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New Characters for Project M Discussion Thread (Voting Closed)

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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Don't wanna make the Earthbounders riot, but would Giygas even count then? Earthbound is only in the Japanese version of Brawl, so he's not technically in the data for the US game? Or would that not matter?

Depends on how badly you want them to be eligible. If you want them to be eligible now so you can start making Giygas, Medusa, and Impa votes, I'd say make a new topic.
Like I said, no idea until PMBR clarifies. Which version of the game they're in is irrelevant, they're still in the game.

Don't make a new topic. It'll just get locked. If you really want to know, just tag a PMBR member in a post here. I really don't care either way since none of them are especially likely anyways, so I'm not going to bother.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Don't wanna make the Earthbounders riot, but would Giygas even count then? Earthbound is only in the Japanese version of Brawl, so he's not technically in the data for the US game? Or would that not matter?.
He's copyrighted for the game, regardless, so it doesn't matter.

It would be like...if in Melee, they would've ended up removing Marth and Roy and all Fire Emblem references for the US release. You'd still see copyrights for Fire Emblem in the credits.
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Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
sukapon would be a great idea, but what about a final smash?
That is where the problem lies. The only idea that comes to mind is to have Sukapon's body parts detach and move across the stage (or become homing in some way to enemy characters). Somewhat similar to DDD's minion final smash but less projectiles on the screen. To compensate for that I would suggest the body parts to move faster, attack in a non-linear pattern (if not homing), and each attack become unblockable of course. Also, it would be interesting if each body part did a certain percentage. In terms of damage I would rank each body part as the following: head > torso > arms > legs. Hopefully I answered your question.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I suppose I'll just leave it alone for now. Props to Arc Fox though, man. There's an unbelievable amount of hype that builds within me when I consider the loophole and see this render.

Prince Longstrok

Taker of lives, defiler of daughters.
Jun 16, 2013
Toledo, OH
I suppose I'll just leave it alone for now. Props to Arc Fox though, man. There's an unbelievable amount of hype that builds within me when I consider the loophole and see this render.
He looks like someone tried to pushed mewtwo down than ran over his limbs in a tank..

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Funny, considering Giygas was introduced in Mother (1989) and M2 was introduced in the Pokemon Movie (1998). I personally think Giegue looks sinister and badass.
He wasn't introduced in the movie. He was introduced in the games.

Besides that, Mewtwo's design was based on Giygas. Mewtwo is practically Giygas' little brother.
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Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
So.. In a sense, he is actually MewZero!? Or MewThree?

Sure, if Mewzero / Mewthree is an embodiment of evil with enough psychic power to destroy an entire universe... Granted, he has to evolve first :p
(That's why Mewtwo is the little brother. That little storm of his in the movie was positively adorable.)
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
He wasn't introduced in the movie. He was introduced in the games.

Besides that, Mewtwo's design was based on Giygas. Mewtwo is practically Giygas' little brother.
My bad. Red still came out in 96, so yeah. I didn't actually know about the design basis.

Also, while we're on the subject I'd like to say that I hate hate the Giegue fan art that depicts him as a light blue female with spiraling ears. Ew.
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Smash Cadet
May 25, 2014
Maybe that's why Mew looks like an Embryo :V (I kid, I'm sick of that suggestion for Gig's design)


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
Even as a Mother fan seeing all the Giygas love, I'm just sitting here squeeing that Impa's eligible (maybe).

The original four could finally be in a Smash together :D

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Even as a Mother fan seeing all the Giygas love, I'm just sitting here squeeing that Impa's eligible (maybe).

The original four could finally be in a Smash together :D
I wonder where Sol's at. Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, he was really excited about the Hyrule Warriors Impa design. Could've been someone else though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I suppose I'll just leave it alone for now. Props to Arc Fox though, man. There's an unbelievable amount of hype that builds within me when I consider the loophole and see this render.
Mewtwo's new diet is really working!

Edit: Wow I should have updated those posts before I said this, this joke has already been beaten to death, turned into a zombie, and had a Fenix Down thrown on it.

In all seriousness though, if someone could come up with a viable moveset, I could get behind Giygas/Giegue, he does look pretty badass.
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Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
Mewtwo's new diet is really working!

Edit: Wow I should have updated those posts before I said this, this joke has already been beaten to death, turned into a zombie, and had a Fenix Down thrown on it.

In all seriousness though, if someone could come up with a viable moveset, I could get behind Giygas/Giegue, he does look pretty badass.
I have been working on one since the moment Shin mentioned the Japanese EB demo.


Hououin Kyoma
Jan 14, 2014
none of your business...
Mewtwo's new diet is really working!

Edit: Wow I should have updated those posts before I said this, this joke has already been beaten to death, turned into a zombie, and had a Fenix Down thrown on it.

In all seriousness though, if someone could come up with a viable moveset, I could get behind Giygas/Giegue, he does look pretty badass.
That is very disturbing...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2014
I'm rooting for Medusa personally, Kid Icarus really could use another representative, and with Medusa not only do you get a mythological badass, but a major villain and a female fighter all in one! Plus I could easily see her moves being more of a mesh of the disabling powers of ZSS and the magic abilities of Zelda, obviously her petrification powers would come into play, and I could also see her having poison attacks as well. She could really be a tactical, poisoning enemies, stoning them, setting them up for damaging strikes ...

Plus I could see her Final Smash being her growing to massive size and attacking from the background!


Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
To be entirely honest, I think Giegue looks too similar to Mewtwo. I know he's a completely different character, but when a character looks so similar to another that they could, potentially, be an alternate costume, you've got an issue.

Hell, I think I'd probably get the two mixed up if they were fighting each other.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
Just created a profile here on Smashboards because I'm too intrigued with the thought of which characters could possibly join the P:M roster being up to my vote. Also I'm bored.

I made a long list of characters I wanted to see in P:M, but after reading this thread offline and realized there could only be 5 new characters max to fill the slots, I sadly cut it down. But here's the new list. 1 character needs to be axed from this list and I can't decide who.

1. Waluigi (Mario/Wario) (+1 vote)
2: King K. Rool (DK) (+1 vote)
3. Slippy Toad (Star Fox) (+1 vote)
4. Ridley (Metroid) (+1 vote)
5. Micaiah (Fire Emblem) (+1 vote)
6. Isaac (Golden Sun) (+1/2 vote)

1. Waluigi doesn't seem to be a competing character for a slot at all here on Smashboards. I feel like he's a necessity to complete the plumber roster.

2. King K. Rool definitely deserves the addition. But maybe that's just my DK Country nostalgia talking.

3. Not a lot of people on here even consider Slippy a possible candidate for addition, which I'm sad about.

4. I originally wanted Dark Samus more than Ridley, but Ridley seems to fit the Smash artstyle more, and he's more popular than I thought.

5. I know a lot of people on here are thinking Lyn instead of Micaiah, with a good reason, but Lyn doesn't have magic.

6. Isaac definitely owns a slot, but until Sm4sh is out, we won't know for sure if he's gonna be in P:M or not.
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Smash Master
Jan 2, 2014
Indiana, US
Besides Micaiah and Slippy, I would probably never buy another Smash again for that roster.

Like seriously. <3
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Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
3. Not a lot of people on here even consider Slippy a possible candidate for addition, which I'm sad about.
I like your choices of clone engine characters however can you elaborate why Slippy deserves a character slot. I have only played Star Fox 64 and personally the only memorable and important characters in that game to me are Fox, Falco, Wolf (all in the current roster), and Andross...I fail to see the importance of Slippy and Peppy as well as Wolf's team, who I can't even remember their names without having to refer to them on the internet.
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Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2013
Good times, KY
I like your choices of clone engine characters however can you elaborate why Slippy deserves a character slot. I have only played Star Fox 64 and personally the only memorable and important characters in that game to me are Fox, Falco, Wolf (all in the current roster), and Andross...I fail to see the importance of Slippy and Peppy as well as Wolf's team, who I can't even remember their names without having to refer to them on the internet.
Slippy is Fox's childhood/best friend, he's the mechanic, he designed the Landmaster, he's the longest standing member next to Fox, and honestly he's more important to the Star Fox team than Falco, who's left it on a number of occasions.
Gameplay wise he could bring a different feel to the spacie archetype, or he could be decloned. I know several people here like wrenches. Slippy has a wrench. boom


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
I like your choices of clone engine characters however can you elaborate why Slippy deserves a character slot. I have only played Star Fox 64 and personally the only memorable and important characters in that game to me are Fox, Falco, Wolf (all in the current roster), and Andross...I fail to see the importance of Slippy and Peppy as well as Wolf's team, who I can't even remember their names without having to refer to them on the internet.
What arcticfox8 said. He built like, ALL the tech Star Fox uses. Plus he can be great comic relief.
There's a Slippy support thread in Sm4sh character suggestion/ideas where they showed off a cool Slippy PSA. I first got convinced Slippy is cool at the SSBPM subreddit, where a person threw out a bunch of cool interesting and applicable moves for our froggy friend.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I would not even update my PM if just Slippy was added to it... unless he had an interesting original moveset and wasn't just another Spacie clone, in which case I'd welcome him easily enough. Something like this:
Precisely. For instance, as far as Star Fox characters go:

Samus Clone?

B- Blaster. Slippy's Blaster is quite a bit different from the other Star Fox characters. Because he's a tech genius, he's made several enhancements. As a result, it's far more powerful but requires some charge time before each shot. It can charge normally over time like Wario's farts or Slippy can hold B to charge it faster like Ivysaur's Solar Beam. He can't fire unless the charge is full.

Side B- Torpedoes. Based on Samus' missiles, he fires three small torpedoes at a time. Individually, they do little damage, but if all of them hit, they can deal a moderate amount. They have more range than Slippy's Blaster, but less power. Very little knockback.

Down B- Generator. Slippy places a device on the ground that generates a field of electricity which will remain for 10-15 seconds and damage anything that touches it with no knockback. He can only have 1 - 2 at a time. If used in the air, it will activate midair and then drop to the ground. When its time is up, it will explode, dealing large knockback to anything in range.

Up B- Rocket Boots. Slippy's not particularly good at controlling his rocket boots for sustained flight, but he can use them in a burst to give himself high vertical momentum. It resembles Sonic's spring jump in how it works to launch him upwards, but it launches him much higher with very little possibility for horizontal recovery.

Alternately, it will push him upward for a couple of seconds for maximum height, but he can let go early for less distance if he wants as well, to prevent interception. Kind of like ROB's original recovery, but without the horizontal movement.

Final Smash - Cluster Bomb. A series of 12 Smart Bomb explosions with a combined diameter of 3/4 Final Destination's size activate around Slippy in a full circle. Slippy is in the middle of these explosions, but generates a shield to protect himself from them until they are gone.

Alternately, they can activate in random locations around the stage, perhaps even being dropped by a passing Arwing.

Now, Slippy isn't nearly as physically fit as the other Star Fox characters, so he's the slowest of the group. However, the advantage to being a toad is that he has incredible range with his prehensile tongue. (It was never shown in the games, but **** it, neither was the Falcon Punch.) He uses it in some of his attacks, but having the same training as Fox and Falco, he also has a tendency to use plenty of kicks. He can also use it to grab from a distance.
There. Now, this is a Star Fox moveset I could get behind whole-heartedly because it's a new, fresh take on the characters from that series and not just another slight alternative to Fox and Falco.


Smash Journeyman
May 31, 2014
Slippy is Fox's childhood/best friend, he's the mechanic, he designed the Landmaster, he's the longest standing member next to Fox, and honestly he's more important to the Star Fox team than Falco, who's left it on a number of occasions.
Gameplay wise he could bring a different feel to the spacie archetype, or he could be decloned. I know several people here like wrenches. Slippy has a wrench. boom
What arcticfox8 said. He built like, ALL the tech Star Fox uses. Plus he can be great comic relief.
There's a Slippy support thread in Sm4sh character suggestion/ideas where they showed off a cool Slippy PSA. I first got convinced Slippy is cool at the SSBPM subreddit, where a person threw out a bunch of cool interesting and applicable moves for our froggy friend.
Thanks for the insight on a character I didn't know much about. Out of curiosity was this knowledge found in other Star Fox games or elsewhere?
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
I would not even update my PM if just Slippy was added to it... unless he had an interesting original moveset and wasn't just another Spacie clone, in which case I'd welcome him easily enough. Something like this:
I would not even update my PM if just Slippy was added to it... unless he had an interesting original moveset and wasn't just another Spacie clone, in which case I'd welcome him easily enough. Something like this:
Personally, I dislike overly unique movesets like that one. I like the sounds of some of that move list, but I just feel like it might be too much for one character.
The moveset I was thinking of is based on existing moves, and a move set I've seen before on here. I don't mind it personally, because they actually sounded cool. You might hate it.

Slippy's Up-B would be a Jetpack based on one from Starfox Assault I think. It would act sort of like a mix between Diddy's jetpack and Peach's umbrella. Shoots you up, then let's you hover for a bit before slowly dropping you into helplessness.
Standard B would be a blaster. Shoots in 4-shot bursts, first being a stunner like Falco's, the rest are phasers like Fox's. Shots are green and do more damage than the others besides Wolf's, and one idea I had would be for Slippy to have a 1 in 3 chance to try to be fancy and spin his gun before holstering it wrong, causing punishability and lowering spammability, this would only happen on the ground and doesn't affect Slippy while air-shooting.
His Down-B would be a Brawl-styled Falco reflector, but this one can be aimed like a Boomerang from Link, and if shield button is pressed quickly during the first frames of its activation he would just hold it, similar to how Snake can reload his gun whenever he wants.
His Side-B would be an Illusion that functions like Wolf's, but in an opposite angle. Activates quicker than most other Illusions. Great for the end of Air combos.
And many of his moves would generally involve screwdrivers and wrenches.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
Personally, I dislike overly unique movesets like that one. I like the sounds of some of that move list, but I just feel like it might be too much for one character.
The moveset I was thinking of is based on existing moves, and a move set I've seen before on here. I don't mind it personally, because they actually sounded cool. You might hate it.

Slippy's Up-B would be a Jetpack based on one from Starfox Assault I think. It would act sort of like a mix between Diddy's jetpack and Peach's umbrella. Shoots you up, then let's you hover for a bit before slowly dropping you into helplessness.
Standard B would be a blaster. Shoots in 4-shot bursts, first being a stunner like Falco's, the rest are phasers like Fox's. Shots are green and do more damage than the others besides Wolf's, and one idea I had would be for Slippy to have a 1 in 3 chance to try to be fancy and spin his gun before holstering it wrong, causing punishability and lowering spammability, this would only happen on the ground and doesn't affect Slippy while air-shooting.
His Down-B would be a Brawl-styled Falco reflector, but this one can be aimed like a Boomerang from Link, and if shield button is pressed quickly during the first frames of its activation he would just hold it, similar to how Snake can reload his gun whenever he wants.
His Side-B would be an Illusion that functions like Wolf's, but in an opposite angle. Activates quicker than most other Illusions. Great for the end of Air combos.
And many of his moves would generally involve screwdrivers and wrenches.
I dislike having too many characters with the same base moveset. If you didn't have any unique movesets in the game, then it would just be Fox vs Fox vs Fox vs Fox all the time. It kills the entire game's personality. The one you posted is different enough to be okay, but I'd still prefer it to be even more different. The Side B in particular is still too similar to the original characters.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
I dislike having too many characters with the same base moveset. If you didn't have any unique movesets in the game, then it would just be Fox vs Fox vs Fox vs Fox all the time. It kills the entire game's personality. The one you posted is different enough to be okay, but I'd still prefer it to be even more different. The Side B in particular is still too similar to the original characters.
I understand. Slippy's like the only character on my list who would have similar moves to another in game character. He's like my personal self-styled Fox.

Shin F.

Smash Master
Oct 10, 2013
The internet, obviously.
I understand. Slippy's like the only character on my list who would have similar moves to another in game character. He's like my personal self-styled Fox.
And normally, just one clone from a moveset is fine. But Slippy would be the third character with that base moveset. It's just like asking for Young Link to come back, or asking for another Marth clone.
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Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2014
Yoshi's Island
And normally, just one clone from a moveset is fine. But Slippy would be the third character with that base moveset. It's just like asking for Young Link to come back, or asking for another Marth clone.
Seriously though, that's a good point. I didn't like the fact that Lyn was considered a better choice for inclusion than Micaiah. She is a main character, but Micaiah's potential moves are just made for Smash.
@ E EdgeTheLucas
Sorry, I'll try to figure out what all the tool buttons do too. It's nice to be a part of the community.
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Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2013
@ CBO0tz CBO0tz

You didn't need to double post like that. What you do if you want to add something is to click "Edit" and go add whatever else you want to say.

If you have trouble making use of the Smashboards tools you can ask people here for help. You seem like a friendly fellow.
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Anti Guy

Couch Tomato
Sep 27, 2001
Seriously though, that's a good point. I didn't like the fact that Lyn was considered a better choice for inclusion than Micaiah. She is a main character, but Micaiah's potential moves are just made for Smash.
@ E EdgeTheLucas
Sorry, I'll try to figure out what all the tool buttons do too. It's nice to be a part of the community.
Micaiah would be great, especially as a Zelda clone. However, I think it's been apparent in multiple polls that she isn't that popular. Too bad for her.

Sour Supreme

Apr 9, 2014
The Homebrew Channel
I personally think the 3D Model I provided for Giegue looks different enough for him to be on screen at the same time as M2. As long as their recolors differ, and Giygas maintains a grey hue to his person, I don't see their similarities being an issue.
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