I love how no one else's opinion matters to you, it really makes you a wonderful part of a panel. You want to tell people what
you think, based on the rankings, go right ahead, but forgive us if we don't all drop to our knees and just accept whatever list you give us. We tried discussing the reasons we had for our ratings and because we weren't just giving in to your list, you basically told us we were ******* and left.
And you're saying you and Cactuar would be wonderful on a panel because you agree about everything!? Do you know what panels are for? They're to spark discussion and to ask the questions that need asking and to have the arguments about where people should be. If everyone agrees that's a sign of a worthless panel, because the list isn't gaining anything from the interaction. You might as well just post your own thoughts on rankings because nothing changes when everyone agrees.
It's just funny to me that the perfect panel for you is just people who sit around agreeing with you...</rant>
ok wesley, I'm going to tell you the flaw in that logic.
Panels are NOT there for discussion and debate. The point of a panel is to determine one uniform opinion which holds the most truth. What you're saying in contrast is that you created the panel, sparked the discussion and came to a compromise for a problem that wasn't even really a problem to begin with. And even if you had done so in a productive manner, you have a second flaw behind your reasoning which you can't do anything about.
You have not played everyone in PA. The only people to have played everyone in PA are myself, thecape, renth, and cactuar, in that order. Myself and zach more than renth and cactuar, since many in pittsburgh have not played cactuar and renth just now told mne that he has never played against triad_prodigy.
By the way, in regards to nothing changes when everyone agrees: there's nothing to change. Everyone in PA already knows who the top people are and are not. You can tell since several people were alarmed at the rankings of velocity, cape, and vagabond in particular.
I did not call anyone a ******, I said the discussion was ********. Which it was. As is your list, which is a reflection of your inexperience as a player, something that you will personally need to improve upon before you swing your unwieldy sword of authority which you and the other panelists have assigned yourselves.
velocity, I'd argue you, but after reading what you posted twice, I see you left me no point to argue. lol.
[01:47] Mark: please edit your post
[01:47] Mark: and put this in it
[01:47] Mark: well i've expressed my position to you at least. As far as i seen the majority of their arguement is in ignorance. I met you, cape, kaotical, joker, and magus about 2 years ago and i had no idea what i was in for. At the time PA was considered one of the worst states in the country and who could blame them for being so terrible? themselves. There was a time i asked you who had the best what (character wise) in PA you sent me back a list with your name by almost every character atleast 95% of the list from what i remeber. Now sometime after The Cape and I had become good friends he taught me this game down to a science everything he knew. Still even a year after you and Cape beat everyone who's name wasn't Javier who at the time was considered one of the top in PA. At the time back when i played Cactuar the first time and all he did was run around and f smash. Now today, it seems a new breed of smashers have appeared in the smash scene in PA. As it seems still today the only person who gives you and cape trouble is Cactuar who has done very well for himself in the very short time he's been playing. These new smashers are good no doubt about it but they are terrible at making power rankings list on which in my opinion shouldn't be involved not because they aren't good at the game because they haven't been around as long as everyone else. Everyone tries to consider recent events fine sure that's grand but it seems no one knows what to base the list off of. I'd say the person who makes the list should be someone who's played everyone in the state and has a firm basis on peoples skill and potential. You, Cape, Joker, and Magus have been around PA even before i started playing the game which is why i respect each of you greatly and for your knowledge of playing everyone in the state countless times. I believe the new pittsburgh smashers are ignorant but it's not their fault it's not that they don't travel enough i just don't think they understand the basis that should go into a power rankings system. Example they sit and argue on what the list should be based off of which is a good thing to do. However if you've been playing in PA as long as I have you should know there should be no debate what so ever. I thought everyone knew where everyone stood in PA i guess i was terribly wrong.