I never truly saw a divide in the Smash Brothers speculating community until recently. I see my peers who have been around the community since I was a kid. I’ve always assumed that the reasons they were right about everything was because they were older, and I myself just don’t “understand it yet”. For about a year now, this has been my major theory as to why I just don’t see the reason older gamers back up Toad, and count out Krystal so much. It was only a few weeks ago that I thought to myself, as an eighteen year old, perhaps my brain hasn’t fully developed yet, and like a growing child, I’ll understand these concepts when I get older. I recently had an epiphany, and the idea that suddenly appeared in my mind is this. It’s not that I’m too young and that I just don’t understand or cannot comprehend their reasoning yet, it’s that I will never understand their reasoning, because I am of a younger generation. The value they see in characters like Toad, Falco, and Wolf will never truly be realized by myself because I didn’t grow up in an era where they were the head honchos. By the age thirteen, Krystal and Bowser Jr. had made their debut and I myself was born into the age of “You just don’t understand”.
It’s easily argued that Toad plays the role of wall flower, and does it well; it’s also easy to argue that Krystal plays the role of Secondary character better than Falco, and also had the “Love Interest” role covered. These two roles alone bring her to a higher status than Falco and Wolf. I’ve argued these points more times than I can count, and what I’ve realized is that either these older peers of mine don’t care, or they too don’t get me, just like I don’t get them. Is it possible that my view of the future and their recollections of the past will never see eye to eye? Are we both at fault for our sides? Do we just have mindsets to blame?
It’s now that I realize, it’s not only I, that do not get you, my older peers, but it’s you just don’t seem to understand me either. So, with this thought off my chest, I can take a sigh of relief, and conjure up a little smile.
Thoughts? Anyone?