I think the only PLUS on Paper's side is that he'd be a very visually interesting character. But I've yet to see anyone take advantage of the Paper aspect of Paper Mario in a moveset. The only reason we consider him is because he is paper, because that sets him apart from all other Mario designs, but if he's just going to fight like another Mario, then why bother with him.
Another Mario? Another Bowser? Toad is useless? None of the above, please.
Paper Mario wouldn't behave like a normal Mario at all. In fact, he'd play drastically different from anyone else, just about everyone who has made a moveset for him has shown how ******** easy it is. In fact, I thought his moveset potential was one of the few things people accepted that he was the best with in terms of possible Mario newcomers.
I'll look for my post that I posted for Shortie's game, perhaps no one read it because it was kind of lengthy.
There is the character criteria, but most people just ignor them or over/under think them.
Also you have 999 posts.
Not anymore.
Paper Mario satisfies Sakurai's criteria, and also lacks weaknesses and bears greater strengths than Toad or Bowser Jr, at least slightly. I believe that was my conclusion when I posted at length about it. I even started typing beginning to think Toad and Jr. were better than I imagined, but once I started talking about Paper Mario, I found that all of the issues people have with the first two are gone with him, and the things that we can praise of the other two are there, and Paper Mario even has his own franchise. He absolutely trumps the competition, it even surprised me when I finished my old post saying that.