See, this is why I hate power rankings. Please tell me precisely why the **** we needed an entire post devoted to telling all of us in Pittsburgh that we suck. We have seen precisely one person from the eastern part of the state over the past 6 months and I really think it's rediculous to base your judgement on that single time, it was awhile ago and our smashers have gotten a lot better since then. Oh and did "and **** you" guy tell you that I beat him? back when all I did was double jump, dair to shine to back air? and don't give me the drunk john, I woke up about a half hour before our match and the only warmup I had was smashing 2 n00bs into the ground with M2 and DK. You guys aren't the only ones getting better and I'm really sick of hearing this garbage that we're terrible. I don't want any animosity and drama, but this is what power rankings do, so I'm in favor of just scrapping the whole power ranking bull**** and letting people figure out for themselves where they lie from actually playing others. Seriously, I don't want there to be any **** between Philly and Pburgh, but it's hard not to get pissed when every other post you guys put up is talking **** about how we're terrible.Power Rankings:
1. Cactuar/Mow/Javier
2. Doesn't Matter.
3. Everyone Else Sucks.
4. Stop Complaining.
5. Pittsburgh Sucks at Smash.
6. Because We Have Had Players.
7. Go There And Play.
8. And **** You.
9. While Drunk.
10. And Barely Playing.
I hear that "And **** You" guy is getting a lot better. He will probably be moving up on the list next update.
Edit: Seriously though. If I made a top 10 list for all of PA, there wouldn't be any Pitt smashers on it, so it doesn't really matter. I still have a panelist from there, but there are only like 2 people that would be considered for top 10, and it's extremely unlikely they would get it.
I'll get to making the ranking after Cat3.
rant over.