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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
@omega nm I found it also horrid misspelling lol

also what are the noteable fire emblem characters?


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
@Hoots: Want me to show a picture that will make your nose bleed?

And in all honesty, no Soul Calibur characters will ever be in Smash. I mean, come on. Not even Soul Calibur fans like Soul Calibur that much. I only give them props for their appreciation of the gloriousness of the almighty "thickness". Mad props.


Deleted member

The reason why I think Clash is a good name is because as we know, when characters fight, it is a clash. When a character fight, they had a "Melee". When a character fights, they had a "Brawl". See where I'm coming from?

That's why I think they'll pick Clash for SSB4. Strife is good, but I prefer Clash.

Not really wanting an original character in Smash. It should be Nintendo All-Star, a few third-party characters is enough.

@Starphoenix: Wondering how to get the petition below the GIF? Put this down:

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v322/CloakedShadow/chocobo.gif" alt="Chocobo Count" height="50" width="100" /><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v322/CloakedShadow/Slimeadd.gif" alt="Chocobo Count" height="50" width="100" /> <iframe src="http://www.petitiononline.com/signatures.php?petition=slimchoc" frameborder="0" height="36" scrolling="no" width="102"></iframe>

It should work and it actually links to the petition.

@Barbasol's boss battle: That would be kind of cool to see.
JavaCroc said:
BTW, everyone has suggested what characters would make a great SSB4 trailer. Well, what would you think would the worst selection of new characters to show in a SSB4 trailer?
Everyone would hate it if it was shown in this order:

- Mii (Most people are against Mii's and even those who aren't like me could easily live without them. Only a select few actually support their inclusion)
- Tingle (North America hates Tingle)
- Cloud (Many people loathe him and people would just complain about him)
- Naruto (Breaking a rule made by Sakurai that should not be broken for the wrong character. Naruto is one of those incredibly wrong choices)
- Ryu (Street Fighter) (To backstab fans who want Mega Man)

Talk about bad choices for a trailer.
JavaCroc said:
I'll need to check how many members are actually a part of each group and possible others before I make an alliance myself.

BTW, would anyone join a non-character alliance? If I did my alliance, it would more focused on getting one particular franchise represented with a stage, Assist Trophy, and assorted trophies and stickers - not with a character.
- The alliances mentioned (Not including ones made by Zzuxon) have five to fifteen members. Hopefully, time will bring more members and more active groups.
JavaCroc said:
Should the complete Adventure Mode only be unlocked once you've unlocked all the playable characters?
Given that people would actually run around on it for fun instead of just to unlock all the characters, yes I would like something like this.
OmegaXVII said:
In this article:


It stated that Sakurai doesn't have enough choices and that Nintendo hasn't been doing any mainstream characters as of late, which means characters like Ridley and K.Rool should probably almost be shoe-ins since they are very iconic and seems to be very popular as well, hopefully this will also mean that his attention will focus on lesser characters that aren't recognized so much, that aren't as popular or demanded for that matter.
Already brought up. Still, I agree with you, even if I don't think K. Rool is practically a shoe-in (He still has a very solid shot, though).
OmegaXVII said:
Have you read this?


According to that, Level-5 shows interest and would probably love to see Professor Layton in Smash, I would be very hopeful if I were you.
I'll try to put this on GameFAQs. IMO, the second most likely third-party character is a tie between Ryu from Street Fighter, Professor Layton, and Slime (40%).
Shortiecanbrawl said:
Seriously, for a good like eight months my life revolved around that site. I suggested Lucario there at one point. For some reason no one was talking about him.
Lucario fell under the "Expected, but not wanted" category, despite being the most relevant. Probably why not much talking was in regards to him getting in the game. I accepted him though, because he was much better at fighting then Mewtwo and didn't really replace Mewtwo (Mewtwo was just dropped).
OmegaXVII said:
Geno isn't a WTF like Snake was, he's just a wanted character whose already popular amongst Nintendo fanboys, Snake wasn't expected whatsoever since his ties and represention of games were closer to Sony's at the
time, though this time around since there seems to be little hype about him, like this thread for example, then he might somewhat shock the whole Smadh community, I sure would be stunned to learn since I'm really expecting Megaman or Layton as the 3rd party rep. for Smash 4.
He would surprise me, but not to the point of shocking me. Would be a nice addition, even if not needed.
Starphoenix said:
Tried something a little different than normal and tried going for a grungy/dark theme. Hopefully it is of the caliber as my other work. Still surprised no one took this.
I would so take that, except that my sigs are revolving Project Character Alliance Movement. Maybe if that is dropped entirely I'll consider using it. However, I will say it's great.
Chris the Ripper said:
Why can't i see you guys on currently active users?!
That's something I also don't under, although it could be because it's instantaneous now?
Dr. Eggman said:
Dr. eggman- this I am sure is what will be the most controversial part of my roster, he seems to be getting a lot of unnecessary hate on this thread and someone went as far saying he has no chance and if sonic gets a second rep it will be tails. Now let me ask you what two characters has been in every sonic game that came out, the answer is dr. rob.. I mean eggman , tails did not show up until the second game and is not even in ever game after that unlike this iconic villain. Also he would have a unique moveset with his ability to transform characters into animals and the many inventions that he has used make his moveset limitless.
Not very convincing. I find it hard to imagine Eggman with an unique move set or at least one that doesn't suck/bland. Tails is a lot more interesting to me and I think he stands a greater chance of getting in, although considering I don't think we're getting a Sonic rep, that's not saying much.

All I can say is don't get your hope up for a second Sonic rep.
Starphoenix said:
Here is the truth of the matter. While I believe we will get a story mode, we should probably establish which console would be getting a comprehensive story mode? The way Sakurai in past interviews has stated his ideas on how to develop both titles, he makes it sound as though we'd more likely see this on the 3DS versus the Wii U. The way I see it is this:

3DS will get a comprehensive story mode, character upgrade features and singular player modes.

Wii U will get comprehensive online and multiplayer modes.

It isn't to say the 3DS won't have online or that the Wii U installment won't have a story mode. But when we talk depth, it will obviously lean towards the respective console's favor.
You have a very good point their and I would have to agree with you on this. However, this is also why my expectations for how many characters we get are very low if universal roster happens.
OmegaXVII said:
Overall I believe any character has a likely chance, of course this is saying if they've at least appeared on a Nintendo system and aren't anime based, so with that said any character has a chance whether it's slim or not, the fact that a character has a chance cannot be ignored regardless.
*clap hands*

It annoys me to no end when people say that a potential candidate has no chance of getting in even though they have appeared on a Nintendo console and is a video game character. That's what REALLY put me off User33's first post on this thread; he basically ruled out any character that wasn't 100% relevant when it's been proven with Marth that you don't have to appear in the latest game to have a chance of being playable. I'm not saying relevancy isn't a factor as it is, but I am saying that to ignore popularity and importance to the series just because that character hasn't appeared in a game recently and not consider him as a potential candidate is ridiculous. I would be infuriated if Sakurai never considered K. Rool as a playable character for SSB4 just because he didn't appear in Donkey Kong Country Returns.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
ONe thing that i do hope stays the same is how the character select screen is layed out. Whenever I make a roster, I always get creative which is something I hope Sakurai doesn't do.
I have to agree with you on this. Brawl's layout was perfect and is the best way to expand the roster. With this layout, Sakurai doesn't have to worry about which number to pick as much; he can simply choose 39, 44, 49, or if he really wants to go a little crazy with characters, 54. 49 slots would be near perfect for me as it leaves room for five new franchises, one or two retro reps, possibly one more F-zero rep, and a fourth third-party slot. By no means do I expect 49 slots, but it's very plausible if Sakurai either:

- Put exclusives on Wii-U.
- Successfully work around the 3DS limitation by compressing everything as much as possible and keeping out as many fillers as possible, only adding the stuffs that are really going to sell the game (Working under the assumption we get universal roster here).
Starphoenix said:
I will say something, I'm glad we are beginning to see some new, active participants in this thread. It is great to have a wider group to bounce things off of. Once actual news and such comes out this place will quadruple in size.
This. One thing that I love about active threads is that there is always something to contribute to and what keeps me coming back to this thread. It will only get more active with time.
HextupleyyooDOT" said:
Am I the only person who thinks the menu and UI design in Brawl was horrendous? Or am I just a snobby graphic designer?
I actually liked the menu design, but it was less organized then N64's and Melee's. However, it never really bothered me.
soviet prince said:
character select screen: honestly I like the way it is now, but with more characters being added I wonder if they will be able to keep with that layout.
I think they'll be able to do that. I have two example rosters:

-44 slots:

-49 slots:
shaSLAM said:
why isnt anyone talking about marietta in smash4?
Who is Marietta?
Opelucid said:
Comet Observatory
I think it would be better if it was a trip across galaxies in both Mario Galaxy games.
Starphoenix said:
That is actually interesting, one poignant piece is Zoroark is lower than Victini and Genesect. Leading to what I've already stated concerning him. He isn't as "wanted" as he is "expected".
It only indicates popularity from this site. That said, I will have to agree that Zoroark is "expected", not "wanted". People seem to think he's both when in reality, only a few people really want him in. Victini has a smaller fan base, but a more dedicated one and one more willing to defend themselves. Rarely do I see a Zoroark fan have to defend the character they support because they focus most of their effort on detracting Victini.

Speaking of detracting, what I've noticed that it is easy to be a detractor of a character because it's an easy way to gain respect. It is much harder to be a supporter, where you have to fight very hard to show that the character you support should be in the game.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
By lots. lets remember its probably 10 - 15 people.
You have a point, but this is Smash World Forums. It at least show what most people on this site thinks of the characters, although not all. However, as much as we all hate GameFAQs and their idiocy, they are a better indication of who is popular and who is not. Check out this thread and a new thread in regards to a day every day. I'm nominating Victini and Zoroark because I'm really curious to see what GameFAQs thinks of both characters.

Kind of makes me wish this was considerably bigger, although I'm happy that it's one of the biggest things on User Blogs now. This is why I may do a reboot after E3 2012, so I can get a lot more opinions in.
berserker01 said:
However, I didn't see Jr. even in the Game FAQ's rate their chance thread while I saw Toad and Paper Mario up there. There were like over 150 people who voted in that thread.
He was the first one up on GameFAQs. It's waaaaay back.
Shortiecanbrawl said:
ArcadeNik was a major help with my poll. Too bad he left after this thread replaced the original SSB4 thread.
It's really disappointing that Arcadenik and ChronoBound are no longer around (Although both did join the Toad Bridgade a few days ago and Arcadenik PM'd me in regards to Operation: Connect, so they may return soon).
Starphoenix said:
Want to talk about pessimism, look at some of the characters I would support?

Slime and Chocobo (heck, either of them)
Tom Nook
Cranky Kong
Earthworm Jim

In my minds all of these characters would be interesting combatants, but do I think they are likely? Heck no. Although Slime is a little different of a story... Still, at the end of the day I'm a realist despite my own preferences.

Also, SSBF. What do you think of this?
Strangely enough, you put Cranky Kong in your list of character you truly expected in a 42-slot roster, although to be fair, since I wanted to help lower your expectations, I advised you removed it.

Also, fantastic signature Star and it looks fantastic. Will be adding it now.
berserker01 said:
(Secretly) SSBF.
As I've said before, I do want him in SSB4 (The Kid version that is, the adult version I'm against) and think he would be really cool in Smash. Sure he's impossible, but what can you say, he is one of my favorite non-video game characters of all-time.
Hoots said:
Yikes... Someone is going to be disappointed, lol. The only 2 characters with ANY chance there are Geno and Krystal and even their chances aren't high at all.
I think there's hope for Deoxys, but only if Operation Hoenn Rising/Project Character Alliance Movement catches on.
berserker01 said:
You know why the thread is burning?

A new stage conept? Cool! Can't wait!
The thread is burning, the thread is burning!
Starphoenix said:
Eww, you actually visit IGN's boards? I stopped going to Gamefaqs because that was bad enough. IGN is even worse. At least here, apart from certain users, we actually have a pretty good spread. Though I agree with everyone else, if we had a sub-board much of the influx would be much easier to manage.
I'm another one of those unfortunate people who visit IGN from time to time. The fact that the forum was so stupid back in the day caused it's demise. Only a few people post their nowadays and I'm considering whenever or not to even mention our alliance in their. At least GameFAQs, we would some support if it worked out.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011

Goku is going to be in Smash4,you guys know it!
>Implying Sakurai will reconsider his "no anime" rule.......oh exscuse me,I ment his "law"


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009

And in all honesty, no Soul Calibur characters will ever be in Smash. I mean, come on. Not even Soul Calibur fans like Soul Calibur that much. I only give them props for their appreciation of the gloriousness of the almighty "thickness". Mad props.
Meh, it's not impossible. But very unlikely. Although we've seen Nintendo cross over into SC before.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC

Neat. :embarrass:

Anyway, feel free to post it in your blog, just be sure to give me credit of course. ;)

On a side note, my name's --- because I couldn't think of a name when I joined. :awesome:

Night everyone.

Deleted member

BTW, updated my site with an introductory article. Starphoenix is also able to put in contents on this site.

@Shortiecanbrawl, OmegaXVII, Barbasol, Young Horsetail, CrimsonFent, and berserker01: Given that I want leaders of alliances to be able to post contents on PCAM, would you like the ability to do so? Note that I will still be able to post content in their as well, just as it's possible to have more then one author of the same blog if I give permission to.

Hopefully, Starphoenix accept his invitation soon.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2010
I got an idea for Smash 4: bring back L-canceling, but make it so you have the option to have the game auto-L-cancel for you, like, for novice players; manual L-cancelers, however, get, like, 3 frames of invincibility upon their landing with their L-canceled aerial.

Pwiiiiiiz, Sakuwai?
Jun 8, 2009
Smart username... Tri-hi.

@Hoots: So you liked it?

@Anthon: Why not just reduce the number of landing frames?

@SSBF: Sure


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
BTW, updated my site with an introductory article. Starphoenix is also able to put in contents on this site.

@Shortiecanbrawl, OmegaXVII, Barbasol, Young Horsetail, CrimsonFent, and berserker01: Given that I want leaders of alliances to be able to post contents on PCAM, would you like the ability to do so? Note that I will still be able to post content in their as well, just as it's possible to have more then one author of the same blog if I give permission to.
Yeah, I'm down. I'll be off for a while considering this place is getting on my nerves.

When I come back I'll post my Dream Roster.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2010
@berserker Seems cool I guess, but the cat, don't let him down.

Deleted member

@Shortiecanbrawl and berserker01: Not that I like to do this, but could you PM me your e-mail to me? I will not share it with anyone. This is the only way I can send an invite to you unless there's another way (And I hope so).

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
The reason why I think Clash is a good name is because as we know, when characters fight, it is a clash. When a character fight, they had a "Melee". When a character fights, they had a "Brawl". See where I'm coming from?

That's why I think they'll pick Clash for SSB4. Strife is good, but I prefer Clash.

Not really wanting an original character in Smash. It should be Nintendo All-Star, a few third-party characters is enough.

@Starphoenix: Wondering how to get the petition below the GIF? Put this down:

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v322/CloakedShadow/chocobo.gif" alt="Chocobo Count" height="50" width="100" /><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v322/CloakedShadow/Slimeadd.gif" alt="Chocobo Count" height="50" width="100" /> <iframe src="http://www.petitiononline.com/signatures.php?petition=slimchoc" frameborder="0" height="36" scrolling="no" width="102"></iframe>

It should work and it actually links to the petition.

@Barbasol's boss battle: That would be kind of cool to see. Everyone would hate it if it was shown in this order:

- Mii (Most people are against Mii's and even those who aren't like me could easily live without them. Only a select few actually support their inclusion)
- Tingle (North America hates Tingle)
- Cloud (Many people loathe him and people would just complain about him)
- Naruto (Breaking a rule made by Sakurai that should not be broken for the wrong character. Naruto is one of those incredibly wrong choices)
- Ryu (Street Fighter) (To backstab fans who want Mega Man)

Talk about bad choices for a trailer.- The alliances mentioned (Not including ones made by Zzuxon) have five to fifteen members. Hopefully, time will bring more members and more active groups.Given that people would actually run around on it for fun instead of just to unlock all the characters, yes I would like something like this.Already brought up. Still, I agree with you, even if I don't think K. Rool is practically a shoe-in (He still has a very solid shot, though).I'll try to put this on GameFAQs. IMO, the second most likely third-party character is a tie between Ryu from Street Fighter, Professor Layton, and Slime (40%).Lucario fell under the "Expected, but not wanted" category, despite being the most relevant. Probably why not much talking was in regards to him getting in the game. I accepted him though, because he was much better at fighting then Mewtwo and didn't really replace Mewtwo (Mewtwo was just dropped).He would surprise me, but not to the point of shocking me. Would be a nice addition, even if not needed.I would so take that, except that my sigs are revolving Project Character Alliance Movement. Maybe if that is dropped entirely I'll consider using it. However, I will say it's great.That's something I also don't under, although it could be because it's instantaneous now?Not very convincing. I find it hard to imagine Eggman with an unique move set or at least one that doesn't suck/bland. Tails is a lot more interesting to me and I think he stands a greater chance of getting in, although considering I don't think we're getting a Sonic rep, that's not saying much.

All I can say is don't get your hope up for a second Sonic rep.You have a very good point their and I would have to agree with you on this. However, this is also why my expectations for how many characters we get are very low if universal roster happens.*clap hands*

It annoys me to no end when people say that a potential candidate has no chance of getting in even though they have appeared on a Nintendo console and is a video game character. That's what REALLY put me off User33's first post on this thread; he basically ruled out any character that wasn't 100% relevant when it's been proven with Marth that you don't have to appear in the latest game to have a chance of being playable. I'm not saying relevancy isn't a factor as it is, but I am saying that to ignore popularity and importance to the series just because that character hasn't appeared in a game recently and not consider him as a potential candidate is ridiculous. I would be infuriated if Sakurai never considered K. Rool as a playable character for SSB4 just because he didn't appear in Donkey Kong Country Returns.I have to agree with you on this. Brawl's layout was perfect and is the best way to expand the roster. With this layout, Sakurai doesn't have to worry about which number to pick as much; he can simply choose 39, 44, 49, or if he really wants to go a little crazy with characters, 54. 49 slots would be near perfect for me as it leaves room for five new franchises, one or two retro reps, possibly one more F-zero rep, and a fourth third-party slot. By no means do I expect 49 slots, but it's very plausible if Sakurai either:

- Put exclusives on Wii-U.
- Successfully work around the 3DS limitation by compressing everything as much as possible and keeping out as many fillers as possible, only adding the stuffs that are really going to sell the game (Working under the assumption we get universal roster here).This. One thing that I love about active threads is that there is always something to contribute to and what keeps me coming back to this thread. It will only get more active with time.I actually liked the menu design, but it was less organized then N64's and Melee's. However, it never really bothered me.I think they'll be able to do that. I have two example rosters:

-44 slots:

-49 slots:
Who is Marietta?I think it would be better if it was a trip across galaxies in both Mario Galaxy games.It only indicates popularity from this site. That said, I will have to agree that Zoroark is "expected", not "wanted". People seem to think he's both when in reality, only a few people really want him in. Victini has a smaller fan base, but a more dedicated one and one more willing to defend themselves. Rarely do I see a Zoroark fan have to defend the character they support because they focus most of their effort on detracting Victini.

Speaking of detracting, what I've noticed that it is easy to be a detractor of a character because it's an easy way to gain respect. It is much harder to be a supporter, where you have to fight very hard to show that the character you support should be in the game.You have a point, but this is Smash World Forums. It at least show what most people on this site thinks of the characters, although not all. However, as much as we all hate GameFAQs and their idiocy, they are a better indication of who is popular and who is not. Check out this thread and a new thread in regards to a day every day. I'm nominating Victini and Zoroark because I'm really curious to see what GameFAQs thinks of both characters.

Kind of makes me wish this was considerably bigger, although I'm happy that it's one of the biggest things on User Blogs now. This is why I may do a reboot after E3 2012, so I can get a lot more opinions in.He was the first one up on GameFAQs. It's waaaaay back.It's really disappointing that Arcadenik and ChronoBound are no longer around (Although both did join the Toad Bridgade a few days ago and Arcadenik PM'd me in regards to Operation: Connect, so they may return soon).Strangely enough, you put Cranky Kong in your list of character you truly expected in a 42-slot roster, although to be fair, since I wanted to help lower your expectations, I advised you removed it.

Also, fantastic signature Star and it looks fantastic. Will be adding it now.As I've said before, I do want him in SSB4 (The Kid version that is, the adult version I'm against) and think he would be really cool in Smash. Sure he's impossible, but what can you say, he is one of my favorite non-video game characters of all-time.I think there's hope for Deoxys, but only if Operation Hoenn Rising/Project Character Alliance Movement catches on.The thread is burning, the thread is burning!I'm another one of those unfortunate people who visit IGN from time to time. The fact that the forum was so stupid back in the day caused it's demise. Only a few people post their nowadays and I'm considering whenever or not to even mention our alliance in their. At least GameFAQs, we would some support if it worked out.

soviet prince

I am the terror that flaps in the night
Nov 10, 2007
@ ssbf what exactly would make tails more unique then eggman? egg man has a lot of gadgets he could use to his advantage,

@chris just stop

can someone list the FE reps that are the most popular


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
can someone list the FE reps that are the most popular
From what I know, which comes from Chronobound when he has posted here regarding Fire Emblem in the past. Assuming I remember correctly the popular lords in Japan are Sigurd, Marth, Roy, and Leaf.

Chris the Ripper

Banned via Administration
Jun 20, 2011
From what I know, which comes from Chronobound when he has posted here regarding Fire Emblem in the past. Assuming I remember correctly the popular lords in Japan are Sigurd, Marth, Roy, and Leaf.
Thats what I know too,but let me tell you what I think.
Roy,Ike,Goku,Goku :troll:


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
From what I know, which comes from Chronobound when he has posted here regarding Fire Emblem in the past. Assuming I remember correctly the popular lords in Japan are Sigurd, Marth, Roy, and Leaf.
Sigurd and Leaf are still popular? I need evidence of this otherwise I don't buy it, Roy has the most defenite chance besides Caeda, trust me, I know my Fire Emblem.


Deleted member

@ ssbf what exactly would make tails more unique then eggman? egg man has a lot of gadgets he could use to his advantage,

@chris just stop

can someone list the FE reps that are the most popular
I have a hard time imagine Eggman fighting without constantly relying on his gadgets to do the work. His normal attacks, for one, would not be very creative. Whereas while Tails uses gadgets, his normal and special attack would be much more creative and the way he would use it would be done in a better fashion.

As for the most popular FE reps, it's a tie between Lyn, Caeda, and Black Knight. The only one with a marginal shot is Caeda, though Black Knight would be more likely if he gets lots of support because of Project Begnion. Lyn had her best shot in Brawl and she lost it. Because of this, Lyn will probably never get in SSB4 as a playable character. Literally the only major thing going for her is the fact she an Assist Trophy since even her popularity has collapse.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
Eww, you actually visit IGN's boards? I stopped going to Gamefaqs because that was bad enough. IGN is even worse. At least here, apart from certain users, we actually have a pretty good spread. Though I agree with everyone else, if we had a sub-board much of the influx would be much easier to manage.
Most of IGN users are really irritating yes. But the Zelda Board is like a safe haven with a nice community of really great guys and girls. We're really tight there, and we all can't stand most people who post there. =P In fact, I guess you could say I'm sort of a "major player" as it were in that community as I sort of was in the Nsider smash community.

Deleted member

Hex said:
Most of IGN users are really irritating yes. But the Zelda Board is like a safe haven with a nice community of really great guys and girls. We're really tight there, and we all can't stand most people who post there. =P In fact, I guess you could say I'm sort of a "major player" as it were in that community as I sort of was in the Nsider smash community.
We must have never crossed by each other while we were at IGN. Who are you on IGN?

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
We must have never crossed by each other while we were at IGN. Who are you on IGN?
HextupleyooDOT. =P

I go by this name everywhere.

Though I only ever spend time on the Zelda Board, and occasionally at the Wii Lobby. Though the Wii Lobby is... meh. Lots of dumb ideas floating around there.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
From what I know, which comes from Chronobound when he has posted here regarding Fire Emblem in the past. Assuming I remember correctly the popular lords in Japan are Sigurd, Marth, Roy, and Leaf.
I know I said night, but I can't resist an FE discussion.

For the most part that is true. Except maybe Roy, I believe his father is more popular, along with Micaiah, Lyn and Ike.

From what I know they are all, except for Sigurd and Leaf (the Japanese are FE4/5 fanboys) that they are all beaten by Caeda who herself is beaten by the non-lord Pegasus Sisters.

But for the record the Pegasus Sisters are the most recuring playable characters in the FE series, even more than Marth.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Caeda has higher chances than any FE character, enough said!!

All they have to do is make the Pegasus Sister's do their Triangle Attack as a Final Smash and the Japanese will be all over her being playable. Perverts. lol


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
She could use a few cup sizes tacked on to her.

I think it will be Super Smash Bros. Rumble.

Eh, their too big already

What ya need is a flat one

Edit: I don't know what form of "there" to use in this sentence


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Most of IGN users are really irritating yes. But the Zelda Board is like a safe haven with a nice community of really great guys and girls. We're really tight there, and we all can't stand most people who post there. =P In fact, I guess you could say I'm sort of a "major player" as it were in that community as I sort of was in the Nsider smash community.
Oh ok. So you are like the governor of your own oasis in a desert of stupid? Got it.

Yeah in this thread, for whatever bizarre reason, I'm considered one of the "old guys". Because I came from the thread that preceded this one, would post there off and on for about a year. Plus since I've opened up my art workshop and started my stage concept series that kind of made me a little more noticeable. Whereas before I was constantly ignored...

Speaking of ignored, what the heck happened to nLIM8d?

Deleted member

I remember back in late 2009 when I was a big Nintendo fanboy. When IGN criticized Nintendo, I freaked out and thought they were trying to take down Nintendo's reputation when they were not. My behavior got to the point where I got banned in December, 2009 due to my fanboyism. I'm surprised that after making a (stupidly) scathing response a month later that I got my account back.

After posting the message on Nintendo Life (The response I made to IGN on January, 2010), I got banned for a few days from that site. I then looked back and recognized that my poor behavior was unacceptable. As such, I wised up and never again was I a Nintendo fanboy.

The Wii boards was okay. It at least had some cool people there and it did get better from 2009.
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