I would just like to point out to everyone down-voting characters based on the judgement that they're not bringing enough to the table... this is a clone engine we are talking about. Think realistically here for a moment, do you really think the PMBR want to make 5 completely new characters from scratch? That's completely ridiculous and it will never happen. Think of how many hours they would have to put in to do that, give them some slack.
If we look at other clones already within the game, there's Falco, Wolf, Ganondorf, Tink, Luigi, and Lucas. All of these character's have movesets that are similar to their counterparts. What sets them apart from one another are minor tweaks to some of their moves mechanics like Falco's Dair, slight changes to their movesets like all of Luigi's aerials in general, or stats/physics changes like their weight and fall speed. All of these combine to create a completely different experience when playing as one of these clones in place of their counterparts.
Now, let's look at the first two character's revealed for the clone engine, Roy and Mewtwo. We already know that these two are returning vets coming from Melee, but let's assume that this is what they are looking for when deciding possible clone engine candidates. Roy's moveset is extremely reminiscent of Marth's, with some minor tweaks to help diversify their playstyles, just like all of the others. Mewtwo on the other hand has a lot to differentiate himself from his counterpart, Lucario. But, you have to remember that he's a returning vet so they already had a moveset to go by when creating all of his animations. Even still, Mewtwo took a supposed 700 hours to make.
Taking all of this into consideration, it looks like they are searching for characters that they won't have too difficult of a time with. I'm sure they wouldn't like to work on anything substantially harder than Mewtwo, the PMBR have lives of their own too you know.
Now I'm going to try to list all of the character's we've brought up throughout this thread by how difficult it would be to create them:
- Dark Samus
- Ninten
- Shadow (If he remains extremely similar to Sonic, meaning no projectiles like guns or chaos magic)
- Knuckles
- Pichu
- Telda
- Micaiah
- Claus/Masked Man
- Liquid Snake
- Sami/Andy
- Bowser Jr.
- Hector
- Tetra (It depends on how they'd want to make this character. She could be one rank higher if she had an extremely similar moveset like Tink or Shiek, but I don't see that happening)
- Black Shadow/Ganondorf (Even though they'd just have to create a model for Black Shadow, creating Dorfs sword moveset could be a challenge)
- Lip (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge. Could possibly play like Lucas or Ness and go up one rank)
- Lyn (She could be higher on the list if she's more of a clone, but because of peoples expectations, I've decided to place her here)
- Tails (Flight animations and balancing a speedy character who can possibly float cancel, definitely a challenge)
- Dixie (The hair would be a challenge)
- Skull Kid (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge)
- Samurai Goroh (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge)
- Waluigi (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge)
- Krystal (First ever staff user, could be a challenge)
- Toad (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge)
- Tom Nook (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge)
- Kamek (Would require a creative moveset, could be a challenge)
- Mach Rider (Possible projectiles, bike riding, and whip/tethers would be a challenge)
- Sukapon (Even if the model would be simple, creating such a unique moveset would be a challenge. Also, unorthodox hit-boxes. Balancing a character like this might be extremely difficult)
- Pokemon Trainer/Red (Would require a creative moveset, and balancing a character who can possibly throw out random pokemon via pokeballs would be a nightmare)
- Boo (A character that is always floating... I expect this would be extremely challenging)
- Paper Mario (Since people seem to want his moveset have his party members come in to help him, I've decided to place him here because of all the extra modeling work that would require or if that's even possible to begin with)
- Pulse & Minun (See Ice Climbers)
- King K. Rool (With his only possible base being DDD, and even that is far stretched, he would be extremely challenging)
- Ridley (Animating winged character's is never easy, and creating a suitable model with fluid animations would be a challenge)
- Issac (Moveset would require a lot of creativity, his psyenergy would be a challenge)
- Saki (Possibly the hardest of them all. Would require a lot of work and projectile capabilities)
*change list*
- Black Shadow/Ganondorf moved up 1 tier due to possible challenges creating a decent sword moveset for Dorf
Alright, that was quite a challenge. If I've missed any characters or you really disagree on someones placement on the list please tell me.
If all of the characters you are up-voting are in the orange/red, there's a problem. That doesn't mean that all characters in the red aren't possible, but the chances of them making multiple characters that would take that amount of work is most likely extremely low. Please remember that the PMBR are just a group of people who are making this amazing mod in their free time. Be true to yourself and vote for who you want but be respectful and think about their limitations when creating these characters.
I can't believe you put Boo up there... haha.
I think Dixie would actually be a tier lower because of her hair animations as mentioned a few pages back (by Xebenkeck I think).
Bowser Jr. would be a tier higher. He would literally have all the same moves except for the Down B probably.
Skapon would be a tier higher. His hit-boxes wouldn't be unorthodox because he doesn't actually stretch that much, and his moveset would be simple (kicks and punches that are easy to base off other characters)
Toad would also be higher if he's based off Mario.
Even though Plusle & Minun are in the bottom tier, I'd put them even lower. How would you manage things like an Up B without a Belay? The whole idea sounds like a coding nightmare.