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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Nooooo! It was just a dream! :(

Curse my dream of reading an interview where Sakurai talked about western characters, StarTropics, and Mike's taunt of jamming bananas in his ears. What a cruel dream. >=/


@Megaman Legends 3 issue. :( I should've stayed asleep...

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I still believe Megaman no, now more than ever has higher chance for Smash 4, he is by far the most deserving 3rd party character ATM in my opinion.

And in the opinion of almost everyone! Megaman is undoubtedly the most worthy! And this cancellation does not diminish your chances of appearing in Sm4sh!:)


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2007
Well guess what, it's gonna happen since we ate likely going to either get an e3 2012 trailer or possibly a new Smash DOJO, which would get things started again and we would truly be able to speculate with any given facts handed to us, as for now it's fully fun hypothethical speculation.

That is a blatant understatement. The forum will practically explode when we get something tangible to discuss. xD And the ashes will burn when we get a weekly updated dojo. (Which we will... I mean, they've used smashbros.com as their main site for the last two games. Why wouldn't they do it now?)


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
Its because capcom learned that retrofitting was simply a bust, I'm sure Inafune was tired of beating horses anyhow. Megaman should have died years ago along with the knowledge that latter X games were being released without his acknowledgement .
QFT. Megaman is the posterboy of a dead genre and an archaic playstyle. It's not surprising they're cancelling his games. Not to mention the only people who LIKE him are the fanboys who grew up with his games and have nothing but extreme nostalgia. No offense to Megaman fans, but if one was completely ignorant of the Megaman hype, one would see a little boy that is supposed to be a robot or whatever going around and fighting bosses like "Sheep Man" and "Wood Man" with the main villain being just an old dude in a lab coat, and would think, wow this is ****ing stupid. Obviously newer gamers without that nostalgia agree since they arent buying his games. Capcom didn't even botther putting him in MVC3, ffs!


Deleted member

If they aren't playing ball he isn't getting in period. Regaurdless of if he gets any new 3DS games. This isn't about and never will be about Nintendo looking at recent titles and saying "Hmmmm.....x character is cool, let's add him". So long as Capcom is willing, and the fans push like a motherlicker, that's all that would get him in the game. It's about Fanservice, or personal favors. That's pretty much it. Nintendo won't add third parties without either of these.
Exactly. Fans need to stop treating like like Naruto is more likely then Mega Man at this point, being pessimistic is not going to help him one bit. I have lowered my expectations for Mega Man getting in SSB4, but I am still not giving up hope for his inclusion.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
@Hoots: QFT = Quit eFfin' Talking?

If thats so, then I'll let the sales numbers do the talking, meanwhile

[COLLAPSE="THIS is for you"]

EDIT- oh and for clarity: when I say 'X' I'm talking MegaManX.
Epic! QFT means Quoted For Truth.



Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
So, Inafune leaves Capcom and now everyone decides it's the perfect moment to start bashing Megaman? Yeah, two years ago nobody would be so brave. :p

Legends 3 was cancelled. Big deal? I mean, yeah, to me it kinda is, but objectively, Legends is one of the LESSER popular Megaman titles. Megaman 11 comes out, or Megaman X9 comes out, and we shall see how "dead" this horse really is.

Megaman 9 stayed on top of sales for a bit over 6 months on the Wiiware alone. It's not correct to assume that only retro fans like Megaman because the formula keeps evolving, like it did from Classic to X, to Zero, to ZX. Inafune leaving Capcom is no different from Itagaki leaving Team Ninja. Capcom and Team Ninja will still keep on pumping out Megaman / Ninja Gaiden when they feel like it.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
But seriously, everyone is pooping there pants like Megaman is offically earased from history.
If only.

But seriously let them be worried. I dislike megaman as much as you if not more and im just going with the flow right now.

I think the biggest issue they have could be that as his games keep getting cancelled his relevancy decreases. I could be wrong but I don't really care enough to investigate further.



Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
MegaMan has been stale since the SNES days with a handful of good titles, and Legends was among one of the more lame series. It was actually sad how they kept him on life support all this time and still made him work. He needs some much deserved rest.

Fact: Inafune loved Legends, he's the reason Legends characters got in Namco X Capcom over others, Volnutt over Classic Mega Man in TvC, and hinted by Niitsuma that he wanted Tron in MvC 3. He was the only one as high up as he was that wanted Legends 3 to be made, and sort of got away with greenlighting it by MMU. When he left and MMU got put into limbo then canceled, people should have been tipped off that Legends 3 could have got the boot.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I sense a tide of Megaman and anti-Megaman threads to be created in the not so distant future. :p

To me, there's no contest. The importance of the franchise on Nintendo speaks for itself.

What has been cancelled is:
-A "Megaman maker" type game for PS360 (yeah, same reason why we haven't gotten a Mario-maker, nor a Sonic-maker. This directly competes with other games from the same franchise)
-A Megaman Legends project. Megaman Legends is the least popular of the franchise. Sales are average to poor, no wonder Capcom is hesitant about it.
Not to mention the fact that Capcom can't distrubute Legends 1 & 2 digitally due to several copyright issues. And they wouldn't risk putting a pair of games that didn't sell too well on retail disc. Demand <<<<<< Cost, by FAR.

These two games? They don't even scratch the surface of the popularity of Megaman, let alone they impact in any way to their importance in Nintendo.

If every game released/cancelled is meaningful, then let's look at Megaman: Wily's Revenge just released today for the 3DS VC.
OMG Megaman confirmed!!!

Deleted member

shinhed-echi said:
So, Inafune leaves Capcom and now everyone decides it's the perfect moment to start bashing Megaman? Yeah, two years ago nobody would be so brave.
This. Back then, only those against third-party characters were against his inclusion (For the most part). Now it seems as those who don't want him in are trying to capitalize on the cancellation to make it out that he won't get in. What they don't realize is that this will fade away eventually and people will continue to demand his inclusion, possibly at an even higher level. The dedication of that fanbase is what may lead to his inclusion.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
I heard from a little bird that Zero was the initial design and Megaman was more of a collab effort. Who's to say Capcom doesn't care? They're just hellbent on making sequels.

[COLLAPSE="He has to be in NOW"]

Anyways, regarding Megaman, I have never liked him and such, but that doesn't make me think that he SHOULDN'T be in Smash. I am just saying that it is easy to see why they are shafting Megaman left and right. In addition, I think this was said before, the only reason people around here consider Megaman the GOD character who is the most deserving and the most awesome is because the hardcore fanboys are just the most vocal on this thread.



Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America

Anyways, regarding Megaman, I have never liked him and such, but that doesn't make me think that he SHOULDN'T be in Smash. I am just saying that it is easy to see why they are shafting Megaman left and right. In addition, I think this was said before, the only reason people around here consider Megaman the GOD character who is the most deserving and the most awesome is because the hardcore fanboys are just the most vocal on this thread.

No mention on how he is the 3rd party character with MOST games on Nintendo consoles and handhelds?:p Silly me, I always thought THAT was the main reason why he was most deserving.

I can see why some people wouldn't want him in (though mostly because he competes with other 3rd party characters). But really.. They haven't even announced how many 3rd party "slots" will be used, so I wouldn't jump the gun just yet.

I'm just saying, next to Sonic, Megaman's fanbase will be the most vocal one. And that's what got Sonic in Brawl. We can only assume the same will happen to Megaman.

Deleted member

shinhed-echi said:
I can see why some people wouldn't want him in (though mostly because he competes with other 3rd party characters). But really.. They haven't even announced how many 3rd party "slots" will be used, so I wouldn't jump the gun just yet.
I don't think we're going to find out until release.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2011
Are we seriously talking about Megaman again? We all know that, like him or hate him (or in my case, don't care at all), he's pretty much a shoe-in for SSB4. What about other third parties? Bomberman? Final Fantasy characters? Simon Belmont? Leon Kennedy? Alexandra Roivas? I know some of these guys are long stretches, but at least discussing them is a bit less dull than Megaman discussion.

Deleted member

Are we seriously talking about Megaman again? We all know that, like him or hate him (or in my case, don't care at all), he's pretty much a shoe-in for SSB4. What about other third parties? Bomberman? Final Fantasy characters? Simon Belmont? Leon Kennedy? Alexandra Roivas? I know some of these guys are long stretches, but at least discussing them is a bit less dull than Megaman discussion.
There are no shoe-ins for third-party characters. Little Mac, Ridley, and Medusa are all more likely then him.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
Are we seriously talking about Megaman again? We all know that, like him or hate him (or in my case, don't care at all), he's pretty much a shoe-in for SSB4. What about other third parties? Bomberman? Final Fantasy characters? Simon Belmont? Leon Kennedy? Alexandra Roivas? I know some of these guys are long stretches, but at least discussing them is a bit less dull than Megaman discussion.
Pick one and go in depth and we'll jump in.

Contrary to popular belief third parties cannot be shoe-ins because third parties are not guaranteed to return.

I know nothing about custom robo, except that Star should make the stage

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
All right, here's the Zoroark moveset that I've done up. It took me about 1.5 hours to make.


Offensive Strength: 6/10
Defensive Strength: 6/10
Ground Speed: 7/10
Running Speed: 8/10
Jump Height: 6/10
Mid-air Jump Height: 6/10
Air Speed: 7/10
Falling Speed: 4/10
Recovery: 7/10
Weight: 19/28 (based on this post)

Projectile: Yes
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Cling: No
Crawl: Yes

Zoroark is a fighter with relatively balanced attributes. Its offense and defense are at average levels, but it excels in the speed department. In fact, its best stat is its running speed, which almost rivals that of Zero Suit Samus. Zoroark is also moderately heavy, and has access to a projectile move. While it's not the greatest jumper, Zoroark's jumping abilities are still at an average level, and its air speed is pretty good too. However, it's a fairly slow faller, which does make it easy for opponents to vertically KO it. Fortunately, it's not an easy target to KO horizontally, since its recovery is at good levels. Zoroark has the ability to do wall jumps, and it can crawl, but it can't cling onto walls.

Some of Zoroark's attacks have darkness effects, which is especially noticable with its special moves.

Overall, Zoroark doesn't have any super high pros, nor does it have any serious weaknesses.
Standard Ground Attacks

n-tilt: Zoroark does a basic scratch attack with its left claw. The attack does 2%-4% damage, and its knockback is set to be very weak. The attack is not capable of making KOs.

n-tilt x2: Zoroark does a basic scratch attack with its right claw. The attack does 2%-4% damage, and its knockback is dependent on the target's damage. It's not until the target has over 200% damage in which this attack can make KOs.

f-tilt: Zoroark does a strong slash attack with both of its claws. The attack deals two hits, with each one dealing 4%-6% damage. The second hit has decent knockback.

u-tilt: Zoroark does a headbutt with its head. The attack has vertical knockback, does 4%-6% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.

d-tilt: Zoroark will do a low angled claw swipe. The attack does 5%-7% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.

dash: Zoroark slashes with both of its claws while running. The attack has vertical knockback, does 7%-9% damage, and has decent knockback.
Smash Attacks

f-smash: Zoroark executes Night Slash, which has darkness effects. The attack is fairly fast in execution, and has decent range. When uncharged, the attack does 11%-13% damage. When fully charged, the attack does 19%-21% damage. Its knockback is rather strong, which makes it an effective move for making KOs.

u-smash: Zoroark will execute a vertical Night Slash. It'll move its right claw back, and then strike with a powerful uppercut. The attack has darkness effects, but is a tad slower than the f-smash. When uncharged, the attack does 10%-12% damage. When fully charged, the attack does 18%-21% damage. Its knockback is rather strong, and sends the target flying vertically.

d-smash: Zoroark will use Hidden Power to push back opponents. The attack is a bit slow in execution, and it has no vertical distance. When uncharged, the attack does 10%-12% damage. When fully charged, the attack does 17%-20% damage. Its knockback is low-angled, but it is weaker than the other smash attacks.
Aerial Attacks

n-air: Zoroark curls itself up to resemble a ball, and spins. If it hits anyone upon execution, the attack does 8%-10% damage, and have decent horizontal knockback. At any other time though, the attack will only do 2%-4% damage, and will have poor knockback. The move is quick in execution.

f-air: Zoroark does an aerial slash attack with its left claw. The attack does 9%-12% damage, and its knockback is fairly strong.

b-air: Zoroark does a reverse slash attack with its right claw. The attack does 7%-10% damage, but it's slightly weaker than the f-air in terms of knockback.

u-air: Zoroark does an aerial headbutt. The attack delivers vertical knockback, and does 7%-9% damage, but it's the weakest aerial move in Zoroark's arsenal.

d-air: Zoroark forcefully moves both of its arms downward in an attempt to hammer targets below it. The attack has meteor smash properties, does 8%-10% damage, and has decent knockback.
Grabs & Throws

grab: Zoroark will use its claws in an attempt to hold an opponent.

dash grab: While running, Zoroark will attempt to use its claws to grab an opponent.

pummel: Zoroark will bite the target. Attack does 2%-4% damage.

f-throw: Zoroark slashes the grabbed opponent forward with its claws. The attack does 7%-10% damage, and has decent knockback.

b-throw: Zoroark flings the grabbed opponent behind it. The attack does 5%-7% damage, and its knockback is ususually high.

u-throw: Zoroark throws the grabbed opponent upwards and slashes him/her with its claws. The attack does 7%-10% damage, and has vertical knockback.

d-throw: Zoroark slams the grabbed opponent to the ground to inflict damage. The attack does 4%-6% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.
Special Attacks

standard; Dark Pulse: Zoroark fires a dark aura blast, damaging those in its path. Hold the special button to charge it up; release to fire; if fully charged, the attack will be released automatically. At its weakest, the attack only does 4%-6% damage with little knockback. At its strongest, the attack does 23%-26% damage, with very strong knockback.

side; Faint Attack: Zoroark disappears and makes illusions of itself to throw off the opponent. It then attacks for real. The attack does 6%-9% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.

up; Agility: Zoroark will move at high speeds in an attempt to recover. It does up to two warps of Agility, but the move doesn't damage opponents.

down; Foul Play: Zoroark stands its ground, waiting for its target to attack it directly. When hit, Zoroark will disappear and then reappear with a counterattack. The amount of damage that this move does is 1.2x the damage that Zoroark would've received, and its knockback also depends of the evaded attack's power.
Final Smash

Night Daze: Zoroark will unleash a powerful blast of dark energy, damaging anyone in its path. The attack's range is large, but it is more effective if the targets are real close to Zoroark. If used at close range, the attack has KO potential, but not from a distance. Damage can range from a minimum of 5% damage, to a maximum of 35% damage.
Recovery Attacks

Ledge Recover <100% damage: Zoroark does a quick low sweep attack to push back opponents. The attack does 4%-6% damage, and has low knockback.

Ledge Recover 100%+ damage: Zoroark does a weak slash to damage opponents. The attack does 5%-8% damage, and has low knockback.

Floor Recover Front: Zoroark spins its body to push back opponents. The attack does 4%-6% damage, and has low knockback.

Floor Recover Back: Zoroark does a slash around itself to push back opponents. The attack does 4%-7% damage, and has low knockback.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Well Capcom officially announced Megaman is being put into hibernation so they can "expand other series and interests". Which essentially means rehashing more damned Street Fighter and Resident Evil garbage.

Let's see no more Megaman, Breath of Fire is dead, Power Stone is dead, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 isn't as nearly as fun as it's predecessors, you rehash every hit you once had 100x over. Is there any reason to support this company? Nope.


Deleted member

Starphoenix said:
Well Capcom officially announced Megaman is being put into hibernation so they can "expand other series and interests". Which essentially means rehashing more damned Street Fighter and Resident Evil garbage.
Link please. I would love (hate) to see it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2010
Anyway, let's keep in mind that Brawl assist trophies probably have an edge over complete newcomers in their inclusion. So things are looking good for guys like Ray and Little Mac and Waluigi .

Deleted member

Anyway, let's keep in mind that Brawl assist trophies probably have an edge over complete newcomers in their inclusion. So things are looking good for guys like Ray and Little Mac and Waluigi .
I agree with Little Mac, not so much on Ray and Waluigi. Ray suffers from relevancy issues and Waluigi is purely a spin-off character and we have yet to see a purely spin-off character playable yet.

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
All right, here's the Zoroark moveset that I've done up. It took me about 1.5 hours to make.


Offensive Strength: 6/10
Defensive Strength: 6/10
Ground Speed: 7/10
Running Speed: 8/10
Jump Height: 6/10
Mid-air Jump Height: 6/10
Air Speed: 7/10
Falling Speed: 4/10
Recovery: 7/10
Weight: 19/28 (based on this post)

Projectile: Yes
Wall Jump: Yes
Wall Cling: No
Crawl: Yes

Zoroark is a fighter with relatively balanced attributes. Its offense and defense are at average levels, but it excels in the speed department. In fact, its best stat is its running speed, which almost rivals that of Zero Suit Samus. Zoroark is also moderately heavy, and has access to a projectile move. While it's not the greatest jumper, Zoroark's jumping abilities are still at an average level, and its air speed is pretty good too. However, it's a fairly slow faller, which does make it easy for opponents to vertically KO it. Fortunately, it's not an easy target to KO horizontally, since its recovery is at good levels. Zoroark has the ability to do wall jumps, and it can crawl, but it can't cling onto walls.

Some of Zoroark's attacks have darkness effects, which is especially noticable with its special moves.

Overall, Zoroark doesn't have any super high pros, nor does it have any serious weaknesses.
Standard Ground Attacks

n-tilt: Zoroark does a basic scratch attack with its left claw. The attack does 2%-4% damage, and its knockback is set to be very weak. The attack is not capable of making KOs.

n-tilt x2: Zoroark does a basic scratch attack with its right claw. The attack does 2%-4% damage, and its knockback is dependent on the target's damage. It's not until the target has over 200% damage in which this attack can make KOs.

f-tilt: Zoroark does a strong slash attack with both of its claws. The attack deals two hits, with each one dealing 4%-6% damage. The second hit has decent knockback.

u-tilt: Zoroark does a headbutt with its head. The attack has vertical knockback, does 4%-6% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.

d-tilt: Zoroark will do a low angled claw swipe. The attack does 5%-7% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.

dash: Zoroark slashes with both of its claws while running. The attack has vertical knockback, does 7%-9% damage, and has decent knockback.
Smash Attacks

f-smash: Zoroark executes Night Slash, which has darkness effects. The attack is fairly fast in execution, and has decent range. When uncharged, the attack does 11%-13% damage. When fully charged, the attack does 19%-21% damage. Its knockback is rather strong, which makes it an effective move for making KOs.

u-smash: Zoroark will execute a vertical Night Slash. It'll move its right claw back, and then strike with a powerful uppercut. The attack has darkness effects, but is a tad slower than the f-smash. When uncharged, the attack does 10%-12% damage. When fully charged, the attack does 18%-21% damage. Its knockback is rather strong, and sends the target flying vertically.

d-smash: Zoroark will use Hidden Power to push back opponents. The attack is a bit slow in execution, and it has no vertical distance. When uncharged, the attack does 10%-12% damage. When fully charged, the attack does 17%-20% damage. Its knockback is low-angled, but it is weaker than the other smash attacks.
Aerial Attacks

n-air: Zoroark curls itself up to resemble a ball, and spins. If it hits anyone upon execution, the attack does 8%-10% damage, and have decent horizontal knockback. At any other time though, the attack will only do 2%-4% damage, and will have poor knockback. The move is quick in execution.

f-air: Zoroark does an aerial slash attack with its left claw. The attack does 9%-12% damage, and its knockback is fairly strong.

b-air: Zoroark does a reverse slash attack with its right claw. The attack does 7%-10% damage, but it's slightly weaker than the f-air in terms of knockback.

u-air: Zoroark does an aerial headbutt. The attack delivers vertical knockback, and does 7%-9% damage, but it's the weakest aerial move in Zoroark's arsenal.

d-air: Zoroark forcefully moves both of its arms downward in an attempt to hammer targets below it. The attack has meteor smash properties, does 8%-10% damage, and has decent knockback.
Grabs & Throws

grab: Zoroark will use its claws in an attempt to hold an opponent.

dash grab: While running, Zoroark will attempt to use its claws to grab an opponent.

pummel: Zoroark will bite the target. Attack does 2%-4% damage.

f-throw: Zoroark slashes the grabbed opponent forward with its claws. The attack does 7%-10% damage, and has decent knockback.

b-throw: Zoroark flings the grabbed opponent behind it. The attack does 5%-7% damage, and its knockback is ususually high.

u-throw: Zoroark throws the grabbed opponent upwards and slashes him/her with its claws. The attack does 7%-10% damage, and has vertical knockback.

d-throw: Zoroark slams the grabbed opponent to the ground to inflict damage. The attack does 4%-6% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.
Special Attacks

standard; Dark Pulse: Zoroark fires a dark aura blast, damaging those in its path. Hold the special button to charge it up; release to fire; if fully charged, the attack will be released automatically. At its weakest, the attack only does 4%-6% damage with little knockback. At its strongest, the attack does 23%-26% damage, with very strong knockback.

side; Faint Attack: Zoroark disappears and makes illusions of itself to throw off the opponent. It then attacks for real. The attack does 6%-9% damage, and its knockback is fairly low.

up; Agility: Zoroark will move at high speeds in an attempt to recover. It does up to two warps of Agility, but the move doesn't damage opponents.

down; Foul Play: Zoroark stands its ground, waiting for its target to attack it directly. When hit, Zoroark will disappear and then reappear with a counterattack. The amount of damage that this move does is 1.2x the damage that Zoroark would've received, and its knockback also depends of the evaded attack's power.
Final Smash

Night Daze: Zoroark will unleash a powerful blast of dark energy, damaging anyone in its path. The attack's range is large, but it is more effective if the targets are real close to Zoroark. If used at close range, the attack has KO potential, but not from a distance. Damage can range from a minimum of 5% damage, to a maximum of 35% damage.
Recovery Attacks

Ledge Recover <100% damage: Zoroark does a quick low sweep attack to push back opponents. The attack does 4%-6% damage, and has low knockback.

Ledge Recover 100%+ damage: Zoroark does a weak slash to damage opponents. The attack does 5%-8% damage, and has low knockback.

Floor Recover Front: Zoroark spins its body to push back opponents. The attack does 4%-6% damage, and has low knockback.

Floor Recover Back: Zoroark does a slash around itself to push back opponents. The attack does 4%-7% damage, and has low knockback.
Incredible! I loved this moveset!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2011
Laredo ,Texas
I hope Capcom works with Nintendo on the next Smash Brothers.
Sakurai has lost my respect.
I hope Yoshinori Ono fixes smash brothers into a good fighting game. He's the man :D

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Anyway, let's keep in mind that Brawl assist trophies probably have an edge over complete newcomers in their inclusion. So things are looking good for guys like Ray and Little Mac and Waluigi .
Little Mac and Waluigi! are they call more attention, I put like this:
Little Mac: 60%
Waluigi: 20%


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Well Capcom officially announced Megaman is being put into hibernation so they can "expand other series and interests". Which essentially means rehashing more damned Street Fighter and Resident Evil garbage.

Let's see no more Megaman, Breath of Fire is dead, Power Stone is dead, Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 isn't as nearly as fun as it's predecessors, you rehash every hit you once had 100x over. Is there any reason to support this company? Nope.

Badger them for an English AAI2 release?

Sonic Poke

Smash Lord
May 14, 2011
Sao Paulo, Brazil
I hope Capcom works with Nintendo on the next Smash Brothers.
Sakurai has lost my respect.
I hope Yoshinori Ono fixes smash brothers into a good fighting game. He's the man :D
Sakurai has said that it is possible to enter characters from capcom! So it is very likely!


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
I think he meant that he wants Capcom to co-develop the next Smash.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2011
Laredo ,Texas
exactly KumaOso lol
I just want technical stuff like melee or street fighter not some brawl like game :/
but whatever no one on this thread would agree cuz its on the brawl section :/


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2010
exactly KumaOso lol
I just want technical stuff like melee or street fighter not some brawl like game :/
but whatever no one on this thread would agree cuz its on the brawl section :/
You'd be surprised. It's only in Brawl because there's nowhere else to put it, really.
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