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Newbie 17 - Breaking Bad Mafia! Game over! Who won?


Apr 3, 2008
Try to take over the world lynch scum?

Alright, I'm just telling you I'm not feeling it. Dumb there's no doubt, scum I'm not seeing.


Apr 3, 2008
That's pretty spacious... you can't rely on J to do it for you. What are you really going to do if Vinyl turns out to be town. Who are you looking at next? (and what if he is scum, what then)

Vote: Vitamin

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Jdietz I am not understanding this hard defense at all or how you see Vinyl. at the slightest being town.


Apr 3, 2008
Because he's dumb as bricks but the only thing I had him scum for was Ran's behavior and their read of each other as town. Give me something of Vinyl's that paints him scum on his own merit and we'll talk.

Why do you want Vinyl more than Vitamin after saying yourself:
Zen I didn't even read your case but #601 from Vitamin is grimy as ****


Apr 3, 2008
I'm waiting you two.

Zen: I'm straight up calling you out for this, how can you be turning from Vitamin after your own push to a case as piss weak as Vinyl. Soup shows up and suddenly everything is go-go? You know we get the most out of a Vitamin flip out of anyone on the lynch list toDay. The burden of proof is on you two for substantiating this decision.


Apr 3, 2008
Yeah, I just did an ISO on Vinyl and I'm still not buying it. He's done nothing wrong besides been bullied by me and Zen into voting Ran. There's no way to legitimately think he's the best lynch for today.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Because he's dumb as bricks but the only thing I had him scum for was Ran's behavior and their read of each other as town. Give me something of Vinyl's that paints him scum on his own merit and we'll talk.

Why do you want Vinyl more than Vitamin after saying yourself:
His insistence to not do anything at all except coast idly and not even abide to his own reads that he had, I've yet to see Vinyl. take one hard stance this whole game and it's frankly not cutting it.


Apr 3, 2008
And this incriminates him over the likes of Serin who has had no reads whatsoever? I don't buy it. He's weak but basic probability pegs him as dumb town over dumb scum.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Please explain to me any town intention Vinyl. has in any amount of posts he has ever made, tell me how his is genuinely dumb town.


Apr 3, 2008
Sure, here's what I see. There's town intent behind each of these:

Pressures Vitamin for things he finds suspicious (some of the very same things we've brought against him toDay):
TIme to squeeze your juices.

A Change of fate eh?

I thought you said you were, of course.....

That he is scum, and yet your are not fully under it?

So you deny it was irrational....

And then it's as almost as if you said it was.

But your reasoning was more weaker than his. Would he come to a conclusion for this first statement?
Calls me out for something he thinks I'm dodging from his town read:
Diet Salad, you're must be dodging ran's recent question.
Pressures Serin for being inactive:
Serin man, what are you even doing.

Vote: o-Serin-o
Points out valid concerns with Serin's scant activity:
For the lurking, he's being more of a judge than an attorney.

Fingers too quick? Did he actually read everything?

There are enough reasons on who scum and why and he's saying you and rest are pointing fingers too quick?
We don't want opinions for on each page, we want reasons and proof.

Going, "Oh, this dude is clearly scum" does not cut it.
Kary = Scum, Ran = Town which turned out accurate:
I do agree that ran should not be lynched toDay, but I'm still unsure about this.
I'll read ran's and determine it. And I'm putting my eyes on Kary too.
Misguided here, but gives his reasoning:
His questions are worth answering. He gives out those questions that give out a strong point.
I don't think he unanswered a single question here, and that's why I think he town.

And why are you not answering them? Give out a reason.
Corrects himself when it's pointed out to him (still dumb... but):
I've recently read jd's post, so the reason is off.

So, if anyone is gonna do a wagon on ran, just make share tht he claims first.
And zen, if you're gonna make a wagon for me, you better start elaborating on why I'm scum.

But answer my question in bold first.
Is the origin of the Kary pressure at the end of D1 which lead to scum:
loooooooooooooool, it's almost as if you're against lurkers while defending serin?

What the hell?

Vote: Kary

I showed you mine: now you show me yours.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
V/LA this weekend due to Prom

I'll try to be fully caught up by the time I get back. Zen and J team ICs, this is almost too good to be true! xD


Apr 3, 2008
I'm out for tonight, but my point of view is out there. If you can give me some fantastic reasons for lynching Vinyl I'll reconsider my lynch order, but otherwise he's below Vitamin and Serin (on the same level as Aleate)

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So you're prospecting Vinyl. on the matter of what he's posted but haven't looked into his intention of doing things yet?

Tell me anything that feels even slightly genuine there or showing some sort of motivation to hunt scum? They all look like potshots to me on an ill chance that it will stick and some people will think he's scumhunting, when in reality he hasn't nothing sufficient to back up his statements or logic because he is either not interested or he is scum only looking for the easy way out.

Either way, the slot needs to either put up some massive work or die immediately.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
You are thinking with a perspective that Vinyl. is not an adamant player and he should be cut slack, his lack of reasoning and determinable thought is just dumb town to you.

That's no good.

Dumb town may not be the best arguers, the best leaders, but they certainly having something telling that makes them dumb town. I wouldn't call Vinyl. town, I would call Vinyl. either quite possibly the laziest town i've ever seen or a scum who is just sitting on his head, and i'm going to go with the latter because there is nothing that he's done that shows any instance of wanting to hunt scum.

Tell me one time you felt like Vinyl. had true intention to do things, tell me one time you saw a Vinyl. post and felt the content had some merit.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm gonna big a big guy and try to convince this point to you loud and clear, and I will even use the same quotes you made for him being town:

JDietz said:
Pressures Vitamin for things he finds suspicious (some of the very same things we've brought against him toDay):
Vinyl. said:
TIme to squeeze your juices.

A Change of fate eh?

I thought you said you were, of course.....

That he is scum, and yet your are not fully under it?

So you deny it was irrational....

And then it's as almost as if you said it was.

But your reasoning was more weaker than his. Would he come to a conclusion for this first statement?
You're telling me scum can't pressure scum, please. What about Vinyl's. early RVS post?

Vinyl. said:
FoS on vitaminC after what I've read. Details later.

Also serin, better not be lurking again, man. :p

He never goes back on this, he just drops it like it's absolutely nothing and comes back to it wayyy later. I don't see many town sticking with something then just immeditealy dropping their thought moments after, like I said I'm not going to put Vinyl. at high standards but I am going to put him at TOWN standards. These are not town standards. You do not initiate an FoS and not follow up on it, you don't state things unless you have actual reasoning to it.

Calls me out for something he thinks I'm dodging from his town read:

Vinyl. said:
Diet Salad, you're must be dodging ran's recent question.
What does this matter? Does he ever follow up on it? Does he show reasoning to be concerned? Where does this all branch from? It's easy to fake town reasoning, but it's hard to have it.

Pressures Serin for being inactive:

Vinyl. said:
Serin man, what are you even doing.

Vote: o-Serin-o
Once again, what does this matter? What's his intention to going to this again? You want me to reach and say he's concerned about not calling out his partner enough, because I could say it and say it proudly, either he's got a gut feeling about Serin about something or he's clinging to this way too hard.

Do I even need to quote the last branch? If he had these concerns, he's all the damn time in the world to think about it, things like this just don't appear and go away, you either have an opinion about it, or you don't. Here Vinyl. just seems to be clinging to his own statements without actively pushing it, he makes one measly post about activity and you want to assume that's dumb town gold??

Kary = Scum, Ran = Town which turned out accurate:

Vinyl. said:
I do agree that ran should not be lynched toDay, but I'm still unsure about this. I'll read ran's and determine it. And I'm putting my eyes on Kary too.
You're telling me scum can't call-out other scum? or defend a town wagon for brownie points? Where's the meaning behind looking at Kary? Why isn't he more inclined to give reasoning about it? Why is he just sitting there and saying things, but not putting effort towards them? Am I getting to you yet??

Misguided here, but gives his reasoning:

Vinyl. said:
His questions are worth answering. He gives out those questions that give out a strong point. I don't think he unanswered a single question here, and that's why I think he town.

And why are you not answering them? Give out a reason.
And...he doesn't follow up. Is that it? Really? Are you seriously buying this as legitimate.

Corrects himself when it's pointed out to him (still dumb... but):

Vinyl. said:
I've recently read jd's post, so the reason is off.

So, if anyone is gonna do a wagon on ran, just make share tht he claims first.
And zen, if you're gonna make a wagon for me, you better start elaborating on why I'm scum.

But answer my question in bold first.
Who cares??? I can correct myself all day if you want. I can tell you something else too, I can tell you that his trying him damned hardest to find some way to look town, whether it be making filler statements like 'make sure he claims first' or getting defensive when Zen starts to make a wagon on him. When he has he shown this effort anywhere else? He is no concerned with anything at all.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Forgot the quote the last one, but it's the same damn story, you're expecting that scum don't interact with scum by saying he deserves all credit for one measly vote on Kary.


Apr 3, 2008
Alright, I'll give you that. It's true the only real thing I think he's a townie for is Ran's opinion and the rest is just discrediting him for the fact he's a moron. But I'm afraid of mislynching someone just for being terrible, it happened before with Bardull in Gigabots and here with Ran.

Now why would we lynch him ahead of Vitamin? You give me a solid answer for that one and I'll consider joining you.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Sorry for being a little bit afk. I'llbe available tonight.

A quick question for everyone, since Shotty and Vitamin seem to be the biggest targets for lynch right now. Who would you suggest we look into during the next day phase (Include if they flip town or scum)


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Alright, I'll give you that. It's true the only real thing I think he's a townie for is Ran's opinion and the rest is just discrediting him for the fact he's a moron. But I'm afraid of mislynching someone just for being terrible, it happened before with Bardull in Gigabots and here with Ran.

Now why would we lynch him ahead of Vitamin? You give me a solid answer for that one and I'll consider joining you.
Because he's a slot that needs to put up or die, he has nothing conclusive with his play and it's going to be an unneeded duck hunt keeping him around.


Apr 3, 2008
Hmm alright. I'll help you out. I'd be lying if I said I thought he was ever going to be a game winning player and he's dividing town. We should have enough wiggle room ML wise.

Vote: Vinyl

I suppose we can let Vitamin be sorted out by his rival mafia faction if he's mafia as well... let them worry about it tonight.

Now, what are we going to do about Serin? He's in the same situation as Vinyl, just minus the actual half ***** contribution.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Also, I'm answering questions with an answer, why do you think I had suspicion on vitamin and why do you think I dropped it?

There are plenty of reasons you should consider reading.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Honestly, I couldn't be so sure as of why you think I suspiciously dropped down when others around would just try to vote me thinking that I'm scum buddies with ran.

Because all I see on vitamin was voti ran early, making odd reasons as of why he's scum when he's town.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I want you to elaborate on your thought process, not give me excuses. Look at my post and please refer to any questions I gave to you.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2012
Honestly, I couldn't be so sure as of why you think I suspiciously dropped down when others around would just try to vote me thinking that I'm scum buddies with ran.

Because all I see on vitamin was voti ran early, making odd reasons as of why he's scum when he's town.
Re-word what you said here in a less-confusing manner.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Vinyl. could you tell me how early game you posted a hard stance on VitaminC yet completely dodged the thought immediately? I don't even think (from my quick ISO skim) I saw anything productive regarding it. Did it drop? Did you have a change of mind? Why are you clinging to Zen's reasoning now and how does it suffice with your initial ones?
Like jdietz said, I'm being Vinyl.

I'm not the professional player who can easily correct what I said, because it was the best I could say.
I went from a suspicion on vitamin to a dumb suspicion on jdietz, which I apparently became unaware that I forgot about vitamin.

I was gonna get back to that, until I've got voted because they think I was scum buddies with ran, which turned out to be town buddies instead.

And why did I vote ran? Because I got pushed into voting him.
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