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Newbie 17 - Breaking Bad Mafia! Game over! Who won?


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Kary was mafia and was killed during N1? Thats a very interesting move on the mafia part. Especially since we had already had hunches of Kary to begin with. Everyone we need to jump on this. 1 mafia down, 1 more to go (I believe)



Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Yes. It's in the OP that this is a special setup known as Fire & Ice mafia. There are two mafia factions each consisting of two players. One faction is the Fire faction and on faction is the Ice faction. Hence the name of the setup Fire & Ice.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Oh Thats great to know, I thought this ended up being a standard mafia setup, not F/I. But cool cool. We got this :)

But yeah I'm legitimently surprised he was a vanilla



ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
That was just me counting the number of players :L

Zen lets get focused here. Who are you thinking is scum?



Sunny skies
Oct 6, 2009
Vancouver, BC
Oh, I didn't realize there were two factions of Scum as well. I thought it meant two had different abilities from the other two.

Vote: Vinyl.

Vinyl voted Kary initially, but after a bunch of arguments and more of us getting suspicious of him I think he decided to tone it down and afterwards he just followed the bandwagon and voted Ran off.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
gog dammit it makes me sad pressuring someone with this avatar ;____;

I don't think I'd even ever be able to vote you with this

Another thing though Ori is this is your 4th? game. Why on earth would you think that the mafia killed themselves. I really don't buy that.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
RVS is random. There's nothing random going on here. Defensive of Ori eh Shaawty?

For the record Shawty you don't have to particularly flow with the rest of the crowd. You're more than welcome to pursue Vynl. if you feel it is the best use of your time and the best direction to go.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2012
RVS is random. There's nothing random going on here. Defensive of Ori eh Shaawty?

For the record Shawty you don't have to particularly flow with the rest of the crowd. You're more than welcome to pursue Vynl. if you feel it is the best use of your time and the best direction to go.
Wasn't being defensive of Ori; Actually the opposite, I was being critical of him. He said that he was still up for a Vinyl lynch and after Ran flipping town I think we should hold off for now. We have a while to plan out the next lynch, no need to rush it.


Apr 3, 2008
Well, looks like Ran really was town... I have no idea how that was even possible with his play. I hope people can forgive me for being the one to push him through, but we got info at least, and Kary down.

I'm definitely going to have to re-read yet again with Kary confirmed scum (btw, I love how he thought it was subtle when he was "dashed" he wasn't in the fire mafia lol)

@Ori: Why should I even consider letting you live if you don't have the wherewithal to even look at the setup info to understand what the game is? Especially given your posting habits D1. Even as a townie that would be detrimental to town.

@Zen: What do you think of both Ori and Aleate being so much more active suddenly D2.

Vote: Ori-bro for now


Apr 3, 2008
I as well as everyone else is going to have to look carefully to weigh Vinyl between Dumb or Scum.


Apr 3, 2008
EBWOP: My comment regarding Ori's uselessness goes for Aleate too. Why didn't you actually read the setup? And why should I be ok with that?


Smash Rookie
Aug 30, 2009
Northern VA
Rahhh. At least Kary was scum. So, does everyone think we should get on an inactive, or do we have a good candidate or two to interrogate? I'm not sure I'm following so closely on the Vinyl train, but we'll see how D2 plays out.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Vinyl voted Kary initially, but after a bunch of arguments and more of us getting suspicious of him I think he decided to tone it down and afterwards he just followed the bandwagon and voted Ran off.
I've only been pushed because of jdietz here. I was still not intending to vote ran, but kary.

Just so you know, I was right about ran being town too.
So this scum buddy thing, is off.


Smash Rookie
Mar 29, 2012
Rahhh. At least Kary was scum. So, does everyone think we should get on an inactive, or do we have a good candidate or two to interrogate? I'm not sure I'm following so closely on the Vinyl train, but we'll see how D2 plays out.
Vinyl and Ori seem to be the popular consensus as of now.

What do you guys think about the Ran town flip? I haven't really heard many opinions.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Hey Hey Hey HEY not really any new posts today? Well alright then.

KARY fun playing with you man. You should definitely join some more games. I'm interested in seeing your town play. (Don't respond to this btw).

Well my suspicions for today are between Jdietz, Ori, Vitamin, and Vinyl. We could throw in Serin in their as well. Wow that's a lot.

Alright from those 5 I'd say Vinyl is the most suspicious. I'd definitely be fine with his lynch. Second I would have to go with Vitamin. The way he hopped on Ran was extremely weird. His reasoning just didn't line up. I'll look back on it just a bit and bring up quotes for what I mean.

As for Dietz, well the way he hopped on the Kary wagon was odd. Out of no where. It was like he didn't want to be left out of it even though he made it clear that he only wanted to lynch Ran on d1. The thing is the moment he got a chance to he jumped off of Kary really quickly. It was like why did he even vote him in the first place you know?

I'm still waiting on Ori to respond because I don't but that he thought mafia targeted themselves. It seems to me like he is trying to fake ignorance. He has played 3 games before this one and should understand the basic concept of mafia's kills. They wouldn't kill themselves.

Vinyl well he supposedly had a town read on Ran yet voted him the moment he got a chance to. He was actually very vote happy yesterday. I'm going to have to reread his posts though. I just remembered I didn't like how he had such a strong town read on Ran out of no where.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill

oh and I just realized that one of the kills was stopped by the doc (or the fire mafia just didn't kill anyone which I doubt). So whoever the doc targeted is not part of the fire mafia most likely.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Apologies for the quadruple post. Shawty what do you think about my thoughts on Dietz/what do you think about Dietz? I'd like your reads on Vitamin and Sailormoon as well.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Vinyl and Ori seem to be the popular consensus as of now.

What do you guys think about the Ran town flip? I haven't really heard many opinions.
Ran's town flip was utterly surprising. But I think he began to lose hope once we all were basically convinced he was scum. I'm going to try and look back when I can today since I'll be studying for finals.

I'm still waiting on Ori to respond because I don't but that he thought mafia targeted themselves. It seems to me like he is trying to fake ignorance. He has played 3 games before this one and should understand the basic concept of mafia's kills. They wouldn't kill themselves.
Sorry I actually feel asleep while posting a response and when I woke up the response had been deleted. I'm actually not faking ignorance, I have never played/heard of fire/ice mafia until this game (even then I didn't know I was in it till a few pages back). Your post, the I quoted below, now makes me understand how this format works.

Vinyl well he supposedly had a town read on Ran yet voted him the moment he got a chance to. He was actually very vote happy yesterday. I'm going to have to reread his posts though. I just remembered I didn't like how he had such a strong town read on Ran out of no where.

It is rather suspicious tbh. Vinyl how do you respond to this?

oh and I just realized that one of the kills was stopped by the doc (or the fire mafia just didn't kill anyone which I doubt). So whoever the doc targeted is not part of the fire mafia most likely.
That is great, I hope we can keep the doctor alive long as possible.

Welp, I'm going to study all the academics. I'll poke in to look at activity and try to post whenever I can throughout the day.


Apr 3, 2008
As for Dietz, well the way he hopped on the Kary wagon was odd. Out of no where. It was like he didn't want to be left out of it even though he made it clear that he only wanted to lynch Ran on d1. The thing is the moment he got a chance to he jumped off of Kary really quickly. It was like why did he even vote him in the first place you know?
Because wanting Ran first and foremost doesn't occlude me from aiding pressure for someone else scummy. Yes: I wanted Ran's lynch above all else and got it, but I was willing to loan my vote to make Kary that much more pressured and therefore obvious if scum. It's one thing to be voted, but when that guy who's had his vote on one person nearly all game hops to your wagon: it's terrifying. (or at least I 'd hope so)

I don't think anything of it. Why are you asking me this?
Because it rubs me the wrong way. It means at least on some level they weren't fully participating in D1 on purpose, and while they may not have actually had any positive effect even if they had been there, being absent ensures it. I wanted an IC's opinion on this whether it's significant or not since it irks me.

So far I agree with the choices for today, though I would put Vitamin above Vinyl. I had Vinyl as scum mostly on being dumb and heavy association with Ran. Now that he's confirmed town Vinyls case is back to vanilla Dumb or Scum.

Whereas Vitamin had a very strange relationship with both Kary (from the re-reading I've got done so far) and the Ran lynch. For instance: Jump back to early D1 and take a quick glance at posts #81-89. It's Ran, Vitamin, and Kary discussing, but Kary in particular seems to be using kid gloves when discussing Vitamin, Ran even seems suspicious of their relationship at this point. For instance: stating her opinion on Vitamin such as:
VitaminC- well, he seems ok to me. Apparently you called him on not putting a random vote out
Like there would be any other way for you to know beyond reading and seeing what's apparent? The way this is put sounds like Kary is silently acknowledging that he already knew the vote happened because Vitamin and him were discussing rather then just reading what was in thread. Then soon after:
@VitaminC: Sorry about the flurry of questions, but:
Do you think it's too early to be starting a waggon?
How serious do you think I am about the Shotty waggon?
How do you feel about me joining you in voting for Ranmaru?

Why are you sorry for asking someone lots of questions? It really seems like Kary was going to lengths to distance herself from making any solid comment on Vitamin while still talking to him. These are the vibes I get anyways.

Then later, Vitamin jumps on the Ran wagon for ill-explained reasons. When Ran asks him about it, things only get worse from the explanation standpoint, it's pretty clear Vitamin didn't have a really substantial reason other than that me and Zen were for it. I let it go at the time since I wanted all the people on the Ran wagon I could muster and could sort it out later. But now that Ran is confirmed town, this doesn't do Vitamin favors. As I recall saying to Ran once when he brought it up:
Finished quick re-read and an ISO on VitaminC.

@Ran: I could see how you would argue for Jdietz+Vitamin, but Vitamin's lack of solid case for voting you does not mitigate my own. I'll take votes for scum from an enemy scum faction if it comes down to that. If Vitamin is scum versus. n00b contradicting himself it should become apparent in a day or two.
Obviously we now know that Ran wouldn't have been an enemy scum to anybody, but Vitamin could have easily been scum with Kary looking for a D1 lynch to pull through.

Now I just have to get off my butt and finish my re-read to make sure this theory holds true for the second half of the game as well.


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
I never really included Vitamin on my list of potential scum. I think I'll look at his posts later today.



Apr 3, 2008
Ok yeah, finished my read-through and nothing in the second half invalidated my previous statements. Vitamin and Kary scum-team seems like the elephant in the room now that Kary is confirmed scum. They always echoed each other's opinions and had strange interactions, especially during the beginning of the day. For instance besides what I already posted, at one point Vitamin had to actually point out that he didn't know why Kary was asking him about his (Kary's) vote since "I don't control who you vote for".

For instance later: Kary comes out and states this after one of Vitamin's stances:
Thank you for posting this, I have been thinking this over and over, and is pretty much the basis for my argument against Ran. I just wish I could have come up with it.
These aren't really even the main things they worked together on, just some easy points in time to quote. To really get a sense of how much they seemed to be working in tandem you'll have to re-read it and watch how their posting goals synchronize.

I disagree with Zen's opinion that Vinyl is still a lynch candidate. He's dumb as a post, but he was looking scum because of Ran's affiliation with him (particularly his "Town town town" shtick, I still don't understand why Ran did this to himself and Vinyl as a townie). He can be lost, but he isn't the correct pick toDay.

I do however agree that Ori can die. He's been doing nothing but sitting tight and conflicting his own opinions when he does opt to give them. He clearly doesn't understand what's going on, but that doesn't seem to stop him much. For instance #268-278. He basically hadn't contributed until that point, and needs me to specifically tell him what Vinyl's position was, while making a simultaneous town and scum read on him. Then after I point this out, he says he'll re-read and soon has a case laid out for Vinyl in the span of a few posts. Ok? Sure...
It's also quite hard to ignore statements like how he didn't know there were two mafia factions (even though people have been talking about it in game even), yet was looking at the player list. Let's not forget Ori seconded a RVS vote on Shotty with Kary at the beginning of the game. I don't think they're scum together, but it's weird to me to have a second vote on someone right away, maybe that's just me. I see a connection between him and Aleate too for posts such as #295.

Sorry if my lack of activity makes you antsy. Try taking 8 accounting courses and working to pay tuition :)

I don't think I can say with certainty who is guaranteed town. Ori seems town to me. He's jumping in and contributing quite a bit. He also seems to be playing cautiously by holding back his vote until things become a bit less murky.(
Ori hadn't been doing any contribution. Ori was also the very next post and addressed Aleate in a positive way. So if Ori were to be scum, Aleate would be someone I would look at.

Currently, my lynch order goes

Aleate for being a non-factor with loose Ori connections and making statements I find false, Vinyl for being plain dumb in several posts, and Zen makes the very bottom of the list to satisfy my paranoia that he might scum doing a good job leading us around.

Yet to be placed: Kuz and Serin. Get active.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
Deadline 4/30, 11:59 PM EST

Vinyl. [1] Aleate
Aleate [0]
Ori_bro [1] Jdietz
o-Serin-o [0]
GLG [0]
VitaminC [0]
Shottymaster [0]
Jdietz [0]
Zen [0]
th3kuzinator [0]

Not voting: o-Serin-o, GLG, Shottymaster., Ori_bro, Vinyl, Zen, th3kuzinator, VitaminC


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Mew said:
Because it rubs me the wrong way. It means at least on some level they weren't fully participating in D1 on purpose, and while they may not have actually had any positive effect even if they had been there, being absent ensures it. I wanted an IC's opinion on this whether it's significant or not since it irks me.
But didn't Sailormoon only post once (or twice) today? Not seeing how he is all the sudden being more active.

But yeah I wouldn't think anything of it since people can simply be busy at different times. And the night phase usually gives people a chance to catch up.
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