Judo, I don't care if you are one of the best Sheik (which is like being the best kid @ the special olympics), right now you're not adding anything to the discussion. I think we all can realize that at a certain range (@ the very end of the slide to a rolls worth inside the slide range) it won't be as effective because any follow-up won't pack TAHT much of a punch. I think you FAIL to realize how well we, as KIRBY MAINS, know our characters.
What RRR is saying though, is that even @ the less effective range mentioned earlier, is that this AT still works to provide pressure and, w/ a bit of luck on a read, a good amount of damage
Ppl will start to realize that if they stay grounded the worst they'll eat is a DA'. Then we'll grab and get better damage while they stay grounded. Lrn2Yomi fool.
You've said what you've felt was necessary to say and it's been noted; thanks non-Kirby main for your input. Can you troll somewhere else now?