^^^ I figured as much. Kojima will do just about any crossover to promote Metal Gear.
But every character already has strengths and weaknesses unless you're saying their playstyle archtypes are easily indentifiable.
Not every character has match up weaknesses (see: Pikachu in Smash 64, Fox and Sheik in Melee, and Meta Knight in Brawl). Also, again, all 3 characters would be built to have multiple match up weaknesses with different archtypes of play styles (as you mentioned).
I think the second Brawl trailer was fine. You look at it in terms of a sneak peak, then it's hype inducing. Trailers should also be done on a character by character basis like you said. This Parasoul trailer got me interested in Skullgirls.
I think the 1st Brawl trailer was the best fighting game trailer ever. No joke. 5 new characters, all of whom I know=???[COLLAPSE="Click here for awesome pre-1st Brawl trailer character hype:"]-Meta Knight, that BAMF with wings, speed and a sword=???
-Pit, an angel with a bow and two awesome swords=???
-Zero Suit Samus, the heroin herself with an awesome whip and gun=???
-Wario, an awesome weirdo with a unique fighting style and... farting=???
-Solid Snake, the legendary hero himself with all of his unique CQC talents, weapons, and a box=???[/COLLAPSE]I had my $50 ready from the get go!
I'd love to see it covering mechanics a lot better. Pictures are fine if that's all you got, but I'd like to see real time demonstrations of the mechanics with significant details. Imagine showing something like special canceling with just pictures to someone not familiar with it. It'll be more confusing than helpful.
I kinda agree. I mean, early on, pictures are okay. The game mechanics still aren't complete. But towards the last 6 months, Nintendo should have hired a video coordinator to make some videos on a 3-5 days a week basis to have videos covering specific stuff (gameplay would be nice, but it shouldn't be something specific to that). Even then, they can still show pictures.