Need some opinions.
I was thinking of making a Character v Character tourney blog, does that interest anyone and do you think it would fair well on this forum?
You would vote for the character you think would win, and give a reason as to why you vote that way. The reason must be valid or it gets has no weight. (Ex: Boys always beat girls/I voted for them because I like there game more) At the end of the day/week/time period I would tally up the votes and announce the winner, who would go to the next round.
You would also be voting on the characters stats, so we could keep them for future reference. The votes would be a one through seven scale, with one being weakest, and seven being omnipotent. You would vote on the characters following attributes: Intellegence, Speed, Strength, Projectiles, Fighting Skills, and Stamina. These would be useful in future rounds when we get past the preliminaries.
So, you would be voting for WHO would win, and WHY. Debates are welcomed, and you would vote on the characters attributes to help match up the contestants better when it comes to the next round.
I would be documenting winners/losers as well, and probably would end up making a bracket layout for everyone to view.
How many characters should I go with? I was thinking 20 -30. I was also thinking that we would keep the characters "Video Game Only". What do you guys think?
@Star The fact that you posted Mystic Ninja, makes you a smart cookie in my book. One of my favorite series.