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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
So, I've heard that Snake has gone and gotten his Nikita replaced (by a tranquilizer gun or something). Sami is one of my half votes, so this is not an attempt to lash out, but it seems she's becoming an increasingly forced clone of Snake. It just seems that none of her moves are really going to fit that well if Snake continues to be balanced around CQC and the stealth parts of his game. Just look, her main focus is infantry, but Snake doesn't even have any sort of gun that isn't "not really a gun." The mortar, and I guess this new side-b are the only things you could probably work with. I guess it would be an option to have the old Snake moveset return in some form with Sami, but putting an attack on a clone while you took it off of the base because it was too difficult to balance would prove to be a problem. Not to say it wouldn't work, but I think it deserves some discussion.
So, any Sami supporters have anything to discuss about this?


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
For everyone who "wants" Pichu to take one of these slots, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Do you only want Pichu in Project M because he was in Melee?
2. Had Pichu never been in Melee but you had the opportunity to add one Nintendo character of your choosing instead, would it have been Pichu?
3. If you had the opportunity to add 5 characters from Nintendo's giant library of franchises, would it be Pichu?

We already have 7 Pokemon characters in Project M. Moreover, if there were to be another addition there are over 700 other options apart from Pichu. Many of which are more popular and/or have more potential. Nintendo has so many worthwhile characters that we don't need another Pokemon, especially one that is literally a baby version of one already in the game.

Roy is a main character of a Fire Emblem game, plus we only have 3 Fire Emblem characters to begin with. The situation is not comparable.

I seriously can't imagine anyone asking themselves those 3 questions and honestly answering them with wanting Pichu. There are so many options. Let's not waste a spot on the roster with this terrible one simply because he was in Melee.

1. No
2. No
3. Yes

Here are my reasons for wanting Pichu: http://smashboards.com/threads/clon...s-voting-results-updated-11-13.341479/page-44

He's a lot more to me than just "because he's in Melee." I'm not going to lie and say that point 2 is untrue - if he had never been in Melee, we'd never want him. But as Johnknight pointed out, that's true for so many characters. I'd never want Captain Falcon, or anything from F-Zero, if he hadn't been in 64. Heck, I wouldn't even want Ness, and the entire reason I got into Earthbound/Mother was because he was in Smash 64. Sometimes, a character being in Smash is the most prominent appearance that character has ever had.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
1. No
2. No
3. Yes

Here are my reasons for wanting Pichu: http://smashboards.com/threads/clon...s-voting-results-updated-11-13.341479/page-44

He's a lot more to me than just "because he's in Melee." I'm not going to lie and say that point 2 is untrue - if he had never been in Melee, we'd never want him. But as Johnknight pointed out, that's true for so many characters. I'd never want Captain Falcon, or anything from F-Zero, if he hadn't been in 64. Heck, I wouldn't even want Ness, and the entire reason I got into Earthbound/Mother was because he was in Smash 64. Sometimes, a character being in Smash is the most prominent appearance that character has ever had.
So you basically want the PMBR to spend at least 300 hours to make an intentionally bad character?


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
For everyone who "wants" Pichu to take one of these slots, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Do you only want Pichu in Project M because he was in Melee?
2. Had Pichu never been in Melee but you had the opportunity to add one Nintendo character of your choosing instead, would it have been Pichu?
3. If you had the opportunity to add 5 characters from Nintendo's giant library of franchises, would it be Pichu?
1. Not gonna say it's not a factor, but its not the whole reason. Pichu has always been one of my favorite Pokémon ever before I even knew Smash Bros was a thing.
2. Definitely not, I would have picked Popo, assuming I didn't know the Ice Climbers were already in the game. Doesn't mean I can't like Pichu, too.
3. Yes. I've said before why I want Pichu back in a Smash game, and others have added to that and went deeper than I ever could into it. You Pichu haters need to realize people have different preferences. And another thing. I'm tired of people saying "I'd be fine wtith Pichu as long as he doesn't ruin the chances for a more deserving character." That's another preference thing. There's always going to be somebody who thought their character got cheated. Who's to say the PMBR even gave two ****s about your character? If Ninten or Toad or Funky or Red or whatever idea comes out of the black hole next doesn't get in, it just doesn't get in. Nobody took their spot, they just didn't get one. Sorry bud. Who's to say the worth of a character? Definitely not you or I. Only a PMBR is in a position where they can do that.


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
People are getting really pushy against Pichu...

I thought this was a project to bring back everything that made Melee awesome. Not to quench some past roster insatisfaction.

But... I cannot deny that valid points are indeed thrown over here. So I'm going to search my heart and be brutally honest.

1.- Yes, I want Pichu because he was in Melee
2.- No, if he hadn't been in Melee I wouldn't even be considering him.
3.- I would NOT have Pichu in my top 5 characters from Nintendo's huge library. In fact, I wouldn't even have a 2nd/3rd/4th character from an already "represented" series either. Just 100% newcomers.

There, I said it. :)
Now on the flipside, would it be a crime, for example, to have Pokemon Trainer playable, and HE uses Pichu somehow? (They turned 3 trained pokemon wild... why not take Pichu and a bunch other wild ones into TRAINED pokemon? As part of PT's moveset)

I'm willing to drop Pichu for P.T. if they can somehow be amalgated. :D

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
That moment when you post something worth reading, but it ends up being the last post on the previous page so no one will notice it.

If you wanna know how I feel about it, look at my sig.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
So you basically want the PMBR to spend at least 300 hours to make an intentionally bad character?

Intentionally bad? No. Intentionally harder to use/win with? Absolutely! It doesn't have to be as black and white as "HE'S BAD!" Luigi is a very hard character to win with in high level competitive Melee, but when Vist or Abate are going up against the best players in the world, it's extremely exciting because of that. There's absolute no way that Luigi's a bad character, but he's a much harder character to win with than, say, Sheik.

PM has taken great strides to put characters like Luigi on the level of Marth, Peach, Fox, etc. So there's a gap that Pichu could fit into nicely, of that harder to use/win with character who doesn't need to be "bad".

That moment when you post something worth reading, but it ends up being the last post on the previous page so no one will notice it.

Oo man, that's the worst. I went back and threw you a consolation like.

If it makes you feel any better, a bunch of other Pichu supporters got top billing on this page. PAGE 66 BELONGS TO PICHU!!!! (and like half of the thread)


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2012
New Sand Fall
Nope. He's the same as Marth. He's got very few differences in Melee. In fact, Pichu probably has more statistical differences from Pikachu than Roy has towards Marth in comparison.

Also, differences in Melee don't really too matter outside of Melee. The PMBR can always make more differences. After all, they made Roy more unique... and way more flashy.

Robotnik could fight in a robot; Tails could fly around and be Tails-y (I think a aerial-heavy character would be nice in Project M).

Shadow... would be just another Sonic. Maybe with a gun, but just another Sonic.

Also, I don't care about popularity. Popularity doesn't make an idea good.
Your forgetting that in the sonic games tails was a clone of sonic, with the exception that he could fly. Shadow has psychic **** and guns,

And eggman's robots a very large, he doesnt wear the suits, he flies his hover chair and plugs into them, the too big argument actually works in this situation, it would be possible

And popularity doesnt matter???? What planet are you from??


Smash Journeyman
Sep 17, 2010
in a yellow submarine
For everyone who "wants" Pichu to take one of these slots, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Do you only want Pichu in Project M because he was in Melee?
2. Had Pichu never been in Melee but you had the opportunity to add one Nintendo character of your choosing instead, would it have been Pichu?
3. If you had the opportunity to add 5 characters from Nintendo's giant library of franchises, would it be Pichu?

We already have 7 Pokemon characters in Project M. Moreover, if there were to be another addition there are over 700 other options apart from Pichu. Many of which are more popular and/or have more potential. Nintendo has so many worthwhile characters that we don't need another Pokemon, especially one that is literally a baby version of one already in the game.

Roy is a main character of a Fire Emblem game, plus we only have 3 Fire Emblem characters to begin with. The situation is not comparable.

I seriously can't imagine anyone asking themselves those 3 questions and honestly answering them with wanting Pichu. There are so many options. Let's not waste a spot on the roster with this terrible one simply because he was in Melee.
1. Considering that P:M is being built up as the sequel to Melee, "because Melee" is actually a fairly valid point. If this were SSB4, then I'd agree that Pichu wouldn't deserve a spot, to be honest.... and like many other characters who were previously terrible in Melee, there are plenty of ways that Pichu could be revamped without simply making him a smaller Pikachu.

2. If Sheik, Mr. Game and Watch, the Ice Climbers, and ROB (all three of whom boast very original playstyles) had never been in Melee, would any of us would be expecting or hoping to see them in P:M? Just because an idea is unorthodox or hasn't been considered doesn't mean it can't work. It's already been well-established that there are ways to retool Pichu to make him work.

3. I don't personally see why not. It fills a niche that P:M doesn't really have yet. A speedy glass-cannon Lethal Joke character with a self-damage mechanic could be very interesting, and it would be fun to make foes extra salty as well. Pichu is among one of the better choices to fill that niche. While Pichu is unpopular in this particular thread, there are people who genuinely like the character and would like to see Pichu's comeback. Believe it or not, Pichu was actually requested several times on Warchamp's Reddit AMA, and some fans are even clamoring for Pichu's return on the P:M facebook page.

One thing that gets me interested in characters isn't just representation of a particular series. I never felt the need to shoehorn characters just to fill an arbitrary quota for reps-- I've always been more interested in what new playstyle that character would bring to the table. (I'm not saying that you're shoehorning anything BTW).

Bear in mind that I respect your opinion that you'd rather see other characters, I just wanted to illustrate a point, that's all. I don't think it's fair to fans that like a character to say that "I don't like X character so I don't see how ANYONE else could possibly like X character as well". I'm not a big fan of Shadow for example, but I can't say that he has no chance, and I can understand that the character has his fans-- If you like him, more power to them, I say. (Since I'm bringing it up, IMO Knuckles >>>>>>>>>> )

Is Pichu likely to return? My personal opinions don't dictate reality-- this isn't X-men and I can't read the PMBR's minds. The PMBR will no-doubt make the right decision whether Pichu makes it or not. Hope this answers your questions.

EDIT: None of this is written to try to convince you that Pichu is a good idea. You're as entitled to your opinion as I am, and that's A-ok in my book-- it's all subjective when it comes down to it. I'm just posting to explain a little bit about our perspective and why I think it would be nice to see the yellow furball make a comeback.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
[Hide my Location]
I still don't think the character will be more appealing/desired than the others for the limited space in PM.
The latest vote count would suggest otherwise.

Dude, that sounds exactly like Olimar with transparent (read: no hurt boxes) limbs. At best, it's Mario with a bit more range. I'm not inspired.
There are loads of ways Sukapon could be done, and balance shouldn't really be a question with the PMBR on the job. For details about how inspiring Sukapon can be, check this.

Personally, my ideal Sukapon would have primarily mid range normals, but varying from some as close as Mario's hands (read: just jab) to as distant as Zamus's whip, but still wouldn't be all that Dhalsim-like. Or Mario-, or Olimar-, or Marth-, or really any Smash character-like, as most attacks would either pass through the third dimension or simply not get a hitbox until far out. This would leave a blindspot near Sukapon, and opponents could actually avoid its attacks altogether by getting right up close.
While there're no limbs for oppenents to hit (although most characters have theirs covered in hitboxes during an attack, making them more an asset than a liability), opponents could simply rush the main body, plus those are still pieces of Sukapon that it's sticking out there, not a weapon, so there's a risk of opponents grabbing, out-prioritizing, or simply shielding and counterattacking.
Of course, a skilled Sukapon player could use Sukapon's limblessness and goofy movements to let opponents attacks pass right through them, but improper use of this technique could end with opponents attacking again while Sukapon is still in lag.
I'd also give a slight emphasis on ephemeral hitboxes over lingering ones.

On the subject of movesets (and hopefully not pichu anymore), how do other Sukaporters think that should be handled? I've just gone through all the Joy Mechs' movesets, and have come up with quite a few interesting and recognizable (to those who've played) attacks that I think would be cool for Sukapon to use, even if not as an attack. Some would simply require rotating some bones or have a simple pose or two that could even be ported from another character, while others are quite complicated and maybe not worth the effort.
  • Obviously, Sukapon should get Sukapokon Nonsense as a rapid jab.
  • Giant's Dash punch could make a good Fsmash, using Giant's backwalk as a charging animation since that's its input in JMF.
  • Flame's throw could be cool as a meteor, or even a weak spike, and Fire Fury could be Sukapon's Assist Trophy activation pose.
  • There are plenty of other throws in the game, too, so I won't mention them all.
  • Eye Copter could be the first aerial that's bipartite like Link's Fsmash, and it has a cool sound.
  • Senju's kick (a backwards-facing strike with the heel) almost looks like the kind of thing Sukapon does, just needs a bit more silly.
  • Sukapon's jab with bludgeoning items could be based on Geo's leg sweep, and its bludgeoning-smash could be Sasuku's good punch with the little spin as the charge.
  • Skater's Somersault is a fairly distinctive move, and would not need his tires if performed in the air; alternatively, Sukapon could substitute its hands or feet for Skater's tires, and use it as a ledge attack.
  • A flailing attack based on Grak's Reversekick would be a fitting move for Sukapon, and could also be some sort of getup attack.
  • Come to think of it, Sukapon could perform the attacks of robots that have more pieces by ejecting pieces from a compartment in its head or body, or even splitting its body into separate pieces.
  • Hover's good punch is cute, and could be a fairly laggy grab.
  • Shenlong's Dragon Spin could be a roll, and Sky Dragon a ledge jump, but I don't really see Sukapon using them as attacks.
  • Ghoston's Ghost Dance also looks like a roll.
  • Star's Head Cannon (lol@name) pose looks like a wall-tech-jump.
  • Superzak's Zak Kick also could be a ledge attack.
  • Sukapon's Hammer animation could be based off Dachon's Wild Dash and/or Ra's Spinning.
  • Not necessarily a projectile, or even an attack, but an animation based on Garborg's Hammer Wave/good punch would amusing, and kinda feminine if that conjecture holds up.
  • Houou's Hououcannon could be an item throw, and it has a cool sound.
  • And not from the game, but a tumbling animation where Sukapon's pieces lose all cohesion and seemingly fall like a bunch of unordered rocks.
  • I might make a video specifically showing off these moves, and any others suggested, for those who don't want to have to play through JMF twice. If I can learn video editing.
However, I think it's important that Sukapon's comedic personality not be drowned out by standard combat-oriented actions. It's clear from Sukapon's playful and unorthodox animations - such as spinning when standing/walking and flapping while falling - that it was programmed to make people laugh, and that should be preserved when possible.
In particular, most of Sukapon's attacks - most prominently its kick, throw, and Tondekee - feature very quirky poses that look too painful and unbalance for a human. It clearly likes showing that it's limber despite being limbless. :bee:
Its good punch and sweep kick also feature it performing a normal attack (though it's hard to tell outside of slow-motion) then (presumably deliberately) losing balance and falling down.
I think these characteristics should be expanded upon with some of the new animations, and integrated into some of the animations based off JMF, whenever easy to both say and do.


Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
more iconic? then TAILS? alright, who's accompanied sonic ever since sonic 2? tails has. who's the only real character introduced in the most sold sonic game of all time? TAILS.

Tails is way more recognizable than shadow, and is also way more unique then shadow. Tails is the best character for a sonic representation yet to be included in project M. nobody else.
I'm going to have to stop you right there. Just because Tails is recognized, that doesn't mean Shadow is not. His vault downloads and his constant downvotes here on this thread outright prove he is recognized, even if it is for something stupid. And appearances mean absolutely nothing. ROB was literally limited to a very select few cameo appearances and still made the roster. Ness and Lucas have both only been in 1 game of their franchise. Waluigi and Daisy have been in nearly every sports / party game for Mario and you don't see them being popular choices. Vaati made only 2 or 3 brief appearances and he sparked an entire discussion (regardless of the fact he is not eligible). I don't see how Tails being Sonic's wingman for nearly every game really makes him an automatic go to character. Especially when P:M themselves stated if a character is chosen, it will be by popularity. And last I checked, Shadow was MORE popular than Tails by an official poll on Sega's website. I don't see any top ranking BrawlVault mods for Tails, while Shadow has 2. It has nothing to do with seniority or appearance numbers. Don't get me wrong. I like Tails. But don't delude yourself into thinking that everyone agrees with your OPINION.


Smash Cadet
Nov 8, 2013
Pichu is the same speed as Pika, just sayin....
Pika doesn't hsrm himself for each electric move. If a pika person played as pichu, they will get owned simply b/c pichu constantly harms herself. The difference between Roy and Marth were their move properties. Now Roy has more to him. Pichu coming back as the exact same character is stupid b/c its a self harming pika. What do people expect her to be changed to?? Super amazing op crap to compensate for the self damage properties?? Ppl keep going on about how she can be changed also. The please inform us of a non game breaking change while keeping her main difference than pika, the "double edged sword"


Smash Cadet
Nov 8, 2013
Why are people so against Pichu but are okay with Roy=???

Seriously, there is like no difference between them. They were both clones. Who says Pichu can't be made into a BAMF like Roy was made into=??? (just add ph1r3!) :awesome:

I wasn't really worried about your vote.

Honestly, Shadow is just less exciting than Tails or Robotnik, who are the 2 most obvious choices (although I think Knuckles would be the best choice, but that's my personal preference, and honestly, most people disagree with it, so I'm willing to bow out on that one).
Roy was bad. Pichu was bad. Differences than original char. Roy: "bad move attributes" Pichu: "bad move attributes and killed herself." One can be altered but to take away the double edge sword then you have another Pika.


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
I'm going to have to stop you right there. Just because Tails is recognized, that doesn't mean Shadow is not. His vault downloads and his constant downvotes here on this thread outright prove he is recognized, even if it is for something stupid. And appearances mean absolutely nothing. ROB was literally limited to a very select few cameo appearances and still made the roster. Ness and Lucas have both only been in 1 game of their franchise. Waluigi and Daisy have been in nearly every sports / party game for Mario and you don't see them being popular choices. Vaati made only 2 or 3 brief appearances and he sparked an entire discussion (regardless of the fact he is not eligible). I don't see how Tails being Sonic's wingman for nearly every game really makes him an automatic go to character. Especially when P:M themselves stated if a character is chosen, it will be by popularity. And last I checked, Shadow was MORE popular than Tails by an official poll on Sega's website. I don't see any top ranking BrawlVault mods for Tails, while Shadow has 2. It has nothing to do with seniority or appearance numbers. Don't get me wrong. I like Tails. But don't delude yourself into thinking that everyone agrees with your OPINION.
man don't make me look like a jerk man plz. I don't deserve that.

all I was saying was that tails is more important then shadow, has better moveset possibilities, and all around a better choice. sure, it's my opinion, and it's just that.

if people have opinions that go for shadow instead of tails for whatever reason, so be it. but, it's a stupid opinion. (in my opinion)

EDIT: There most likely won't be any sonic characters anyways, so let's drop this.


Smash Cadet
Nov 8, 2013
more iconic? then TAILS? alright, who's accompanied sonic ever since sonic 2? tails has. who's the only real character introduced in the most sold sonic game of all time? TAILS.

Tails is way more recognizable than shadow, and is also way more unique then shadow. Tails is the best character for a sonic representation yet to be included in project M. nobody else.
Exciting. Not iconic. Your whole banter about it is false for one. Others have commented already. 2. You are going o. About something he didnt say. Not even . Exciting is exciting. Not iconic


Resident Beedrill
Dec 13, 2012
Viridian Forest
Now on the flipside, would it be a crime, for example, to have Pokemon Trainer playable, and HE uses Pichu somehow? (They turned 3 trained pokemon wild... why not take Pichu and a bunch other wild ones into TRAINED pokemon? As part of PT's moveset)

I'm willing to drop Pichu for P.T. if they can somehow be amalgated. :D
That's actually a great idea, I'd take it.

Exciting. Not iconic. Your whole banter about it is false for one. Others have commented already. 2. You are going o. About something he didnt say. Not even . Exciting is exciting. Not iconic
I have a bad habit of going on rants that sometimes happen to be incorrect if I misread something and get myself worked up.

sorry about that everyone.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2013
United States
I'm going to have to stop you right there. Just because Tails is recognized, that doesn't mean Shadow is not. His vault downloads and his constant downvotes here on this thread outright prove he is recognized, even if it is for something stupid. And appearances mean absolutely nothing. ROB was literally limited to a very select few cameo appearances and still made the roster. Ness and Lucas have both only been in 1 game of their franchise. Waluigi and Daisy have been in nearly every sports / party game for Mario and you don't see them being popular choices. Vaati made only 2 or 3 brief appearances and he sparked an entire discussion (regardless of the fact he is not eligible). I don't see how Tails being Sonic's wingman for nearly every game really makes him an automatic go to character. Especially when P:M themselves stated if a character is chosen, it will be by popularity. And last I checked, Shadow was MORE popular than Tails by an official poll on Sega's website. I don't see any top ranking BrawlVault mods for Tails, while Shadow has 2. It has nothing to do with seniority or appearance numbers. Don't get me wrong. I like Tails. But don't delude yourself into thinking that everyone agrees with your OPINION.
While I'm not taking sides in the Sonic debate, some your reasoning is misleading.

Firstly, the reason Shadow has a BrawlVault PSA while Tails does not is due to the fact that Shadow and Sonic share the same body type and can share many of the same animations, while a proper Tails PSA would require much more effort (changed hit-boxes, very few reusable animations, etc.).
R.O.B. is responsible for allowing Nintendo to enter the video game market in the West after the Video Game Crash of 1983, making him technically one of the most important characters/products in Nintendo history, so it makes sense he made the roster, very comparably to Game & Watch's inclusion from Nintendo's G&W handheld line that sold millions.
Ness and Lucas represent three games in a very popular Nintendo franchise, which are not applicable comparisons to characters from a third party franchise.
Waluigi and Daisy are divisive characters, so of course they are not popular choices. Furthermore, they also are not the leading supporting characters (sometimes a protagonist) of their games, like Tails for example.
The poll on Sega's website does not encompass the entirety of Sonic fans, nor does it directly correlate with the interests of Project M fans (look at the downvotes).

Hungry Headcrab

Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2013
Wanting Pichu to come back is entirely subjective. People like the character. They can't play as that character and, for whatever reason, Pikachu doesn't cut it for them. It's as simple as that, as far as I'm concerned.

Arguing about representation, being a bad character/clone, and whatnot isn't going to change a Pichu supporter's mind.

Just live and let live. This isn't worth arguing about in my mind.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
And popularity doesnt matter???? What planet are you from??
You must not have on your reading glasses; I said an idea being popular doesn't make it good.

People used to think *insert various idea here* was a good idea; it wasn't.
So you basically want the PMBR to spend at least 300 hours to make an intentionally bad character?
No, make a formerly bad character insane!!!! Make it the ultimate risk/reward gamble character that always puts ya' on the edge of your seat!!!!

We all like comebacks, right=??? Well the idea of Pichu having super offense and yet being as easy to KO as Pichu is just SCREAMS comebacks, both against and for Pichu. Add in a few new moves, lots of fancy new tricks, and just making Pichu faster, wilder, and more insane, and you got a heck of a concept for a character!


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
These aren't exactly fair questions for Pichu supporters. His appearance in Melee IS the only reason they want Pichu. But that's exactly what SHOULD give him an advantage over other characters. Although he is a joke character, people have been playing him lovingly for 12 years. He is ingrained in Smash culture whether any of us like it or not. If there was a proposition to remove Dan from SF, there would be a HELL of a lot of resistance. Not because he's good, but because people love Dan (myself included). It's just something a lot of people should consider when they immediately shut out Pichu. People are attached to him. That's not something that can be said about any of these other characters. If my main was cut from Brawl, I'd be clamoring for him too, no matter how crappy he was.

So I wanted to say something on the lines of this but I doubt I'd be able to do such an eloquent job. I know I caused a stink when I "compared Fox to Pichu" but the juxtaposition of their popularity was the entire point of my point, so kudos to everyone for letting that woosh over your heads. Pichu isn't the most popular character in the world, no, but he's still a part of Melee that some Melee fans love and want to be carried over to Project M. His omission from Project M would be no less criminal than the omission of any other Melee vet out there because regardless of how many people hate him there are people out there who have put 1000's if not 10's of 1000's of hours into playing Pichu. How many hours have you spent playing as Isaac? Because last I checked it was probably somewhere between 0 and 0. Yes, he was terrible and yes, Sakurai has admitted to making him bad intentionally but that doesn't make him any less special in the eyes of his actual real life established within the Smash universe fans. What is it that makes your characters so special that you absolutely need 5 of them and can't share just a single tiny roster slot with a returning veteran?


Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
People used to think racism was a good idea; it wasn't.

I feel terrible for laughing so hard at this. XD I'm sorry, lol.

Anyway, the way I see it, there's been a good ammount of demand for Pichu on Reddit and Youtube. And nobody's gone against the supporters in those mediums, only here.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
I like how someone says we can't have anything because it was in Melee for FREAKING PROJECT MELEE!!!!
Not what it stands for, but okay.

What is it that makes your characters so special that you absolutely need 5 of them and can't share just a single tiny roster slot with a returning veteran?
A single tiny roster slot? Sure, that'd be applicable if we didn't have a very small amount. As it is, one fifth of the possible slots can't be called "tiny."


Smash Lord
Oct 23, 2007
A single tiny roster slot? Sure, that'd be applicable if we didn't have a very small amount. As it is, one fifth of the possible slots can't be called "tiny."
How many characters devoted to yourself do you need? Most people have 3 or 4 mains at most anyways. What's 1 spot out of 46? I'm sorry, but if your argument is that Pichu is wasting one of your five slots that just sounds like entitlement to me.


Smash Champion
Mar 10, 2010
Shoreline, WA
How many characters devoted to yourself do you need? Most people have 3 or 4 mains at most anyways. What's 1 spot out of 46? I'm sorry, but if your argument is that Pichu is wasting one of your five slots that just sounds like entitlement to me.
He's not wasting one of my five slots, he'd be wasting one of everyone's five slots. I voted for some characters that I personally don't really care about, but that I think would be cool if they were added. Pichu will never feel like a good addition to me. He was a stupid choice in Melee and he's be a stupid choice here.

And we're not talking about one spot out of forty-six. We're talking about one out of five.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
1. The Paul McCartney original is better.
2. Need more timely (monthly) songs from Guns 'N' Roses. ;)
I feel terrible for laughing so hard at this. XD I'm sorry, lol.
Every time I think of a racist example, I think of something that I actually am!!! :laugh:

Plus I find the whole concept hilarious since most people refer to our species as "the human race".
Anyway, the way I see it, there's been a good ammount of demand for Pichu on Reddit and Youtube. And nobody's gone against the supporters in those mediums, only here.
Blame Brawl. :p

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
I figure that since I have so much to say in his defense, I might as well give Pichu a 1/2 vote.
I'd give him a full vote and put him in Tom Nook's place, but it's too late for dat.
At first, I thought using one of the slots on Pichu would be kind of a cop out, even though I'd be okay with it. Obviously though, we might not even get 5 new characters, and to see an empty slot where Pichu could've been wouldn't be too uplifting for a lot of people. While the same could be said about other characters, Pichu is the only character we have any valid reason to expect to make it in. With other characters, the reason for adding them would be "People want this guy cause he'd be pretty cool". With Pichu, the reason for his addition would be "People want this guy cause they've been maining him for 12 years". It'd be a little hypocritical of me to reject Ganondorf getting a new moveset and not support Pichu in this sense, considering neither of them are my mains.

Tofer Dallah

Smash Cadet
Mar 5, 2012
For everyone who "wants" Pichu to take one of these slots, ask yourself these 3 questions:

1. Do you only want Pichu in Project M because he was in Melee?
2. Had Pichu never been in Melee but you had the opportunity to add one Nintendo character of your choosing instead, would it have been Pichu?
3. If you had the opportunity to add 5 characters from Nintendo's giant library of franchises, would it be Pichu?

We already have 7 Pokemon characters in Project M. Moreover, if there were to be another addition there are over 700 other options apart from Pichu. Many of which are more popular and/or have more potential. Nintendo has so many worthwhile characters that we don't need another Pokemon, especially one that is literally a baby version of one already in the game.

Roy is a main character of a Fire Emblem game, plus we only have 3 Fire Emblem characters to begin with. The situation is not comparable.

I seriously can't imagine anyone asking themselves those 3 questions and honestly answering them with wanting Pichu. There are so many options. Let's not waste a spot on the roster with this terrible one simply because he was in Melee.

1. Yes and I don't think it make as invalid argument ! Why ? Many character in PM are in the game JUST BECAUSE they was in Melee ! Example ? Ness, Lucas, Roy, Marth, Doc and many other... For example: Jigglypuff ! Pichu and her are not so different. Puff is realy less poppulare in the serie and Pichu still got some event in Pokemon (a shiny Pichu and the spiky one). Puff is only know now because she on smash. Sorry for all the fan of Puff, but that true some character in Melee are not that poppular and Pichu are a very know Pokemon in the 2nd gen !

2. Less that true. But he still a potent choice because he the mascot of the 2nd gen !

3. See point 2.

And yeah we have 7 Pokemon already and what the matter ! I repeat it but: He was in Melee and ANY OTHER character in the smash serie are in PM, so that make a good argument. Why not Pichu ? Even he was bad, even he was a baby Pokemon. It possible to do something very original for PM and luigify him. Pichu is not the only character in this situation and the PMBR surprise us.

And Roy is poppular mainly because of Melee. He not realy strong in Fire emble compared to other lords...

So yeah, Pichu can be a realy good fighter in PM and the idea are vast and he realy an easy character to bring in the game. If you hat Pichu just don't pick him ! Many other character are hated and they still on the game, so...

And I very happy to see all the Pichu fan here and defend him together ! It just amazing and we can show how much some people relay want hin back. Pichu fan base is bigger that it look !

(Sorry for my english, I'm french ><)


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2012
These aren't exactly fair questions for Pichu supporters. His appearance in Melee IS the only reason they want Pichu. But that's exactly what SHOULD give him an advantage over other characters. Although he is a joke character, people have been playing him lovingly for 12 years. He is ingrained in Smash culture whether any of us like it or not. If there was a proposition to remove Dan from SF, there would be a HELL of a lot of resistance. Not because he's good, but because people love Dan (myself included). It's just something a lot of people should consider when they immediately shut out Pichu. People are attached to him. That's not something that can be said about any of these other characters. If my main was cut from Brawl, I'd be clamoring for him too, no matter how crappy he was.
That's very respectable

but for the sake of ending this....


There...like I said. PSA and Sfx......the only thing left is as simple as making him PM ready (along with some polishing as it seems). Now can we go back to saving these limited spots for characters that can put them to better use?
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