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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
I for one, welcome our new communist overlords.
I wish I could make propaganda posters with Ridley being the good, well-balanced folks of America and Pichu being the Red Menace. Ironic, considering that Ridley is a (literally) cold-blooded, murdering, sadistic psychopath and Pichu is an infant mouse.

I won't be adverse to seeing the two of them duke it out in future updates.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Hey, guys. Just wanted to apologize for yesterday. It was my fault that it escalated, and you guys were right. Most people don't see that matchup the way I would, and that's because those characters are much, much more real to me than the others are. Having a real friend like that, the thought made me think of it way too emotionally. I won't mention it again even if he's brought up, and I'd appreciate it if no one else would, either. (Like, even in reply to this). I just want to forget about it. I wouldn't even be bringing it up now, but I had to admit that I was wrong and apologize. I'll still never support Flint, but I won't talk about him any more if you guys want to discuss him. He still doesn't have much moveset potential in any case.
A great thing to announce would be if Jontron was the new announcer replacing Pat Cashman.
This would be the ultimate WIN.
Or if they had received the technology and begun work on creating shines irl.
Nothing can beat this.
Now I'm imagining JonTron running up to people and Shining them, and they just go flying, lol.
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Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
Flint has great actual moveset potential that's cloneable with the Drago Fang, I'll totally write it up at some point.

It would be hilarious is the mvc2 announcer became the p:m one. We'd all go on wild rides


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
I vote for ridley as the announcer. :troll:
Ridley as an announcer solves 2 things. It puts Ridley in the game and people don't need to complain about his size...I see nothing wrong with this :troll:


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
If Pichu made it into Project M, then this should totally be his Alt. Costume. Why? To credit Haloedhero, of course! Clearly, he likes Pichu (it's his avatar). I kinda added the wings freestyle, ya know, to add to the "angelic" feel of it all, but whatever, I think it works.



Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
If Pichu made it into Project M, then this should totally be his Alt. Costume. Why? To credit Haloedhero, of course! Clearly, he likes Pichu (it's his avatar). I kinda added the wings freestyle, ya know, to add to the "angelic" feel of it all, but whatever, I think it works.
It also is perfect because if you pick Pichu, you're already dead.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Flint has great actual moveset potential that's cloneable with the Drago Fang, I'll totally write it up at some point.
Why do you want Flint so badly? Really, I don't mean to be rude, but I am curious why you see him as being such a deserving fighter over, say, Ninten or Masked Man? He just has such a small role in Mother 3, it would be like wanting Boom Boom from the Mario franchise or Mr. Mime from Pokemon as a character, yeah they're in their games and they play a role, but not a huge one that would justify representing their series.


Smash Master
Mar 15, 2014
San Antonio
Why do you want Flint so badly? Really, I don't mean to be rude, but I am curious why you see him as being such a deserving fighter over, say, Ninten or Masked Man? He just has such a small role in Mother 3, it would be like wanting Boom Boom from the Mario franchise or Mr. Mime from Pokemon as a character, yeah they're in their games and they play a role, but not a huge one that would justify representing their series.
He's one of my favorite characters from the game. And the ideas I have for him are actually more cloney than most movesets put on this forum, which i would think make it more realistic to accomplish.

I'm one of the types who doesn't care who gets in so long as they're fun to play as, so who represents what isin't a big deal to me.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
He's one of my favorite characters from the game. And the ideas I have for him are actually more cloney than most movesets put on this forum, which i would think make it more realistic to accomplish.

I'm one of the types who doesn't care who gets in so long as they're fun to play as, so who represents what isin't a big deal to me.
I just have a hard time picturing Flint in Smash.

In the red corner we have legendary bounty hunter, Samus!

In the blue corner we have... Er... A cripple with a cowboy hat.?

I'm also curious as to what character you would use as a base clone, and beyond that make him "cloney" in comparison to that character. Even if you don't care about representation, at first glance Masked Man and Ninten's potential greatly overshadow Flint's. Ninten/MM are like preparing a 3 course meal with whatever you want. Flint, in contrast is like being told to create a 3 course meal, but being given a stale piece of bread to accomplish this task.

That said, the PMBR is magic. You'll blink and that stale bread will be a omlettes. But even so, I think it's just a weird decision when you think about other Mother characters who would honestly fit in better to the Smash scene.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I just have a hard time picturing Flint in Smash.

In the red corner we have legendary bounty hunter, Samus!

In the blue corner we have... Er... A cripple with a cowboy hat.?

I'm also curious as to what character you would use as a base clone, and beyond that make him "cloney" in comparison to that character. Even if you don't care about representation, at first glance Masked Man and Ninten's potential greatly overshadow Flint's. Ninten/MM are like preparing a 3 course meal with whatever you want. Flint, in contrast is like being told to create a 3 course meal, but being given a stale piece of bread to accomplish this task.

That said, the PMBR is magic. You'll blink and that stale bread will be a omlettes. But even so, I think it's just a weird decision when you think about other Mother characters who would honestly fit in better to the Smash scene.
Jeff would be a pretty great character, as well. He could be a Samus or Snake clone with bottle rockets, grenades, and things like that. Poo wouldn't be bad, either. He's kind of like Masked Man but without the wings and blaster and with some extra martial arts abilities + PK Starstorm and PK Freeze.


Smash Journeyman
May 28, 2013
Jeff would be a pretty great character, as well. He could be a Samus or Snake clone with bottle rockets, grenades, and things like that. Poo wouldn't be bad, either. He's kind of like Masked Man but without the wings and blaster and with some extra martial arts abilities + PK Starstorm and PK Freeze.
If poo is in, he's gotta get the triple kick jabs lucas had from vbrawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 16, 2013
I really don't see why Pokey/Porkey isn't being given any thought. He is extremely important and is the one of only two characters (the other being Gyigus) to appear in more than one Mother game.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
I really don't see why Pokey/Porkey isn't being given any thought. He is extremely important and is the one of only two characters (the other being Gyigus) to appear in more than one Mother game.
If he were to appear, he could only be done justice by appearing in one of his spider mechas. We all recognize that making a spider mecha with the clone engine would be extremely difficult to do (who the hell could be an adequate base for one?), so we don't bring him up because of that.

Besides, Ninten and the Masked Man are way cooler.
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Oh My Gascho

Smash Rookie
May 18, 2014
Chicago Suburb
Paper Mario: He is the star in 4 very successful games and can have a multitude of different attacks from his different games. PMBR could take G&W as a base and make paper mario out of it, so it wouldn't be too hard to make him.

Bowser Jr: A quick Bowser that can do big damage and is harder to hit. Sounds like Fox but without a shine or lasers. You can even implement his paint into some moves.

Ninten: PMBR could take Ness and change his colors and then you get Ninten. A lot of intersting things coulds could come out of Ninten and he could hopefully be a mix of how Ness and Lucas play.

Ridley: Re-skin Charizard and give him a couple of new moves and you're good. We need another Metroid character and villians and Ridley fits perfectly.

Dixie Kong: Give Diddy Kong a pony tail and pink clothes then you get Dixie. Maybe make her a better camper than Diddy with different moves.

Waluigi: I watched marioking64ds videos and he looked viable and fun.

Skull Kid: He's awesome and could be really cool, but seems like a lot of work.

Dark Samus: I would prefer Ridley, but if Ridley doesnt make it then Damus is good too.

Krystal: Like Skull Kid, she would be interesting, but a lot of work.

Isaac: I've never seen or played any of his games, but he seems really intersting.

Toad: He would be a useless character who doesn't bring much that represents his franchise.

Pichu: The only reason people want Pichu is because he was in melee and that if someone loses to pichu they would be embarrassed

Pokemon Trainer: They separated him up for a reason and there are already so many pokemon.

King K. Rool: If he was put in the game he would just be another big character who barely anyone uses and would just have the same recycled moves from DK, Bowser, D3, Charizard, and Ganon.

Black Shadow and Ganondorf: The only people that want Ganon to have a sword are TLoZ fans. Smash players who are focused on smash will just be angry that they have to play as this Captain Falcon rip-off

Tom Nook: There's no point in adding an animal crossing character unless it's villager and since that can't happen there shouldn't be Tom Nook.

Sukapon: He is really weird and doesnt fit in with the rest of the cast. No one really knows him and I and probably others will stop playing Project M if they include a bad character like him.


Cool Blue

Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2014
Next to a beach I never go to


Pichu: The only reason people want Pichu is because he was in melee and that if someone loses to pichu they would be embarrassed.

Sukapon: He is really weird and doesnt fit in with the rest of the cast. No one really knows him and I and probably others will stop playing Project M if they include a bad character like him.
Gonna have to call you out on these 2.
Projecting your opinions onto other people and saying it as if it were a fact is kind of jerkish.
Just sayin.

Oh My Gascho

Smash Rookie
May 18, 2014
Chicago Suburb
Gonna have to call you out on these 2.
Projecting your opinions onto other people and saying it as if it were a fact is kind of jerkish.
Just sayin.
Well for Pichu, Pichu was just a worse clone of pikachu and at least with my friends and the competitive players who play, pichu was only used when the person playing him thought they were way better than the other player.

Sukapon I have to be a jerk about because i find him extremely weird and the fact that he has support scares me because i would hate to see him take up one of the 5 character spots from another character.

Also if i came across as a jerk to anyone I'm sorry. I was rushing to get my votes across and could've gone into more details about my opinion.
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