight town read or null.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2012
Vote: Shotty

Let's see some activity. We already know you lurked last game as scum, we won't be offering you that option here if we can help it.
Well, I can't ride on J's shoulders to an almost-victory this game, now can I? ;)


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Current opinion: Bardull should go toDay once we're done chatting.
There isn't one for the time being, you're null to me after looking it over with a more open mind. I don't agree with your logic for thinking "You're bad" was a better response than simply replying and letting me take it from there, but everything after it during the argument is mostly null. So far my posturing around your slot has mostly been to fulfill curiosity of both why you replied the way you did, and why Zen appeared to have gained a town read from the argument.
Did you just try to do what I think you tried to do?

Vote: JD

Explain this epiphany of yours and where it came from. Open mindedness is simply far too broad and vague for comfort. Seems more like an obvious change of heart after a failed push for a BarDulL lynch.


Apr 3, 2008
Did you just try to do what I think you tried to do?

Vote: JD

Explain this epiphany of yours and where it came from. Open mindedness is simply far too broad and vague for comfort. Seems more like an obvious change of heart after a failed push for a BarDulL lynch.
I just re-read with the mindset of "Bardull is town telling Soup off" and after that all your rebuttals to him seemed less like scum and more like general personal ****ery between the two of you. First time I read through I already had it in mind you were scum for making a big deal out of my simple question so it looked worse.

This is not to be confused with liking what you did, or thinking it was constructive.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
what do you think on quick lynch this early ? Helpful to town or scum trying to get a lynch then NK to deplete town while we fight amongst ourselves ?
Fast lynches are NEVER good. Right now it's a lot of finger pointing and accusations. The only real evidence has been very scare and when there weak. It's more helpful to the scum at this point to see us glaring at each other with spite and hate.

all what are your thoughts on the Soup / Bardull situation.
It's a hard guess right now. I suspect both of them, but not sure who's the scummiest out of the two. @BarDulL You have made some accusations against Soup's slot. Where is the backing for this?

what is Soups slot to you and why ? What do you think is driving his Bardull vote besides what he has already stated?
Soup is mixed. He gives me really differing reads all within the span of a couple of posts. I do think that his vote on BarDulL has/had some backing, but was more for the initial response. I personally do think that at this point BarDulL is the most scummy.

Where should I look ? Why should I look there ? And who is scummiest so far for you?
Look for the BarDulL vs. Soup. I think that at this point it's scum vs. townie but not sure on who.

We'll hold you to this then.
I'm going through the archives now and laying down the entire case.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I just re-read with the mindset of "Bardull is town telling Soup off" and after that all your rebuttals to him seemed less like scum and more like general personal ****ery between the two of you. First time I read through I already had it in mind you were scum for making a big deal out of my simple question so it looked worse.

This is not to be confused with liking what you did, or thinking it was constructive.
Didn't you just say I was null? Why are you now saying that you read me as Town?

Dot dot dot.

Think we found our first scum, gents.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Badwolf, you should read. I posted my thoughts and reasoning for SoupScum and DumbSoup. Still waiting on the Soup replacement.

More votes on JD please.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
I'll consider it. Probably.
I know pre-game and all that jazz, but at this point we already knew our roles. He was either being stupid and revealing or just trying to be coy. I don't like the fact that he was playing around with the fact that he might be scum.

I intend to make short work of you (@Vinyl)
He doesn't even seem to try to get reads on anyone before going straight into lynch mode. This was his third post?

You're bad.
He's avoiding the question. This is not even a funny answer. It surprises me that he even tried to pull this in the first place.

Your vote was almost as startling as the vote in my first post of the game, Soup.
Anndd now he's being condescending. Not only does this post not make any ground for town it instigated the wonderfully long pissy fit between Soup and him. So even if he is town he's being an idiot. Scum want's us to do this! You're not making any good arguments.

That's anti-town and silly of you, Soup.
Still condescending...

And you're being an idiot while you're at it.
Oh! He added being insulting to the list!

Now explain why it's scummy to me, and I'll explain to you why I didn't answer it.
While still in the middle of the "fight". He decides to yet again try and dodge the question directed at him.

Are you going to play the game anytime soon?
Condescending yet again....

Soup, explain to me how JD's line of questioning would potentially catch scum when I could EASILY backpedal out of the vote and say it was RVS?
Very clearly creating a backdoor for him to slip out of in case of emergency. Why would he want to backpedal unless he made a mistake? He is giving out scum reads all over the place.

This is a blatant admittance from you that you're not looking for scum, you're simply trying to "put me in my place."
Anger, accusations without backing.... The list goes on.

Your King of Thieves is here, and I intend to make short work of you and your ridiculous Kirby avatar. Those are my thoughts this very instant.

You seem a little odd this game, Vinyl. That's one read for you. Why are you acting strange? Also, what do you think of Soup/Hipster?
This was my response to the Vinyl question regarding my reads
Wow! Great read! Except for the other 8 players in the game that was a great full read!

Zen: Unfortunate that you voted him. My prediction was that you would have voted me which would have been a town tell.
I trust Zen. He is a townie all the way if not doctor. I have seen him play in other games and his reads usually turn out right. If he was able to set up and get BarDulL into giving yet another scum tell, I say congrats.

I wouldn't have voted for you since we're on the same wave length. I wasn't going to vote for Soup~ though until he continued tunneling me after you made your ultimatum.
Confused by this post. At this point he had said that he had a scum read on Soup, but only because of tunneling.

Soup - Scum lean
Zen - Town lean

However, it's too early in the game to settle for Zen, and you're an idiot.

This game also only has 3-4 pages since the game started. Technically less. I think.

Vinyl is suspicious, Badwolf is ok. No word from Rake or Shotty.

HipsterSister sends me odd vibes. I dislike the read list she posted since it doesn't seem to be productive and looks to be filler. There's also the problem with openly stating that she's watching Vinyl's slot, but it seemed more like an attempt to come off as doing something, but not actually attempting to do anything to move Town forward.
Finally a somewhat decent scrape at being town. This helps his case but he still has a whole lot of crap against him.

By the way, I'm actually Town.
Claiming? Already? Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that was a LAST resort. Something that you don't do unless you want to be NK'ed.

my logic is sound
What logic? "Oh I might get lynched! RAGE!!!!" <- is not logic.


Even if BarDulL is town, he isn't helping very much. To be more precise he is causing arguments that have no where to go except with a replacement. I don't think that he's very committed to a town win or at least not showing it well. I believe my final word in this is: REALLY DUMB, or REALLY SCUM.

#HBC | BadWolf

Crusader of Ponies
May 1, 2012
Right behind you.
EBWOP: whoops... Just realised that I put first post in green but every thing else is white... Sorry...
And I do want to hear some actual reasonable arguments against this Bar.


Apr 3, 2008
Didn't you just say I was null? Why are you now saying that you read me as Town?

Dot dot dot.

Think we found our first scum, gents.
(you just enjoy being lynched first don't you)

I didn't say you were town Bardull. I said I re-read with a mindset of you being town telling off Soup to see if it fit (and it did relatively ok so you're null). Like I said: this is not to be confused with me thinking what you did was good or constructive. (i.e. not a town read)


Smash Rookie
May 9, 2012
El Swaggador
@Badwolf: Your case includes some valid points that I do agree with, but a lot of your arguments against Bardull consist of him being condescending/aggressive and avoiding questions. These are definitely suspicious, but I don't think they are necessarily a scum-tell. I feel like Bardull's arrogance made him come off as unfriendly and scummy, but the case isn't actually as strong as it seems. The two points that really stuck out to me as scummy were the following:

Soup, explain to me how JD's line of questioning would potentially catch scum when I could EASILY backpedal out of the vote and say it was RVS?
By the way, I'm actually Town.
The claiming was not a good move, but I don't think it's enough to convince me to vote for him.
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