Yep, a Wily/Robotnik team-up would be so dope. I want to see the two arguing with each other about their plans.
I totally forgot about the Homing Attack not targeting the enemy in Brawl or being chargeable, yeah, that's a derp fo 'sho, they need to fix that this time around.
Follow me inside!
Through the stratosphere!
The Moon is shining for you!
Know that I adore you!
A Sonic/Mega Man tandem would be
baws, indeed, especially with X. I could see them having some sweet tag-team attacks (like Sonic curling up into ball and hopping into his cannon, Mega Man charging it up, and firing Sonic straight into the core one of Robotnik's or Wily's inventions, causing it to self-destruct).
I don't think anyone can really deny that Mega Man is the most universally wanted third-party character at this point (and probably the most "deserving" as far as third parties go).
I still believe that everyone should have 2 FSs (a Super Smash and a Final Smash, for example), and that they should change the current way of getting a FS by acquiring a Smash Ball. In Sonic's case, he'd have the Ancient Light and Super Sonic.
I think that Team Chaotix would be the best AT for Sonic. They'd use their Team Blast from Sonic Heroes. I just want them to interact with the playable characters in some form.
Speaking of AT's, Sora,
please give them a role in Adventure Mode, don't limit it to just the playable characters. Like, they could be involved in side quests or even help out in the story in some way. It would make the Story Mode feel a lot more authentic and expansive.
As for Sonic bosses, yep, I concur that Robotnik and Metal Sonic would be the best choices. Chaos 0 and Shadow wouldn't be bad choices, either. They could recreate the Sonic vs Shadow race on Final Rush from Sonic Adventure 2, Smash-style. And then Chaos 0 boss fight would be similar to the very first boss fight in Sonic Adventure. I would hope that Metal Sonic would appear in his Neo Metal Sonic form if he got in as a boss. And as for Robotnik... he could use his Walker Mech from Sonic Adventure 2, the Egg Draggon, Egg Hawk, Egg Emperor, Giant Mech, Giant Mech... there's a countless amount to choose from.
Including a custom music option really is the best ways to go, as you know us nerds are gonna whine about
some random song not getting in.
If a Colors stage got in, I bet it'd be Planet Wisp because that's the Colors stage rep in Sonic Generations.
With City Escape would come a the strong likelihood of more SA2 songs, such as Metal Harbor, Pyramid Cave, Green Forest, Final Rush and Crazy Gadget, which were all Sonic's stages. I'd bet some Knuckles and Shadow music from that game might get in with it, too.
The Speed Shoes would probably be the best Sonic item, but you what would be awesomesauce, as well? A Bounce Bracelet. Like you know how Samus has the Screw Attack as her Up Special, but then there was that Screw item that let you do a Screw Attack as long as you hold it? The Bounce Bracelet item would work almost the same way, except when you jumped and then tried to do a double jump or pressed down while in the air, you would bounce like Sonic does with his Bounce Attack (presumably if both Sonic got his Bounce Attack as a special in this game and the Bracelet as an item). If you threw it at someone while they were in the air, they'd bounce, too, and the item would disappear.
With all that said... holy crap, did I just pull a Johnknight on everypony?