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Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
im going to bed angry at utah
I think everyone does that now and again.

At the next fest, if ANYONE has any kind of tool(s) that can open up a GC controller, you should bring it/them. (I asked Dekar about it who pointed me to Ax who pointed me to Dekar and somehow ZMan and Salty ended up in that mix as well :dizzy:) My L buttan is starting to fudge up and that's no good, and I want to get rid of a spring anyways.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
At the next fest, if ANYONE has any kind of tool(s) that can open up a GC controller, you should bring it/them. (I asked Dekar about it who pointed me to Ax who pointed me to Dekar and somehow ZMan and Salty ended up in that mix as well :dizzy:) My L buttan is starting to fudge up and that's no good, and I want to get rid of a spring anyways.
This. I need to get the springs out of my controller, and my joystick is acting funny.

Also, I just reeeeaaallllyyy pissed someone off on shoddy. I got a Critical hit which won me a battle I should have lost, and it was ranked too.


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
So I was looking through my glove box just now and I found a Pheonix Wright case with Pheonix Wright, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl inside. I assume it belongs to someone who went to Supercon. My guess is Nolan, being that he was in the front seat the entire time, and I would've heard from Walker if he was missing his Pokemans.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
So I was looking through my glove box just now and I found a Pheonix Wright case with Pheonix Wright, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl inside. I assume it belongs to someone who went to Supercon. My guess is Nolan, being that he was in the front seat the entire time, and I would've heard from Walker if he was missing his Pokemans.
It's definitley Nolan. He borrowed Pheonix wright from Molly as far as I know, and he has his cousin's Peral, and his own Diamond.

I can't be missin no pokemon, I have shoddy battle.


Smash Cadet
Sep 13, 2006
If you're asking if a 720p TV will lag with component cables, then the answer is 'yes, to different degrees'. Try it out, it'll will likely be minor or unnoticable.


The only true DR vet.
Aug 31, 2005
Zack can you take the springs out of my controller? Kthxilu.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 22, 2008
Yo Goyf, is Shoddy worth it? I mean, I know the answer is "yes", since it's free, you can get any Pokes and set their IVs and EVs...I was just pissed when everyone on GFaqs started using Shoddy when I JUST got done putting two teams together on Diamond and Pearl. I mean, I want to go on Shoddy because that's what everyone is doing and it's fast and free, but it feels...IDK, kinda pointless. Like it feels empty if everyone just has their Pokes at perfect stats and can then just use well known strategy methods to win...

IDK, tell me about shoddy.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Yo Goyf, is Shoddy worth it? I mean, I know the answer is "yes", since it's free, you can get any Pokes and set their IVs and EVs...I was just pissed when everyone on GFaqs started using Shoddy when I JUST got done putting two teams together on Diamond and Pearl. I mean, I want to go on Shoddy because that's what everyone is doing and it's fast and free, but it feels...IDK, kinda pointless. Like it feels empty if everyone just has their Pokes at perfect stats and can then just use well known strategy methods to win...

IDK, tell me about shoddy.
Inifnite access to players, less time than AR making your team, ranked matches (you NEVER, and I mean never have to wait more than 30 seconds) that start instantly, it's just a great way to get a wide variety of games very quickly.

Every team I've batteled has been different, I haven't found any teir whores, and it's compatible with all formats (UBER, OU, UU, NU), it has a feature where you can play with random teams, basically, if you like pokemon, do shoddy. It's really a great thing. It also doesn't take 9001 years to load everything/wait for each leftovers, the sandstorm, burn and poison at the end. It processes like, instantly. If you just want to test a team before making it IRL, go here. If you want to have competitive battles, go here. If you want casuals, go here. Want to make your own formats? It has servers for custom battles.

<3 shoddy.

I would like sum smash.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Man, the random battles are so fun. I should find the screenshot from when I killed an uber with spinda.
OMG hax. BTW, you want to play now? I'm not doing anything. My username is TheTarmogoyf. I'm on right now.

This still applies. I'm on right now.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2008
New Mexico
O HEY GUYS. temporarily have internet for the night,

Who's coming to fest on saturday at my house? lots of free food and etc, would like to make it big since school is starting next week and my parents have decided since I'm going to college letting me continue to use the car would just be silly, so september 1st i should have fixed my car and will be unable to use it. SAD FACE. So lets make this fest big! I don't know how much i'll be able to smash during the school year so I'd really like to play a lot this coming weekend.

@Steven Yeah that's mine. Sorry!


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Sorry, I've been reading the pokemon manga all day >.>
It's cool. I just played more ladder matches.

Also, I had to do a blissey ditto.... and I ran out Of PP first. Killed myself with struggle.

O HEY GUYS. temporarily have internet for the night,

Who's coming to fest on saturday at my house? lots of free food and etc, would like to make it big since school is starting next week and my parents have decided since I'm going to college letting me continue to use the car would just be silly, so september 1st i should have fixed my car and will be unable to use it. SAD FACE. So lets make this fest big! I don't know how much i'll be able to smash during the school year so I'd really like to play a lot this coming weekend.

@Steven Yeah that's mine. Sorry!
I'm coming to the fest OBV.

If other people go to the durango tourney, I'll go.


Smash Master
Jul 16, 2005
cromartie high school aka albuquerque, nm
ill be at the fest, nolan. but i have a feeling that daisy is gonna throw water on the toilet seat so she can yell at someone (probably me)

(Due to the vote, and how lots of peeps outside of Abq. use him, MK will be legal, and I will most likely be using him through out the entire tourney).

*Hopes that gay tidbit of info doesn't drive anyone off*
you sick son of a *****!


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Big BlazBlue tourney results. Steven is sad that dora only took top 8. Both the V-13s in the top 8 being knocked out in top 4 is a good sign for this game. The top 8 looks very balanced. 6 diffferent chars, and only 2 V-13's (lol@ 2 Litchis)

BlazBlue Singles Tournament

1st round results:

A Block

Souji (Arakune) vs. Godhand (Jin)
Masutani (Bang) vs. Ke-chan (Rachel)
Goodbye Earth (Rachel) vs. NyanNyanNu- (Nu)
Nezu (Bang) vs. kakutoubishinTaokaka (Nu)

B Block

Dora (Bang) vs. Saki (Nu)
Shonen (Litchi) vs. Zero (Hakumen)
Konan (Jin) vs. Kid Viper (Jin)
Tsukasa (Nu) vs. Kurenai ya (Noel)

C Block

Miu (Jin) vs. Nochun (Litchi)
Azu (Nu) vs. Halloween (Rachel)
Kyaku (Carl) vs. Relia (Nu)
Kouji (Tager) vs. Kogatan (Jin)

D Block

HeartNana (Noel) vs. Inoue (Nu)
Kimoniku (Rachel) vs. Diechan (Litchi)
Ikemen (Nu) vs. Ora (Ragna)
Sato-One (Arakune) vs. Mebo (Taokaka)

E Block

Shuta (Ragna) vs. Maria (Arakune)
Ki-fa (Arakune) vs. Fumo (Arakune)
EnseiseiUzai (Rachel) vs. Ribaia (Nu)
Tobari (Rachel) vs. NEFE (Nu)

F Block

Hima (Arakune) vs. Ako (Arakune)
BLEED (Litchi) vs. MechaSue (Carl)
Isa (Arakune) vs. Parosupe (Jin)
Bonus Game (Rachel) vs. Toriatsukai-chuui aka Handle with Care (Arakune)

G Block

Denpa (Taokaka) vs. ANG (Nu)
Aoniku (Rachel) vs. Kyou (Nu)
Tokido (Arakune) vs. Eru (Rachel)
Wataru (Ragna) vs. Kazuhira (Taokaka)

H Block

Ren (Jin) vs. Keshigomu (Noel)
NOtoko (Rachel) vs. Kamiyu (arakune)
Chou (Nu) vs. Makoto (Nu)
Tsubaki aka DIO(Carl) vs. F (Nu)

2nd round results:

A Block

Souji (Arakune) vs. Ke-chan (Rachel)
NyanNyanNu- (Nu) vs. kakutoubishinTaokaka (Nu)

B Block

Dora (Bang) vs. Zero (Hakumen)
Konan (Jin) vs. Tsukasa (Nu)

C Block

Nochun (Litchi) vs. Kyaku (Carl)
Azu (Nu) vs. Kogatan (Jin)

D Block

Inoue (Nu) vs. Mebo (Taokaka)
Ikemen (Nu) vs. Diechan (Litchi)

E Block

Maria (Arakune) vs. Fumo (Arakune)
Ribaia (Nu) vs. Tobari (Rachel)

F Block

Hima (Arakune) vs. BLEED (Litchi)
Isa (Arakune) vs. Bonus Game (Rachel)

G Block

ANG (Nu) vs. Kyou (Nu)
Eru (Rachel) vs. Kazuhira (Taokaka)

H Block

Keshigomu (Noel) vs. NOtoko (Rachel)
Chou (Nu) vs. DIO (Carl)

3rd round results:

A Block - Ke-chan (Rachel) vs. kakutoubishinTaokaka (Nu)
B Block - Dora (Bang) vs. Tsukasa (Nu)
C Block - Kyaku (Carl) vs. Azu (Nu)
D Block - Mebo (Taokaka) vs. Diechan (Litchi)
E Block - Fumo (Arakune) vs. Ribaia (Nu)
F Block - BLEED (Litchi) vs. Bonus Game (Rachel)
G Block - Kyou (Nu) vs. Eru (Rachel)
H Block - NOtoko (Rachel) vs. Chou (Nu)

Top 8:

kakutoubishinTaokaka (Nu) vs. Dora (Bang)
Kyaku (Carl) vs. Diechan (Litchi)
Fumo (Arakune) vs. BLEED (Litchi)
Eru (Rachel) vs. Chou (Nu)

Top 4:

kakutoubishinTaokaka (Nu) vs. Kyaku (Carl)
Fumo (Arakune) vs. Chou (Nu)


Kyaku (Carl) vs. Fumo (Arakune)

Winner:Fumo (Arakune)


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
In my opinion, litchi is the 4th best character in the game, and does better against nu than rachel or arakune. It really isn't surprising to see her doing so well.

But yeah, this just proves that if you really want to beat nu, play Carl. She can't escape teh clap.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Hey so who all wants to come to Sinz going away fest Thursday?

You know you want to...

(Stupid school trying to make thing difficult)
I'm coming. Where is it again?

In my opinion, litchi is the 4th best character in the game, and does better against nu than rachel or arakune. It really isn't surprising to see her doing so well.

But yeah, this just proves that if you really want to beat nu, play Carl. She can't escape teh clap.
Litchi 4th? well, BlazBlue is balanced enough to have this possible, unlike most fighting games *coughbrawlcough*

No one escapes teh clap. I'tt get you, someday.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Well, the fact is that nu wrecks rachel and arakune, her spam game is better in every way. But litchi has a close and range game, and goes even or better with everyone else. So arakune and rachel deserve to be above her, because they wreck most of the cast, but litchi is a better choice in the high end metagame. 4th in tiers, 2nd in matchups. Of the 10 Rachel players qualified, 8 lost to Nu, 2 lost to Litchi.

Nu beats Rachel and Arakune, Rachel beats Arakune, Arakune beats all other tiers...and Litchi kinda goes even with them all. Hard to get a say, the Litchi players didn't really face the Nu players. Still, of the 13 Nu, 6 made it to the top 16.


Smash Master
Jul 15, 2008
My house, NM
Well, the fact is that nu wrecks rachel and arakune, her spam game is better in every way. But litchi has a close and range game, and goes even or better with everyone else. So arakune and rachel deserve to be above her, because they wreck most of the cast, but litchi is a better choice in the high end metagame. 4th in tiers, 2nd in matchups. Of the 10 Rachel players qualified, 8 lost to Nu, 2 lost to Litchi.

Nu beats Rachel and Arakune, Rachel beats Arakune, Arakune beats all other tiers...and Litchi kinda goes even with them all. Hard to get a say, the Litchi players didn't really face the Nu players. Still, of the 13 Nu, 6 made it to the top 16.
But only 2 made it to top 8. That looks overall good, espically compared to some other games I can think of (not just brawl lol)

LOL at Rachel's losses.

I don't know, the game is still developing.

And Nu han no bad matchups right? Just even or good?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
Denver, CO
Just even or good. Carl is even for sure, I think litchi is around even, but I don't really check the litchi board.
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