Bear in mind, Victini shares this with Reshiram and Zekrom, who are more important to B/W. Furthermore, it is not the only Legendary to get more than one movie, combo or not.
Reshiram and Zekrom probably won't be playable characters Lol... The point is that no Pokemon, legendary or not, ever had this rare event happen to them. Only Victini has a combo video, which is rare even in the movie market, due to how they're doing it (Godzilla with another Godzilla movie doesn't count, for example).
I can see him try to persuade Sakurai to include him for that reason, but at the same time, Masuda favoring Pichu in the past wasn't why Pichu was in Melee.
I never said it was the reason of Pichu's existence in Melee, that's why I said it's a fun fact
However, he does make the say on who can and cannot go, if I'm correct (Correct me if I'm wrong).
I fail to see how this is improbable. People use the "similar body type" excuse all the time, but Victini suffers the same problem. It's pretty much Pikachu/Pichu without a tail, and intead, longer arms.
What I mean is that his body type is not as comparable as Zoroark, sorry about not clearing that up (I'm tired T_T). And you forgot that he has Wings.
1. I already covered the body issue, which is heavily flawed.
2. Are you forgetting the event Arceus that knew not only it's signature Judgement, but Dialga's Roar of Time, Palkia's Spacial Rend, and Giratina's Shadow Force? Also, that's only two signature moves from main Legendaries. Arceus had THREE. At the same time, there was the event Darkrai that knew Roar of Time and Spacial Rend as well. This would make Victini the third Pokemon that uses signature moves of a "main" Legendary. 3. Due to the Rayquaza with V-Create, the only move that no other Pokemon can learn that Victini has is Searing Shot.
Well, ****, forgot about that event... But Darkrai doesn't count because I wasn't just labeling event moves from OTHER pokemon. I was including their own. In short, Victini's tied with Arceus. But if it was to borrowing Event moves, Arceus is in front. But he's a god, so that' kind of obvious Lol
Hardly. That's giving Vic too much credit. It's clear that Reshiram and Zekrom are the mascots of the 5th Generation at this point.
Sadly, I've heard this over and over, so once again, I bring out my reasons toward Victini's mascotism of the 5th generation.
- V is the roman numeral for "Five"
- He's #000 in the Unova Pokedex, which has happened to not a single Pokemon.
- He was given away just as B&W were released.
- If you notice, his body has five "V"s (Hands when he peace signs, his feet, and his forehead).
- Though Reshiram and Zekrom are the mascots of B&W, this does not prove they are the mascots of the entire 5th generation. No Pokemon in any series beforehand the 5th gen can say this, except Pikachu, but Victini's special treatments are very obvious that he plays a HUGE role in the 5th Generation.
- And on the flip side, none of these comfirms Victini as the Mascot of the 5th generation. But he does have more hints than Reshy and Zekey.