Oh righty, then. It's time for you to see one more roster.
But this time it's not a prediction roster or anything like that. This, ladies and gentlemen, is...
Don't worry, you won't have to read much, as I made a visual roster.
Read the notes before commenting:
- Again, this is NOT a prediction of any kind! It’s like, the best, POSSIBLE roster I can imagine. If the game had this roster[and it's not completely impossible], I’d be a happy gamer.
- 48 characters, a plausible number of characters[but I’m expecting up to 50].
- 13 newcomers, one cut veteran returning[Mewtwo] and one veteran cut[Lucario].
- Personally, if I made a list with 50 characters instead of 48, the 2 extra characters would be from Pokémon[Lucario and someone from the 3rd Gen[Deoxys or another Pokémon Trainer]].
- “6 players!? WHAT!?” - Yes, the video game industry blinded us to think 4 characters is the maximum possible amount of players in a game, but I want to break this taboo. God bless America.
- “You missed X!/How could you put Y? He sucks!” - Well, why don’t you make your own roster and show me? I’d like to see yours. Remember, this is an OPINION roster.
- “4 Links!? This is MADNESS!” - Madness? This is Hyrule. It’s not like it’s the exactly same person. It’s only the same name, but in different eras. Again, they are NOT the same person. Plus,you gotta admit Mask Link and Wolf Link would be pretty awesome.
- “Why did you cut Lucario!? ;(” - Some characters might be cut from the Brawl roster. I’m just making it clear. Could be anyone. I don’t like it, either.
- “I want Roy back, boo-hoo!” - And I want more Ike. I already got Mewtwo back from the dead. Again, make your own roster.
- The newcomer that I want the most is Ridley. // “He is too big, blah blah blah” - Please, don’t start it. I just want him. A LOT.
- The newcomer that I think is the most likely to be in the next game is the Mii. Yes, I’m like 90% sure Miis will be fighting in the next Smash. Sue me.
- A character I'd like to see, but I know his chances are really, really low: Kyle Hyde[from Hotel Dusk/Last Window]
And that's it.
In the far, FAR future, when we start to get more newcomers, I'll revisit my roster to see how wrong I was when I made this.