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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Smash Lord
Jun 19, 2013
Micaiah would be great, especially as a Zelda clone. However, I think it's been apparent in multiple polls that she isn't that popular. Too bad for her.
I'm generally shocked how people will go to one hot bland character rather then the other.
FE fanbases people.


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
You can't be bland when you have green hair and can move faster than the human eye ON FOOT.
Every single Myrmidon and Swordmaster ever can move faster than the human eye on foot. I don't get what people love about Lyn besides the fact that she's got a katana and a vagina (and "it was my first Fire Emblem!").

Also, Sonic manages to be bland with BLUE hair and the "faster than the human eye" nonsense. :p

I personally think the 3D Model I provided for Giegue looks different enough for him to be on screen at the same time as M2. As long as their recolors differ, and Giygas maintains a grey hue to his person, I don't see their similarities being an issue.
To each their own, I suppose. I get confused just by being the same COLOR as the enemy. Being practically the same character with a few different design choices would drive me nuts. :laugh:
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2014
Everdawn Basin
1 Vote:

-Shadow ( PLEASE! )




-Skull Kid

1/2 Vote:






-1 Vote:

-Paper Mario

-Bowser Jr.


-Dixie Kong

-Sukapon ( Sorry..... )

This is just my personal opinion. Not what I think will be chosen FYI.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Just created a profile here on Smashboards because I'm too intrigued with the thought of which characters could possibly join the P:M roster being up to my vote. Also I'm bored.

I made a long list of characters I wanted to see in P:M, but after reading this thread offline and realized there could only be 5 new characters max to fill the slots, I sadly cut it down. But here's the new list. 1 character needs to be axed from this list and I can't decide who.

1. Waluigi (Mario/Wario)
2: King K. Rool (DK)
3. Slippy Toad (Star Fox)
4. Ridley (Metroid)
5. Micaiah (Fire Emblem)
6. Isaac (Golden Sun)

1. Waluigi doesn't seem to be a competing character for a slot at all here on Smashboards. I feel like he's a necessity to complete the plumber roster.

2. King K. Rool definitely deserves the addition. But maybe that's just my DK Country nostalgia talking.

3. Not a lot of people on here even consider Slippy a possible candidate for addition, which I'm sad about.

4. I originally wanted Dark Samus more than Ridley, but Ridley seems to fit the Smash artstyle more, and he's more popular than I thought.

5. I know a lot of people on here are thinking Lyn instead of Micaiah, with a good reason, but Lyn doesn't have magic.

6. Isaac definitely owns a slot, but until Sm4sh is out, we won't know for sure if he's gonna be in P:M or not.
Okay, was just counting votes and realized you couldn't decide which of these to remove. I'mma need you to do that before I can count these votes. You can still half-vote whichever one you remove, but I'm not going to pick for you.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Been thinking of a few things regarding Medusa, if the demo's do infact count towards eligible characters. I've already expressed my interest in her, loving her artistic design, also her being both a female fighter and a villain, add to that an awesome voice that should have more than enough to sample from (and if not, I'm sure there's enough Cree Summer out there to fill in the gaps)

Also, as far as her role, I want her to use her goddess powers and natural abilities in battle, therefore I have come up with an idea of her being a partial trap-user as well as DPS, when she attacks with her snake heads, which she can do for some of her smashes and grabs, it poisons the target, doing damage over time. Most of her special attacks focus on controlling the battlefield, doing damage and keeping herself safe. Here's a couple ideas I have for special moves for her:

N Special: Gorgon's Eye, with a stare, Medusa petrifies her opponent for several seconds, similar to Mewtwo's Disable, but it lasts a second or two longer. It freezes an opponent in place, making the vulnerable for punishment. The one drawback is, while petrified the target is immune to knockback, a nod to the petrification status effect in Kid Icarus: Uprising that increases the target's defense. However, this also means although it's harder to do killing blows on a petrified target, you can also get a bit more damage on them, and possibly set them up for a nasty attack if you time it just right.

F Special: Goddess Claw, Medusa rakes her claws across the area immediately ahead of her with such force she temporarily rends space itself. The attack itself has incredibly short range, but is quite strong, cleaving an opponent and able to KO at mid-levels. Also, the three streaks of red from the claws linger a second or so after the attack, creating a defensive barrier as space repairs itself. The spacial rend can block projectile attacks, giving the move a double usage, as an attack and as a defensive strike. Can be chained very well with Gorgon's Eye for easy damage.

D Special: Summon Reaper, similar to Dedede, Medusa as the goddess of darkness can call upon her minions to aid her in battle, unlike Dedede however, instead of lesser troops Medusa goes right for the big guns and summons a Reaper to battle! The Reaper walks calmly from side to side for several seconds, although if they catch an opponent in their sight they will speed up and slash at them insanely (might be able to be done by simply reskinning an enemy from SSE, maybe redead?) The drawback to this move, however, is Medusa can only call one Reaper at a time, similar to how Wario's motorbike worked. Until her Reaper is destroyed or vanishes on it's own, she cannot summon another one.

U Special: Toxic Teleport, Medusa teleports as her recovery, although her overall teleportation range is a bit shorter than Mewtwo's, and she is in helpless state afterwards. However, in exchange when Medusa teleports she leaves behind a nasty surprise, a cloud of toxic gas lasting several seconds that will automatically poison anyone unfortunate enough to come in contact with it, doing damage over time. It can be used as a recovery move, or as a nasty trap, punishing an enemy looking to attack the dark goddess, leaving them only with poison to contend with!

Final Smash: Goddess of Darkness, Medusa disappears and reappears giant-sized in the background, in her full goddess glory. She will sweep once with her right claw, then with her left, before she fires several beams from her eyes that carpet bomb the stage, causing minor explosions. Claw swipes have more KO power but are easier to dodge, whereas the eye lasers are harder to dodge but don't have as much KO power, instead raking up damage for Medusa's return to the battle once her smash is complete.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2014
Everdawn Basin
Been thinking of a few things regarding Medusa, if the demo's do infact count towards eligible characters. I've already expressed my interest in her, loving her artistic design, also her being both a female fighter and a villain, add to that an awesome voice that should have more than enough to sample from (and if not, I'm sure there's enough Cree Summer out there to fill in the gaps)

Also, as far as her role, I want her to use her goddess powers and natural abilities in battle, therefore I have come up with an idea of her being a partial trap-user as well as DPS, when she attacks with her snake heads, which she can do for some of her smashes and grabs, it poisons the target, doing damage over time. Most of her special attacks focus on controlling the battlefield, doing damage and keeping herself safe. Here's a couple ideas I have for special moves for her:

N Special: Gorgon's Eye, with a stare, Medusa petrifies her opponent for several seconds, similar to Mewtwo's Disable, but it lasts a second or two longer. It freezes an opponent in place, making the vulnerable for punishment. The one drawback is, while petrified the target is immune to knockback, a nod to the petrification status effect in Kid Icarus: Uprising that increases the target's defense. However, this also means although it's harder to do killing blows on a petrified target, you can also get a bit more damage on them, and possibly set them up for a nasty attack if you time it just right.

F Special: Goddess Claw, Medusa rakes her claws across the area immediately ahead of her with such force she temporarily rends space itself. The attack itself has incredibly short range, but is quite strong, cleaving an opponent and able to KO at mid-levels. Also, the three streaks of red from the claws linger a second or so after the attack, creating a defensive barrier as space repairs itself. The spacial rend can block projectile attacks, giving the move a double usage, as an attack and as a defensive strike. Can be chained very well with Gorgon's Eye for easy damage.

D Special: Summon Reaper, similar to Dedede, Medusa as the goddess of darkness can call upon her minions to aid her in battle, unlike Dedede however, instead of lesser troops Medusa does right for the big guns and summons a Reaper to battle! The Reaper walks calmly from side to side for several seconds, although if they catch an opponent in their sight they will speed up and slash at them insanely (might be able to be done by simply reskinning an enemy from SSE, maybe redead?) The drawback to this move, however, is Medusa can only call one Reaper at a time, similar to how Wario's motorbike worked. Until her Reaper is destroyed or vanishes on it's own, she cannot summon another one.

U Special: Toxic Teleport, Medusa teleports as her recovery, although her overall teleportation range is a bit shorter than Mewtwo's, and she is in helpless state afterwards. However, in exchange when Medusa teleports she leaves behind a nasty surprise, a cloud of toxic gas lasting several seconds that will automatically poison anyone unfortunate enough to come in contact with it, doing damage over time. It can be used as a recovery move, or as a nasty trap, punishing an enemy looking to attack the dark goddess, leaving them only with poison to contend with!

Final Smash: Goddess of Darkness, Medusa disappears and reappears giant-sized in the background, in her full goddess glory. She will sweep once with her right claw, then with her left, before she fires several beams from her eyes that carpet bomb the stage, causing minor explosions. Claw swipes have more KO power but are easier to dodge, whereas the eye lasers are harder to dodge but don't have as much KO power, instead raking up damage for Medusa's return to the battle once her smash is complete.
Medusa.... >.<



Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
Medusa.... >.<

As mentioned, Magnus was not introduced until Uprising, and was not in the original game. Medusa only maybe gets in due to the demo of Kid Icarus in Brawl, and even that is not set in stone yet (see what I did there?)

Even so, I have to be honest, I would greatly prefer Medusa over Magnus anyway, I really don't find Magnus all that awesome. Oh, he's ok, but really, he seems like if implemented in Smash Bros. he would just be an Ike clone, with maybe a bigger sword and even slower attacks. Still, that's neither here nor there.

I like Medusa not only for her awesome status as a female villain and design, but also her potential. I think she could really be good for P:M if eligible, and she'd have my full support!

To each their own, I suppose. I get confused just by being the same COLOR as the enemy. Being practically the same character with a few different design choices would drive me nuts. :laugh:
If Giygas/Giegue dpesn't get added, maybe at the very least we can have a stage based on the Devil's Machine? I think that would be pretty badass! Seeing Ness/Ninten's face and Giygas swirling around in the Devil's Machine, with Porky and his mech jumping around in the background, trying to be a distracting jerk!

Especially if it included this theme ...
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Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
1 Vote:

-Shadow ( PLEASE! )




-Skull Kid

1/2 Vote:






-1 Vote:

-Paper Mario

-Bowser Jr.


-Dixie Kong

-Sukapon ( Sorry..... )

This is just my personal opinion. Not what I think will be chosen FYI.
Your -1 votes won't be counted unless you provide a good reason.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2014
Three things:
- If the community had a lot of Ridley haters (as your example states), why would anyone bother putting him in the game? P:M is a mod made for the fans, by the fans- if the fans don't want something it wouldn't make much sense to put forth the effort to include it. This is why downvotes exist, to gauge the balance of support and opposition in regards to particular characters. Otherwise we'd just have an extremely high number of positive votes to compare among the popular characters (even with ones like Shadow that have a large amount of opposition as well as support, although we wouldn't be accounting for that without downvotes), with lesser known, but well liked characters unable to stand out.
- Nintendo characters should have a higher priority of being added in a Nintendo fighting game.
- The 'Tomato Guy' as you call him, is no longer monitoring the voting process, which makes it obvious that you didn't fully read the rules and guidelines in the OP as this is clearly stated in the second paragraph.
Sorry for the late reply, yeah, I guess I was feeling a bit cynical, sorry for being an ass, the only justification I can give for myself is that I had been lurking in here back when there was only, like, Pichu discussion or something that seemed to have dragged on forever, so yeah, I apologise for that.

And regarding the third party thing, I believe it should be more acceptable to consider them even if is just from the Sonic or MGS series, I mean it's not like I'm asking for Master Chief or Goku, these series have applicable characters already in the game, and that is true for a lot of characters, not just from the series I mentioned, and yeah, they should be considered before third parties, but third parties should be considered before characters that aren't even in the game as assist trophies, just my two cents on the matter btw.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2014
Houston, Texas
Dark Samus - Metroid needs more reps for sure. Dark Samus has an entire moveset that could be ripped straight from the Metroid Prime games. Also dark blue / black particles effects are super sexy.

Black Shadow / Real Ganondorf moveset - Ganon as a Falcon clone is sort of lame. An actual LoZ themed moveset for Ganon would just make more sense, but it could potentially anger people if we removed the Falcon-clone moveset, so Black Shadow would be a cool replacement.

Ray MK III - Why doesn't Custom Robo have any reps? There's so many weapons for the Custom Robo series to draw moves from, also it was an insanely popular Nintendo game. Also Custom Robo for Wiiu pls?

Ridley - I've been swayed. Ridley has the potential to be pretty freakin' sweet. I'm all for Metroid reps, and a heavy floaters are extremely fun.

Isaac - I don't know much about him, but from what he did in his assist trophy, he'd be sick in PM. Swords + Psyenergy stuff is really cool. Also he already has a model so yeah.

Cool Additions (+1/2)
Waluigi - We have A LOT of Mario reps. Waluigi is basically the only plumber left to be added, so why not? Despite only being in the spin-off games, Waluigi is the Luigi to Wario, if that makes sense.

King K. Rool - Pretty iconic villain from the DK games. He's been around long enough to have a vast majority of moves to use. I'm sure he has been requested a lot for many Smash Bros. games. Also, I've been dying to say, "That was pretty K. Rool of me to beat you like that" forever.

Skull Kid - I don't know much about Skull Kid, but I feel like he has a decent amount of moves to choose from. Also, he's pretty iconic.

Masked Man/Claus - As long as he isn't actually called Claus, you circumvent the walking spoiler issue. The Sword/Cannon/Psyenergy combination would be so godly. Also, a Lucas clone in itself with be godly. He's only a 1/2 vote because I ran out +1 votes.

Bowser Jr. - Bowser Jr. has the potential to be an incredibly unique character. I don't see him being much like Bowser, and the Shadow Mario stuff could be incredible if it were worked in somehow.

Please Stop (-1) read like coneyzz and tkbreezy during the pacman reveal "pleez stahp"
Sukapon - What even is a Sukapon. Sukapon isn't really that well known. I honestly had to search up Sukapon. The only acknowledgement of this game is a sticker in Brawl, and no one even looked at those. You would make very few people happy with it's addition, and everyone else would just be confused.

Tom Nook - What even. Tom Nook would take gimmicky characters to the next level. What is he gonna do, make you pay bells mid game? Anything you could use as attacks would be way too far of a stretch. He kind of just doesn't make sense for Smash Bros.

Krystal - Is anyone else tired of the Spacies? I guess you could argue that she would be different, with her staff and stuff. She would require too much work, and isn't really worth it in my opinion.

Toad - Please no. Not only is he annoying, but what will he do, scream annoying facts that you already knew at you? He doesn't really have any place in a fighting game, because all he does is screech and generally be annoying. He's only a B move for a reason.

Pichu - No one actually likes Pichu. Pichu is just a trolly, generally worse version of Pikachu. Pichu is literally a direct clone of Pikachu, with the only difference being weight and the ability to hurt yourself, which is equally as stupid. The only real counter-argument to anything I've said is that Pichu is a veteran, which is stupid in itself.

Basically we need Dark Samus.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
@ CBO0tz CBO0tz

You didn't need to double post like that. What you do if you want to add something is to click "Edit" and go add whatever else you want to say.

If you have trouble making use of the Smashboards tools you can ask people here for help. You seem like a friendly fellow.
Okay, was just counting votes and realized you couldn't decide which of these to remove. I'mma need you to do that before I can count these votes. You can still half-vote whichever one you remove, but I'm not going to pick for you.
Alright, I'll just give Isaac my half-vote. Since we don't know if he's confirmed or not, it probably want make a difference.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I don't like those characters?
Basically, you can't just downvote characters you personally do not like just because, you need to have a reason why they would be a bad fit for the game, since the game is not made only to cater to your tastes.

Like, for instance, if you downvote Pichu, you can't just say "Pichu is stupid!", you could say "Pichu's role of self-damage glass cannon would not fit in the current Brawl format, he is an overly weak character and the only reason of his inclusion, Melee veteran status, does not justify wasting a slot on him, there are many better choices and for better reasons", or something like that.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2014
Everdawn Basin
Basically, you can't just downvote characters you personally do not like just because, you need to have a reason why they would be a bad fit for the game, since the game is not made only to cater to your tastes.

Like, for instance, if you downvote Pichu, you can't just say "Pichu is stupid!", you could say "Pichu's role of self-damage glass cannon would not fit in the current Brawl format, he is an overly weak character and the only reason of his inclusion, Melee veteran status, does not justify wasting a slot on him, there are many better choices and for better reasons", or something like that.
So.... Provide a reason, or just go by what everybody else is voting?

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
That's the rule. Provide a reason, or the anti-votes don't count. It doesn't have to be long or in-depth. It just has to be something more than just 'I don't like this guy'. If we accepted that reasoning point blank, then people would just downvote every single character that wasn't their favorites, even if they were neutral on that character. That's why the rules were revised to require a reason for each character - because some people did precisely that.
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Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
Medusa could be interesting
So.... Provide a reason, or just go by what everybody else is voting?
No it's to prevent people giving reasons that aren't justifiable or able to be backed up. If someone said "I don't want Sami in because she's a girl and I don't like girls!" then that would be incredibly unjust (and sexist to boot).

There are people out there who may dislike the popular characters but if they can't justify not having their inclusion like they're popularity, lack of reps, fighting style or otherwise then the vote won't count. Plus this stops people just downvoting every character who they didn't vote for without a reason to.
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Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
(+1 vote)
1. Dark Samus - Metroid needs more reps for sure. Dark Samus is basically Samus except like 50 times cooler. Also dark blue / black particles effects are super sexy.
2. Black Shadow / Real Ganondorf moveset - Ganon as a Falcon clone is sort of lame. An actual LoZ themed moveset for Ganon would just make more sense, but it could potentially anger people if we removed the Falcon-clone moveset, so Black Shadow would be a cool replacement.
3. Ray MK III - Why doesn't Custom Robo have any reps? There's so many weapons for the Custom Robo series to draw moves from, also it was an insanely popular Nintendo game. Also Custom Robo for Wiiu pls?
4.Shadow - Chaos Spear, Chaos Blast, Chaos Control. That's basically all I need to say. Shadow just kind of makes sense in a fighting game.
5.Isaac - I don't know much about him, but from what he did in his assist trophy, he'd be sick in PM. Swords + Psyenergy stuff is really cool. Also he already has a model so yeah.

(+1/2 vote)
6. Waluigi - We have A LOT of Mario reps. Waluigi is basically the only plumber left to be added, so why not? Despite only being in the spin-off games, Waluigi is the Luigi to Wario, if that makes sense.
7. King K. Rool - Pretty iconic villain from the DK games. He's been around long enough to have a vast majority of moves to use. I'm sure he has been requested a lot for many Smash Bros. games.
8. Skull Kid - I don't know much about Skull Kid, but I feel like he has a decent amount of moves to choose from. Also, he's pretty iconic.
9. Ridley - As much as it pains me to say this, Ridley would be a solid Metroid rep. Despite the problem with sizing down the model and not making it look weird, Ridley is THE Metroid antagonist. Also, it would be a pretty new concept with a character who primarily flies.
10. Bowser Jr. - Bowser Jr. has the potential to be an incredibly unique character. I don't see him being much like Bowser, and the Shadow Mario stuff could be incredible if it were worked in somehow.

(-1 votes)
11. Sukapon - What even is a Sukapon. Sukapon isn't really that well known. I honestly had to search up Sukapon. The only acknowledgement of this game is a sticker in Brawl, and no one even looked at those. You would make very few people happy with it's addition, and everyone else would just be confused.
12. Tom Nook - What even. Tom Nook would take gimmicky characters to the next level. What is he gonna do, make you pay bells mid game? Anything you could use as attacks would be way too far of a stretch. He kind of just doesn't make sense for Smash Bros.
13. Krystal - Is anyone else tired of the Spacies? I guess you could argue that she would be different, with her staff and stuff. She would require too much work, and isn't really worth it in my opinion.
14. Toad - Please no. Not only is he annoying, but what will he do, scream annoying facts that you already knew at you? He doesn't really have any place in a fighting game, because all he does is screech and generally be annoying. He's only a B move for a reason.
15. Pichu - No one actually likes Pichu. Pichu is just a trolly, generally worse version of Pikachu. Pichu is literally a direct clone of Pikachu, with the only difference being weight and the ability to hurt yourself, which is equally as stupid. The only real counter-argument to anything I've said is that Pichu is a veteran, which is stupid in itself.

Basically we need Dark Samus.
I would argue Ridley to be a more prominant antagonist from Metroid to take up a slot and I'd rather have someone both iconic and unique and not just another version of Samus. (I dislike how Samus plays to begin with so having a clone or semi based on her when we could have someone more unique and iconic in Ridley would seem a bit of wasted potential. That's just me though)

Tom Nook could be argued about any of the characters already in the game who aren't fighters like Olimar, ROB and Game and Watch and they were given very interesting unique movesets, that and the Villager is now a thing in Smash 4 so it's not like it'd be impossible to make something for him. The various items of Animal Crossing could be used to attack, large text bubbles of emotion like the puff of steam when angry could be used, the Nooklings could act in similar function to Pikmin or Ice climbers or only appear for certain attacks, inspiration could be drawn from Smash 4 where in reference to the house building he uses a hammer and bits of 2x4 (If you've ever seen Skullgirls look up Peacock's crouching medium kick where she stamps on a 2x4 plank of wood infront of her to make the other end hit the opponent like a launcher) This is just throwing out ideas.

While I myself don't particularly want Pichu I did suggest a fighting style earlier that could be used for him or several others like Ray. Instead of hurting himself with each attack he could instead choose to power up his attacks overcharging them by pressing another attack button during it's startup to increase the speed/damage or change the hit reaction but at the cost of him taking damage. Think of it as having EX moves in Street Fighter that use meter but instead have the character take damage for using the powered up attack. This could create a unique risk reward style of combat unlike any other character in Smash where the decision to deal more damage at the cost of taking more yourself to try get a KO or conserver your stronger attacks in order to not get knocked off.
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Smash Ace
May 8, 2009
I don't like those characters?
Basically, you can't just downvote characters you personally do not like just because, you need to have a reason why they would be a bad fit for the game, since the game is not made only to cater to your tastes.
That's actually incorrect. We've established that this vote is not merely objective in nature. Him not liking the characters is a perfectly valid reason to down vote them for the purpose of this vote.

That being said, the point to downvoting is not to decrease the chances of others to give the ones you want a better chance, but rather to reduce the chance of characters you would actively dislike taking up a clone slot. Because of this, you are required to explain why you dislike the character in smash so much.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I would argue Ridley to be a more prominant antagonist from Metroid to take up a slot and I'd rather have someone both iconic and unique and not just another version of Samus. (I dislike how Samus plays to begin with so having a clone or semi based on her when we could have someone more unique and iconic in Ridley would seem a bit of wasted potential. That's just me though)

Tom Nook could be argued about any of the characters already in the game who aren't fighters like Olimar, ROB and Game and Watch and they were given very interesting unique movesets, that and the Villager is now a thing in Smash 4 so it's not like it'd be impossible to make something for him. The various items of Animal Crossing could be used to attack, large text bubbles of emotion like the puff of steam when angry could be used, the Nooklings could act in similar function to Pikmin or Ice climbers or only appear for certain attacks, inspiration could be drawn from Smash 4 where in reference to the house building he uses a hammer and bits of 2x4 (If you've ever seen Skullgirls look up Peacock's crouching medium kick where she stamps on a 2x4 plank of wood infront of her to make the other end hit the opponent like a launcher) This is just throwing out ideas.

While I myself don't particularly want Pichu I did suggest a fighting style earlier that could be used for him or several others like Ray. Instead of hurting himself with each attack he could instead choose to power up his attacks overcharging them by pressing another attack button during it's startup to increase the speed/damage or change the hit reaction but at the cost of him taking damage. Think of it as having EX moves in Street Fighter that use meter but instead have the character take damage for using the powered up attack. This could create a unique risk reward style of combat unlike any other character in Smash where the decision to deal more damage at the cost of taking more yourself to try get a KO or conserver your stronger attacks in order to not get knocked off.
I agree with everything you just said, except the whole Pichu thing.


Smash Cadet
May 10, 2014
Houston, Texas
I would argue Ridley to be a more prominant antagonist from Metroid to take up a slot and I'd rather have someone both iconic and unique and not just another version of Samus. (I dislike how Samus plays to begin with so having a clone or semi based on her when we could have someone more unique and iconic in Ridley would seem a bit of wasted potential. That's just me though)
I could see where you're coming from, but Dark Samus is also fairly prominent. I've just always loved Dark Samus, and would almost die if she made it into the game.

Tom Nook could be argued about any of the characters already in the game who aren't fighters like Olimar, ROB and Game and Watch and they were given very interesting unique movesets, that and the Villager is now a thing in Smash 4 so it's not like it'd be impossible to make something for him. The various items of Animal Crossing could be used to attack, large text bubbles of emotion like the puff of steam when angry could be used, the Nooklings could act in similar function to Pikmin or Ice climbers or only appear for certain attacks, inspiration could be drawn from Smash 4 where in reference to the house building he uses a hammer and bits of 2x4 (If you've ever seen Skullgirls look up Peacock's crouching medium kick where she stamps on a 2x4 plank of wood infront of her to make the other end hit the opponent like a launcher) This is just throwing out ideas.
That's the problem with Tom though, the Villager has the AC item gimmick already. I could half way understand the text bubbles and stuff, but they could be seen as obnoxious. I also sort of understand the Nooklings, but they aren't that big of a part of Tom's character, in my opinion.

While I myself don't particularly want Pichu I did suggest a fighting style earlier that could be used for him or several others like Ray. Instead of hurting himself with each attack he could instead choose to power up his attacks overcharging them by pressing another attack button during it's startup to increase the speed/damage or change the hit reaction but at the cost of him taking damage. Think of it as having EX moves in Street Fighter that use meter but instead have the character take damage for using the powered up attack. This could create a unique risk reward style of combat unlike any other character in Smash where the decision to deal more damage at the cost of taking more yourself to try get a KO or conserver your stronger attacks in order to not get knocked off.
That is actually a really cool idea, but again, Pichu is basically a direct clone of Pikachu. Also, I didn't mention this before, but Pokemon already has 7 representatives, and one of them already takes up a clone slot.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2014
Everdawn Basin
That's actually incorrect. We've established that this vote is not merely objective in nature. Him not liking the characters is a perfectly valid reason to down vote them for the purpose of this vote.

That being said, the point to downvoting is not to decrease the chances of others to give the ones you want a better chance, but rather to reduce the chance of characters you would actively dislike taking up a clone slot. Because of this, you are required to explain why you dislike the character in smash so much.
Thank you.


Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
I could see where you're coming from, but Dark Samus is also fairly prominent. I've just always loved Dark Samus, and would almost die if she made it into the game.

That's the problem with Tom though, the Villager has the AC item gimmick already. I could half way understand the text bubbles and stuff, but they could be seen as obnoxious. I also sort of understand the Nooklings, but they aren't that big of a part of Tom's character, in my opinion.

That is actually a really cool idea, but again, Pichu is basically a direct clone of Pikachu. Also, I didn't mention this before, but Pokemon already has 7 representatives, and one of them already takes up a clone slot.
Oh believe me I don't want more Pokemon characters in the game at this point there's plenty of them. I do hope the idea of a character who sacrifices percent to amp up their attacks would be interesting but not just as a thing for Pichu. I could see it working similarly to the reckless instinctive fighting style of Ridley as he charges at opponents or in reference to how in Custom Robo using up strong attacks would impact your Robo in other ways for a short time so for Ray amping up his attacks for more damage would be cool but at the cost of a bit of damage himself.

I'm just saying stuff for discussions sake. :)
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Smash Champion
Apr 27, 2013
-1 Ninten
y do people like this character so much hes just weaker clone of ness h can even pk into self for recover ore stun lock wit pk fern y do u want stupid japan boy when we can hav shadow and megaman also im 12 by
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