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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Comeback Kid

Smash Champion
Dec 25, 2009
Parts Unknown
Honestly TC, I think you swayed the votes with your write-ups. The ones with many pros and few cons were more biased in favor for, while you wrote little about other characters except to say it would be too hard to do and you gave them few pros.

Maybe because it's hard it's worth doing.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
Honestly TC, I think you swayed the votes with your write-ups. The ones with many pros and few cons were more biased in favor for, while you wrote little about other characters except to say it would be too hard to do and you gave them few pros.

Maybe because it's hard it's worth doing.
Normally I'd agree but I would hope people here have strong enough opinions and likes and dislikes ingrained in them as to not be merely swayed by a blurb or a few conflicting procons.

That'd be like trying to tell someone apple is cool or not or that they should switch to xbox-one because of 5 good reasons rather than 4 for your little wii u there. (welp son you've convinced me, I'm off to swap out my ideals!)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
Correct. I just went over the thread, and this is what I found vote-wise.

TopTierPichu (p. 44)
Xebenkeck (p. 44)
Yursaman (p. 36)
JCOnyx (p. 30)
Celestis (p. 29)
CardiganBoy (p. 25)

l3thargy (p. 29)
EdgeTheLucas (p. 29)


There's a lot of people that have been expressing support for him but haven't done so through votes.
Hey, don't forget me!

Dang, that still makes 9 votes.
Wait, Anti Guy mentioned something about default-negative voting everyone. Would that make 10?


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Isaac seems interesting. I've never played Golden Sun, but I know he uses magic and a sword, which says one thing to me about a possible playstyle. Zelda + Link


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2006
The Netherlands
So confused

I'd say this is the general feeling of the people in this thread.
Lots of people are voting willy-nilly and changing their minds every few posts.

This voting system is inherently flawed because of it. We would've been much better off with three polls, I'd say: one for positive votes (with a maximum amount of votes like we have now), one for half votes and one for negative votes (with a maximum amount of votes, too). Once voted, you wouldn't be able to change your votes back - which would actually force people to think their picks through rather than jumping aboard every bandwagon that visits the thread.
In order to keep random visitors from distorting the polls with their choices (WAAA invasions come to mind) you'd have to post in this thread to be allowed to vote - by having someone (like the OP) PM them the poll's link or some other measure to keep votes somewhat valid.

Oh well, I guess it's too late for that.

Alfonzo Bagpipez

Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2013
Correct. I just went over the thread, and this is what I found vote-wise.

TopTierPichu (p. 44)
Xebenkeck (p. 44)
Yursaman (p. 36)
JCOnyx (p. 30)
Celestis (p. 29)
CardiganBoy (p. 25)

l3thargy (p. 29)
EdgeTheLucas (p. 29)


There's a lot of people that have been expressing support for him but haven't done so through votes.
You dun forgot my vote, rude boi


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Look out, doe. Slippy's comin'. He already got 2 supporters and 2 x the power of love x Slippy's swagger equals 100 sorry guys Slippy confirmed.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
I'd say this is the general feeling of the people in this thread.
Lots of people are voting willy-nilly and changing their minds every few posts.

This voting system is inherently flawed because of it. We would've been much better off with three polls, I'd say: one for positive votes (with a maximum amount of votes like we have now), one for half votes and one for negative votes (with a maximum amount of votes, too). Once voted, you wouldn't be able to change your votes back - which would actually force people to think their picks through rather than jumping aboard every bandwagon that visits the thread.
In order to keep random visitors from distorting the polls with their choices (WAAA invasions come to mind) you'd have to post in this thread to be allowed to vote - by having someone (like the OP) PM them the poll's link or some other measure to keep votes somewhat valid.

Oh well, I guess it's too late for that.
I wouldn't be opposed to actually placing a few restrictions on voting from here on out:
Top 5 votes can't be changed unless a character is actually deemed completely unviable from a design standpoint. This will encourage allotting +1 votes carefully (we should give voters a chance to dial +1s back to +1/2s before this goes into effect, though).
+1/2 votes can work as they are now, as far as I'm concerned. They would be able to be "promoted," because people will undoubtedly change their minds about some characters, and that's a good thing. They're kind of for bandwagons, really, someone comes along, it seems like a good idea I'd be happy with in the game, and I'll give a half vote.
-1 votes should require a reasonable explanation, at the judgement of the vote-counter. If I chose one thing to implement, it would be this.
I do like the idea of requiring some discussion from voters, but honestly that seems a little exclusive if strictly enforced.

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
I wouldn't be opposed to actually placing a few restrictions on voting from here on out:
Top 5 votes can't be changed unless a character is actually deemed completely unviable from a design standpoint. This will encourage allotting +1 votes carefully (we should give voters a chance to dial +1s back to +1/2s before this goes into effect, though).
+1/2 votes can work as they are now, as far as I'm concerned. They would be able to be "promoted," because people will undoubtedly change their minds about some characters, and that's a good thing. They're kind of for bandwagons, really, someone comes along, it seems like a good idea I'd be happy with in the game, and I'll give a half vote.
-1 votes should require a reasonable explanation, at the judgement of the vote-counter. If I chose one thing to implement, it would be this.
I do like the idea of requiring some discussion from voters, but honestly that seems a little exclusive if strictly enforced.

I can agree with these


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
Its funny how a avatar can subconsciously set the tone for someones post.

Everything Anti-guy posts seems happy and joyful due to that tomato.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
Okay, I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I think these five set of characters would actually be the best combination to go with:

Tom Nook
Dixie Kong or K. Rool

I think Tom Nook might actually be the best of the unconventional choices to go with.

Who between Dixie or K. Rool would you guys want to go with?

Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Okay, I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I think these five set of characters would actually be the best combination to go with:

Tom Nook
Dixie Kong or K. Rool

I think Tom Nook might actually be the best of the unconventional choices to go with.

Who between Dixie or K. Rool would you guys want to go with?

It's good on paper and it might please a lot of people, but I'd have to disagree about that lineup as being anything close to what may possibly be the final selection. All of those characters (maybe except for Dixie) are all heavy workload characters. I would say they'd want to use 3 cloneable characters, and just 2 heavy workload ones (maybe 3 at most).

So I think of the cloneable ones, Dixie is probably the best bet. And if Ridley is no go, then Dark Samus fits in well (she has a lot of anti votes, but many of them are under the stipulation that it's negative only if Ridley has a chance).

Isaac makes a lot of people happy, so I think he should be a goal. I still have reservations about Isaac because yes, he has psynergy attacks IN HIS GAME... but how many of those are actually possible to implement AS A MOD? Hrm...

So what I'm saying is, you can see who's clearly more popular than others here, but if they were to go for extra characters, we'd probably see them digging deeper down the list to make characters that are more possible and time-affordable.

Edit: It'd be neat if there could actually be two separate polls: One is which character would you LIKE most to appear... and then another one for just Brawl modders alone: which of these characters are the EASIEST to make?


Smash Lord
Mar 30, 2008
My Head
^^^^Pretty much that.

But I will answer your actual question lol. For the purposes of P:M Dixie would maaaaaaybe be easier to do,(again the hair would be extremely stupid to try and animate and create bones for *shivers*.) But there is some things to clone her off of. As we discussed earlier in this thread.

And then K.rool went


Smash Journeyman
Nov 6, 2013
Neither here nor there
It'd be neat if there could actually be two separate polls: One is which character would you LIKE most to appear... and then another one for just Brawl modders alone: which of these characters are the EASIEST to make?
If there isn't a separate poll, we should at least give the topic more discussion. I'm afraid I wouldn't consider myself enough of a Brawl modder to give a weighted vote on this one, but I still know about the process and feel like I could contribute to discussion somewhat, for several different characters at least.

I'll throw in some of my thoughts on Dixie:
The potential time problems I see with Dixie is that she would still need a different character model, even if it were based off of Diddy, with obvious problems with the ponytail. The thing is, she shares a lot of similarities with DK, as well, and doesn't share an overwhelming number of moves with Diddy either (in particular I'm thinking of her variation on spinning kong, lack of the peanut popgun, and possibly a cargo carry/throw like DK). She doesn't seem particularly like she'd share too many of Diddy's spastic monkey attacks either, but if that's what needs to happen then sure, why not.

Something about articles I thought I'd point out:
It seems they are often confused with disjointed hitboxes. If you watch any footage of Ivysaur, note that hitting with solarbeam still puts Ivysaur in hitlag. If I'm correct, this means that solarbeam is actually not an article, and bullet seed was morphed into seed bomb and transferred to down-b. Transferring articles between move inputs in itself seems like it could help flesh out ideas for certain characters, but the fact that even giant lasers don't necessarily need an article should open up discussion for certain characters a little more.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Here's a prediction


4 of the 5 characters are clones or semi-clones, which is easy, and Isaac is a hard-work character but he seems to be the fan-favorite at this point.

Pichu represents the flaws of Melee, because yes there were flaws. Project M isn't just perfecting Brawl, its perfecting the competitive Smash formula, which is why I expect a buffPichu
Lyn would be a Fire Emblem character clone, I'd assume based on Ike but with a style more similar to Marth. Marth was the symbol of competitive Melee and the other FE characters have proven to be tough contenders in PM, too. It just seems right. Plus, Lyn is female. Always a plus.
Dixie would be an easy semi-clone of Diddy, using a lot of his A moves and some of his specials. The Donkey Kong series could use more reps and its always nice to have more females.
This next one depends. Its obvi meant to be another spacie, I can hear the arguments now. But hear me out. The spacies have always been tough contenders in Smash, and they're some of the most played in tournament. Why not have another? The reason its split is because Krystal has a lot more fans than Slippy, but most Krystal fans would be upset if she was a spacie. If Slippy was a spacie noone would care. I mean they could always make Krystal a ZSS clone but the point here was a new Spacie.
Isaac. Oh Isaac. Goin' complete beast mode on the polls. He would need a lot of work, more work than any other CEC, to work out, but I have faith in the PMBR. At least he has an ingame model from his AT. The only issue I see is that he has no series icon. But he's proven he's the PM fan-favorite so I see no reason why the PMBR would be against it.


Smash Ace
Nov 6, 2013
It might just be my huge Wind Waker bulge but nothing would make me happier than Toon Zelda and Tetra (preferably together but I can understand if that's imposible). Man having them... and maybe Toon Ganon who I will admit would be hard to fit in... he fights with dual swords and all... I can't think of anyone to base that off of.

I also will put my hat in for ol' Slippy... but mostly for trollish reasons. I play him on Star Fox assault all the time for the same reason. You've gotta appreciate the guy's uselessness. Plus I think I would lose my *expletive* if he pulled out a 4th landmaster. That would just be too hilarious.

Oh and I forgot... if not Slippy or Krystal then Leon would be a really cool addition... he'd be a fun Wolf partner for doubles battles against Fox/Falco... plus he's a slippery guy who perhaps has camouflage powers... think about it.


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
Best message count, mr. bagpipez.

Look at Isaac. He has 62 upvotes. There were 102 voters. Over half of the voters used 1 of their 5 upvotes on Isaac. And there are only 3 naysayers. THE PEOPLE DEMAND ISAAC.

Leon could potentially grab and tether with his tongue as well but I'm not sure if it would fit the character.
Yeah but Slippy would most likely be in for giggles anyway. Leon its unfitting because there's no bad blood for Leon and its out of character. Its easier for joke characters to do out-of-character things.
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