Yo guys, best idea I ever had for Smash Bros. 3DS; what if Sakurai remade all the character's games from the playable characters and made an entire SSE-inspired sequel in which you play the actual games (listed as litterally Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country, Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, StarFox, Mother, Pokémon, ect.) but with a total Smash feel to it? Fighting other characters in between in "cutscene battles" on actual Smash Bros. Stages? Also with actual real inspired boss battles in between? And eventually when completed play the gsme with a second player with a second character from that franchise?? Add in "RPG" elements according to the games, as in Metroid Missiles or Beam powerup... Or just in general powering up your A and B moves in an RPG style, battling enemies from the series repeatedly. And with a sprt of "Battle Tower" like idea to train your character... Leveling them up litterally perhaps as you fight?
Just basically a Sakurai & Smash team made total remake game. With some RPG elements, which in some series could be dofferently represented than in others, but with an equal system every where. Characters could be unlocked as the story progresses in game, and each game could be worth playing in story mode for about 10 to 15 hours easily. And make them all worth replaying in a way of adding characters to the game system cleverly. Say you unlock zjigglypuff in Pokémon, but she still has no B moves and is like level 5. In gsme very weak, but unlocked as a character anyways, so you'll basically are given the choice to play as Jigglypuff a lot or not. Lots of characters could and should be added this way. Picture playing Metroid... You play as Samus of coarse, and mission would simply be : invade Metroid base, and hunt for Ridley. Some story involved evening could have you play as Zero Suit Samus as well. Anthony Higgs would also appear sometimes as an NPC, als fihtingmome enemies in early level, then goes missing and becomes a playable character himself to at a later point. When Ridley is defeated though in the story, he's not killed of but rather left wounded and becomes playable only when completing the game Metroid perfectly for a different ending??
And with Donkey Kong Country for example, a sort of mash up game in between the original DKC games and DKCR. Played with Donkey Kong solo at first, untill Diddy returns in the first level which would allow tagging in between Donkey and Diddy Kong. And when later Dixie get unlocked for story purposes (got left behind by Diddy for the adventure, chases him but get trapped by a boss) you can also tag to play with her. There's then two main teams though: DK and Diddy as a DKCR like duo : featuring Diddy's B as a special, and his Up B to, as in DKCR. No Spinning Kong or Gaint Punch. Spinning Kong would then literally be teached or inspired to DK by how Dixie does her hair spin, and Gaint Punch is learned fully in the battle against King K.Rool as a way to damage his weak point. Up untill then, it's just a regular punch. The Diddy and Dixie tag team woukd feature different specials for the side B and neutral B (yet very similar in working to both characters special moves separately) but would borroe the other specials from each other. Perhaps Up for Dixie and Down B for Diddy (which'd be the Peanut Popgun duo shot, with tripping effect). In the game storynyou'd find parts where you play levels where you either play as one Zking, or a tag team of either DK and Diddy, or Diddy and Dixie. And parts with DK alone (and some with Diddy and a few with zdixie to). King K.Rool would be a playable character in a sexret unlockable event where he takes it up to the Tikis with his own side story. When completing Donkey Kong Country Smash, you can even tag team DK and Diddy or Diddy and Dixie in battle in the VS Mode.
In Pokémon, you play as Pokémon Trainer himself. But it's more a half scenamatic sort of game. You play as the Pokémon Trainer, but he doesn't fight really andmyou can only walkmwith him from point to point, when engaded in a sort of event of a battle he goes to the backside and let his Pokémon fight for him. You start with your Squirtle, Bulbasaur or Charmander, and will first of coarse start with the famous rival trainer battle. You pick Squirtle, fight Bulbasaur, you pick Charmander you fight Squirtle. This is your starter, and you'll fight an evil corporation of sorts... What was the story like in Pokémon Black and White? Well, I don't but picture that with a sort of mix between the story of that and Pkémon Colloseum and XD. You fight wild Pokémon and Trainers and just certain Pokémon are unlockable, and the Trainer catches them in a cutscene. All starters are fully playable, and mostly are all powered up versions of each other, but clones formthe most part still. Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, Squirtle, Wartortle, Blastoise, Charmander, Charmeleon and Charizard are thus all playable. Lol. Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Mewtwo and... Just anything would all be unlocked by curscenes and in battle. There are also Boss Battles on stages against Gym Leaders and Pokémon boss fights of coarse. Some Pokéball item Pokémon could also be found, fought and even catched... And usable in a way beyond what we've seen this far. Directly would they attack the target and come up with a set HP bar and battle automatically. Could be used in boss battles as a mean of 2 vs one (picture: Playable Wartortle and or Pikachu with a CPU NPC character aide of say.. Latios or Articuno vs a gaint Rhyperior or Groudon or Dialga). Just a lot of potential there.
But just in general, each game series as their own game wouldmplay as if it actually was a game in the series, but with full playable Smash characters. Who'd also be playable in VS mode. On the stages found in Adventure Mode cutscenes! Even possibilities of cross overs! I'd totally play that. And each game should or would last about 5 to 10 hours story and gameplay wise. Or offer something else, as F-Zero would for example be a full fledged racing game. With cutscene battles. Just like StarFox woudl. Wheras Pokémon and Mother are most RPG like, and Mario and zdonkey Kong would be Smashified plstformers. Legend of Zelda and Metroid would be adventuring and exploring games. With dungeons and maps and stuff.
I'd play this untill my fingers would fall off or stop functioning otherwise.