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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2014
Unfortunately, you can't vote for a character based on a moveset (Clone Ninten), only the character itself.
Alrighty, fixed. Any specific policy on write-ins (Mike Jones)?
Also, what's the fate of the Bowser Jr. sitting on the voting page?


Jaded Outcast
Sep 1, 2010
Bowser Jr. is kill

to be blunt, i'm not sure why people are asking about this. PMBR said they wouldn't be using any characters that appeared on the smash 4 roster.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Alrighty, fixed. Any specific policy on write-ins (Mike Jones)?
Also, what's the fate of the Bowser Jr. sitting on the voting page?
Mike Jones isn't eligible because he didn't appear in Brawl. Bowser Jr. will be removed from the OP whenever it's updated...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 11, 2013
United States
I already voted a couple pages back, but I think my posts may have gotten a bit confusing on deciding what I was going for. So, just to be clear... (listed in order of most wanted, though all sharing a +1 vote)

+1 Dixie Kong - I want her in the most. DKC2 will probably always be my favorite standalone game. I believe she truly deserves the spot and could still be easier to work with than others despite having to animate the ponytail. She could still share some moves with Diddy, thus being a bit of a semi-clone.

+1 For Dark Samus - A great Metroid rep. She could have similar or outright shared attacks, but have plenty of her own moves as well since she really doesn't fight like Samus in the games at all. Her attacks could have "darkness" properties and she could be a bit faster, and hover around like Mewtwo instead of walking. So more floaty and lighter, but more powerful than Samus.

+1 Ridley - Simply put, the most recurring villain in Metroid whose roots in Samus' traumatic past run deep. He might be one of the more/most difficult to make, but he definitely has a lot of moveset potential, and could be unique in the fact that he could be a floaty, aerial based heavyweight. C'mon, it's a highly intelligent and sentient killer space dragon! There's just so much win here.

+1 King K. Rool - The main villain of the original DKC trilogy who has been in several spin-off titles or handheld games as well. This would be another tough one to make I think, but he has a lot going for him that would make him fun to use. K. Rool is known for his crazy fighting pattern, and has a lot of personality. He would have a very diverse moveset, and also probably be as fun to watch as he would be to play as. I can just picture him now, boosting across the stage using his blunderbuss while shooting a look at the camera, just like in DKC2 when he was wearing his "Kaptain" getup. lol


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2014
Who in Cthulhu's trousers is Mike Jones?
He's the protagonist of the NES RPG series, Star Tropics. It's rumored that he was considered for Brawl, but declined 'cause the games never made it to Japan (which, if true, is genuinely infuriating).
No model or mention at all in Brawl Final, but I thought I'd ask, as I don't recall ever getting the Sakupon trophy myself.
Really quite crushing that Bower Jr. is the only one that has to be omitted from that list...
And it is a wonderfully generic name.
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Who in Cthulhu's trousers is Mike Jones?

What Legtendga said, and also his weapon is a f*cking YO-YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's all you need to know mate.

Since he's not eligible though some Ninten supporters have decided Ninten could use is yo-yo a whole lot more than Ness to compensate for Mike Jones' absence. Yo-yos weren't in Mother 1 but we can practice creative liberty and have him do so.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I'd love to see Ninten, actually. I would like to see PSI moves like DefenseDown (damages your shield although you are not shielding), Hypnosis, 4th-D slip (recovery move), etc.

I would like to see a character from a RPG game whose moveset is based on increasing/decreasing stats. I think that kind of character could be interesting, and maybe that's a way to justify Ninten as a newcomer.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2014
I know I'll get hate but I would love to see krystal **** the people who says she's a furry I think she's got alot of potential.


Hououin Kyoma
Jan 14, 2014
none of your business...
Sorry to say, they said they wouldn't use any characters that are playable Newcomers in Smash 4, so no Shulk, Little Mac and Greninja. Isaac and Pichu could happen, though.
Then I choose... Chibi Robo, Shadow, and Goku. Before you say it, Yes. I know Goku is OP and a Farfetched choice. I just want to believe it can happen.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Then I choose... Chibi Robo, Shadow, and Goku. Before you say it, Yes. I know Goku is OP and a Farfetched choice. I just want to believe it can happen.
I don't have a problem with Goku (he works fine in SSF2), but that's another of PMBR's rules. A character has to appear in Brawl, or they won't get picked. This is because choosing characters already licensed to appear in the game reduces the chance of legal issues arising.
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Hououin Kyoma
Jan 14, 2014
none of your business...
I don't have a problem with Goku (he works fine in SSF2), but that's another of PMBR's rules. A character has to appear in Brawl, or they won't get picked. This is because choosing characters already licensed to appear in the game reduces the chance of legal issues arising.
Goku is being changed to Krystal. Krystal, Shadow, and Chibi Robo have trophies in brawl. Is that their "Get Out of Jail, Free" card?


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2014
Madrid, Spain
I know I'll get hate but I would love to see krystal **** the people who says she's a furry I think she's got alot of potential.
Well, a staff based character is something that could work... and this staff shoots lasers and spreads fire... I would like Krystal before any other Star Fox newcomer.

Speaking about staff... I'd love to see Prince Ephraim with his lance in this game. But he'll never do... there's no space for another FE character... and if there is, Lyn/Hector legion is too strong to ignore them... But a lance-based character would be awesome (instead of even more swordsmen).


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2014
Well, a staff based character is something that could work... and this staff shoots lasers and spreads fire... I would like Krystal before any other Star Fox newcomer.

Speaking about staff... I'd love to see Prince Ephraim with his lance in this game. But he'll never do... there's no space for another FE character... and if there is, Lyn/Hector legion is too strong to ignore them... But a lance-based character would be awesome (instead of even more swordsmen).
Don't forget ground slam,ice blast and rocket jump. (Yeah I'm a huge fan of adventures)

Chihiro Fujisaki

Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
i vote for ninten (you can already see the bias), masked man (yes the bias is strong in this one), tom nook, bowser jr., and diddy kong

i do not downvote anyone as all these characters seem fun to play as imo

is this how you vote? did i vote correctly? i hope so

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
i vote for ninten (you can already see the bias), masked man (yes the bias is strong in this one), tom nook, bowser jr., and diddy kong

i do not downvote anyone as all these characters seem fun to play as imo

is this how you vote? did i vote correctly? i hope so
That's fine, but it would be helpful if you could format it in a list. When we count votes, we just skim the page and it makes the votes easier to spot.

Also, you mean Dixie Kong, right? Not Diddy? And Bowser Jr is in Smash 4 now, so he's being removed from the list soon.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
I wanna throw a -1 on Kyrstal because Star Fox is saturated, I don't think Kystal is fun or unique at all, and doesn't bring enough to the table compared to other potential newcomers

Chihiro Fujisaki

Smash Journeyman
Jun 14, 2014
That's fine, but it would be helpful if you could format it in a list. When we count votes, we just skim the page and it makes the votes easier to spot.

Also, you mean Dixie Kong, right? Not Diddy? And Bowser Jr is in Smash 4 now, so he's being removed from the list soon.
OH yes i do mean dixie kong haha my bad, hthanks there! old on, heres my actual list then
  1. ninten
  2. masked man
  3. tom nook
  4. dixie kong
  5. krystal


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2014
I wanna throw a -1 on Kyrstal because Star Fox is saturated, I don't think Kystal is fun or unique at all, and doesn't bring enough to the table compared to other potential newcomers
Hmm really well not like metroid is saturated to....oh wait it is and you see everyone wanting ridley....-_-


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2014
Metroid is anything but saturated.
Well it hasn't had a well goodly received game since er metroid prime 3 no offense but you know I mean metroid and star fox are both you know aren't on Nintendo's main list (except 2015 for star fox) but I do hope metroid has a good game (prime 4 please?) Plus 1 for krystal
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 6, 2014
Flower Mound, Texas (DFW)
I developed a Shadow Moveset a while back, although given Shadow's popularity, it might be a bit... radical.

Neutral Special: Homing attack- Shadow homes on the enemy and stops at the end of it, allowing him to use his aerial attacks in stasis
Source: Sonic the Hedgehog '06- http://youtu.be/c6Mi-sSX1Pw?t=2m12s

Side Special: Shadow sends three projectiles with mild homing power (angles in direction of foe, doesn't follow them)
Source: Sonic 06, Shadow the Hedgehog- http://youtu.be/xf0lI_Babcw?t=1m57

Up Special: Chaos Control- Shadow teleports the same distance that Sheik does, but at the end instead of an explosion, Shadow Kicks the opponent (if one is in range) the direction that the control-stick is pointed.

Down Special: Chaos Blast- Shadow charges a chaos meter (similar to Wario's Fart meter) through attacking and using his down special, which makes him grasp a chaos emerald and charge it faster than normal attacks.

Once fully charged, Shadow will glow red. Using his down special allows him to use Chaos blast, a powerful kill move with the range of a Falcon punch in a circle around him.
Source: Shadow the Hedgehog (scaled down a lot as to not be too broken)- http://youtu.be/LUqfWqT25t4?t=54s

Neutral combo-Jab, Jab, cross. minimal knockback

Dash attack-Sonic's

Up Smash-Similar to Captain Falcon's, Shadow rocket boosts his leg into 2 kicks
Over Smash-Roundhouse Kick
Down Smash- Spinning Splits

Up Aerial- Sonic's
N-Aerial- Sonic's
Over Aerial- Shadow Sends a small chaos blast power in front of him. kill move
Back Aerial- Sonic's

Down tilt- stomp
Over tilt- Snap kick
Up tilt- Essentially Lucario's

Taunt 1- Shadow Flexes with one arm and saya "I'm the coolest."
Taunt 2- Hovers and says "Behold the ultimate power!"
Taunt 3- *sigh*


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
The Galactic Threads of the Universe
+1 for Skull Kid
+1 for King K. Rool
+1 For Lyn
+1 for Dark Samus
+1 for Masked Man

...I also want to throw a -1 on Ridley. I just don't see it as possible to implement him as a playable character. Dark Samus would be more than reasonable to work with since it's still a character from the metroid series, and wouldn't be as difficult to design a moveset for since *some* of it's moves can be similar (not exact) to Samus'. Custom moveset/animations for Dark Samus would also seem much more reasonable. It's mostly a proportion issue rather than size issue with Ridley, and scaling him down I don't believe would do the character justice.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
...I also want to throw a -1 on Ridley. I just don't see it as possible to implement him as a playable character. Dark Samus would be more than reasonable to work with since it's still a character from the metroid series, and wouldn't be as difficult to design a moveset for since *some* of it's moves can be similar (not exact) to Samus'. Custom/animations for Dark Samus would also seem much more reasonable. It's mostly a proportion issue rather than size issue with Ridley, and scaling him down I don't believe would do the character justice.
Not sure if this is a good enough reason for a down vote. While it may seem difficult or impossible to implement, that's really PMDT's call as to whether it would be too much trouble since they're the ones who would be developing him.
+1 Shadow
+1 Paper Mario
+1 to the Black Shadow/Ganondalf idea
+1 Dark Seamus
+1 Ninten
-1 Ridley.
Just an FYI, down votes are only counted if an acceptable reason is given.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
The Galactic Threads of the Universe
Not sure if this is a good enough reason for a down vote. While it may seem difficult or impossible to implement, that's really PMDT's call as to whether it would be too much trouble since they're the ones who would be developing him.

Just an FYI, down votes are only counted if an acceptable reason is given.
I think it's an absolutely acceptable reason to not include him. Another reason is the rather extreme amount of time it would take to develop a character 100% from scratch rather than it being a semi-clone of a character. Rather than making more clones or semi-clones, it would only make sense to make a moveset that Ridley can identify as his own. If he's just a semi-clone of charizard, it's less likely that anyone will identify with the character *as* Ridley, rather than just a charizard with a Ridley skin. But BOTH of these reasons makes 100% use of an acceptable downvote.

Yes, it's up to the PMBR to make the final decision on ANYTHING regarding Project M, but that shouldn't make my downvote worth less since they have an absolute final say on everything. At this point all we can do is speculate why it could/couldn't work, and i'm making my case from an analytical standpoint, not from bias.
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Smash Champion
Oct 11, 2013
Ice Climbers and Lucas were cut from Smash 4. Justice must be served.

+1/2 vote for Condor
+1/2 vote for Masked Man


Smash Ace
Oct 10, 2013
Granite Falls, WA
I think it's an absolutely acceptable reason to not include him. Another reason is the rather extreme amount of time it would take to develop a character 100% from scratch rather than it being a semi-clone of a character. Rather than making more clones or semi-clones, it would only make sense to make a moveset that Ridley can identify as his own. If he's just a semi-clone of charizard, it's less likely that anyone will identify with the character *as* Ridley, rather than just a charizard with a Ridley skin. But BOTH of these reasons makes 100% use of an acceptable downvote.

Yes, it's up to the PMBR to make the final decision on ANYTHING regarding Project M, but that shouldn't make my downvote worth less since they have an absolute final say on everything. At this point all we can do is speculate why it could/couldn't work, and i'm making my case from an analytical standpoint, not from bias.
I just want to tell you that even though your reasoning does have some logical thought behind it, it's hard to take seriously when you are also providing upvotes to just as hard to include characters like Skull Kid and K. Rool.

You may personally prefer Dark Samus and not want the PMDT to spend so much time working on Ridley when she is a perfectly fine alternative with a lesser workload. That's fine and dandy, but it's not really grounds for us to take as a negative vote since he actually doesn't ruin your experiences with the game. Unless he does then you need to just tell us why straight up and we'll count it as a negative vote.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 3, 2014
The Galactic Threads of the Universe
I just want to tell you that even though your reasoning does have some logical thought behind it, it's hard to take seriously when you are also providing upvotes to just as hard to include characters like Skull Kid and K. Rool.

You may personally prefer Dark Samus and not want the PMDT to spend so much time working on Ridley when she is a perfectly fine alternative with a lesser workload. That's fine and dandy, but it's not really grounds for us to take as a negative vote since he actually doesn't ruin your experiences with the game. Unless he does then you need to just tell us why straight up and we'll count it as a negative vote.
Yes, I do think it could ruin my experience with the game. Like I stated, it's mostly a proportional issue. Yeah, custom characters can take quite a long time as previously stated, but the character, historically, and in more modern games (take brawl for instance) he is an EXTREMELY large, yet slender character with a head that in some instances may or may not fit his body in certain circumstances. if Ridley were to appear in a relaxed standing state on the ground, he would look like a giant perched pseudo-pterodactyl like creature that wouldn't look like it would have very clean animations. Also, while his width wouldn't be a problem, his height would match or exceed Giga Bowser.(See Super Metroid Ridley).

However, if you look at more modern installments, such as Ridley from Other M, or even from Metroid Prime: Corruption, his proportions are more correct, and he's seen on the ground on all 4's. That would look much more natural, but the amount of space he would take up on stage width-wise would probably match or even exceed the current width of Giga Bowser. Animations could be much more correct in this instance, but he would be laughably large on stage.

Then comes the air game. He would probably look his best here, but if you refer to Ridley or Meta Ridley in game, it'd be the equivalent of you fighting a boss character that's already included, non-playable. This could heavily tip the favor of most matches in Ridley's favor if using a similar moveset to the boss currently included (The only difference is, a person is doing it this time). Heavily disjointed tail with an incredible reach, cumbersome projectiles that have rather hard kockback, and a sonic speed fly-attack, while dealing no damage, can ruin a player's positioning in less than a second. Or on the other side, it could make Ridley an extremely predictable character and probably wouldn't be worth maining if he didn't have more than that simple example of linearity.

Also, making the character an air-controllable only character (meaning no on-stage landing) would nullify standard control-protocol that all characters adhere to (neutral standing position, walking, dashing, jumping, etc). How would jumps work? How would movement work? What would his airdodge be like? Every one of these small aspects could actually damage the game either for Ridley or for players facing Ridley. There's so many small details that seem petite at first glance, but chewing it apart bit by bit, it just seems that much harder to actually believe he could be successfully executed. Scaling him down, in my mind would probably not do Ridley much justice at all, because of how slender the character actually is, would make his hurtboxes/hitboxes that much smaller/thinner, and would make the character look generally less like Ridley.

To be completely truthful, if the PMDT explored Ridley and *somehow* made it effective, I wouldn't have a problem with it, in fact I would challenge them to the task if they were up to it, and I'd love to see it. However, with everything that's listed, yes, I think it CAN have the potential to damage gameplay to a rather large extreme, either for the Ridley Player, or the Non-Ridley player, as he could end up being too small, and possess inferior power compared to the rest of the cast, OR he could end up being extremely massive and the next facemelter that would be one absolute casserole of a balance issue.

His size might not seem like a problem swallowing the issue whole, but start chewing the food, and the taste of each bite might leave a poor taste in your mouth. It's just something I don't see as practical, and in every way I've analyzed it as much as I possibly can, it never tastes any better. Characters like K. Rool are comparable to Bowser or DeDeDe in size, Skull Kid's proportions would probably be similar to Toon Link, Masked Man would match Ness/Lucas, Dark Samus would match Samus in size, and Lyn would be comparable (slightly shorter) to Marth and Roy, and would fit the game well without causing a multitude of problems during the modeling process, as well as not becoming a game breaking extremity.

You can mix and match all these problems in any combination that you want, and at least in my mind, none of them could or would work in tandem with one another. He always seems too big or too small, too polarized power-wise, not strong enough... and there's so much more that I can add, but it would take up more words than this forum post will allow at max capacity. I've thought about this for quite some time, and it just doesn't seem like it can be executed efficiently without severely harming the character, or not harming the character and basically forcing the rest of the roster to bow down to their new god.
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