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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Oh you... The only reason I pimp him is because Nintendo has invested interest into this one third party series out of them all. So at least I have some precedent.
Well, Slime, Sora and Jill all have upcoming games for the 3DS so they aren't out of the question. I think I'll draw Kirby hats for them ALL. They'll all be using moves, so does anyone have any ideas for them?

I was thinking a Handgun or Knife for Jill, but I don't know where to start with Sora, and I don't remember much of Slime's attacks.


Can Be Combative
Apr 21, 2008
Oh you... The only reason I pimp him is because Nintendo has invested interest into this one third party series out of them all. So at least I have some precedent.
Oh I agree that Slime has a ton more precedent than people like Travis Touchdown and Ryu and Sora. I'm just saying that the main reason that people are so welcome to Slime and actually consider him decently possible is because of your presence.



How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Well, Slime, Sora and Jill all have upcoming games for the 3DS so they aren't out of the question. I think I'll draw Kirby hats for them ALL. They'll all be using moves, so does anyone have any ideas for them?

I was thinking a Handgun or Knife for Jill, but I don't know where to start with Sora, and I don't remember much of Slime's attacks.
Like I said, Nintendo has only invested their own resources for one of those three series you mentioned. Never said Slime was a shoe-in, I'm not that biased to where I drop common sense at the door. Just that Dragon Quest is more likely than other series I see mentioned because of Nintendo's commitment to growing this franchise in the West. Not to mention the fact that we are having a Dragon Quest/Mario crossover game hitting shelves this winter.

Which, Dragon Quest aside, is going to be a really fun game and I suggest everybody look into Fortune Street. Even has Wifi, which makes it worth the price in my eyes.

Oh I agree that Slime has a ton more precedent than people like Travis Touchdown and Ryu and Sora. I'm just saying that the main reason that people are so welcome to Slime and actually consider him decently possible is because of your presence.

Well, maybe here that might be the case. But I've seen support for him at other forums where I am not as active. So it isn't like I'm the Fatman of Slime, not trying to start a cult... >_>

Although the Slime Brigade does have a nice ring to it...

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom
Wait a second, people say Dragon Quest has no chance/sucks, but are seriously saying Kingdom Hearts characters are deserving/would be cool?
How's that for irony?! The thing is however, the Kingdom Hearts titles contain Walt Disney characters, which never originated from any video games.

4th party = No chance

Deleted member

Sora is most definitely 100% out of the question. He is a mixture of Disney and Square Enix property. If Sora was to be included, they would have to deal with a lot of messy licensing issues even worse then Geno's. And it's not like he's exactly the best candidate for a third-party character either. As such, Sora is one of those people I am 100% confident will never be in SSB4 or in any future Super Smash Bros. games and if he does, we might as well invite Mickey, Naruto, Bart Simpson, Steve Urkel, and Obama to the group as well.

Deleted member

"CrimsonFeint said:
I'll form the Kremling Kult in favour of K. Rool himself.
Can I join if you form it?
Tails should make a great AT (with his mech)
Wasn't Tail planned to be an Assist Trophy in Brawl? If so, I can see Tail get in as an Assist Trophy, either alongside Shadow or replacing him.
How's that for irony?! The thing is however, the Kingdom Hearts titles contain Walt Disney characters, which never originated from any video games.

4th party = No chance
Add into the fact that Slime is much more significant to Nintendo then Sora and I fail to understand why Sora even has a miniscule of a chance, something I rarely say for video game characters. Yes, even Cloud, a mainly PlayStation character, has more of a chance then Sora and that one is incredibly low. And really, Slime's chances are much, much higher then Sora's will ever be.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
How's that for irony?!
I'm just surprised at the astounding stupidity of it, even at a hypothetical level.

I'm surprised they went with Shadow over Tails for the AT spot, considering that it was Tails of all characters and there's an item that pretty much does what Shadow does.

I can't believe this nonsense made it in here, from that guy nonetheless. Its like he can't help being hypocritical like h can't help the color of his skin.
You have a problem with Jews? :glare:

Deleted member

I'm just surprised at the astounding stupidity of it, even at a hypothetical level.

I'm surprised they went with Shadow over Tails for the AT spot, considering that it was Tails of all characters and there's an item that pretty much does what Shadow does.

You have a problem with Jews? :glare:
Probably because at the time, Shadow was the second most popular Sonic character.

Now that Tails is more relevant then Shadow, I can easily see Tails replacing Shadow as Sonic's Assist Trophy.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Sora is most definitely 100% out of the question. He is a mixture of Disney and Square Enix property. If Sora was to be included, they would have to deal with a lot of messy licensing issues even worse then Geno's. And it's not like he's exactly the best candidate for a third-party character either. As such, Sora is one of those people I am 100% confident will never be in SSB4 or in any future Super Smash Bros. games and if he does, we might as well invite Mickey, Naruto, Bart Simpson, Steve Urkel, and Obama to the group as well.
You cannot compare sora to characters that aren't allowed. He is owned by Disney, yes. But so what? He's still a popular video game character. Disney owns all the rights, so yeah, not that big of a deal and CERTAINLY not comparable to Geno. Just because Disney is involved doesn't mean a thing.

Deleted member

You cannot compare sora to characters that aren't allowed. He is owned by Disney, yes. But so what? He's still a popular video game character. Disney owns all the rights, so yeah, not that big of a deal and CERTAINLY not comparable to Geno. Just because Disney is involved doesn't mean a thing.
Sora is owned by Disney, you said it yourself. Which means he is owned by a non-video game company. Nintendo will never consider having a character owned by a non-video game company made into a playable character in SSB4, especially since he is not nearly as popular as the following potential third-party candidates:

Mega Man, Slime, Bomberman, Simon Belmont, Ryu Hayabusa, Sonic, Snake, Cloud (However unlikely he is), Pac Man.

Most of these are unlikely (With the exception of Mega Man), but all of them have a better shot of being in SSB4 then Sora.


Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
And because of that, Popeye can't get in despite he was in one of Nintendo's first games and was also a basis for Mario.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
(Go to sleep for a few hours and this happens, can't even continue a discussion on Kain :/ )

As for the Disney thing, Epic Mickey, anyone?(although there could be something going on here i don't know about)

Anyway, I just wanna say ther's always a chance for anyone, since we, with all our logic, can't know who's gonna be in SSB4, but hey,(i wonder whether i'm disproving my own point here) we can always take a guess, right?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Sora is owned by Disney, you said it yourself. Which means he is owned by a non-video game company. Nintendo will never consider having a character owned by a non-video game company made into a playable character in SSB4, especially since he is not nearly as popular as the following potential third-party candidates:

Mega Man, Slime, Bomberman, Simon Belmont, Ryu Hayabusa, Sonic, Snake, Cloud (However unlikely he is), Pac Man.

Most of these are unlikely (With the exception of Mega Man), but all of them have a better shot of being in SSB4 then Sora.
That's just silly and you have no proof that nintendo would do that. You wouldn't be arguing this if Mcdonalds owned Megaman. It's the same thing. The company is irrelevant in this instance.

And really? Sora, isn't as popular as these characters? I very much beg to differ.


Smash Rookie
Jul 2, 2011
Here's a Little Mac moveset I came up with that utilizes the tripping function that was introduced in Brawl. Little Mac being able to trip opponents seemed like it would fit well, since in his games, the opponents do a little dance before falling over. Many people think his moveset would be bland, but Little Mac being able to trip people would change that. It also utilizes the stars from Punch Out, which you get upon hitting an opponent before they hit you in Punch Out.

If an attack has a "*" next to it, this attack has extremely high priority, and if performed while an enemy is attacking you simultaneously, Little Mac's attack will go through and the opponents attack will fail. Then, it will add 1 star to Little Mac, causing his gloves to flash. These stars are used for his Up Special move. Little Mac can only have a maximum of 3 stars at any given time.

*A - Little Mac does a quick jab with his left hand, causing the opponent to flinch and doing 2% damage.
AA - Little Mac does another even faster jab with his right hand, causing the opponent to flinch and doing 3% damage.
AAA - Little Mac does a quick turn around punch with his left hand(much like Balrog from Street Fighter), knocking the player back while also dashing forward with the knockbacked player, doing 5% damage.
AAAA - Little Mac does a fast, downward jab to the stomach area of the opponent with his right hand, causing the opponent to trip and doing 4% damage.
AAAAA - Little Mac pulls his right hand back and performs a powerful haymaker with his right hand, doing 7-12% damage and knocking the opponent back quite a bit.

*Side-A Tilt - Little Mac pushes the opponent back with both his fists, causing the opponent to trip and doing 1% damage.
Down-A Tilt - Little Mac does a hook with his left hand toward the ground, causing the opponent to trip and doing 2-3% damage.
Up-A Tilt - Little Mac will do a jab toward the sky, causing the opponent to flinch if they have less than 40% damage. Otherwise, they will be knocked back. This attack will do 5-8% damage.
*Dash A - Little Mac punches forward while dashing, with a 40% chance of causing them to trip, and doing 4-8% damage.

Forward Smash - Little Mac pulls his arm back and performs a powerful haymaker toward the opponent. If it connects, it will do 10-25% damage, depending on how long you charge it, and major knockback.
Up Smash - Little Mac pulls his arm back and performs a powerful uppercut, connecting with opponents in front of him, and above him. it will do 10-25% damage depending on how long you charge it and major upward knockback.
Down Smash - Little Mac performs a fast hook toward the ground in front of him, doing 9-23% damage, depending on how long you charge it, but not very good knockback.

Neutral Air - Little Mac punches 3 times, the third knocking the opponent back and doing a total of 8-15% damage.
Forward Air - Little Mac pulls his right fist back and performs a downward hook, in a C-shape, spiking anyone his fist connects with and doing 5-10% damage.
*Back Air - Little Mac does a quick turn around punch with his right hand. It will do 4-9% damage and Little Mac will be facing the opposite direction he originally he was.
Up Air - Little Mac punches toward the sky 3 times, the third knocking the opponent back and doing a total of 8-15% damage.
*Down Air - Little Mac spreads his legs and punches downward in-between them, causing 3-8% damage.

Grab A - Little Mac holds the enemy with his left hand, and jabs at them with his right.
Forward Throw - Little Mac holds the enemy with his left hand and does a haymaker with his right, knocking them back very far, and doing 6-10% damage.
Back Throw - Little Mac throws the enemy behind him doing 2% damage and tripping them, then quickly does a turn around punch doing 4-8% more damage.
Up Throw - Little Mac throws the enemy above him, doing 1% damage, but they won't be knocked back very far, and then performs an uppercut, doing 5-9% damage and knocking them upward.
Down Throw - Little Mac holds the enemy with his left hand, and does a downward hook with his right hand, causing the enemy to flinch and then trip doing 5-10% damage.

Neutral Special - COUNTER.
Little Mac braces himself for attack for 3 seconds. If someone attacks him within the first 1.5 seconds, than they will trip, and Little Mac will perform a dashing punch with his right hand toward them doing 5-8% damage.
Forward Special - DODGE.
Little Mac moves to the left or right, depending on the direction you moved the control stick. During this time you cannot be attacked or damaged, however unlike the normal dodge that everyone has, this dodge moves a little bit farther, AND can be interrupted by you at any time by performing an attack. When the dodge is complete, you will be facing the opposite direction that you dodged in. This can also be performed while in the air.
*Down Special - BLOCK.
Little Mac puts his fists in front of his face and blocks, as long as you continue to hold down the B button. You cannot move while you are blocking. This block, protects you from all damage coming toward the blocked area and deflects all projectiles. However, whenever you are hit, you will be moved backward a little bit. As long as you continue to hold B, you can move the control stick down to crouch down, move it up to block the top of your head or move it left and right to face different directions. If an enemy does a smash attack on you while you are blocking, they will be tripped.
Up Special - Star Punch
Little Mac spins around and does an uppercut attack shooting upward. This attack may shoot you even higher and do more damage if your gloves are flashing. If this punch connects with an enemy at the very end of the attack, this attack will do 12-18% damage and knock them very high into the air. Otherwise, this attack only does 5-10% damage and very little knockback.

Final Smash -
I have 2 different ideas for the FS.
Little Mac transforms into Giga Mac, like in multiplayer mode on Punch Out for the Wii, and it also gives all of his attacks the ability to give Giga Mac a star. Giga Mac turns back into Little Mac after 30 seconds.
Little Mac removes his gloves. The gloves can be thrown like an item. Little Mac's fists are now more lightweight, making ALL of his attacks faster, and since there is no longer the cushion from the glove, his attacks will do more damage. However, everytime his attacks connect, he will take 1% of damage. This final smash will last until Little Mac dies.

Taunt 1 - Little Mac does what he does at 1:20 of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rudvssOg_lk&NR=1
Taunt 2 - Little Mac raises both fists in the air and faces the screen, much like in the original Punch Out for the NES.
Taunt 3 - Little Mac pull a chair out and sits down for a breather.

1. Black hair, green gloves and shorts, black tanktop and shoes.
2. Black hair, blue gloves and shorts, white tanktop and shoes.
3. Dark blonde hair, red gloves and shorts, grey tanktop and shoes.
4. Black hair, pink gloves tanktop and shorts, black shoes.
5.Black hair, a little bit darker skin, gold gloves, no shirt, black shorts and shoes.[/COLLAPSE]


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Holy hell...

You went a LITTLE bit overboard with the tripping.

I thought it was a good idea when you mentioned it, but not when you put it in almost every single attack.

You had some nice ideas here and there.. But the specials were weak. :p

In my moveset, for example, the only tripping involved was in Little Mac's down-throw. Because boxers don't really throw, they just push the opponent aside, so Little Mac couldn't really push an opponent DOWN beause he's too small for that, but if his opponent were to "accidentally" slip, then it can be excused.


Manners Maketh Man
Aug 22, 2008
Planet Bomber
i feel like trying my hand at a moveset

[COLLAPSE="paper mario"]

Speed: he uses dashell to run (spm) so pretty fast

Horizontal air speed: poor due to air resistence

weight: very light and extremly floaty

AAA combo: swings hammer left, then right, then slams it on the ground

Dash attack: spins and moves forward (like when you push Z in the original paper mario)

Utilt: throws goombario upward a short distance

Ftilt: tosses watt (opm) forward if he hits, he stuns and does a little damage

Dtilt: swipes hammer at the ground

Usmash: jumps and twirls (ultra boots from pm)

Fsmash: sushi (opm) belly flops directly in ront o mario

Dsmash: kooper (opm) circles mario hittingg anyone he comes in contact with. 1/10 chance he will do flaming shell

Nspecial: vivian punches directly in front of mario dealing fire damage (tyd)

Uspecial: hops on lakiluster's (opm) cloud and travels upward 45 degrees. when he reaches the apex lakiluster throws him down like a spiny at a downward 45 degree angle. [ the path will be somethink like this "^"

Fspecial: sends a yoshi stampeding forward (tyd)

Dspecial: barry surronds mario and relects projectiles (spm)

Nair: spins and swings hammer [think kirby in melee]

Uair: holds boomer (spm) above him. cause explosive damage immeaditely upon contact

Fair: a strong downward strike with the hammer, it spikes

Bair: backwards hammer swing

Dair: ground pound a la thudley (spm)

Grab: uses thoreau (spm) to grab. i havent actually thought out the throws yet =/

Crawl: yes rolls like tube mode (tyd)

Glide: yes in the form of a paper airplane (tyd)

sidestep: uses slim to turn 1D (spm)

Final Smash: everyone in front o paper mario [about 1/2 the distance of final destination] is turned 2D then cut (think pm 3ds trailer)

opm= orignal paper mario
tyd= thousand year door
spm= siper paper mario

@iblis ill have to play you one day if youre so good =P


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Not a bad moveset, but I would've liked to see some things different. I don't really like the recovery you gave him, or it should at least be accompanied by gliding as a paper airplane. Paper Mario deserves that much.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
I like most of it, except i don't like using yoshi as a move, seeing as yoshi is already a playable character. I think it's like the toad issue, i'd change both those moves(peach's Dspec. and Paper Mario's Dspec.) but that's just me.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Another thing i'm interested in... Why aren't there any supporters for slippy or Peppy for another Starfox rep? I know there are already 2 from the first one, and there is the argument that they could be similar, but if you were to add them and change their movesets, then there wouldn't be a problem. I like Krystal, so i'd actually like to see 2, but... (besides, peppy and slippy are awesome! ;) )

... On second thought, I can see why there isn't much support... Ahhh well, i love them anyways! :D


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Yea man, I don't really get why Fatman and Kuma say he really "isn't", when he's been for the last 20+ years :/

Ryu's the mascot, there's no change about that, but you have to look at the storyline in the games. This is what I meant by focus.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Its come time that we start searching our hearts for the higher calling: Operation- Connect

(Not Kinect for you heartless besturds)

EDIT- Plus other fun projects 'round v* here *v
Oh yea, Fatman is already going to create his thread, plus Iblis is going to help, I'm hyped over this!!

Ryu's the mascot, there's no change about that, but you have to look at the storyline in the games. This is what I meant by focus.
I'm guessing those must have have been early based games since I've pretty much seen him in every game except one.



Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Yes, but considering the pattern of SSB, where some(not all, but some) franchises get 1 new rep each time: Kirby, Starfox, Fire Emblem, etc etc., i think starfox will likely have 4 reps the next time. Of course i may well be wrong, i'm just going on what i've noticed....


Smash Apprentice
Jun 22, 2011
Also, people actually prefer Waluigi on other sites? *facepalm*Yes she does. However, her chances are next to nothing as I have seen very little demand for Laura Croft.
Maybe an actually good game for a change might change that. Lara was one of the most iconics back when she debuted but in the last 10 years she has fallen to B-grade. Afterall she still is one of the most known female human characters.

The best thing about Kain (from Legacy of Kain lol) would be having Simon Templeman taunting.

And please no Ryu from SF, I got absolutely zero interest for him especially compared to Megaman. I know Ryu is probably the biggest fighting character especially on Nintendo consoles but I'd prefer Heihachi, Jin Kazama, Yoshimitsu, Ivy and a few others. Though making Ryu into this game probably wouldn't be that complex because the speed and projectile specials are major in SF unlike in Tekken, Soul Calibur or Dead or Alive


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
Yes, but considering the pattern of SSB, where some(not all, but some) franchises get 1 new rep each time: Kirby, Starfox, Fire Emblem, etc etc., i think starfox will likely have 4 reps the next time. Of course i may well be wrong, i'm just going on what i've noticed....
Let's take a gander at the series specific rosters:

64: Kirby - 1
Melee: Kirby - 1
Brawl: Kirby, Metaknight, King Dedede - 3

Fire Emblem:
64: 0
Melee: Marth, Roy - 2
Brawl: Marth, Ike - 2

No patterns at all.

That being said, Sakurai doesn't seem to follow patterns - he seems do what seems right to him.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I see no franchise except for star fox getting +1 every game. Stop trying to find patterns, there are more important factors.

Here is the original roster. From here to melee starfox and pokemon followed this "pattern", the rest did not.

Super Smash Brothers
Mario: Mario Luigi
Yoshi: Yoshi
Metroid: Samus
LoZ: Link
Kirby: Kirby
Starfox: Fox
F-zero: Cpt. Falcon
Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong
Pokemon: Pikachu, Jigglypuff
Mother: Ness


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