umm yeah i have a tag here are our tags
Team-German Army of Pittsburgh
Player Name-Sargent Headshot /General Decapatation|Activity Level-Omega Active/Omega Active
Cell#: 412-431-5562/ Age:13/14
Location-Pittsburgh,PA/right up the street from headshot
Sgt. Headshot's main-Doc,mario,pikachu
General Decapatation's main-kirby,mewtwo,bowser
Best Stages-Temple,Mushroom Kingdom II
Worst Stages-Poke Floats,the jungle one
Headshot-ummm im a long time ssbm player i had the original and i got ssbm for my birthday last year and it broke from a heat crack andi got a new one recently im a realy good player and can usually beat Decap. but thats all oh uyeah dont leave me out of a tourny cuz its a school day cuz i got to cyber school and dont got to do the work doring nowmal hours and also i dont need to do it that day either but th general may have a problem but ill deal withit when it gets to it .oh yeah i would like to merge with steelcity smash so if your part of it plz contact me and tell me..oh yeah call if you want that is my number up there so PEACE
Decapatation-umm yeah i play mikes..i mean headshot's ssbm and ive helped him a a few events that use characters he sucks at cough peach luigi cough yeah i think of my self as a pro with kirby but im not bad with the other 2 either