List of possible Clone Engine candidates based on ease of creation:
- Dark Samus
- Ninten
- Shadow (If he remains extremely similar to Sonic, meaning no projectiles like guns or chaos magic)
- Knuckles
- Pichu (Based on Roy's implementation, I'm positive her workload would be a little more then people are estimating)
- Telda
- Micaiah (Because of her using Tomes, I've decided that her animations would most likely have to deviate some from Zelda's)
- Claus/Masked Man
- Liquid Snake (Can much more closely resemble Snake, animation wise compared to Sami/Andy. Would still require a pretty elaborate model to be made though)
- Bowser Jr. (hasn't moved because of peoples want to give him the paint stick, which would require more than just giving him Bowser's moveset, but could be a tier lower if they decided to do just that)
- Hector
- Sami/Andy (Their animations would probably have to be tweaked more so than Liquid due to their different body sizes and proportions)
- Tetra (It depends on how they'd want to make this character. She could be one rank higher if she had an extremely similar moveset like Tink or Shiek, but I don't see that happening)
- Lip (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Could possibly play more like Lucas or Ness to lessen the workload)
- Lyn (She could be more of a challenge if they decide to incorporate her iaido style swordplay. Even if they make the model from scratch, they have a decent base to follow)
- Samurai Goroh (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Even if they make the model from scratch, they have a decent base to follow)
- Waluigi (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Even if they make the model from scratch, they have a decent base to follow)
- Tails (Flight animations and balancing a speedy character who can possibly float cancel, definitely a challenge)
- Black Shadow/Ganondorf (Even though they'd just have to create a model for Black Shadow, creating Dorfs sword moveset would be a challenge. This also implies that they are working on two characters at once, which is a pain)
- Krystal (First ever staff user, would be a challenge since they have no animations to base hers off of)
- Toad (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Just porting him over Mario would look extremely awkward, as his arms are tiny and all of the punching moves would be off because of this. Would require a lot of new animations then people are estimating)
- Tom Nook (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Animations would have to be made from scratch, but aren't as difficult as some of the higher tiers)
- Kamek (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Animations would have to be made from scratch, but aren't as difficult as some of the higher tiers)
- Saki (Possibly much more of a challenge, but could potentially resemble Pit more so than I originally thought)
- Dixie (The hair would be quite a challenge, especially involving grabs and pummels. Animating it wouldn't be easy either)
- Skull Kid (Would require a creative moveset, and his animations could potentially be extremely difficult. They could just make them look bat**** crazy though and it would work for the character)
- Ridley (Animating winged character's is never easy, and creating a suitable model with fluid animations would be a challenge. The workload could be a little less if they try to make him resemble Charizard as closely as possible, but the same could be said about the opposite)
- Mach Rider (Possible projectiles, bike riding, and whip/tethers would be a challenge)
- Sukapon (Even if the model would be simple, creating such a unique moveset would be a challenge. Also, unorthodox hit-boxes and has no real base to work from. All animations would be made from scratch, even if they base some of his moves off of other characters)
- Pokemon Trainer/Red (Would require a very creative moveset, and even though balancing isn't being brought up as much, a character who can possibly throw out random pokemon via pokeballs would be a nightmare. Because of people's varying concepts, wanting pokemon to appear for certain attacks, among other things, animating all of this could be extremely challenging)
- Paper Mario (Since people seem to want his moveset have his party members come in to help him, I've decided to place him here because of all the extra modeling work that would require or if that's even possible to begin with, he's basically in the same boat as Pokemon Trainer/Red)
- Boo (A character that is always floating... I expect this would be extremely challenging)
- King K. Rool (With his only possible base being DDD, and even that is far stretched, he would be extremely challenging)
- Issac (Moveset would require a lot of creativity, his psyenergy would be a challenge)
- Pulse & Minun (See Ice Climbers)
*new change list 11/27*
- New tiers added
- Micaiah bumped up 1 tier due to the possibilities of her tomes creating more challenges in animating her attacks.
- Sami/Andy, Tetra, Lip, Lyn, Goroh, and Waluigi have moved to the new Light Orange tier because of their deceptive difficulty, could potentially be Yellow or Orange.
- Skull Kid, Dixie, and Ridley has been moved to the new Dark Orange tier because of their deceptive difficulty, could potentially be Orange or Red.
- Saki moved down 2 tiers due to possibilities of more closely resembling Pit and taking balancing out of the equation
- Pulse & Minun have a tier of difficulty all to themselves
*old change list 11/26*
- Black Shadow/Ganondorf moved up 1 tier due to possible challenges creating a decent sword moveset for Dorf
Please note that characters within each tier are not in any particular order.