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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Apprentice
Sep 18, 2009
To the people arguing about statistics, I agree that most of you don't seem to have ever taken a statistics course. I have taken several masters level statistics courses, so I have an idea of what I'm talking about.

1) I don't think anyone is trying to immediately equate the scores on this poll to the population distribution of "votes" out of everyone who downloaded Project M. If anything it's a good indicator of this board where the observed sample is coming from. Hell it doesn't even include everyone on this board but it doesn't have to, because:
2) All of statistics is estimation. You never have a sample size that is as large as the population, because if you did there wouldn't be a point in running more complex data - just poll everyone and you'd get the true value. What this poll can do is show trends in a sample of the total population (of 40,000+ or whatever it is), and from that data try to extrapolate trends that you can apply to the population values.

Because the sample size is small you couldn't make a case for "hey 80% of EVERYONE wants Isaac in", but you CAN say that "Out of our sample of 150 user responses, 80% of people voted favorably to Isaac's inclusion", and from there get some idea about the consensus. I'm not going to go further into statistics theory since this obviously doesn't need that much analysis, but you get the idea.

So uh, Masked Man for Project M! (But seriously if you haven't played Mother 3, it has the most tragic and heart wrenching final battle that I've ever experienced.)


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
I'm been thinking about something. Would it really be that bad to have Waluigi?

I mean, he has quite a range of attacks, one of the highest-rez (I think Brawl standard PC design level) models, and would give us the only other plumber-like Nintendo character. So many sports games could USE a dedicated rep. And all those PSAs don't hurt.

Come to think of it, if it came to it I wouldn't be upset by this roster of clone-slot additions:

Skull Kid
Dixie (only if she's done right. As a Luigi rather than a Wolf)

I mean honestly it doesn't sound too bad. Out of those Isaac and SK would be the most work, but that don't seem opposed to Isaac, and Skull Skid's gained some steam. Hmm.)

Edit: I would of course miss Ridley and K. Rool, but those 5 seem pretty fan service-tastic (Mileage may vary for Waaaaa) and for the most part not as difficult to implement as others.

Of course, I still stand by my "K. Rool can have a saucy brawler moveset" idea. Without the need for over complicating gadgets.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
I'm been thinking about something. Would it really be that bad to have Waluigi?

Factually speaking, none of the ideas presented here are "bad".
However, people still REALLY don't like that guy.
I think he'd be okay myself.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Factually speaking, none of the ideas presented here are "bad".
However, people still REALLY don't like that guy.
I think he'd be okay myself.
It's true. I've seen him called the "Tennis Abomination" not just once. I didn't really like him myself before, but I kinda think he's hilarious now.

I dunno, I kinda just see him as a dude that'd be simpler to work with, given his more-complex AT, and stuff. Pretty simple moveset to divise as well.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
I would love a beam move. Someone needs a straight shooting beam.
Something I would have loved to see for Lucas was a PK Beam that he could use after absorbing 3 projectiles with his down B.. Basically, rather than his down B acting like Ness's where it heals him, I wish it worked like G&W's bucket, but with a beam once its fully charged. Maybe something like that could work for Masked Man?
There is actually a PSI technique from Mother 3 that could work like this.
PSI Counter reflects PSI damage in-game. Technically, Claus doesn't use it, but Lucas does (not to mention plenty of Lucas's moves are "borrowed")
I could see it functioning similarly to PSI magnet, but it either reflects energy projectiles, or absorbs them as you've described.

The thing is, the Masked Man would probably already be able to fire a beam from his arm cannon (as a modification of PK Freeze). It would be neat (assuming the PSI counter absorption were a thing) if his beam were simply powered up, rather than losing access to his normal down-b after collecting enough of a charge.

I actually like this idea a lot, but I also still like the idea of having the Shield Killer for down-b, whether it functions as a magnet variant or is used differently.

Or you could throw them all together. PSI Counter with a little bit of extra damage or shield damage compared to PSI Magnet could be an interesting move.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Are we saying that PSI Counter should be a Reflect or a magical Counter? Little confused. Either way, seeing MM use PSI with his arm cannon sounds hype as ****.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Are we saying that PSI Counter should be a Reflect or a magical Counter? Little confused. Either way, seeing MM use PSI with his arm cannon sounds hype as ****.
I was saying it could be either, but for the sake of discussion I was rolling with the whole absorption thing (is that what you meant by magical counter?), since PSI Magnet except a reflector is fairly self-explanatory.

Also, agreed on the hype thing.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Well alright. Actually yknow, if they could get it to function as both (Reflecg some damage, absorb the rest) it would be pretty amazing.

Was also thinking he could use the wings as an Up-B boost (obviously) but for his side-b I'm thinking a more enormous, damaging straight shot of PSI Thunder, right out of the cannon.

Final Smash ideas? My memory is fuzzy.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Oh duh. Stupid brain. Wait a minute, what are the ideas for a neutral B? Been thinking sword attacks and kicks, with some PSI in there. (For the A moves! I know, it took me all day to think of that.)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Well alright. Actually yknow, if they could get it to function as both (Reflecg some damage, absorb the rest) it would be pretty amazing.

Was also thinking he could use the wings as an Up-B boost (obviously) but for his side-b I'm thinking a more enormous, damaging straight shot of PSI Thunder, right out of the cannon.

Final Smash ideas? My memory is fuzzy.
He should use the intense bolt of lightning attack, if you ask me. Usmash is already PK Love.
Also, I edited late, did you mean the G&W-style absorption thing when you said magical counter, or did you have something else in mind?
I like the thought of the thunder blast, but that could be represented with Samus-dtilt-style aerials and normals. The beams are difficult to work with anything except the side-b.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
He should use the intense bolt of lightning attack, if you ask me. Usmash is already PK Love.
Also, I edited late, did you mean the G&W-style absorption thing when you said magical counter, or did you have something else in mind?
I like the thought of the thunder blast, but that could be represented with Samus-dtilt-style aerials and normals. The beams are difficult to work with anything except the side-b.
I was thinking a ranged counterattack, but the G&W thing works too.

True enough. How would everyone feel about an intense thunder blast with a spike as the d-air, or just a huge thunder blast as the side-smash?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Oh duh. Stupid brain. Wait a minute, what are the ideas for a neutral B? Been thinking sword attacks and kicks, with some PSI in there. (For the A moves! I know, it took me all day to think of that.)

If he gets Jet Wing Boost recovery, PK Thunder Canon Side B, PSI Counter for Down B, and PK Love for Final Smash, then... Hmm... Good question... Maybe he could borrow PK Ground from Kumatora? But that would take away from the idea of Isaac's Quake Neutral B... maybe a thunder-charged attack with his sword? A PK Thunder Blade kind of thing.

He should use the intense bolt of lightning attack, if you ask me. Usmash is already PK Love.
Also, I edited late, did you mean the G&W-style absorption thing when you said magical counter, or did you have something else in mind?
I like the thought of the thunder blast, but that could be represented with Samus-dtilt-style aerials and normals. The beams are difficult to work with anything except the side-b.

There are different levels, though. His Final Smash could be PK Love Ω. I'm pretty sure that's his strongest attack, it hits everything on-screen in Mother 3.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
I was thinking a ranged counterattack, but the G&W thing works too.

True enough. How would everyone feel about an intense thunder blast with a spike as the d-air, or just a huge thunder blast as the side-smash?
The thunder blast thing should probably be dsmash, he just points at the ground like Lucas except with the arm cannon.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
He could charge up energy then release it in a giant explosion (like PK flash but does not move), it would have more knockback and bigger explosive radius, perfect for edge gaurding


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
If he gets Jet Wing Boost recovery, PK Thunder Canon Side B, PSI Counter for Down B, and PK Love for Final Smash, then... Hmm... Good question... Maybe he could borrow PK Ground from Kumatora? But that would take away from the idea of Isaac's Quake Neutral B... maybe a thunder-charged attack with his sword? A PK Thunder Blade kind of thing.

My god I love it. A sword slash where the blade sparks before impact? It'd be even nicer if it had a stun effect or something. Sign me up.

Or if everyone feels the sword is better suited for normals, how does everyone feel about a chargeable heal? Could he even cast PSI healing? I just sort of picture a heal he can charge, and then use again (Like a Donkey Punch) to receive X amount of heals. Although that might be too much.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
If he gets Jet Wing Boost recovery, PK Thunder Canon Side B, PSI Counter for Down B, and PK Love for Final Smash, then... Hmm... Good question... Maybe he could borrow PK Ground from Kumatora? But that would take away from the idea of Isaac's Quake Neutral B... maybe a thunder-charged attack with his sword? A PK Thunder Blade kind of thing.

There are different levels, though. His Final Smash could be PK Love Ω. I'm pretty sure that's his strongest attack, it hits everything on-screen in Mother 3.
The lightning bolt does the same and instantly defeats everyone except Lucas, though.

Should I just link the moveset I wrote up a while back?


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
To be honest, if Mario wasn't already over saturated I would be voting for Waluigi. He is my favorite character to use in all the sports and party games. I've been growing very fond of Nabbit recently though. If only he were a character way back then.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
Should I just link the moveset I wrote up a while back?

@Pichu you're probably right. Side smash?

@redrd9: I'd have suggested that, but I'm not sure the PMBR wants to animate the big spoilery spoikery spoiler instantly spoiling everything. It does sound cool though (Im being totally serious. Just a courtesy for those sad folks they haven't played it, if any.)

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.

@Pichu you're probably right. Side smash?

@redrd9: I'd have suggested that, but I'm not sure the PMBR wants to animate the big spoilery spoikery spoiler instantly spoiling everything. It does sound cool though (Im being totally serious. Just a courtesy for those sad folks they haven't played it, if any.)

Not to mention that we don't actually get to see exactly what pulling the last needle does, and that would be more Lucas' FS than Claus'.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2012
Jeff is the third party member in Earthbound, and he's unique in that he doesn't use PK attacks at all because he's not psychic. He's a genius, though, and creates devices like explosives and ray guns, so he could be cloned from Snake.

Ninten is the main character of the first Earthbound game, and he's unique in that he revolves around support PSI like buffs, shields, and healing. He's the only PSI user without any direct psychic attacks. He does have potential for a unique attack in Smash, PK Beam, which is an attack that only appears in his game and could be borrowed from his team mate Ana. His official appearance looks similar to Ness, but he appeared differently in the original, japanese commercial, wearing different clothes and a bandana around his neck. This is how most fans draw him, to differentiate him from Ness, and since it was in the official commercial, it's a viable way to present him in Smash. He would complete the trio of characters who make up the main ones in the series.

Claus, the Masked Man, is Lucas' twin brother, and the final boss of Mother 3. He uses a sword, and most of his PSI attacks are thunder based. He, like Lucas, is also capable of using PK Love. In addition, he has mechanical wings and a blaster. He's undoubtably one of the most popular characters for Mother. One of the only points of contention here is that his identity is meant to be secret right up until the final battle, so calling him a walking spoiler isn't off the mark at all. Of course, most people do know who he is, but seeing how many people are introduced to Earthbound through Smash, there's a good chance of spoiling Mother 3 for people just by having him in it.

Porky is absolutely useless as a fighter outside of his mech, which you've seen pretty accurately in Brawl. His moves consist of hiding behind Ness, crying, and ordering Ness around. I don't really feel like I need to expand on him.

I like it, but shields and PK Beam don't suit Masked Man all that much. Claus has two main, iconic PSI, I believe, and those are PK Love and PK Thunder. He could use a thunder-based variation of your suggestion.

Actually, this is a really suitable idea for Ninten. It would work better than Power Shield from a gameplay standpoint, and it fits his character as someone who doesn't have true attack PSI, but turns enemies' attacks back on them.

... Actually, there is an important Mother character I've just thought of that hasn't been brought up. Giygas. Not his insanely OP Earthbound form, but the one from Earthbound Zero where he was an alien rather than the personification of evil. He was the original inspiration for Mewtwo so he can be cloned from him, and he is one of the few characters to be in more than one Earthbound game. Thoughts, anyone?

This would be really cool actually. But, are you saying they could give Giygas an absorbing beam attack? Or just that he could be a full clone of Mewtwo?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
This would be really cool actually. But, are you saying they could give Giygas an absorbing beam attack? Or just that he could be a full clone of Mewtwo?

I wasn't thinking about moveset all that much yet, actually, aside from him being a clone of Mewtwo - mainly, I wanted to see if people were receptive to the character. However, since Giygas comes from the race that invented PSI, it's generally accepted that they can do anything the other PSI users can do, I think. I know he can use Ness' special attack, and the only other character to do that was Nightmare Ness, so he could really use most of the ideas that have been thrown around.

And, of course, his 'embodiment of evil' form from Earthbound is the perfect mind-screw of a Final Smash.


Smash Ace
Jan 30, 2010
Auburn, Wa
Not to mention that we don't actually get to see exactly what pulling the last needle does, and that would be more Lucas' FS than Claus'.
Real Mother 3 spoiler
The Dark Dragon woke and destroyed the land like the first time he was awoken, but If every buddy lived or died was up to you to decide.


Dynamic Duo
Nov 15, 2007
So...since its topical, Masked Man taunts and entrance?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Real Mother 3 spoiler
The Dark Dragon woke and destroyed the land like the first time he was awoken, but If every buddy lived or died was up to you to decide.
Exactly. What, precisely, happens is up to the player to choose for themselves, thus, we don't know for sure what happens. To show something happening in Brawl would... not be good.

So...since its topical, Masked Man taunts and entrance?
Entrance: He flies in with his wings.


1. He flexes his wings and does a 'Come at me' motion.
2. He messes with his blaster (maybe pushes some buttons?) for a second and it does something. Maybe a couple of parts shift or it vents some steam.
3. He takes out a small sunflower from his pocket, looks at it, then puts it away.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Exactly. What, precisely, happens is up to the player to choose for themselves, thus, we don't know for sure what happens. To show something happening in Brawl would... not be good.

Entrance: He flies in with his wings.


1. He flexes his wings and does a 'Come at me' motion.
2. He messes with his blaster (maybe pushes some buttons?) for a second and it does something. Maybe a couple of parts shift or it vents some steam.
3. He takes out a small sunflower from his pocket, looks at it, then puts it away.
That last one nearly broke my heart.

I say we break everyone's hearts and make that his losing animation in the results screen (as in he'd do that instead of clap like everyone else does).


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I never saw that much of an appeal in Masked Man, I still think Ninten should be the one included instead (he's got several graphical differences from Ness, like the way he sports the cap, the stripe colors and the scarf) and I just like Mother 1 WAY more than Mother 3, but since the conversation seems to be in the best of moods, I'm not going to ruin the atmosphere, lol. It's good what you guys have going on here.

It's hard for me to imagine how Masked Man could attack since all Mother games have still images for battle system but I'm seeing some nice suggestions. In the end, Masked Man would be a cool addition, and perhaps introduce a little badassery from the Mother franchise, which I think it's lacking in that department. XD

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I never saw that much of an appeal in Masked Man, I still think Ninten should be the one included instead (he's got several graphical differences from Ness, like the way he sports the cap, the stripe colors and the scarf) and I just like Mother 1 WAY more than Mother 3, but since the conversation seems to be in the best of moods, I'm not going to ruin the atmosphere, lol. It's good what you guys have going on here.

It's hard for me to imagine how Masked Man could attack since all Mother games have still images for battle system but I'm seeing some nice suggestions. In the end, Masked Man would be a cool addition, and perhaps introduce a little badassery from the Mother franchise, which I think it's lacking in that department. XD

I mainly would prefer Ninten to complete the trio. I wish we could just have both, but 4 is sadly too many for Mother. I won't be heartbroken if Claus gets in instead of Ninten, but Ninten is more important to me.

That last one nearly broke my heart.

I say we break everyone's hearts and make that his losing animation in the results screen (as in he'd do that instead of clap like everyone else does).

I would never be able to Brawl against him, cause if I won, I would cry. LET'S DO IT!


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
As for Giygas from the original Mother, that would be cool if not for

a) looking very similar to Mewtwo (I know he came first, but a lot of newcomers to Project M are sadly just going to go "Why is there another Mewtwo?"), and

b) even in the first game his attacks were inexplicable, so we kinda don't have a lot to work with. Ninten (understand the irony of what i just said I know :p) or Masked Man all the way.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
As for Giygas from the original Mother, that would be cool if not for

a) looking very similar to Mewtwo (I know he came first, but a lot of newcomers to Project M are sadly just going to go "Why is there another Mewtwo?"), and

b) even in the first game his attacks were inexplicable, so we kinda don't have a lot to work with. Ninten (understand the irony of what i just said I know :p) or Masked Man all the way.

Ah, that second point is very valid. Of course, with Ninten and Masked Man, there's no 'inexplicable attack' thing, so we can show their techniques however we want, especially since Smash already has a general look for PSI attacks.
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