I hope not. Who would I primary with? But, yeah, Krom should just take his one game and suck it. Ike has been in two, and I can't remember how many Marth has been in. Let's add an antagonist, like Zelgius or Ashnard. Maybe add Krom as an Assist. oh yeah, and an Assist list:
Epona(charges and smashes into stuff)
Hammer Bro(same)
Knuckle Joe(same)
Helrin(*sigh* Same...)
Magnus(slices with his sword, which uses electricity)
Eggplant Wizard(You know what he does...

Micahaia(attacks an enemy with a magic burst)
Mr.Resseti(same annoying crap)
Slippy Toad(crashes his Arwing onto the enemy(wow, he actually does something...

Krom(uses Aether to smash stuff)
Other than that, I'm brain-dead.