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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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I have no friends, Im dead inside
Aug 8, 2011
I've been thinking the Story Mode should have... five storylines, all intertwined. You'd choose which character/storyline you'd start with, then either depending on how you play in that story or perhaps directly by choice, your path would change. OTHERWISE MAPPED AS SUCH:

Except with 10 levels instead of 3. How confusing.
10 levels no. 20 levels is a challenge dont u think:glare:


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Wasn't Brawl's SSE setup that way? I know it was more "scenarios" than "storylines," but the overall premise was the same; everyone's paths intertwined with each other.
You forgot the part where it sucked.

10 levels no. 20 levels is a challenge dont u think
100 total levels in a fighting game? No. I want balanced gameplay to be the focal point, not the freaking storymode.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
That's the part of the problem. Brawl hype can be summed up as two periods of extremes. For the longest time, we had no new material to talk about. On the other hand, hype was getting way out of hand with the daily updates. There were no stops for the hype which led to the hype overdose that resulted in many people being disappointed with Brawl (and I'm not talking strictly competitive players either).
Huh? Lost how people became disappointed with the game when Sakurai told us about the options or that there are 4 controller options. Also, it's really hard to find someone who didn't like Brawl as much as other games without looking at Smashboards. Almost all the complaints come from toruneyfriends. In fact, the only ones I hear outside of Smashboards is tripping and the SSE and even a good number of people liked that.

People misattribute the Dojo to revealing too much about the game. Go back and look at what Sakurai actually showed. Before the game came out, he told about all the starting stages (except two) all the characters you have when the game starts up, some music, some items (not all) and a few of the cutscenes of the Subspace Emmisary. Besides that, he didn't show off anything that Nintendo wouldn't have told you about though news releases and playable demos. In fact, the Japanese release spoiled way more than the Dojo as it showed all the characters, all the music and all the stages. Even all the SSE cutscenes were online in a few days. The only difference was the flow of information was daily rather than weekly or monthly.

IMO, I feel Capcom's found a close balance for this kind of thing. Give new info monthly with just enough information via video demonstrations, public playtesting where ever they can, and teasers a week before the next reveals.
Capcom is what you are advocating against. All they try to do is hype with little hints and full character trailers and constant playtest (we didn't get Brawl demos until E for All in the fall). Brawl was hyped more because way more people wanted it. Just showing a character got people excited and that's with 4 pictures and a paragraph.

Big thing I'm saying is that people think the Dojo somehow "ruined" the game and don't realize the internet wouldn't be as cool with out it.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
The only thing that "sucked" was the simple fact that the characters weren't allowed to talk. That error should be rectified for the next time.
This quote falls under a little category I like to call, “wrong”.

The subspace emmisary was a major miss for me. Too many things they didn't implement. The things they did implement, usually were lame. Just lame, lame, lame.

In fact, the only ones I hear outside of Smashboards is tripping and the SSE and even a good number of people liked that.
See what I mean?

SSE missed: Implementing Nintendo only characters. Instead, they threw in mostly random made up ones no one likes. Almost none of the SSB enemies were appealing to me.

On top of that, it was too long for a storyline that wasn't good in the first place. Which is what it really comes down to. They could have set this in a Nintendo universe, and could have had a lot of fan service, but nope. They set it in a generic world, with a generic storyline I made up when I was like twelve. (I was really into this Capcom vs. ideas)

ALSO SHORTIE. You mean the WiiU would have short (relatively) specific adventures for each character? For that Mewtwo example, it sounds like other universes wouldn't be involved? WOULDN'T THAT BE A WASTE?
I NEVER SAID THAAAT! I just didn't use it in the example. Fine, Mewtwo searches the galaxy for a true rival, and finds it in Samus(Or Ridley)


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
Wasn't Brawl's SSE setup that way? I know it was more "scenarios" than "storylines," but the overall premise was the same; everyone's paths intertwined with each other.
I mean having actual branching paths. Brawl was linear. Y'know, instead of just suddenly playing as Olimar and Falcon on the Isle of the Ancients, you would have actually played through levels to get there. Or maybe you never got there! That's the fun of branching paths?!

ALSO SHORTIE. You mean the WiiU would have short (relatively) specific adventures for each character? For that Mewtwo example, it sounds like other universes wouldn't be involved? WOULDN'T THAT BE A WASTE?

@SmashChu: Didn't the DOJO also give us gems like "You must recover!" The DOJO was a magical time~

@Shortieagain: Orite. :3


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
People misattribute the Dojo to revealing too much about the game. Go back and look at what Sakurai actually showed. Before the game came out, he told about all the starting stages (except two) all the characters you have when the game starts up, some music, some items (not all) and a few of the cutscenes of the Subspace Emmisary. Besides that, he didn't show off anything that Nintendo wouldn't have told you about though news releases and playable demos. In fact, the Japanese release spoiled way more than the Dojo as it showed all the characters, all the music and all the stages. Even all the SSE cutscenes were online in a few days. The only difference was the flow of information was daily rather than weekly or monthly.
This begs the question though. Did they put out too much new content from the start? In a way I feel they did, or at least could have arranged it a little better. They could have saved some of the new characters to be unlockable while the Melee veterans were made available from the start. While I can understand the developers rationale for wanting to have newer characters available from the start. I feel as though in some ways it worked against them.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007
Where people don't always speak English.
The only thing that "sucked" was the simple fact that the characters weren't allowed to talk. That error should be rectified for the next time.
Yeah, man. I'd like to see Mario talking to Link and Pikachu about the villains at some point. :troll:

I don't think THAT was the major problem of the SSE... I think it had a LOT of tiny little problems that together made SSE be "Meh".


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
What if classic mode, instead of having random battles had set paths for each individual character and a mini-story with a couple cutscenes.

Like if you played classic mode with Link, his story would be Ganondorf took over the smash world (with a short cutscene explaining it), so you start out fighting wario or something (his lower level henchmen) and then work your way up eventually fighting bowser, and dark link, master hand, and then ganon himself. They would still be regular one on one battles (or two on two) with no platforming or anything like adventure mode, but it would add a little bit of flavor to the kind of boring and tedious classic mode.

Plus each time you unlock a character you unlock a different story. Some ideas are wario entering a tournament to try and win the prize money, mario trying to save peach from bowser, Pokemon trainer trying to earn badges and take on the elite 4, ect.


Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2007
Where people don't always speak English.

I really loved the idea.
Personally, I think Classic Mode is kinda boring. But if it was like you described, I think it would be a nice mode to play, not to mention that I'd like to see every character's story.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
This begs the question though. Did they put out too much new content from the start? In a way I feel they did, or at least could have arranged it a little better. They could have saved some of the new characters to be unlockable while the Melee veterans were made available from the start. While I can understand the developers rationale for wanting to have newer characters available from the start. I feel as though in some ways it worked against them.
It wasn't a bad move in some ways. I mean, I think for the casual Smashers, seeing someone like Olimar advertised, or Pokemon Trainer is going to EXTREMELY perk their interest in the game. Characters like Lucas though, I thought chould have served a better purpose if they were unlockable. They probably wanted people to see the new characters and go "OOOH! Let's buy this when it comes out". And I mean, for a lot of people, the lack of newcomers being unlockable probably didn't phase them. It phases US. The Smash fans. The ones who sit on sites since pre Melee days and speculate. WE'RE the ones who expect more. But to Sakurai, I'm sure we're all one big mass of fans. We all payed the 50 dollars to buy it. Me, and the six year old who likes Sonic are probably equals.

Which is fine and dandy, but I still feel like we merit more of a say than the normal fan. Even though we don't. I suppose that six year old won't be willing to translate character suggestions into Japanese like us though.

SO, I suppose we do have SORT of an upperhand.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
The only thing that "sucked" was the simple fact that the characters weren't allowed to talk. That error should be rectified for the next time.
Why would they talk when like two thirds of the cast either can't talk, or are silent protagonists.

All the dialogue in the story would have been by Fox, Falco, and Snake, probably. Not making everyone talk was a GOOD, LOGICAL decision. :awesome:

Then I guess Marth and Ike would be talking about stuff that only Shortie could understand.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 14, 2003
Tampa FL
This begs the question though. Did they put out too much new content from the start? In a way I feel they did, or at least could have arranged it a little better. They could have saved some of the new characters to be unlockable while the Melee veterans were made available from the start. While I can understand the developers rationale for wanting to have newer characters available from the start. I feel as though in some ways it worked against them.
They didn't. Why is it bad to give people too much at the start? Some people even argue that there should be no unlocking as people tend not to like it. In fact, this is why all the characters are available in Super Street Fighter 4 AE from the start. Also, the surprise is gone in a week or so, so there is no reason to try and show as little as you can to try and save it. Players play the end game. This is also the reason people were so hyped to begin with. They were hyped because they knew it was going to be good.

Also, when people buy the game, they want to play as the new characters more. No reason to try and hold them back till you play 50 matches are something silly like that.

I'll get back to something shortie said later.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Then I guess Marth and Ike would be talking about stuff that only Shortie could understand.
Hopefully ROY will be talking as well.

....You know, Link actually talks. Y'all just can't understand him. ;) Him and Zelda. . . they ain't together. I can tell you THAT right now.

*No idea why I went southern.*

I'll get back to something shortie said later.
Wooohooo~ :3


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Well my point was not really to discuss whether unlockables are a good system in general. Just saying that perhaps rearranging which characters were selectable from the start might have kept the rapid deflation that happened with Brawl. For instance, Lucas as the unlockable versus Ness. Having King DDD as a hidden character. Just a couple of little things to have spread it out a little better, and am not saying that we should have had all the newcomers be unlockable.

It is a lot easier to deal with a "information blackout" when it is a week before release versus a year. Usually I will follow a game up until the first several weeks of release. So as to preserve the excitement of discovering things on my own. Tis me.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Marth and Ike would be talking about "what happened to that cute little redhead~?"

So, no, Roy would not be there.
*When you unlock Chrome*

Marth: "Uh, wooooow. Major swag jack. I never knew you had a brother IKE!~"

*When you unlock Caeda*

Ike: "***** better be as good of a hair dresser as you say she is Marth!"

Marth: "OH GYYYRL, she is FAB! Like, truuuuust me~"

I kept it G rated.

In smash64 I had played all the characters at a friend's house before buying the game, and in melee my cousin unlocked all the characters one night while I was asleep. And brawl I made the mistake of visiting the internet. But this time...this time will be different. I want to be surprised
Leaks do happen though. I recall a Lucario leak via TV commercial.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
I actually am planning on not going on the internet (well,at least not video game related sites and especially not smashboards) around the time of the japanese release just so I can be surprised when I play it. The last time I felt the thrill of unlocking characters was...never actually.

In smash64 I had played all the characters at a friend's house before buying the game, and in melee my cousin unlocked all the characters one night while I was asleep. And brawl I made the mistake of visiting the internet. But this time...this time will be different. I want to be surprised


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
I've been spoiled since melee, the only one I didn't check out online was smash 64

I don't think it makes much of a difference for me


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
This begs the question though. Did they put out too much new content from the start? In a way I feel they did, or at least could have arranged it a little better. They could have saved some of the new characters to be unlockable while the Melee veterans were made available from the start. While I can understand the developers rationale for wanting to have newer characters available from the start. I feel as though in some ways it worked against them.
Aside from the "more at the start = better" bit which you guys already covered, remember that nobody cares what required unlocking once they've got everything. Considering how quickly one unlocks stuff... yeah.

Which is fine and dandy, but I still feel like we merit more of a say than the normal fan. Even though we don't. I suppose that six year old won't be willing to translate character suggestions into Japanese like us though.

SO, I suppose we do have SORT of an upperhand.
If you've ever been in the creator's seat, you'd know how easy it is to assess an individual's passion for your work. You'd also know that the most passionate fans tend to be the ones you absolutely should NOT listen to; passion tends to inspire irrationality.

Occasionally I get PMs from CB, and they always start off with "Dear ToiseOfChoice," and end with "Sincerely, ChronoBound."


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Well my point was not really to discuss whether unlockables are a good system in general. Just saying that perhaps rearranging which characters were selectable from the start might have kept the rapid deflation that happened with Brawl. For instance, Lucas as the unlockable versus Ness. Having King DDD as a hidden character. Just a couple of little things to have spread it out a little better, and am not saying that we should have had all the newcomers be unlockable.

It is a lot easier to deal with a "information blackout" when it is a week before release versus a year. Usually I will follow a game up until the first several weeks of release. So as to preserve the excitement of discovering things on my own. Tis me.
I've always preferred Ness as an unlockable. He's awesome(in the way that the original 12 are) and especially as the rest of the 'hidden 4 from 64' were unlocked much much later in brawl i'd even say he should be harder to unlock. But thats just me. :p


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
If you've ever been in the creator's seat, you'd know how easy it is to assess an individual's passion for your work. You'd also know that the most passionate fans tend to be the ones you absolutely should NOT listen to; passion tends to inspire irrationality.
"Ridley is the most deserving Nintendo character to add to Smash. Why have you been teasing us, Sakurai. Jerk."

@Shortshorts: G for Giggles.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2011
The isle of venom, Australia
Yeah I never looked up on brawl so i was pleasantly surprised with all the new characters(obviously except for sonic and snake). 64 my brother unlocked all the characters before my earliest memory and i barely even remembered them by the time i first remember playing 64(that isn't a hazy memory), so it was fun when i rediscovered them and went "Oh wow, i remember these guys!!!"

Next game... I dunno whether i'll want to know the roster or not.

Oh, and i'm a pretty darn dedicated fan, but i keep my head when it comes to opinion.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
If you've ever been in the creator's seat, you'd know how easy it is to assess an individual's passion for your work. You'd also know that the most passionate fans tend to be the ones you absolutely should NOT listen to; passion tends to inspire irrationality.

Occasionally I get PMs from CB, and they always start off with "Dear ToiseOfChoice," and end with "Sincerely, ChronoBound."
Sakurai: "Team, we're adding Wolf to Brawl, I know we're pressed on time, but luckily, we can fall back on my AWESOME Fox moveset."

Guy: "Are you sure? I mean, we got time to throw in a new moveset. I can do it pre-"

Sakurai: "NO NO. Just use my Fox moveset, no one will mind!"

Yeah yeah. I don't think I'm that irrational. I mean, I AM. But I'm not. . .

Like, I want Krystal in smash, I do. I really like her. I think that the fact that others hate her so much, only makes me like her more. It's really weird. But that's not the point. The point is, I want Krystal, and I would/will definitely suggest her when poll time comes around, but I know she isn't the best choice. I know her spot is fourth in line of an already "set" series. I KNOW, that. I can argue that within the StarFox storyline she matters more than Falco and Wolf, but when it comes down it, that doesn't even matter. I know this. I don't think I'm irrational, I just have a character who Isn't a horrid pick, and who I would like to see playable.

That isn't irrational, I don't think? I think it's about as rational as you can be when it comes to wanting a character/requesting one.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I like how we don't even know why Fox and Wolf are rivals. Everything is the way it is in Star Fox for the sake of everything being the way it is.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
o.O O.o

Wolf i can understand i suppose. Falco... ... ... Hmm....
Falco = No addition to the Storyline. I mean, he has a girlfriend at one point named Kat. That's about it.

At least Wolf is the rival guy with story behind him. I mean, I haven't played the games in a while so I couldn't recite everything ABOUT WOLF I KNOW. But at least we know: He's the leader of the StarWolf. He goes back with James Mccloud. His team used to be big jerks, but once Pigma died or whatever, he became a wee bit nicer, and eventually helped Fox in Assualt. He does things, he's not just "GET EM FOX THEY'RE RIGHT BEHIND ME".

Not to bash Falco or anything. In Command I'M SURE Falco had more Story behind him(because everyone did), but it still doesn't compare to his counterparts. (Wolf and Krystal, not everyone else)

WHAT I'M SAYING IS: Falco doesn't further the Storyline. He's just around for the ride.

I really DON'T feel like talking about StarFox right now, so pick another topic someone.


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed

What other series are "set?"

Mario? LoZ? Kirby? Star Fox? Earthbound?

Adding anymore characters to those series would feel a little UNNECESSARY, yeah? Don't really need Junior, Tingle, Krystal, and Masked Man? >:


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009

What other series are "set?"

Mario? LoZ? Kirby? Star Fox? Earthbound?

Adding anymore characters to those series would feel a little UNNECESSARY, yeah? Don't really need Junior, Tingle, Krystal, and Masked Man? >:
Definitely don't. I guess it comes down to what terms you consider "set". If by set you mean "This series sold this much, and is this popular, theefore it should have thi many characters" than I would say for sure, Donkey Kong could have two more, and Kid Icarus is really a wait and see.

Now, if you're talking strictly all the important characters, I would say no series (minus Mario, Legend of Zelda, and Kirby) is set.

Donkey Kong: Dixie and King K. Rool

Earthbound: Masked Man/Claus, Porky (Ninten maybe?. . )

F-Zero: Samurai Goroh, Black Shadow

Kid Icarus: Palutena, Medusa

Wario: Mona(Or Ashley?), Captain Syrup

StarFox: Krystal (Andross wouldn't work, sooo.)

I feel like Tingle, Toad, and Bowser Jr. don't add enough to the storyline to REAAAAAALLLY be needed, but if we had to choose from LoZ and Mario, those are my three bets. Kirby can suck it. We aren't seeing Gooey, so IDGAF about them >:l

Wait... Who's Gooey?

At one point Gooey was P2 for a Kirby game. I think he like licked powers? Or something? I don't remember. I read about him, AND LIKED IT.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
Yeah yeah. I don't think I'm that irrational. I mean, I AM. But I'm not. . .
You can be, at times. Other times less so. You're quick to jump on stuff you don't like, but you're fine as long as someone else can objectively and articulately explain things.

I like how we don't even know why Fox and Wolf are rivals. Everything is the way it is in Star Fox for the sake of everything being the way it is.
Some things are better when you leave them to the audience's imagination.

What other series are "set?"

Mario? LoZ? Kirby? Star Fox? Earthbound?
You been reading my diary, son.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
So dudes. How do you feel about unblockables?

My main gripe with the current system we have is that blocking is veeerrry easy. Our only mixups are grabs and shield pokes (which would require...ya know. Actual shield pressure to be in this game.)

It would make ya feel like you actually have to read your opponents instead of just playing retardly safe.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
You can be, at times. Other times less so. You're quick to jump on stuff you don't like, but you're fine as long as someone else can objectively and articulately explain things.
I think a level of "irrationality" is neccisary if you aren't going to be so cardboard cut out in this thread. Within reason, of course.

I think there's a difference in who I want/side with, and someone who wants Goku and Blooper.

There's a difference between wanting Ridley, wanting Krystal, and wanting Impa.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
I've been spoiled since melee, the only one I didn't check out online was smash 64

I don't think it makes much of a difference for me
I concur with this.

I don't think I'll have the discipline to wait until I get the game.

Especially since this game is my most anticipated ever and it's so far away...



Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
God forbid that we use irrationality to create videogames made for fun
someone care to explain me the rationality behind tripping absolutely randomly.

There's absolutely no difference between wanting Ridley , wanting Krystal and wanting Ridley

in all those cases most people have no factual evidence that any of those characters will get in or not , and fool themselves by setting up criteria like relevance, uniqueness, originality that they decide all by themselves and a popularity set up with words only such as "Zoroark is more popular than Lucario" or "Tingle is more popular than Impa" rather than actual poll results

So it's totally okay to be irrational at this point with the limit prolly being that characters are videogame characters MAYBE because we don't even know when Sakurai will be able to cross the line

anyway yea , wanting ANY character that hasn't been in Smash so far , doesnt make any difference , whoever the character is

theres many other interesting posts in the last few pages but unfortunately I don't have much time
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