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Newbie 15 - Betty Crocker Mafia - Game Over!


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Sorry for the no post yesterday, i was with friends till 2am and now I'm off to work for a bit. I will post today.



I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
Vote: Ori_Bro

You've been making an awful lot of excuses as to why you haven't been posting. We understand that life can get in the way, but you have a common excuse as to why you don't or couldn't post.

I'll be signing off for the night. I need to finish up 2 art projects for tomorrow. I'll be back tomorrow morning or later on tonight.
usually by lurking i mean ill check every once and a while but not post. I need to focus on my Japanese exam so I won't be posting much today.

Serin, I'll get back to you when I'm not focusing on Japanese.
ok, i'll try and post stuff later today. seems like a lot has happened.
Alright I have one class left then I'll be free to post more.

For tge moment...

Looking back on it, i was dumb for voting Serin. I'm taking everything back (even though I really didnt have much on him to begin with).

I'm going to read through and realyy dive into this.

Sorry for the no post yesterday, i was with friends till 2am and now I'm off to work for a bit. I will post today.


Alright I have one class left then I'll be free to post more.

For tge moment...

Looking back on it, i was dumb for voting Serin. I'm taking everything back (even though I really didnt have much on him to begin with).

I'm going to read through and realyy dive into this.

The quote above is the fluffiest and doesn't have any substance as to why you take back everything as to why you thought I was scum. Not only that, but you never got back to replying as to when I asked you why you thought I WAS scum in the first place. Seems like you were trying to avoid the question.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
i just want sokr to speak up a little about the game in general

if you want him to remain silent then that's on you, pal
Man. I don't even know how to respond to this other than I'm annoyed.
fine, i drove one[/'b] friend back to my place and we played pokemon stadium minigames and i watched him be bad at devil may cry 3

Entirely believed

It could be both. What better way to play off being scum by have newbie-friendly discussion.
If you mean talking about game mechanics or the set-up or on mafia theory (or how to play right), that's what I meant earlier by "advice dogging" which is what I was getting on AA for earlier.

Speaking of which AA, who are you looking at right now? If it's still Marathon which is what I remember last, has anything changed or have you made any progress looking into him?

But we don't want him to talk about the game in general - something he probably lacks the experience to adequately do already anyway.
It'd be nice if he would talk, in general, though.

Vote: Ori_Bro

You've been making an awful lot of excuses as to why you haven't been posting. We understand that life can get in the way, but you have a common excuse as to why you don't or couldn't post.
Good one, it really puts it in perspective when you put them all back to back like that. +1 on this stance, I'm suddenly not liking Ori as much as I was.

@Mod: Vote count.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
How would you feel about having Ori be the play toDay, Sold? Do you feel he is scum?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
Speaking of which AA, who are you looking at right now? If it's still Marathon which is what I remember last, has anything changed or have you made any progress looking into him?
Still Marathon and Ori, I would take either.

tbh I think Serin is pursuing a rather odd path of attack - excuses for inactivity? Bleh. At least he checks in, and it is exam period for a good number of unis etc around the world, though I can see how the check-in is more suspicious than plain inactivity. He has a good point on that last quoted post though, it really does seem he's trying to sweep the vote neatly under the rug. I would prompt him a bit more before rushing to lynch him, especially since we have a few more days till deadline.

I still feel Marathon is particularly guilty of responding only when he comes up in discussion, which I'm not too happy with. I can confirm that his more 'recent' burst of activity happened after I voted him and Serin mentioned him, and it was because he was on, I was on and a few other people were on, making it more like dialogue. Hence my vote stays for now.

also sold, when i said the line with pal it was actually @gheb, you just ninja'd me, since I have the bad habit of letting posts-in-progress stew for long periods while I make sandwiches or soup or summat...now im hungry, bbl lunch

@Serin: Do you think Ori's non-excuse-related play appears scummy?
@Sold: Who do you want to look into tomorrow if we lynch Ori and he's scum? What if he's town?

aizen where you at


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
yeah ori is at L-4 if Sokr's pressure-vote is still on him

Sokr, Gheb, John and Serin
Sold is voting me
I'm voting Marathon
Marathon voting...Tery? I forget.
Tery + Ori not voting

don't hammer yet please

again, teryaizen where you at, tell me why you ain't votin, dat suigetsu doesn't excuse you from everything


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
yeah ori is at L-4 if Sokr's pressure-vote is still on him

Sokr, Gheb, John and Serin
Sold is voting me
I'm voting Marathon
Marathon voting...Tery? I forget.
Tery + Ori not voting

don't hammer yet please

again, teryaizen where you at, tell me why you ain't votin, dat suigetsu doesn't excuse you from everything
Wouldn't that make ori at L-1 if it takes 5 to lynch?


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
@AA - Ori contradicts himself too much.

> Claims Sokr to be possible scum.
> No case info.
>Claims me as scum.
> Completely drops me as possible scum.

Since his one big post, he's been dropping slight answers with more fluff than marshmallows, yet he claims that he has the only who has made a push towards anyone w/ a case.


I think 56 nights crazy
Jul 16, 2009
Marathonman, what are your thoughts on AA thinking of you as potential scum for lack of activity, other than when you are questioned? And what are your thoughts of John?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
To expand on Sold's statement, it seems to me as if Ori is scared of being judged on lurking or some other scummy inactivity.



Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
marathon is more of a feeling than anything tbh, not much of a case aside from the aforementioned lack of proactivity...the vote i have on him doesn't have anywhere better to go, since i don't want ori to die just yet

im fine with lynching ori, but i still want to let him respond and perhaps claim, though claiming isn't going to be particularly informative tbh

and yeah i meant L-1

i like serin, for the moment anyway

also, @john

Since Sold's the more active of the two, I'd keep an eye on him, but you likely won't be getting anything from him this early on.
strange reasoning, strange talk - can you further elaborate on why activity is suspicious, or is there something else behind this little tidbit?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
I'm mainly trying to give a heads-up that people should not be instantly ruling out the ICs as town, and since Gheb is a rare poster, and Sold likes to post more (with more info usually), it will likely be easier to try and find something coming from Sold.

I'd like to know what Ori's claim is, since he's at L-1...


ignite the fire
Mar 6, 2008
Since I'm L-1, and people are convinced I'm scum I think its going to be very difficult for me to convince you all that I am indeed town. But eh lets give this a shot.

I'm Bisquick town vanilla.

I don't know how many times I've hinted that I'm town in my posts, but people are so convinced they just over look it. Yes, I had terrible reasoning for those people I selected as potential scum. I really didn't have proof, I had gut feelings and I stuck with them (Its a bad habit of mine that I stick to my gut in this game.)

After reading through yesterday, I can agree with AA's claim on MARaTHonman. Its odd that he rarely posts, and I think thats a bit scummy.

I can also agree to not trusting Sold and Gheb. To me They are very borderline. I will really look into their posts later today or tomorrow.

To expand on Sold's statement, it seems to me as if Ori is scared of being judged on lurking or some other scummy inactivity.
I'm not scared of being judged lol, I just don't want to give everyone the impression that my absence is scum activity. I take my school work and studying seriously (especially when I have a difficult exam coming up) and if it cuts into my posting so be it.

I'll be around today and I'll try to respond to anything that happens after this post, but I'm visiting my friend who came home from Arizona today, so don't expect much till this evening.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Thanks Ori.

The thing is, sure you can hint town as much as you want in your posts, but it can be hard to convince people simply by that, since scum will also want to try very hard to claim town, and get people to believe it. Does that help you understand why people are jumping on you?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
marathon is more of a feeling than anything tbh, not much of a case aside from the aforementioned lack of proactivity...the vote i have on him doesn't have anywhere better to go, since i don't want ori to die just yet
This is not how the game works. You're not supposed to wait for a case to appear out of the thin air or for somebody to randomly slip and get caught. How do you expect this game to work? Do you think you will find the mafia when you just go by your "feelings" without having much of a case? You're supposed to actively look out for things and dig deeper into it by questioning posts and figure out if the poster behind it is being genuine or not. The way you play it you make it an entirely chance based game.

If you bother to take a closer look at this game you will realize that this is part of the reason why people are suspicious of you.


DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
I still feel Marathon is particularly guilty of responding only when he comes up in discussion, which I'm not too happy with. I can confirm that his more 'recent' burst of activity happened after I voted him and Serin mentioned him, and it was because he was on, I was on and a few other people were on, making it more like dialogue. Hence my vote stays for now.
also sold, when i said the line with pal it was actually @gheb, you just ninja'd me
I know it was towards Gheb. Same response still, lmao.

@Sold: Who do you want to look into tomorrow if we lynch Ori and he's scum? What if he's town?
I'd still be looking at the case between you and marathon, either way. It really interests me and I think it's significant.

If he's town not much changes for me. I'd have to go on over and look at gheb and that'd be a great time to take a serious look at Tery too. I think Sokr is voting him too, but I'm not really sure why so that'd be a good direction.

If he flipped scum I'd take a look at the people who were kind of half way on the lynch, like yourself (and unfortunately me). Serin's reasoning for voting him is sound but also extremely safe. Not a bad thing but it's just something to note, by tomorrow it may be significant.(Before I post: I just read Serin's response to you and I really like it. I think Serin is actually fine for the time being.) Not sure if any of the newer players would try and bus their partner. As in, if they're scummates with Ori I'm not sure if they would want to be on his lynch. Marathon would be a good place to look as far as the lynch goes too, since I don't think he's touched on Ori much at all. The Tery vote, which is what I think it is, is very odd.
I don't know how many times I've hinted that I'm town in my posts, but people are so convinced they just over look it. Yes, I had terrible reasoning for those people I selected as potential scum. I really didn't have proof, I had gut feelings and I stuck with them (Its a bad habit of mine that I stick to my gut in this game.)
I'm town. I mean the problem with that is that anybody can say it. Gut feelings without anything to back them up sucks, I've pinned entire scumteams D1 but I could never figure out how to prove it. But do you still feel anything about those players?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Something noteworthy is that you are trying to convince everyone to clear him as town because he claimed his flavor...which just about everyone does sooner or later.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I'm liking Serin more, looks like he picked up some good tips from the last Newbie.

I'll be looking back at Ori_bro some more, but I don't think I'd be willing to hammer at right now, since I didn't want to put him at L-1 before the weekend. Now my vote will remain nowhere for this reason, hope this satisfies you, Tsukishimangetsu.

John also brought up something Sokr apparently skipped over the question in #195, so I'll redirect Sokr to that.

Additionally, do you really feel that name claiming should clear someone via flavour? Or are you just trying to have everyone presume Ori_bro is town for purposes?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Terywj (1) MM
2. Sokr ()
3. Serin ()
4. John2k4 ()
5. asianaussie (1) S2
6. Ori_Bro (4) Gheb, Sokr, John, Serin
7. MARaTHonmann (1) AA
8. Gheb ()
9. Sold2 ()

Not voting - Tery, Ori

With 9 playing, it takes 5 to lynch!

Deadline is November 17th at 11:59 PM CST (GMT-6)!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
Something noteworthy is that you are trying to convince everyone to clear him as town because he claimed his flavor...which just about everyone does sooner or later.
I'm curious as to how you got that I'm trying to clear him as town, much less convince others of that. if that was the case i would have removed my vote on him. I'm just pointing out something noteworthy. And i was talking about the bisquick part, not vanilla.



Smash Rookie
Jun 11, 2011
@Serin and AA
Yeah I tend to post when prompted. Sometimes I find it hard to pick out something from a game to follow, so when someone asks a question or asks for opinions I tend to respond to them a lot, as it gives me a direction to go in.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Correct on that...he voted Tery in his #67, and it hasn't changed.

Marathon, do you believe Ori's town claim?


Smash Rookie
Jun 11, 2011
I've been thinking that Ori is leaning scum slightly. And claims are easy enough to fake, so I don't think it changes much. If it was a PR, I might be more inclined to be swayed either way.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Thanks Tery ; )

Ori Town - I would look into Serin, since he seemed nervous to vote Ori, and was trying to write off Ori by saying his wordplay was "abysmal"(#178). Would also look into Gheb.

Ori scum - Town cred to Gheb, for his read in his #174.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Ori Town - I would look into Serin, since he seemed nervous to vote Ori, and was trying to write off Ori by saying his wordplay was "abysmal"(#178). Would also look into Gheb.
I agree that Serin would be needed to be looked at, but not for your reasons. I think it's just a little to rash of sorts. Compare Serin's "I'm confident Ori_bro is scum or being mediocre." with a post one day ago saying he didn't quite register Ori_bro as scum. I'm interested in what changed. What do you think?

John2k4 said:
Ori scum - Town cred to Gheb, for his read in his #174.
What about people to look into?


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
I would look into asianaussie, since he was writing Ori off as simply making a lot of newbie mistakes.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Sayonara Memories
To be quite honest, right now i would vote Ori if it didn't mean he would die, but there are some things I want him to address first:
  • Do you really think laying town crumbs or hinting that you're town holds any credibility?
  • Do you really agree with my (frankly quite weak) case against Marathonman?
  • Same question about my cautions against ICs? To be quite honest, Sold looks town and Gheb is null-town to me, neither is near the top of my 'investigate list'.
Honestly, it's almost like subtle buddying.

This is not how the game works. You're not supposed to wait for a case to appear out of the thin air or for somebody to randomly slip and get caught. How do you expect this game to work? Do you think you will find the mafia when you just go by your "feelings" without having much of a case? You're supposed to actively look out for things and dig deeper into it by questioning posts and figure out if the poster behind it is being genuine or not. The way you play it you make it an entirely chance based game.

If you bother to take a closer look at this game you will realize that this is part of the reason why people are suspicious of you.

Thanks for doing nothing but throw advice at me. Notice I piled up quite a number of points against ori right after you first singled him out.

Where am I not looking closely into this game, past this Marathonman case, which I'm admitting isn't very strong and hence isn't something I'm pushing?

I'd still be looking at the case between you and marathon, either way. It really interests me and I think it's significant.
It's quite interesting to note that a lot of his responses in this thread were indirectly and sometimes directly in response to my questioning, and I wonder why that is...was I really the only one throwing questions out?

If he's town not much changes for me. I'd have to go on over and look at gheb and that'd be a great time to take a serious look at Tery too. I think Sokr is voting him too, but I'm not really sure why so that'd be a good direction.
lol I think Sokr's voting him because I half-pushed him into it...I think I called it a pressure vote or something...dunno what Sokr thinks of ori atm, probably just going with the flow.

If he flipped scum I'd take a look at the people who were kind of half way on the lynch, like yourself (and unfortunately me). Serin's reasoning for voting him is sound but also extremely safe. Not a bad thing but it's just something to note, by tomorrow it may be significant.(Before I post: I just read Serin's response to you and I really like it. I think Serin is actually fine for the time being.) Not sure if any of the newer players would try and bus their partner. As in, if they're scummates with Ori I'm not sure if they would want to be on his lynch. Marathon would be a good place to look as far as the lynch goes too, since I don't think he's touched on Ori much at all. The Tery vote, which is what I think it is, is very odd.
I'll get this out of the way now, I'm not halfway on this lynch, I'm advocating it. I withhold my vote because he's at L-1.

Serin is pushing a safe lynch using a safe case, because ori's play is questionable to begin with, so that's no fault of his own.

I'll be looking back at Ori_bro some more, but I don't think I'd be willing to hammer at right now, since I didn't want to put him at L-1 before the weekend. Now my vote will remain nowhere for this reason, hope this satisfies you, Tsukishimangetsu.
Don't hammer. I'm fine with this reason, though the wording is a bit confusing. I laughed out loud at that, because I'm certain that Tsukishima is just bluffing and will lift his illusion next chapter.

@Serin and AA
Yeah I tend to post when prompted. Sometimes I find it hard to pick out something from a game to follow, so when someone asks a question or asks for opinions I tend to respond to them a lot, as it gives me a direction to go in.
Hm. Problem is you don't maintain any direction, you just engage in a small, often insignificant topic of discussion, which peters off. A good way to get into the game is to isolate somebody you find suspicious, find all their posts, and work out if your suspicions of them are warranted. With that in mind, do you mind doing so? Pick whoever you want, preferably not ori.

Ori Town - I would look into Serin, since he seemed nervous to vote Ori, and was trying to write off Ori by saying his wordplay was "abysmal"(#178). Would also look into Gheb.
I'm confused as heck. Nervous to vote Ori? Where? And his wording *was* rather poor, hinted at far more than it should've. And Gheb? Sure, he started the voting, but you gotta dig deeper - just because somebody starts a mislynch, doesn't mean they're scum. Is there any other reason you would look at Gheb?

I agree that Serin would be needed to be looked at, but not for your reasons. I think it's just a little to rash of sorts. Compare Serin's "I'm confident Ori_bro is scum or being mediocre." with a post one day ago saying he didn't quite register Ori_bro as scum. I'm interested in what changed. What do you think?
Between those two stages in Serin's thinking...I think the unnecessary unvote and lack of revote was a decent reason, coupled with his admission of not looking before he leapt (or voted, I guess). Plus all the promises of content and subsequent lack of content. Even if he's town, he's not acting like it.
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