A - Punches right fist forwards, hooking his arm to the right
AA - Hooks arm down into the opponents back
AAA - Throws left arm powerfully to lay out opponent
Running A - Lunges body forward, firing off his pistol while suspended in the air
Forward Tilt - Fist dematerializes and reappears a few inches in front of opponent, jabbing them
Down Tilt - While on the ground throws shoulder forward to bash opponent
Up Tilt - Throws shoulder spike into the air and spins around in a circle
Forward Smash - Grabs chain and slashes ferociously in front of him, arcing diagonally
Up Smash - Punches both fists together creating an explosion above
Down Smash - Pulls out two pistols and points them diagonally towards the ground on both sides. Firing them to create a point blank blast effect.
Up Special - Grapple Chain: Spins the chain over his head one time and will launch his chain into the air. If it catches an opponent they will be wrapped into the chain in which he will slam opponent onto the ground.
Standard Smash - Mach Punch: Mach Rider dematerializes completely and will rematerialize a few inches from the previous point and deliver a powerful explosive punch.
Forward Special -
Gatlin: He will pull out a gatling gun like one on his bike and fire it in rapid succession. While fast due to it's weight Mach Rider finds it difficult to move. It can be dropped and used by other characters.
Down Special - Swipe: Sweeps the ground in a horizontal arc with his chain, damaging and possibly tripping opponent.
Aerial- Swipes chain forward
Forward Aerial - Kicks foot up and forward while in the air
Back Aerial - Swings arm around him while his fist is clenched, hitting opponent with the back of his fist
Up Aerial - Upper body dematerializes and lunges skyward at opponent, slamming them with a powerful blow with both fists
Down Aerial - Kicks one boot down with force
Grab - Throws chain forward
A - Punches down into opponent
Forward Throw - Pulls opponent forward and uses his hands to pick the character up by their chest, almost as though they had a jacket, and hurls them forward.
Back Throw - Spins opponent around throwing them behind him
Down Throw - Pulls them closer and has one foot atop the character and with the other he stomps on them
Up Throw - Runs opponent on the ground with his chain and tosses them into the air
Final Smash - Mach Bike: Mach Rider summons his bike that he can ride around the stage for a set amount of time. He is able to run over opponents, fire the guns mounted on his bike, and jump to be able to scale platforms. He has more control over his bike than Wario, but the increase in speed potentiallt makes it dangerous on small stages. After time his up his bike crashes and Mach Rider will defragment and pull himself back together on thr stage. A throwback to the old NES Mach Rider game.