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New Smash Bros for WiiU

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Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
XD trainer Micheal, please! That's a trainer I'll agree with (I want his hair, dunno y >_>) But either with or without and trainer Eevee would be fine.
Michael? His he that trainer from the 2nd gen lol.. I always wanted either Crystal or may as well, they are both female and seem very interesting, thiough I wouldn't mind N as well with Battle Tower or Tin Tower.

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Michael? His he that trainer from the 2nd gen lol.. I always wanted either Crystal or may as well, they are both female and seem very interesting, thiough I wouldn't mind N as well with Battle Tower or Tin Tower.
Naw, Michael is the little kid (or douche as I like to call him) from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. You know, the game with Shadow Lugia (also the direct sequel to Pokemon Colosseum).


Smash Legend
Jul 17, 2005
AR | overjoyed
I have been toying with the idea of a "Stage Poll", and I sort of need help with the idea.

Which do you think is a better idea? Specifically naming places (Ex: Bowser's Castle) or Just naming a game (Ex: Super Mario Galaxy Stage) OR should I do a conbination of both? This is a much much bigger undertaking than a simple character poll, so I'll need SOME help.
Combination of both, probably.

You have Comet Observatory, Starship Mario, Good Egg Galaxy... whatever. Then the option of "I don't care! I just want a Mario Galaxy stage!"

...That makes things pretty complex though. :/

Where would you draw the line? There's the vague ones like "Mario Galaxy stage," "Paper Mario stage," "New Super Mario Bros. Stage," ...then the incredibly vague "Mario stage."

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Why is Michael a douche? What's ur reasoning?
Admittedly, he wasn't all that terrible, he was just too similar to the handheld protagonists, with him not being a seasoned trainer (Which Wes was) and all and being so young (Wes was an anti-hero of sorts and he was already a great trainer). Wes is inifinitely better than he could ever be, IMHO.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
I have been toying with the idea of a "Stage Poll", and I sort of need help with the idea.

Which do you think is a better idea? Specifically naming places (Ex: Bowser's Castle) or Just naming a game (Ex: Super Mario Galaxy Stage) OR should I do a conbination of both? This is a much much bigger undertaking than a simple character poll, so I'll need SOME help.
Yes, it is.

I think having both would be beneficial. Voting for which games you think deserve a stage, and a subset of which stage deserves it most from said game.

The one I want most is a Temple of Time.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
Admittedly, he wasn't all that terrible, he was just too smilar to the handheld protagonists, with him not being a seasoned trainer and all and being so young. Wes is inifinitely better than he could ever be, IMHO.
Then how come Ash's Pikachu practically became lvl 100 when he beat the elite four in the first season -_-. Another simple counter is how do you get a Pikachu to own a Onix? With electric moves


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
@Arcade Okay, so you weren't around for any Pre-Melee hype? That's where I'm really interested. I was around for the 2006/07 part of Pre-Brawl hype as a kid messing around on Nsider, so I know about most of the hyped characters then. I remember Geno having a lot of support, R.O.B having fans, and Megaman basically being the "shoe in" third, third party. I also remember being one of the few (I remember anyway) suggesting Lucario. I do remember Gardevior and Blaziken fans. How popular was Deoxys as a choice back then? I suppose my earliest SSB3 roster was made between 02 - 04. I was kid making up my own Smash bros. I remember wanting Charizard, and Bub and Bob from Bubble Bobble ^-^

Anyways, Pre-Melee hype always has interested me. I remember Chrono talking about it.
I wasn't on any message boards from 2000-01. The Internet was still new to me and I wasn't exposed to what the other fans wanted in SSB2. My opinions was not influenced by anyone, only by what games I have already played or seen on TV.

The characters I wanted in SSB2 was Ganondorf (my #1 most wanted at the time... I was obsessed with Ocarina of Time), Meowth (because of the anime and I never played Pokemon back then and I wanted a Pikachu vs. Meowth match), Mewtwo (because of the first Pokemon movie), Peach, Toad, Bowser, Wario (the rest of the Mario Big Eight), Pit aka Kid Icarus (I remembered him from the Captain N cartoon), Little Mac (I used to play Punch-Out!! on the NES), King Dedede (Kirby's Dream Land was the only Kirby game I played at the time), Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, and King K. Rool (I had played all three Donkey Kong Country games at this point).

I never played/cared for Star Fox, EarthBound, and F-Zero and I never heard of Ice Climber, Game & Watch, Fire Emblem, Balloon Fight, Clu Clu Land, Excitebike, Mach Rider, etc. but I knew about Punch-Out!!, Kid Icarus, Pro Wrestling, and Duck Hunt.

So, to me, the unexpected characters in Melee were Dr. Mario (a second Mario?), Falco (I recognized him but didn't see him coming), Ice Climbers (who?), Zelda (I didn't picture her fighting before), Sheik (ditto), Young Link (a second Link?), Pichu (a second Pikachu?), Mr. Game & Watch (WTF?), Marth (who?), and Roy (who?).

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Then how come Ash's Pikachu practically became lvl 100 when he beat the elite four in the first season -_-. Another simple counter is how do you get a Pikachu to own a Onix? With electric moves
I thought we were talking about the game series?

The cartoon isn't even that faithful to the games, BTW.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
I thought we were talking about the game series?

The cartoon isn't even that faithful to the games, BTW.
-_- Ok, then how come when u get ur first pkmn, ur alrdy awesome? Same deal. They are all young, and that's the way it's been. Maybe using the SIM ingame made him better then everyone else. But how u phrased the Question made it compatible w/ the show, which sucks, nowadays.


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place

How could u not want that hair? It shows victory in all the states \ _ / Plus he's awesome! He reminds me of Red a lil bit..

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Look, I'm not saying Michael is bad. I just think Wes is a lot better.

Anyways, I want Toad in Smash now...

*hopes nLiM8d didn't hear that*


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2011
-_- Ok, then how come when u get ur first pkmn, ur alrdy awesome? Same deal. They are all young, and that's the way it's been. Maybe using the SIM ingame made him better then everyone else. But how u phrased the Question made it compatible w/ the show, which sucks, nowadays.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Why so? It's not like Lucario has been deconfirmed yet, Mewtwo has a chance but not so much to bring Lucario down completly.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Pokemon: Finding the perfect Balance.​

Four Slot Roster:
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- Pokemon Trainer / Mewtwo
- Zoroark / Victini

With the four slot roster, I figure this is a “No nonsense, let’s get the basics down” type roster. We don’t have room to play with the cool, but less popular/relevant franchises. Gen 2 – 4 would go unrepresented due to the insane popularity that is the first Gen. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Pokemon Trainer, and Mewtwo would represent the “glory” that is the first Generation. With this bare bones roster, I figured, we try to not piss off the masses, and still manage to make it look “fresh”. Pika and Jiggs are not tampered with, we then decide who should be kept: Mewtwo or Pokemon Trainer, and then decide between the two fifth series Pokemon.

Five Slot Roster 1:
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- Pokemon Trainer
- Mewtwo / Lucario
- Zoroark / Victini

This is another “Let’s play it safe” option. We automatically bring back PikaJiggsPT, and then make a pretty UN risky decision between the others. Lucario can now be considered to Stay because he was generally well receieved in Brawl, and may take his spot on the roster if they opt for no Mewtwo. With five slots, even the risky roster has an option to bring back a “Lesser series”. By lesser I mean one that doesn’t fit into the latest and greatest motto.

Five Slot Roster 2:
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- New Pokemon Trainer
- Mewtwo / Lucario / Deoxys
- Zoroark / Victini / Genesect

This is the more risky choice. We now have the option to bring a trainer from a different gen into the game. Essentially, we could have four of the five generations represented. This leaves a lot of room for errors. Go too crazy (PikaJiggs 2nd Gen, Deoxys, Genesect) and we could have some real problems with the fans.

Six Slot Roster:
- Pikachu
- Jigglypuff
- Mewtwo
- Lucario / Deoxys / Meowth / Pichu
- New (or not) Pokemon Trainer
- Zoroark / Victini / Genesect

Here we can find the perfect balance of old, new, and interesting. The problem we run into though is the number of Pokemon this entails. 8 Pokemon is a little much, in my opinion.

So really, what Pokemon comes down to is this balancing act between slot numbers, latest Generation, most Popular Generation, and the in-betweens. IMO, no other series has this much to work with, do well with, and mess up on.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Lucario is awesome. Who said he wasn't?
Nobody has, anyway this is what I see likely:

My personal preferance:

Pokemon Trainer (Blue/Giovanni)


My realistic picks:

Pokemon Trainer (any generation)
Mewtwo/Lucario/Meowth/Genesect? (Flavor of the month)

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
Realistic/Likely Pokepics (IMO):
Pokemon Trainer- (1st gen starters)

My Personal Preference:
Kanto PT
Johto PT
Hoenn PT

I will catch you later asage. :)


Smash Cadet
Jul 17, 2011
That part of Michigan where no one else lives...
The problem we run into though is the number of Pokemon this entails. 8 Pokemon is a little much, in my opinion.
If there were originally supposed to be 5 pokemon slots (7 characters total) in brawl if you consider Mewtwo being planned as part of the Forbidden Seven, would it be unrealistic to consider 6 slots being possible?


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Realistic/Likely Pokepics (IMO):
Pokemon Trainer- (1st gen starters)

My Personal Preference:
Kanto PT
Johto PT

Hoenn PT

I will catch you later asage. :)
haha, all those Pokemon? I agree with the bolded one's though.

If there were originally supposed to be 5 pokemon slots (7 characters total) in brawl if you consider Mewtwo being planned as part of the Forbidden Seven, would it be unrealistic to consider 6 slots being possible?
Not really since Mewtwo was planned to be in Brawl anyway, I'm guessing Sakurai had to get rid of either Jiggs or Mewtwo, though that doesn't seem the case this time around.



Smash Journeyman
Dec 21, 2010
Reponses in green.

In all honesty? WHY? He's about as flat, uninspiring a character as Nintendo could possibly conceive. Except Tetris. Give Duck Hunt a stage, like Tetris. They'd be excellent stages. But don't put a character in just because they barely qualify as a character.
I disagree with many of the statements in green.

1. R.O.B. is not a disgrace. He saved the video game industry in the early 80's. Also, the Mario series, Zelda series, NES Zapper (Duck Hunt being the most popular game to use it), and several other games helped shape up the gaming industry to become better than it was before the crash. R.O.B. and those other games and accessories mentioned above saved Nintendo and the whole industry itself.

2. People think that Duck Hunt Dog can only stand on 4 legs when the truth is that he can stand on both 2 and 4 legs. How you think he can hold the ducks with his paws? A 4 legged animal can't hold nothing with his paws, but Duck Hunt Dog can by standing on 2 legs. Also, in the Arcade version of Duck Hunt, he is seen running on 2 legs chasing the ducks in the loading screen and he can also walk on crutches after being shot. So yea, he can stand, walk, and run on 2 and 4 legs.

3. Even though Duck Hunt Dog had one game, that one game is a classic. 1 classic game is better than a series of forgotten games. Duck Hunt was popular enough to have tons of remakes and even made its way to become an app on mobile phones and on a number of online sites as an app as well.

4. Duck Hunt Dog is capable of fighting. You just have to be creative. Not many of the Smash characters use moves that came from their games. Many of them are made up. Duck Hunt Dog can use Ducks to fly back on stage, throw clay disc at enemies, shoot with the NES Zapper, and use dog based moves. After all, he is a hound, which is a dog train to defend and attack. There are dog based moves he can use like bite, pounce, tackle, fetch, tail chase (Mario Tornado style), roll over (dash attack), scratch, dog flip, tail whip, and so on and so on.

5. Adding in a character can't hurt sales when there is tons of others already on the roster. Remember that Smash Bros roster has always been very diverse. So the roster should not always consist of popular and most requested character.

6. So far there is no source proving that Sakurai hates the idea of Duck Hunt Dog. Honestly, I dont think Sakurai has ever mentioned Duck Hunt Dog publicly. Still looking for sources to find out though.

7. Duck Hunt Dog can only be a boring character if he doesn't have his characteristics and if creative effort is not done. This goes to every character in general.

8. Duck Hunt Dog doesn't have to be a highly requested character to make it to Smash. Again, Sakurai likes to put diversity in the roster.

9. Duck Hunt dog not being relevant is false. The Duck Hunt game has been remade over and over again through NES console, arcades, today's mobile phone apps, and online games through out the internet. His appearance has been relevant for years. He has appeared in Barker Bill's Trick Shooting, Tetris DS, 3 different WarioWare games that were recent, WiiWare, etc. Plus, he has appeared outside of the gaming world in pop culture, which very few retros have ever done. He appeared in Boyz N Da Hood, Vh1's I love The 80's, appeared in Eagle's 1994 potato chip commercials, was mimicked and referenced in the Cartoon Network show Drawn Together, won 2 awards at the MTV Multiplayer awards for "Greatest Video Game Canine" & "Best Video Game Character" (mind you that KK Slider & Ameteratsu were nominees, so its relevant) and has tons and tons of mentions online from youtube videos. Duck Hunt Dog has been relevant in appearance and remakes for the past 27 years. This character is a gaming icon. Hell, he is in the gaming hall of fame.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
If there were originally supposed to be 5 pokemon slots (7 characters total) in brawl if you consider Mewtwo being planned as part of the Forbidden Seven, would it be unrealistic to consider 6 slots being possible?
I'm just afraid of an imbalance, that's all. Too many Mario/Pokemon characters or something like that. I prefer a clean five Pokemon, five Mario, and possibly five LoZ (Should/could stay at four). It could definitely work, but it could end up looking weird as well.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
I thought we were talking about the game series?

The cartoon isn't even that faithful to the games, BTW.
But the cartoon did help popularize the Pokemon franchise. My first exposure to Pokemon was the cartoon, not the games. I remember the very first episode I watched... the one with Paras. The first time I saw Squirtle in that episode, I thought it was a half-squirrel and half-turtle Pokemon... a blue turtle with a squirrel's tail. I found Team Rocket to be pretty funny and goofy and I liked how Meowth was a talking cat Pokemon (turns out it is the ONLY talking cat... which makes Meowth even more awesome). The next episode was Jigglypuff's first appearance in the anime.

My first Pokemon game was Gold... I was pretty disappointed that I got the wrong version because Meowth wasn't in it (should have bought Silver instead) but I played it all the time... got my team to Mt. Silver and beat Red. My favorite Pokemon in that game was Meganium and Ampharos but there are some other Pokemon I liked on my team like Pidgeot, Machoke, Kadabra, Graveler, Crobat, Quagsire, Lanturn, Espeon, Furret (my HM monster) and Gyarados (Ugh! It was so satisfying to be greatly rewarded for using Magikarp for so long!)

My second/last Pokemon game was Sapphire. It was pretty good. My new favorite Pokemon were Blaziken (I didn't pick Torchic because of Blaziken, I picked it because baby chicks are cute), Gardevoir, Seviper, Camerupt, Pelipper, Exploud, Masquerain, Breloom, Flygon, and Linoone (my new HM monster).

Metal Overlord

Smash Hero
Aug 2, 2011
Nawf Side
But the cartoon did help popularize the Pokemon franchise. My first exposure to Pokemon was the cartoon, not the games. I remember the very first episode I watched... the one with Paras. The first time I saw Squirtle in that episode, I thought it was a half-squirrel and half-turtle Pokemon... a blue turtle with a squirrel's tail. I found Team Rocket to be pretty funny and goofy and I liked how Meowth was a talking cat Pokemon (turns out it is the ONLY talking cat... which makes Meowth even more awesome). The next episode was Jigglypuff's first appearance in the anime.

My first Pokemon game was Gold... I was pretty disappointed that I got the wrong version because Meowth wasn't in it (should have bought Silver instead) but I played it all the time... got my team to Mt. Silver and beat Red. My favorite Pokemon in that game was Meganium and Ampharos but there are some other Pokemon I liked on my team like Pidgeot, Machoke, Kadabra, Graveler, Crobat, Quagsire, Lanturn, Espeon, Furret (my HM monster) and Gyarados (Ugh! It was so satisfying to be greatly rewarded for using Magikarp for so long!)

My second/last Pokemon game was Sapphire. It was pretty good. My new favorite Pokemon were Blaziken (I didn't pick Torchic because of Blaziken, I picked it because baby chicks are cute), Gardevoir, Seviper, Camerupt, Pelipper, Exploud, Masquerain, Flygon, and Linoone (my new HM monster).
You aren't alone in that. I actually enjoyed the cartoons more than the games. I was just saying that because he kind of went off-topic from our little discussion.

Artsy Omni

Smashified Creator
Aug 5, 2011
Hey one and all. Just thought I'd check in, since I'm not currently drowning in art deadlines. Anybody care to share anything that's happened in the last 3 weeks that's worth noting and hasn't been discussed to death already prior to the start of said 3 weeks?

Aside from the silly rumor about "Smash Bros Universe."


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Hey one and all. Just thought I'd check in, since I'm not currently drowning in art deadlines. Anybody care to share anything that's happened in the last 3 weeks that's worth noting and hasn't been discussed to death already prior to the start of said 3 weeks?

Aside from the silly rumor about "Smash Bros Universe."
Hey, what's up with you? where have you been?


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
Hey one and all. Just thought I'd check in, since I'm not currently drowning in art deadlines. Anybody care to share anything that's happened in the last 3 weeks that's worth noting and hasn't been discussed to death already prior to the start of said 3 weeks?

Aside from the silly rumor about "Smash Bros Universe."
Ummmm, other than that rumor, it's the same. Well, add a few more old posters showing up here and there. Just today I was wondering where you were. Weird!
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