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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota

HyperFalcon should try pulling off Ky's Stun Dipper FRC. Just that so he can get an idea of what we mean. Or maybe Dizzy's Ice Spike FRC...

(Those are the "easiest" FRCs that I can recall from GGAC.)

I second Twists point, as somebody who has played a lot of FGs at least on a casual/superficial level: The older games are far more technical and execution-heavy than the newer ones.

Competitive Melee can get pretty redonk, though.

Smooth Criminal


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I´m gonna lose some points for saying this, most likely, but I prefer fighting games (characters fighting each other) where I have a 100% grasp on the character, and not performing a konami kode, filing taxes, sacrificing a goat, and praying to a random deity that the game recognizes my button combination input, with the precise timing to execute a measly 3 hit combo.

This is why I prefer Smash Bros. Let the GAME be the challenge, let the OPPONENTS be the challenge. I don´t like 80% of my match-up being against my own controller.

It´s just sad that Smash Bros is the only "smash bros clone" game that´s taken seriously, or considered good.

Pichu Fan

Smash Journeyman
Dec 3, 2011
What do guys think of my roster?


Ok let's see...

Bring back toon link
Palutena and Medusa are better choices then eggplant wizard
Take away black shadow
Bring back lucario or mewtwo
Take away porky
Swap out Liz for some other fire emblem rep
Have the mii be some where else, like under toad and have random button under sonic. Then put some one else in For mii's spot



Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
See? HF OBEYS :smirk::):bee::awesome:
It's Mudkip, man. :awesome:

@shinhed-echi: My thought exactly. I love how the game is not about using your controller so much as concentrating on characters, stages, items, and your opponents. That's the deepness of it, not the controls themselves.


Smash Champion
Oct 8, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
People like theorycrafting characters and rosters more than mechanics. I can understand that.
I like hypothesizing actual movesets, not overpowered or over gimmicky bull**** for my favorite character. Not everyone has to do this but I do get annoyed when people turn movesets into casual gaming hour and we then get people thinking Smash barely counts as a deep FG.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America

Ok let's see...

Bring back toon link
Palutena and Medusa are better choices then eggplant wizard
Take away black shadow
Bring back lucario or mewtwo
Take away porky
Swap out Liz for some other fire emblem rep
Have the mii be some where else, like under toad and have random button under sonic. Then put some one else in For mii's spot


Do we really need a random button? We could just choose randomly by selecting outside of the roster.

I think it lacks some Little Mac in there. He´s a really iconic Nintendo character.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I like hypothesizing actual movesets, not overpowered or over gimmicky bull**** for my favorite character. Not everyone has to do this but I do get annoyed when people turn movesets into casual gaming hour and we then get people thinking Smash barely counts as a deep FG.
Quoted for Truth.

The game is severely deep.

If you want a non-deep simple game, go play Sonic Battle. If you want a deep yet simple game, you're already in the right place.

If the game wasn't already deep, we'd barely have a metagame as is. We wouldn't have huge competitive tourneys. Hell, we wouldn't even have to ban courses or items.(not to say the bans are actually legit)


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2008
Captain Falcon
I like hypothesizing actual movesets, not overpowered or over gimmicky bull**** for my favorite character. Not everyone has to do this but I do get annoyed when people turn movesets into casual gaming hour and we then get people thinking Smash barely counts as a deep FG.
Idk why this is addressed to me. I don't remember ever doing that.


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
Idk why this is addressed to me. I don't remember ever doing that.
That's towards the others. I don't see the most creativity in this thread for potential characters. I see a lot of not well thought out movesets or some real gimmicky stuff like Toad pulling out poison mushrooms that shrink the opponent.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010

Ok let's see...

Bring back toon link
Palutena and Medusa are better choices then eggplant wizard
Take away black shadow
Bring back lucario or mewtwo
Take away porky
Swap out Liz for some other fire emblem rep
Have the mii be some where else, like under toad and have random button under sonic. Then put some one else in For mii's spot


For Toon Link, I'd rather have a new character than a clone. That's why I chose Tingle, although I could have also gone for Impa.

I don't like the idea of the Kid Icarus series getting two new reps in the next game, and it wouldn't feel right if Palutena is there, but not Medusa, and vice-versa.

I think Black Shadow could be an interesting character. They could even transfer Ganondorf's old moveset to him if they don't want to get rid of Ganon's moveset. Or Black Shadow's moveset could be entirely new.

As for Pokemon, I'm not entirely sure yet. I might later change Zoroark for Mewtwo, but I think instead of bringing back Lucario, it would be better to replace him with Zoroark.

If there is a new Earthbound character, I think Porky would be the best choice, as he is a villain.

I don't know much about the Fire Emblem series, so eventually Lyn could be changed for Krom, or another character from the series. But as of now, I've chosen Lyn, as she also was an AT in Brawl.

The random button isn't necessary in the roster, it could definitely be somewhere else.

Do we really need a random button? We could just choose randomly by selecting outside of the roster.

I think it lacks some Little Mac in there. He´s a really iconic Nintendo character.
Little Mac missed my roster by only a small margin. Although he's up there. I'm still not entirely sure if his moveset would be very original and interesting, but I might put him in my roster later on.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2009
A warrior's grave...
If Little Mac falls on his back/trips, you should have to press the A button rapidly to get him up.
I certainly would not pick him if that was the case. XD

That reminds me, if they do an event match that focused on DK's rematch against Little Mac, I think it would be cooler if you played as Giga Mac during the fight. It would be pretty epic imo.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
That's towards the others. I don't see the most creativity in this thread for potential characters. I see a lot of not well thought out movesets or some real gimmicky stuff like Toad pulling out poison mushrooms that shrink the opponent.
I hope you're not talking about the movesets I've done. :3


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
OH YEAH, I was thinking. The single-player for the Wii U version could be more like Event Matches. The story is there, but only just, as the main focus is GOAL-ORIENTED levels that are over quickly, with varied Scenarios and Settings.

Some kind of record keeping should be implemented, as well as SHARING your records with others so you can compete in that way.

Or maybe that's just how Event Matches should be. Who knows. I dunno, just want to SPEED RUN.


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
But of course not.
Okay, that's nice to hear. :)

Now if only I can finish that Little Mac moveset I keep putting off. So far I have him with a cancelable S-Special (air dash?), a unique counter attack and system, a shoryuken attack, Doc Louis, and a projectile (!?).


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
What do guys think of my roster?

First off... tom nook shouldnt be a fighting character... take out eggplant wizard... replace porky with paula or something. take out tingle.. take out mach rider... keep lyn. mii shouldnt take up character space... idk if if ridley should be character or boss... samauri should still be a assist trophy. Add a few more 3rd partys... knuckles/shadow whatever... add a bit more female characters. take out the metagame so i can use MK in peace...(although ive used kirby since 64 so why stop now lol... maybe add knuckle joe/little mac) and balance it out add more stages bring some fast paced melee back and the stages... make solo less of a bore.. make wifi play better... no more scarecrows... i have more suggestions but it feels like im sayin too much and idk if i should attend elite 4 tourney... my 2 cents...






Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@John Sonic & Sega Allstar Racing is an awesome racer. It isn't Mario Kart, but it's definitely the next best thing.
You mean the next best thing after Mario Kart ANNDDDDDD Diddy Kong Racing! :bee:
You make it sound like only the characters who had millions of supporters get in Smash. I don't think millions of fans were clamoring for Ice Climbers (probably because almost everyone never heard of them), Mr. Game & Watch (probably because almost nobody cared about Game & Watch games), Roy (because he didn't exist yet), Dr. Mario and Young Link (probably because most people hadn't thought about a second Mario/Link in Smash) to be in Melee nor were they clamoring for Pokemon Trainer (I remember how many people were dead against this), Zero Suit Samus (all attention were on Ridley), Lucas (because they felt threatened that he could replace Ness), R.O.B. (probably because people thought he can't fight), Snake (most likely because most people believed that no third party characters were going to be in Smash), Toon Link (all attention were on Midna and people believed that his cel-shaded graphics would clash with the realistic Twilight Princess characters), Wolf (all attention were on Krystal) to be in Brawl.
Of course not every character had huge support in smash. You are merely translating it that way. Some of the characters you are bringing up (the Duck Hunt Dog, King Hippo) are minor characters from minor franchises. ROB, Ice Climber, Mr. G&W (which by the way, we do care about, and has sold about as many units as the entire Zelda franchise), Lucas, the Pokémon Trainer, Zero Suit Samus, and Toon Link all STARRED in their own games. Wolf, on the other hand, has been Fox's arch rival, and has been one of the 3 most popular characters in the Star Fox series since his creation.

Lucas, Wolf, and Toon Link all also had huge amounts of support pre-Brawl (I also know Young Link had his supporters pre-Melee). They had probably several thousand supporters (if not hundreds of thousands of supporters) compared to the amount of supporters the likes of Tingle, King Hippo, and the Duck Hunt Dog will gather.

Meanwhile Mr. G&W and ROB are two of the most important Nintendo characters of all-time. Zero Suit Samus is also the sole playable character (multiplayer aside) in the Metroid franchise, and there were some people (not many) who thought she could be playable. The Ice Climbers were an excellent concept that Sakurai tried out, and everyone knew who the Pokémon Trainer/Red/Ash is, and it was an interesting concept. Roy was the lone exception. He was merely to "show off" the newer part of the history of the longstanding Fire Emblem franchise.

So far the "WTF?" and random characters you have mentioned so far don't follow Sakurai's patterns. Sakurai has yet to make a very minor character like Tingle, the Duck Hunt Dog, or King Hippo as a playable character in smash. Sure, characters from small franchises/one game like Ness, Lucas, the Ice Climbers, and Pit have all been the stars. They are all characters I have any reason to really want to play as other than to be a stupid gimmick.

Meanwhile, in larger franchises, the 2nd and 3rd most important (hero) character (Zelda, Luigi, Peach, Diddy Kong, etc), constantly reappearing anti-hero or villain (Wolf, Ganondorf, Bowser, King Dedede, Meta Knight, etc) have appeared (Pokémon, of course, is always the exception).
I am pretty positive Smash 4 will have some surprises in store for us. My list of newcomers? Half of them would make us happy because they are some of the most-wanted and popular characters... but the others would surprise/shock/anger/disappoint us, at least at first. I believe we are going to experience emotions like surprise/shock/anger/disappointment, not just joy, when it comes to possible newcomers and the final SSB4 roster. By the end of the day, there will be something for everyone, not just the ones who only expect the popular/most-wanted characters.
Half to 75% of the characters will be characters we see coming. 0-20% will be characters we may not have seen coming, but weren't totally surprised by. 25%-30% of the characters most of us would not see coming. Again, these will either be stars of minor games or franchises, something Pokémon, perhaps an unusual 3rd party character choice (ie: Pac-Man), or some recent new character who stars in a recent game or franchise that we have overlooked.

I'm not saying this isn't happening. I'm just saying minor characters in minor games like King Hippo and the Duck Hunt Dog are not happening.
Not sure if this has been brought up, but what do people here think about Dillon being in Sm4sh?
I don't care... as long as the characters I really want (Mega Man, Ridley, K. Rool, Dixie Kong, Issac) get in first. Then again, that is my answer to everything... :smirk:

So pretty much I am all neutral all the time. ;) :cool: :awesome:
Roy has probably hit his peak, myabe rising a few more spots, but he's still pretty high up there.

9. Medusa (172)
10. Dixie Kong (166)
11. Samurai Goroh (150)
12. Palutena (146)
13. Bandana Dee (145)
14. Roy (142)

To frank, I can see him hitting 11, but I don't know if he will pass up Dixie Kong, or Medusa. And he definitely won't pass up the top eight. I could see Bandana Dee losing steam later this year, and maybe Palutena and Medusa lose a fanbase on the off chance KIU blows. And I could see him MAYBE passing up Goroh. I don't think it's likely he will get much higher though.

The top eight are pretty much set in stone, and Medusa and Dixie have consistantly been 9 & 10, the rest are slightly more fluid.
I think that Paletuna and Medusa will probably drop if you hold this poll for the whole year, seeing as how Uprising will have passed it's "brand new game" status. Even if Uprising is a classic game, chances are their popularity will at least slightly fall because the "brand new game" status will have disappeared. Now once a trailer is revealed for Smash Bros, that could obviously and definitely reverse. Banana Dee has the same "new game" thing going with him viva Return to Dreamland.

I think that Roy could pass all of those characters except maybe Dixie Kong. Dixie Kong seems to be a character those of us who owned a Super Nintendo cling onto. If we got a Donkey Kong title confirmed with her in it, I could definitely see support for her growing (unless they remodeled her and she looked awful in it).

Samurai Goroh's support and supporters have been all over ever since it was confirmed he wasn't playable in Melee. If there is a new F-Zero game shown, Samurai Goroh's support might go through the roof (by F-Zero characters that aren't Captain Falcon standards).
People like theorycrafting characters and rosters more than mechanics. I can understand that.
Because making each smash bros game completely different (like what Sakurai and his fellow smash bros developers) have tried to do each time is hard. It's got so many elements to it, and really anything could happen. We don't have much of a grasp on what could happen.

Whereas with characters and playable character theories/guessing, we at least know what probably will happen, what could happen, and what might happen. I've been doing this since like 2005 (before Brawl was first revealed), so I know! Seriously, I use to visit a site where everyone though "Smash 3" would have default health bars. :laugh: chuckle: :facepalm:

Plus things like balancing characters, moves, hitboxes, items, stages, NPCs, etc doesn't necessarily carry over from one smash bros game to another. For example, Meta Knight can do all kinds of quick moves, combos (I think; I haven't played competitive Brawl in a few years), and early kill moves in Brawl, and he totally dominates. If you put him in Melee, he would probably be high tier at best. If you nerf him and put him in a fast paced, technical, offense trumps defense game similar to Brawl, he would be garbage. A similar thing (I think) happened with Captain Falcon and Ganondorf in Brawl.

On top of that, many characters have their whole play style redefined or redone. Fox seems to have changed with each smash bros game in terms of play style and how moves work, and sometimes even his weight changes. Ness has a similar play style in each game, but plays very different in each one. Guessing this is basically the opposite of an exact and logical science.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
We've already got a crapton of characters that would not be considered "top tier" Nintendo characters, including non-Nintendo characters.
Yes, and they are already in smash bros.
What would make Waluigi any different?

Again, "deservingness", real word or not, doesn't apply. It doesn't matter that Jr. was the villain in Sunshine (adventure title) compared to Waluigi being the villain in DDR: Mario Mix (spin-off title).
It doesn't matter that Jr. has been in multiple "mainstream" Mario games while Waluigi has not.
If all that really mattered, Waluigi wouldn't even be allowed to be an Assist Trophy, and be relegated to just a trophy. But we both know that isn't the case.
I hate to pull the "Assist Trophy" argument, but at least being an AT puts Waluigi's foot in the door in who Sakurai would consider for a new Mario rep.
I'm not arguing that Bowser Jr. or Paper Mario are "deserving" or more "deserving" to be in smash bros. Rather, that everyone that "deserves" to be in Smash Bros has been in Smash Bros. since the N64 (minus the likes of Diddy Kong, Zelda, Bowser, Peach, and King Dedede). Instead, I am arguing that Bowser Jr., Toad, and Paper Mario are more "visible," have more support, have starred/been playable/had an important role in canon Mario games , and would probably be more unique than Waluigi could be. On top of that, I think Sakurai, like all of us, see Waluigi as a spin-off character.

And how would we know that Sakurai would look at Assist Trophies as potential playable characters=??? :reverse:
Also, with Paper Mario, the fact that he's Mario makes him unlikely, considering that Sakurai appears that he'd rather use Dr. Mario again instead of Paper Mario, and 3 Marios would be overkill, unique or not.
I dunno, that's your take on things. Paper Mario clearly could have a unique moveset, especially given that Mario doesn't use a hammer. Paper Mario would also allow Sakurai to use unique 2 dimensional effects that I think he has wanted to use. Sakurai definitely knows who/what Paper Mario is, and has probably played his games, so that might be a plus.
Please know that I'm not trying to argue that Waluigi is the best choice for a new character, just that people need to realize that Waluigi isn't unlikely because they don't like him.
I still think he's got next to no chance to be a playable character in Super Smash Bros Wii U or 3DS, other than to be a Luigi clone, a Wario clone, or a weird Wario and Luigi lovechild clonish weird freak of nature... :troll:

Really, Sakurai would have to go WAYYYYYYYYY out of his way and play way too many Mario spin-off games to make a moveset for him. I don't know about you, but that doesn't sound creative. It also sounds like something that could put me to sleep.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
First off... tom nook shouldnt be a fighting character... take out eggplant wizard... replace porky with paula or something. take out tingle.. take out mach rider... keep lyn. mii shouldnt take up character space... idk if if ridley should be character or boss... samauri should still be a assist trophy. Add a few more 3rd partys... knuckles/shadow whatever... add a bit more female characters. take out the metagame so i can use MK in peace...(although ive used kirby since 64 so why stop now lol... maybe add knuckle joe/little mac) and balance it out add more stages bring some fast paced melee back and the stages... make solo less of a bore.. make wifi play better... no more scarecrows... i have more suggestions but it feels like im sayin too much and idk if i should attend elite 4 tourney... my 2 cents...




I think the Animal Crossing series should be represented in Smash Bros. There are a few reps that could make it, but I think Tom Nook is the most popular AC character.

Like I said before, if there is only one new Kid Icarus rep that makes it in SSB4, I'd like to see the Eggplant Wizard.

F-Zero needs more reps IMO. The first one is Samurai Goroh, and if there is another one, Black Shadow should make it.

If Earthbound gets a new rep, I'd like to see a villain, and either way, I think Porky would be more interesting to play as than Paula.

The Zelda series hasn't had a new character since Melee, and among the few Zelda characters that could make it into Smash, there is Tingle, Impa, Skull Kid and Vaati. Tingle has the potential to be very unique, so yeah.

I'm not sure about Mach Rider. I put him because I think there needs to be a new retro character, and he could be the one.

I don't want too many third party characters in SSB. If there needs to have a few more, I would like to see Bomberman and Rayman.

Metroid badly needs a new rep. And Ridley is definitely the most wanted character, alongside King K. Rool. I've thought about adding another Metroid rep, but I'm not sure what would be the best choice between Dark Samus, Sylux, Adam Malkovich, Kraid or Mother Brain.

For female characters, I have Krystal, Dixie Kong and Lyn. Mii could also be female. Miis are now very important to Nintendo, so I guess they'll make an appearance. If not as a new character, then at least an AT.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
Bad news for you ETWIST, this thread is also full of stupid people. This is also SmashChu's habitat here.
Funny, as you post far and beyond more than I do.

I absolutely hate smashchu. That's gonna be a problem for me.
Good to know I well know for my "reputation."

We'll take him on. TOGETHER! Shall we go for Tekken Tag teaming or get Iblis in on this for an MvC team?
I don't think anyone wants you on your team. You make bad arguments and give up after a post.


[Get Ready]
Jan 27, 2010
I think the Animal Crossing series should be represented in Smash Bros. There are a few reps that could make it, but I think Tom Nook is the most popular AC character.

Like I said before, if there is only one new Kid Icarus rep that makes it in SSB4, I'd like to see the Eggplant Wizard.

F-Zero needs more reps IMO. The first one is Samurai Goroh, and if there is another one, Black Shadow should make it.

If Earthbound gets a new rep, I'd like to see a villain, and either way, I think Porky would be more interesting to play as than Paula.

The Zelda series hasn't had a new character since Melee, and among the few Zelda characters that could make it into Smash, there is Tingle, Impa, Skull Kid and Vaati. Tingle has the potential to be very unique, so yeah.

I'm not sure about Mach Rider. I put him because I think there needs to be a new retro character, and he could be the one.

I don't want too many third party characters in SSB. If there needs to have a few more, I would like to see Bomberman and Rayman.

Metroid badly needs a new rep. And Ridley is definitely the most wanted character, alongside King K. Rool. I've thought about adding another Metroid rep, but I'm not sure what would be the best choice between Dark Samus, Sylux, Adam Malkovich, Kraid or Mother Brain.

For female characters, I have Krystal, Dixie Kong and Lyn. Mii could also be female. Miis are now very important to Nintendo, so I guess they'll make an appearance. If not as a new character, then at least an AT.
Lol i can barely imagine tom nook punchin and kickin... it wont work maybe AT now if you really want a fighting AC character then resetti is the way to go. I'd like to see another KI repp than eggplant man. ya F-Zero does need more reps so i would go with jody summer and black shadow. Porky should be a boss.. id rather see paula or poo or somethin... cuz the solo adventure mode (cuz we all know there will be one.... needs bosses...since it might be based of brawl...) Tingle.. no...skull kid? yeah. IF you want retro then id say stick with little mac. I would like to see more 3rd partys... not loads but at least a bit more than brawl just to keep things fresh and not feel so cloney. Any of those metriod characters might work... maybe candy kong lol jk she can be a AT.



Deleted member

Likewise, Sakurai would have to go WAYYYYYYY out of his way and play all the Paper Mario games just to make a moveset that doesn't resemble Mario. Same with Bowser Jr., but with Sunshine, who could easily be a semi-clone of Bowser.

Without playing a majority of the spin-offs, I can already give a unique moveset for Waluigi, as he has done plenty that seperate him from Wario or Luigi.
After all, Waluigi doesn't shoot fireballs or fart.
Recovery? He can swim through the air.
Weapon? His AT had him wield a tennis racket. He could use it throughout his normals. Or for a Neutral Special, he could serve a tennis ball.
Alternate powers and abilities? He has control over purple thorny vines, can summon streams of water out of nowhere, use his long legs to smash people into the ground, toss giant baseballs, and while not unique to him in the games, throw dodgeballs, use a hockey stick and puck, etc., as neither Wario or Luigi do that in Smash.
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