Hey... Did I say anything about wanting? I only asked what the colors are about.
Lol ur face is tightening

But the colors represent the legendary pokemon of the game, except the first few. Red was Charizard, Blue was Blastoise, Green was Venasaur, Yellow was Pikachu, Gold was Ho-Oh, Silver was Lugia, Crystal was Suicune, Ruby was Groudon, Saphhire was Kyogre, Emerald was Rayquaza, Diamond was Dialga, Pearl was Palkia, Platinum was Giratina, Black was Reshiram, and White was Zekrom. Obviously the remakes represents the pokemon that was meant. As for Black and White, it's a Ying-Yang deal. PLUS I found out Kyurem is going to be a Ying - Yang middle. No choice kinda deal.