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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
Yeah, and strange thing is that people don't take her chances very lightly, a lot of bashing occurs and say she isn't worth it because of the number of rep, people need to base her on uniqueness and what she could provide as far as Smash goes, I say she has marginal to considerable chance at it.
Yeah, and as much as I hate bringing this one up again, I still feel the same with Shantae.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Individually, what ultimately matters is how iconic a character is, both with respect to characters within its own franchise, and with respect to other franchises. And females and villains are at a statistical disadvantage. There are still dozens of (male) heroes from unrepresented franchises that would be received more favorably than Krystal or Ridley. From a certain, large portion of the demographic, anyway.

Think of it in utilitarian terms. You have a limited number of characters you can add, and you need to select them to maximize reception of the game. The ultimate goal is to get as many new franchises represented as possible because that's where the most money can be made. But you still need to keep other demographics salivating over your product. What do? The Big Three fans want a new character for each, so you give them one. Just enough to satisfy, not enough to take away from more valuable characters. The girls will want a new female to play as. Give them one, and make it sexy so as to double as fanservice for the male demographic. The machos will want a new badass character. Give it to them; if it's a villain, it will also satisfy the turds who think every franchise needs a villain. The children want a new puffball, give it to them. The old-timers want a new retro character, give it to them. Spend a bit of money on a third party or two to snag some unrelated demographic. Great, more profit. Whatever's left goes to unrepresented Nintendo franchises.

It's not about giving the players everything they want...it's about giving the players barely enough that they'll still buy the freaking game.
You are preaching to the choir here. I understand the direction you are coming from. I even agree with you. But you are over thinking some aspects. Let us take Ridley since he is the one you brought up. A lot of people want Ridley because they enjoy him as a character. He has played an iconic role in the Metroid series for years now as one of the primary antagonists of the series. Outside of Samus he is the only recurring entity within the series. So his significance is there. In terms of Smash Bros he could be, if implemented correctly, an extremely unique fighter. He isn't a character that is going to be chosen JUST because he is a villain. He is a character who has had consistent demand and would offer something fresh in the Smash Bros roster.

Krystal is more of the character you describe. Her fanbase is, or was when she was popular and relevant, usually built upon those who simply wanted another female with an interesting dynamic. Very few appeared as though they were actually in support of her. This is why I have discussed in depth at points about the fallacies of the character speculation among many within the Smash community.

As far as smaller series are considered there are only really three that are both relevant and have characters popular enough that stand a chance of being "promoted" in the series. Golden Sun, Legendary Starfy, and Sin and Punishment. I'd add Xenoblade to list, but since it is one game it does not really constitute as a series under the standard definition. We are not going to see a drastic jump in series as Melee added three (Ice Climbers, Fire Emblem, Game and Watch) and Brawl added eight; technically six-Kid Icarus, Wario, Pikmin, Gyromite, Sonic The Hedgehog, Metal Gear Solid-since the other two had no playable character associated with them. So I expect roughly around the same amount of new series to be included that have corresponding fighters. For fun here is an example:

Punch Out
Golden Sun
Sin and Punishment
Legendary Starfy

Considering Sakurai sees Nintendo as having less series to work with I am only going to expect about five not counting potential third party series.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Yeah, and strange thing is that people don't take her chances very lightly, alot of bashing occurs and say she isn't worth it because of the number of rep, people need to base her on uniqueness and what she could provide as far as Smash goes, I say she has marginal to considerable chance at it.
It's because people look at a lot of stupid things. They look at a series collectively, not as an indivudal.

I definitely wouldn't base is soley on uniqueness. She is more important than both Wolf and Falco when it comes to the storyline. A lot of Krystal bashers hate to hear that. Krystal bashers usually don't like her because:

She is a Furry/Sex symbol. (Definitely not her fault)
She ruined SF (She's the scapegoat for poor choices on the game makers part)

She's a good pick, with a bad rap.

when she was popular and relevant
She's still just as relevant as any StarFox character. Not saying much, but the remake doesn't make her any less relevant to the series.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
You are preaching to the choir here. I understand the direction you are coming from. I even agree with you. But you are over thinking some aspects. Let us take Ridley since he is the one you brought up. A lot of people want Ridley because they enjoy him as a character. He has played an iconic role in the Metroid series for years now as one of the primary antagonists of the series. Outside of Samus he is the only recurring entity within the series. So his significance is there. In terms of Smash Bros he could be, if implemented correctly, an extremely unique fighter. He isn't a character that is going to be chosen JUST because he is a villain. He is a character who has had consistent demand and would offer something fresh in the Smash Bros roster.

Krystal is more of the character you describe. Her fanbase is, or was when she was popular and relevant, usually built upon those who simply wanted another female with an interesting dynamic. Very few appeared as though they were actually in support of her. This is why I have discussed in depth at points about the fallacies of the character speculation among many within the Smash community.

As far as smaller series are considered there are only really three that are both relevant and have characters popular enough that stand a chance of being "promoted" in the series. Golden Sun, Legendary Starfy, and Sin and Punishment. I'd add Xenoblade to list, but since it is one game it does not really constitute as a series under the standard definition. We are not going to see a drastic jump in series as Melee added three (Ice Climbers, Fire Emblem, Game and Watch) and Brawl added six (Kid Icarus, Wario, Pikmin, Gyromite, Sonic The Hedgehog, Metal Gear Solid). So I expect roughly around the same amount of new series to be included that have corresponding fighters. For fun here is an example:

Punch Out
Golden Sun
Sin and Punishment
Legendary Starfy

Considering Sakurai sees Nintendo as having less series to work with I am only going to expect about five not counting potential third party series.
Wow, I must read this!! :bee:


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
I think so. I remember when IGN did their "Smash it Up" installments, and they suggested Krystal w/ staff. They brought up a valid point. There really aren't many Nintendo characters that use pole-arms.
I guess it could, but wouldn't the more likely Medusa and Palutena hurt her chances?

Also I just looked at the new KI trailer, it had for a brief second Palutena fighting Magnus, so I guess she can fight. lol


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
All right then, you're next on this one. What would YOUR "realistic" roster consist of? Please be as thorough and specific as you want. We are all ears, dude.
My "realistic" roster?

Mario franchise will only get Toad or Bowser Jr. If there's enough room in the roster, Paper Mario stands a decent chance. 5-6 reps.

Donkey Kong will get a Diddy/Dixie tag-team, or K. Rool, but not both. 2-3 reps.

Warioware and Yoshi will get nothing. 2 reps.

Zelda will get Tingle, Toon Link stands a very good chance of being cut. 4-5 reps.

Metroid will get Ridley or nothing. 1-2 reps.

Kirby will get nothing. 3 reps.

Pokemon will replace Lucario with Victini/Zoroark, with a slim chance of Mewtwo returning. 4-5 reps.

Starfox will get nothing, or replace Falco/Wolf with Krystal. 3 reps.

F-Zero will get Samurai Goroh or nothing. 1-2 reps.

Earthbound will get nothing. 2 reps.

Fire Emblem will get Chrome, and Ike might be cut. 2-3 reps.

Kid Icarus will get Medusa or nothing. 1-2 reps.

Ice Climbers, G&W, Olimar, and R.O.B. will all remain sole reps, R.O.B. could be cut in favor of another retro character. If he stays, there will still be a new retro character; doesn't matter which as long as it's nostalgic. 4-5 reps.

Two new franchises, at minimum. I'd guess Little Mac and Isaac, but it honestly doesn't matter. 2 reps

Third party characters. Doesn't matter which, it all depends on negotiations, but Snake and Sonic will in all likelihood not return, Snake especially. 1-2 reps.

A WTF character, which could literally come from anywhere. It may or may not coincide with one of the above, so I'm not counting it.

Total: 37-47 characters. Conservatively, less than that, because I'm positive that Dixie, Krystal, and Medusa won't all make it, nor will Ridley, K. Rool, Medusa, and Mewtwo.

Deleted member

Out of all Star Fox characters not playable yet, Krystal is the most worthy and pretty much the only non-sucky remaining choice yet. One thing she has over Falco/Wolf is that if she gets her staff, she would be a very unique rep that the series needs; which keeps me from going against her inclusion. However, the only reason why I supported her is the potential to be unique. I have since went to "Neutral"on her. While I would be fine with Krystal being the fourth rep, I don't want Krystal to replace Falco/Wolf.

But she definitely gets a bad rep due to her furry status/being part of when fans said the Star Fox series goes downhill. We are lucky that Star Fox 64 3D is selling well; so if she does not get in SSB4, perhaps she'll have a better shot in SSB5 if the series becomes more relevant with her returning and new installments are made.

@Starphoenix: You forgot about Punch-Out!!
Starphoenix said:
Krystal is more of the character you describe. Her fanbase is, or was when she was popular and relevant, usually built upon those who simply wanted another female with an interesting dynamic. Very few appeared as though they were actually in support of her. This is why I have discussed in depth at points about the fallacies of the character speculation among many within the Smash community.
Interesting. I thought fans wanted to support Krystal because they thought she was a worthy rep, not because of her "female" status. Wasn't the Wolf fans more proactive in supporters if that is true?

What even more interesting is that similar cases can be applied to Zoroark (5th gen Pokemon in general, but specifically Zoroark), Chrome, Medusa, and Takamaru. Out of those four, the only one I really want to see is Takamaru.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
I'd say most of the B-list series stand a good chance of having a stage. Regardless of whether they have a corresponding character or not. This would include Custom Robo, Legendary Starfy, Sin and Punishment, and Golden Sun. WuHu Island could also fall into this category. Though it is not from a B-list series.

Other stages I would consider would be a Flipnote Hatena stage, an Art Style stage, a Nintendo console based stage and/or Mii Plaza.
I think you forgot Rhythm Heaven


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
Hai! (I haven't configured my computer to type Japanese yet nor do I remember enough to respond better).

It's boring as hell though. I've already taken 2 years of Japanese and already know how to write it. So all it's doing is making my writing arm sore. :urg:

As for the roster topic, what characters/possible characters fit this concept? And does Sakurai follow the concept?
Oh soo you're re-taking Japanese one?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Out of all Star Fox characters not playable yet, Krystal is the most worthy and pretty much the only non-sucky remaining choice yet. One thing she has over Falco/Wolf is that if she gets her staff, she would be a very unique rep that the series needs; which keeps me from going against her inclusion. However, the only reason why I supported her is the potential to be unique. I have since went to "Neutral"on her. While I would be fine with Krystal being the fourth rep, I don't want Krystal to replace Falco/Wolf.

But she definitely gets a bad rep due to her furry status/being part of when fans said the Star Fox series goes downhill. We are lucky that Star Fox 64 3D is selling well; so if she does not get in SSB4, perhaps she'll have a better shot in SSB5 if the series becomes more relevant with her returning and new installments are made.
Brawl has been her only chance so far. We have Falco, who was arguably the best choice for a SF character during Melee. During Brawl, Krystal should have had her chance, but she really didn't. Sakurai admitted to not even knowing who she was until after reviewing the request from the SSB4 polls. And of course, we got Wolf.

Now, if Sakurai thinks the series is "done" we won't get her. End of story.

She basically has a more important role than Falco/Wolf, but because that role was added later into the series, AND Sakurai didn't know of her, she didn't get in. Basically, she is really up in the air at this point.

She was never a bad/lesser choice, just never really was a choice. Now that the air is cleared, I can honestly say she is the best choice, and IMO a better choice than Falco/Wolf.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Oh soo you're re-taking Japanese one?
I had no choice, I couldn't take a placement test, and I don't think I learned that much in High School anyway. So once it picks up I may finally learn something new.

Plus I haven't really done anything Japanese related since March other then imported FE games.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I had no choice, I couldn't take a placement test, and I don't think I learned that much in High School anyway. So once it picks up I may finally learn something new.

Plus I haven't really done anything Japanese related since March other then imported FE games.
Man, are any of those FE worth looking and playing? I must play the earlier ones sometime.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
You are preaching to the choir here. I understand the direction you are coming from. I even agree with you. But you are over thinking some aspects. Let us take Ridley since he is the one you brought up. A lot of people want Ridley because they enjoy him as a character. He has played an iconic role in the Metroid series for years now as one of the primary antagonists of the series. Outside of Samus he is the only recurring entity within the series. So his significance is there. In terms of Smash Bros he could be, if implemented correctly, an extremely unique fighter. He isn't a character that is going to be chosen JUST because he is a villain. He is a character who has had consistent demand and would offer something fresh in the Smash Bros roster.

Krystal is more of the character you describe. Her fanbase is, or was when she was popular and relevant, usually built upon those who simply wanted another female with an interesting dynamic. Very few appeared as though they were actually in support of her. This is why I have discussed in depth at points about the fallacies of the character speculation among many within the Smash community.

As far as smaller series are considered there are only really three that are both relevant and have characters popular enough that stand a chance of being "promoted" in the series. Golden Sun, Legendary Starfy, and Sin and Punishment. I'd add Xenoblade to list, but since it is one game it does not really constitute as a series under the standard definition. We are not going to see a drastic jump in series as Melee added three (Ice Climbers, Fire Emblem, Game and Watch) and Brawl added eight; technically six-Kid Icarus, Wario, Pikmin, Gyromite, Sonic The Hedgehog, Metal Gear Solid-since the other two had no playable character associated with them. So I expect roughly around the same amount of new series to be included that have corresponding fighters. For fun here is an example:

Punch Out
Golden Sun
Sin and Punishment
Legendary Starfy

Considering Sakurai sees Nintendo as having less series to work with I am only going to expect about five not counting potential third party series.
Undoubtedly Ridley and Krystal are not in the same boat. Each has different issues to overcome, and that's another thing that needs to be taken into consideration. How many mental backflips does the development team need to do to justify a character being in? Is Ridley too big and will he play too much like Charizard? Is Krystal no longer relevant and does Starfox even need a new rep? I can guarantee that characters like Little Mac and Isaac, or even Toad and Victini, present far fewer challenges for the devs. They know they want them, and they know that they'll be easy to implement.


Human Nature
Jul 22, 2008
Kennesaw, Georgia
I had no choice, I couldn't take a placement test, and I don't think I learned that much in High School anyway. So once it picks up I may finally learn something new.

Plus I haven't really done anything Japanese related since March other then imported FE games.
You at least know some common phrases though right?


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Man, are any of those FE worth looking and playing? I must play the earlier ones sometime.

I'd say FE2 and FE3.

FE2 is fun, but it's tedious to play as most of the game you spend your time leveling up in order to make it through a level. And the only enemies you can refight only give you 2 exp.

FE3 is amazing, it's my favorite FE game. It's pretty much 2 games in one, so it's also a great investment, although having played through FE1 and FE11, Book 1 can be a little repetitive.

I just got FE4, but until I get some time off school, I still have yet to play it.

So yes as I had shown the other day after TGS, I'm a FE nerd. :p


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
@Starphoenix: You forgot about Punch-Out!!
No I did not. I simply excluded it from my example because Punch Out is not in the same category as those other three series.

Interesting. I thought fans wanted to support Krystal because they thought she was a worthy rep, not because of her "female" status. Wasn't the Wolf fans more proactive in supporters if that is true?
It could be. But I have seen the Krystal community since the pre-Brawl days and I just remember some things. Does not make it accurate though. It does not really matter in the end, though, as her fanbase has since diminished significantly.

You are correct. I did forget that game. To be honest I had contemplated doing a stage concept for Rhythm Heaven. But I dropped the idea because I was unable to think of a way to make it unique without seeming like "WarioWare 2.0". I thought about having a fight/rhythm mechanic. Since I have never played the game I was unable to really come up with something faithful and creative.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
Brawl has been her only chance so far. We have Falco, who was arguably the best choice for a SF character during Melee. During Brawl, Krystal should have had her chance, but she really didn't. Sakurai admitted to not even knowing who she was until after reviewing the request from the SSB4 polls. And of course, we got Wolf.

Now, if Sakurai thinks the series is "done" we won't get her. End of story.

She basically has a more important role than Falco/Wolf, but because that role was added later into the series, AND Sakurai didn't know of her, she didn't get in. Basically, she is really up in the air at this point.

She was never a bad/lesser choice, just never really was a choice. Now that the air is cleared, I can honestly say she is the best choice, and IMO a better choice than Falco/Wolf.
AHA! This is why the Japanese forums believe Wolf will be cut. Because Sakurai is admittedly ignorant of the franchise, which translates to him not really caring about how it's represented. Just look at how Wolf was implemented in SSE...oh wait, he wasn't. In fact, he has no personality because Sakurai didn't know what it was. Now that he knows that fans want Krystal, he'll probably see that it's worth losing Falco or Wolf to inject a little bit of originality into the representation, which was sorely needed in Brawl.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
You at least know some common phrases though right?
For the most part, but I still am going through my old Japanese binder from HS for review. So like I said I can help with translations, but only to some extent for now.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Has anyone tried to PRIORITIZE their top picks? I have a list of 20 characters I find to be the best choices, and I've tried listing them by who I think would get in over the other, IN ORDER.

Ridley is obviously #1.
Slime is #20. :awesome:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
I'd say FE2 and FE3.

FE2 is fun, but it's tedious to play as most of the game you spend your time leveling up in order to make it through a level. And the only enemies you can refight only give you 2 exp.

FE3 is amazing, it's my favorite FE game. It's pretty much 2 games in one, so it's also a great investment, although having played through FE1 and FE11, Book 1 can be a little repetitive.

I just got FE4, but until I get some time off school, I still have yet to play it.

So yes as I had shown the other day after TGS, I'm a FE nerd. :p
Wow, so FE2 and FE3? Well I'll look into those for sure. :cool:



Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
Has anyone tried to PRIORITIZE their top picks? I have a list of 20 characters I find to be the best choices, and I've tried listing them by who I think would get in over the other, IN ORDER.

Ridley is, obviously #1.
Slime is #20. :awesome:
Hmmmmm...I'm not sure if I could, simply because some of the characters I feel should be most likely have huge disadvantages. Not to mention that I don't really look at things in terms of who deserves a spot, but where a spot needs filling. I can definitely tell you that Mario, Zelda, and Pokemon will gain reps...I can't tell you whom or how many.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Has anyone tried to PRIORITIZE their top picks? I have a list of 20 characters I find to be the best choices, and I've tried listing them by who I think would get in over the other, IN ORDER.

Ridley is, obviously #1.
Slime is #20. :awesome:
Wow, good idea, I shall do this for fun, I also would like to see Star's as well. xD



Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
AHA! This is why the Japanese forums believe Wolf will be cut. Because Sakurai is admittedly ignorant of the franchise, which translates to him not really caring about how it's represented. Just look at how Wolf was implemented in SSE...oh wait, he wasn't. In fact, he has no personality because Sakurai didn't know what it was. Now that he knows that fans want Krystal, he'll probably see that it's worth losing Falco or Wolf to inject a little bit of originality into the representation, which was sorely needed in Brawl.
Yeah. Sakurai really liked SF64, but probably didn't play/pay attention to anything after that. That's why Wolf was such an easy choice for him. He probably thought "Third most important character to the series? Good choice!" without knowing new characters have been added since he last payed attention to the series.

Agreed. I'm glad someone listened to my Krystal reasoning.

ULTIMATELY I would like to see:
Fox (How he is, in all his "Foxy" glory)
Wolf: (Sakurai doesn't tend to really "revamp" movesets, even for clones. . . but I hope he changes even further in SSB4 from Fox, even if it's only slightly. Plus, I prefer his raw, animalistic type moveset.)
Krystal: (Armed with Staff, Fire, and possibly Gatlin Gun/Grenades. I would prefer her SFAssault over her SFAdventures outfit)

Has anyone tried to PRIORITIZE their top picks? I have a list of 20 characters I find to be the best choices, and I've tried listing them by who I think would get in over the other, IN ORDER.
I'm extremely indecisive, so I could try to do this. . . but. . . I have no garuntees.

Kirby's Return to Dreamland: October 24th
Skyward Sword: November 20th
Fortune Street: December 5th
Minus fortune Street, add Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D, and Resident Evil Rev.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Yay, I just found out Fortune Street will be released Deciembré 5th! So now I know each date to look forward to for my games this holiday season.

Kirby's Return to Dreamland: October 24th
Skyward Sword: November 20th
Fortune Street: December 5th


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Krystal: (Armed with Staff, Fire, and possibly Gatlin Gun/Grenades. I would prefer her SFAssault over her SFAdventures outfit)
Really? I figured an Adventures-esque (probably SOMEHOW mixed in with a bit of a spacey theme) would be a nice CHANGE OF PACE. Y'know, variety and all that. Especially if Dinosaur Planet got a stage.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
ULTIMATELY I would like to see:
Fox (How he is, in all his "Foxy" glory)
Wolf: (Sakurai doesn't tend to really "revamp" movesets, even for clones. . . but I hope he changes even further in SSB4 from Fox, even if it's only slightly. Plus, I prefer his raw, animalistic type moveset.)
Krystal: (Armed with Staff, Fire, and possibly Gatlin Gun/Grenades. I would prefer her SFAssault over her SFAdventures outfit)
That's pretty much what I'd prefer as well. Wolf is far less cloney than Falco.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Really? I figured an Adventures-esque (probably SOMEHOW mixed in with a bit of a spacey theme) would be a nice CHANGE OF PACE. Y'know, variety and all that. Especially if Dinosaur Planet got a stage.
It would probably look fine, but the Adventure artwork is SO ugly, I cannot get over it. I wouldn't mind her having two costumes. . . :D I mean, she does actually have two sets of clothes, like Wario.

That's pretty much what I'd prefer as well. Wolf is far less cloney than Falco
Looks like we agree on something! People over at Nsider2, DO NOT like Krystal. It's kind of weird. . . but every community is different I guess.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Wow, so FE2 and FE3? Well I'll look into those for sure. :cool:

Yep, just watch out for FE2, it is the black sheep of the FE series for a good reason.

So it helps to have a walkthough. Try this one, it's in Spanish (google translate), but when used together with Serenes Forest, it can be quite useful.


Too bad FE13 isn't a FE2 remake though, Celica would be perfect for Smash. She'd fight like Ike and Zelda mixed together. :cool:


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
Looks like we agree on something! People over at Nsider2, DO NOT like Krystal. It's kind of weird. . . but every community is different I guess.
I don't consider myself a Krystal fan, I just don't understand all the hate. Granted, I hate Toon Link and R.O.B., so I can't really judge.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
@Short shorts: Costumes are just the very best solution.

ALSO, since it's apparently CATCHING ON, I'll go ahead and post my PRIORITY list:

1. Ridley
2. Victini/Zoroark*
3. Little Mac
4. Mii
5. Chrome
6. Medusa
7. Isaac
8. Shulk
9. Saki
10. Takamaru
11. King K. Rool
12. Bowser Jr.
13. Tingle
14. Mewtwo* (Once Mewtwo got in, I would replace Victini with Zoroark. I feel that reaches a better balance. WEIRD I KNOW.)
15. Krystal
16. Ray
17. Starfy
18. Samurai Goroh
19. Mega Man
20. Slime

My criteria is rather vague and FLUCTUATES sooo... whuteffers. Perhaps I unfairly always tend to think of third-parties in LAST PLACE. Maybe I should bump Mega Man to 12.

And goodness please no one hurt me over K. Rool. IT'S JUST A GUT FEELING Y'KNOW...


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Yep, just watch out for FE2, it is the black sheep of the FE series for a good reason.

So it helps to have a walkthough. Try this one, it's in Spanish (google translate), but when used together with Serenes Forest, it can be quite useful.


Too bad FE13 isn't a FE2 remake though, Celica would be perfect for Smash. She'd fight like Ike and Zelda mixed together. :cool:
Yeah, I would imagine the hype if FE2 would have been a new remake instead of FE13.

Also, I know Spanish so no worries there.



Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2010
Well if you want to see why people hate Krystal just read my blog about Krystal. I had a ton of hate post when I made it....actually most of them didn't give a reason why they hate her. I for one think Krystal would have a lot of potential for uniqueness. I'm not saying replacing Falco or Wolf but if Starfox gets a 4th Rep it should be her.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2006
My "realistic" roster?

Mario franchise will only get Toad or Bowser Jr. If there's enough room in the roster, Paper Mario stands a decent chance. 5-6 reps.

Donkey Kong will get a Diddy/Dixie tag-team, or K. Rool, but not both. 2-3 reps. Why not both?

Warioware and Yoshi will get nothing. 2 reps. Why couldn't they?

Zelda will get Tingle, Toon Link stands a very good chance of being cut. 4-5 reps. Don't count on it.

Metroid will get Ridley or nothing. 1-2 reps.

Kirby will get nothing. 3 reps. More than likely, that's correct.

Pokemon will replace Lucario with Victini/Zoroark, with a slim chance of Mewtwo returning. 4-5 reps.

Starfox will get nothing, or replace Falco/Wolf with Krystal. 3 reps. Why not 4 reps?

F-Zero will get Samurai Goroh or nothing. 1-2 reps.

Earthbound will get nothing. 2 reps. Again, probably true.

Fire Emblem will get Chrome, and Ike might be cut. 2-3 reps. Chrome is not a guarantee at this point in time.

Kid Icarus will get Medusa or nothing. 1-2 reps.

Ice Climbers, G&W, Olimar, and R.O.B. will all remain sole reps, R.O.B. could be cut in favor of another retro character. If he stays, there will still be a new retro character; doesn't matter which as long as it's nostalgic. 4-5 reps.

Two new franchises, at minimum. I'd guess Little Mac and Isaac, but it honestly doesn't matter. 2 reps It matters more than you think.

Third party characters. Doesn't matter which, it all depends on negotiations, but Snake and Sonic will in all likelihood not return, Snake especially. 1-2 reps.

A WTF character, which could literally come from anywhere. It may or may not coincide with one of the above, so I'm not counting it. I'm not touching this, because I have one of my own. Although it's a NACIH character.

Total: 37-47 characters. Conservatively, less than that, because I'm positive that Dixie, Krystal, and Medusa won't all make it, nor will Ridley, K. Rool, Medusa, and Mewtwo.

Opinions are in bold yellow.

Realistically, however, it's understandable.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2007
United Arab Emirate, Abu Dhabi
Wow, so FE2 and FE3? Well I'll look into those for sure. :cool:


-.- Don't waste your time playing FE3 it's just outdated go for FE 12 because they are the same you must play the prequel first FE 11. FE4 is awesome and FE5 is butt **** (Hard game) and if you didn't play GBA games than do that first (FE 6-7-8) and I think you are familiar with Tellius games FE9/10.
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